The reason why Song Yu looked for the Li Family dark pulse was for Li Family!

Li Family is rich in ancestors, buried in the dragon vein, and out of the Lilong wall. *

Although Song Yu killed Li Rubi and Li Xun, they won the dragon, but only 90%.

The remaining 10% is the ancestor of Zude, and it is not allowed to be scattered. It is not scattered on the descendants of Li Family, but is dissipated on its own.

The dragon is precious, Song Yu has to fight for the world, one point can not be wasted, and some efforts must be made.

Now it seems that the world can do it, so much.

The rest, you need a true body shot, after all, Li Family dark pulse, must be connected with the Li Family gas number, which traces the source, according to the vine, but it is very easy.

Li Family is a big family after all, can you put a few places? I can’t say it, even Wuzhou can’t get out. It is the gate of the county, it is really the world’s cloth, the air transport is continuous, and the killing is inexhaustible.

Then he said, “This is the end of the matter!”

“Nuo!” Chen Yun’s heart is also a sigh of relief.

At this time, a text came over and the obituary said: “Adults, the town’s civil and military officials, have arrived, waiting in the lobby!”

“This town will go!” Song Yu got up.

Chen Yun quickly followed.

Now, Song Yu is sitting in the Three Governments, and the site has been expanded by more than twice. All kinds of positions need to be adjusted, let alone the merits.

The Linjiang lobby is built to be vast, and Song Yu is under the hood.

When Song Yu went in, he saw the white air gathering, the color of the red gold rose, and the entire lobby was reflected brilliantly.

This is what Divine Ability has seen. Mortal people can’t see it.

“When, I am here, can be full of blue and purple. Can you say that the world is in your hands!” Song Yu secretly thought, striding in.

Civil and military officials, who met Song Yu, are all saluting: “The subordinates will see the festival to make adults!”

“Excluded!” Song Yu’s hands were slightly lifted, and the ceremony was removed from the crowd. This is only to be seen.

This world rule. Wen Zuowu right.

In the lobby, it is also divided into two rows.

On the left, the shogunate, Shen Wenbin, the family director, Meng Zhu, and the company counselor, Sun Wei. There are also Song lack, Song Si two County Magistrate are in, behind, but also followed by many civil servants, and some are newcomers. Some are from the government office. Among them, the most important purpose is He Dongming, an azure robe, which is not correct.

On the right, it was Dongshan’s command that led Ye Hongyan and the red towel to command Li Dazhuang, the black feather rider led Luo Bin, the three were the first, Song Hu, Dian Lang, Pan and follow closely from behind. It is the various camps. Everyone is dressed in armor and armor. The arrogance is compelling.

There is also Song He, standing behind Fang Ming at this time, his face is awe.

These are all the teams of Song Yu.

Song Yu looked at the people below and said slowly: “This is a big battle in the past few months. You can lay down the two houses. Everyone is a meritorious minister! It should be rewarded!”

Everyone under the scene is worshipping. “Where is the power of the subsistence, what is the reward?”

“You don’t have to be polite, you can get up, you can enjoy it, you will be rewarded for a long time. You are not waiting for the town, do you say something without a letter?” Song Yu smiled.

At this time, Song Yu was very strict, even if it was a laughter, the people underneath did not even dare to thank him again, only to get up.

Song Yu’s voice turned to be cautious and said: “Where is Ye Hongyan?”

Ye Hongyan is listed, His Majesty: “Subject!”

“These battles, you have a lot of work, and you have great merits in this town. You are a guerrilla general in the town and you are the leader of the army! Take the Azure Dragon!”

“Hongyan, can you share the worry for the town?”

This guerrilla general is the serious general position, and the leader of the army, there are 6,000 people!

It is Song Yu who is now the highest.

Sitting in the Azure Dragon Pass is to entrust Wu Nan’s throat.

This high mountain and deep trust, let Ye Hongyan, the seven-foot man, almost fell into tears.

Hurry up and down: “The Lord will be so kind to the end, the end will be the broken bones, but also the Azure Dragon off the main public!”

Song Yuyi shrine, smile nodded.

In his eyes, Ye Hongyan at this time, the top of the golden gas gathered, like a cloud, and the life of the gas purification, and, with a form, although illusory, but also faintly visible.

I know that Ye Hongyan, if you have a great general, will be able to sit in a stable position and keep Azure Dragon off.

When Ye Hongyan returned to the ranks, he again ordered: “Luo Bin!”

“The label is in!” Luo Bin was out, and he promised loudly. Before he saw Ye Hongyan, he even raised Level 4, and his heart was not hot.

“You rate the cavalry repeatedly to break the enemy line, and kill Li Xun, the town Jin Jin for the six guerrilla deputy general, black feather ride also to expand, built thousands of people. Still you are the leader!”

“The end will be many thanks to the Lord!” Luo Bin loudly promised, the decapitation promised.

When the voice fell, he was on top, and there was a golden gas gathering. It was just a voice, and it was a little smaller than Ye Hongyan.

“Song Hu, Song He, Dian Lang, Pan He!”

Song Yu waved and let Luo Bin retreat. Let it be.

“The label is in!” Four people were listed, and they were obeyed.

“When you follow the battle, you also have military strength, and you are promoted to the school of the seven-character Zhaowu, and serve as the commander of the city!”

“Thank you!” The four people claimed to thank.

“The town gave the name, Feihuwei changed to Feihudu, and Song He was still the commander.”

“There are new establishments, first, and the three.”

“Song Hu served as the commander of Xuan Ce, and the commander of the dynasty was used as the commander of the squad, and Pan He was the commander of the first squad!”

“Nuo!” All four are leading the way, respectfully retreating.

“The other camp officers are rewarded, and later have their own instruments!”

Song Yu said again, immediately, the tiger eyes glanced: “You wait for the old department, wait for the new training in this town, and will compile for you.”

“But… If you let the town find that you are waiting for a private recruitment, or if you have no way to mobilize an army other than your own soldiers, then the three-foot dragon spring is also designed for you!”

The dragon’s cockroach is also open to the dragon eye, and then swept.

The following generals, I feel that the mountain is depressed, the breathing is not smooth, the cold sweat is soaked, and then squatted, and said: “I don’t dare!”

“So good!”

Song Yu nodded, said: “Everything is up! The town is just talking about it first. At that time, it is not to teach!”

Under the generals, it is a cold heart. Low face, not afraid to move.

Song Yu saw it, not much to say.

As for Li Dazhuang and the others, they are all newcomers. Before they were promoted, they were enough and they did not need to be promoted again.

Looked at the civil service team. Said: “Song Si, Song lacks out!”

The two came out. The dagger said; “I have seen adults!”

“This war, you have to wait in the rear, there is also credit. You wait for two. Hand over the errands of County Magistrate.”

“Song Si, you will be the counselor of the town shogunate!”

“Song is lacking, you are the counselor of this town!”

“Many thanks Lord!” The two were overjoyed, though the counselor and County Magistrate. They are all in the position of seven products. But one is in the field, one is in the core, and close to Song Yu, it is soaring.

What’s more, this shogunate has six counselors, and the future is the prototype of the Sixth Division or even the Sixth. The future is very broad. Which is the small County Magistrate comparable?

“He Dongming!” Song Yu passed again.

“Xiaomin is here!” He Dongming was listed, and the ceremony said.

He is here. The only thing that has no official body is this one. It is everyone’s attention.

However, if He Dongming is not aware of it, every move, calm and unrestrained, show everyone’s demeanor.

“You congratulate the family this time, bear the burden of humiliation, kill the decapitation Zhu X16, are all great achievements, this town pulls you as the counselor of Zhengqi Pinshi, and serves as the shogunate!”

Song Yu’s voice is mild, and He Dongming will be promoted from the grass people to the position of Zhengqipin!

Appointed, He Dongming’s head, the gathering of clouds, is very stable, he has azure life, to be a seven-class civil servant, he is very capable.

Under the crowd, although there was some commotion, it soon calmed down.

Song Si and Song Yu are both old people. Since Song Yu’s childhood, they have followed all the way and their qualifications are very old.

He Dongming is the county’s hopeful son, and the future Patriarch, with this status, is enough to be flat.

After all, this world is still the world of the door valve Aristocratic Family!

Not to mention, there is still great merit, promotion, and sufficient reasons.

Therefore, although there is turmoil below, in the end, there is nothing to say.

Song Yu was satisfied with a smile and said: “Now the prefectures, there is no prefecture, the county affairs, all reported to the Shuai Shuai, handled by the Six Division Counselor!”

Song Yu is now, the site is too small, a total of up, only three houses, more than a dozen counties.

If you have a prefect, do you want to hand over the power of one third? And management, but also slightly bloated.

It is better to temporarily manage the government.

In this way, the three houses will be merged into one big government, and the five six-six counselors will replace the government departments and handle the political affairs. Finally, Song Yu will decide.

It’s only a dozen counties now, and it’s all over.

After that, the site is big, and it is not too late to manage the prefect.

As for the officers and deputies of the soldiers, Song Yu has always been in charge of the army, and no outsiders can intervene. Now there is no suitable person, and the second is to add trouble.

“As for the counties of County Magistrate, later on their own documents, you wait for the official documents!” Song Yu said.

“No!” All the civil servants are worshipping.

Song Yu looked at the bottom and was somewhat satisfied. Under this circumstance, it was finally to straighten out some chaotic military and political systems.

The Six Divisions are also substantial, and in the future, they are just some repair work.

The humanitarian system in Yangshi was also established.

Song Yu smiled, facing the next crowd, slowly said: “You will wait in the future, do your own duties, don’t let down the town’s painstaking efforts…”

“The town is still waiting for you to wait, can follow me to level the troubled times, but also the people of the world, a grandeur…”

This is Song Yu’s first time, before the genus, showing the wild vision of the world.

Under the crowd, all of them are burning inside, and the tide is tidal.

The following Wenchen military commanders are all worshipping. Said:

“I want to follow the adults! I will do my duty and work for the public sector!”

Song Yugao sat down and saw the worship of the people with great gifts.

In the original lobby, there were some scattered air transports. Once it was stable, it was well organized, and there was a tendency to purify the color.

The disorder of air transport means that the rule is not stable and the authority cannot go deep.

Now, it is the evolution of the system!

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