Song Yugao sat down and picked up Divine Ability.

In the eyes, you will see a scene!

I saw that, with the release of the reward, establish a system.

Above the lobby, there was some scattered air transport, which was gradually settled and finally completely stabilized.

At the end of the military, black and black, there is a thick layer of white liquid, like jade stone, round and brilliance.

On the other hand, it is the scarlet, which is as strong as fire and rising.

At the top, there is still a golden gas that comes together.

These four colors, brilliance, see out of the ordinary.

Song Yu secretly nodded, this weather, is the image of the civil and military system, black, is the military.

The white is for the people, as for the color of the red gold, but it is the official inside the system.

“The military and the people are full, only in the senior officials, some are lacking…”

Song Yu watched the weather and thought about it.

This is also consistent with his current situation, Song Yu now, can be said to unify Wu Nan. Even if the momentum is in the whole world, it is not small.

However, the appropriate civil servant general is still lacking.

“Now, the azure talent in my hand is also He Dongming. As for Ye Hongyan and Luo Bin, I only hope that with the nourishment of air transport, I can change my life…”

As the saying goes, living in the air, raising the body, even if it is a grassland person, the life of white, as long as you do not hesitate to air, vigorously cultivate, after a few years and ten years, naturally have improved.

With Song Yu’s current authority of air transport, it is still certain that a small people will be trained to be red.

Go up again. To get a golden, it will be a huge loss, even Song Yu will feel bad.

As for the azure talent. I can only see the number of days.

However, Ye Hongyan and Luo Bin both had the opportunity. The two of them had a great general, and they had a pure gold. They didn’t have to cultivate from a small people, which saved a lot of money.

and. Song Yu is now officially defeating Li Rubi. Captured the position of the dragon.

This Wuzhou heaven and earth, kneeling down to him, naturally has grace and builds a team for Song Yu.

simply put. It is to let go of the authority, the difficulty of the two people, the life of the change, greatly reduced.

It is a catching ride.

If you add your own strength, then your life is pure, but there is great hope.

Once you have azure, you are extremely out of the ordinary, you can be alone, for the official. It can be regarded as the third product, that is, the state animal husbandry, but it is just that.

Song Yu’s eyes. Have expectations.

Hong long! ! !

As the people got up and were officially ordered, the weather changed.

The tide-like gas transported out to the outside, and Song Yu looked far and wide. It is going to the three directions of Linjiang, Wenchang and Xin’an.

In Void, the air transport is entangled. In a grid, all over Sanfu!

“This is… the law?” Song Yu was shocked and blurted out.

Before, there was also the Imperial Court’s air transport in Fucheng, but with the chaos of Wunan, the French Open was also almost broken.

Go to Song Yu to lay down the three houses and re-establish the system.

This law, but also need to be replaced.

With the establishment of Song Yufa, the air transport network spread throughout the government.

In Void, it is a move, a broken big dry method, is squeezed out!

This is a big dry method, incomplete, and there are many broken parts. It is very cold, and almost all of it is gray, only at the center, and a little bit of anger.

“From this air law network, we can see that Dagan’s rule in Wunan has already existed in name only!”

Song Yu looked at it and was very emotional.

This gas law network can also be seen in the dynasty weather.

The color of gray is the half-lost of the people, and the image of the government is not acceptable.

If it is pure white, it is just solid.

All are scarlet, that is, the majesty is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the command is unified, and there is nothing wrong with it.

As for golden, it is the dynasty of the dynasty, only the weather, two or three hundred years of time, but only a dozen years.

“I don’t know my laws, what is the weather?”

Song Yu fixed his eyes.

I saw the French network is dense, all over the Wunan Sanfu.

But the shapes and colors of the places are different.

Fucheng is the thickest, with a scarlet. When it comes to the county, it is thinner. The French Open is also sparse, only red and white.

The country is the least, the French network is the thinnest, only white.

“This French Open is centered on Fuxian County and radiated outward!” Song Yu’s heart has a clear comprehension.

In general, this number of gas is also considered to be stable. Song Yu is also very satisfied.

“I don’t know what dynasty I opened, what color will it be?” Song Yu silently thought, could not help but be a little ecstasy.

But still reply quickly.

At this time, the following civil martial arts, but also finished the ceremony, Song Yu said: “Well wait, go all the way! Shen Wenbin, Meng Zhu left!”

“Nuo!” Baiguan retired, at this time, there are Shen Wenbin and Meng Zhuo.

These two people are confidant, Song Yu speaks, it is casual, and faintly asks: “This time, you two, but also meritorious, still in the Song Si, Song lack, each rewards thousands of silver, Liang Tianbai mu!”

In the past few months, Song Yu has fought in the front line and everything in the rear, thanks to Shen Wenbin and Meng Zhuo.

At the same time, we must prepare food and provide support for Song Yu.

Song Yu listened to Chen Yun’s report, these two people, sleep less than two hours a day, deliberately, at this time, there are some early births.

I persuaded: “You are all the bones of this town. How can you rely on it in the future? How can you hurt your body now? The town is still looking forward to thousands of years, you and me will get together and make a good story!”

Shen Wenbin and Meng Zhuan listened, only to feel the heat in the chest, go forward to salute: “Thank you for the Lord!” In the tone, there is already some whimper.

Before I worked hard, I felt that it was worthwhile, not a loss.

Song Yu encouraged the two to talk about business.

“And, you two, ready to go, this festival, no day, there will be happy events!”

Shen Wenbin, Meng Zhui was shocked. Now, neither is the life of Song Yu and his father, nor is there a major event.

The celebration feast is on tonight, and it is not within the day.

What’s more, with Song Yu’s current status, what is there. Can also be called a happy event?

Shen Wenbin thought about the electric turn and asked: “Isn’t it? Marriage?”

See Song Yu smile nodded, my heart is a big shock.

Take Song Yu’s current status. If you can match it, it will be the first-class prostitute above the county. If so, it should have been heard, why is there no news?

Moreover, Song Yu was married and wanted to pass Song Ziqian’s approval. No, it’s still Old Song’s own decision.

If so, a major event. They all glared at Shen Family, and… Shen Wenbin’s forehead had cold sweat and squatted down.

Song Yuyi saw Shen Wenbin like this. It’s just a smile. “Wenbin wants to fork. Although the town wants a prostitute, it’s just a nap…”

Shen Wenbin only came back with anger, wiped out the cold sweat, and pleaded guilty: “The priest is rude, may I ask the lord, who is it?”

This embarrassing position is much lower than that of the wife. Only higher than the normal servant girl.

In Dagan, the wife can even kill Xiaoxiao alive, and only need to inform her husband afterwards.

This is the son of Aristocratic Family. To the age of Song Yu, not to mention the big marriage, at least a few thresholds, the whole day Wen Xiang soft jade in the arms.

Song Yu is now, but still a single one, only a hoe to eliminate fire. In the eyes of outsiders, it is already self-disciplined to be unbelievable.

This is a concubine. There is no need to be serious. As for the three books and six rituals, it is only the treatment of the wife, and the flow of sorrow has never been.

Song Yu accepts, even Song Ziqian does not have to be alarmed, can be his own master.

Just pick a lucky day and greet you from the side door, and you will be notified afterwards.

Of course, it can also be a bit more grande.

Shen Wenbin is a move in his heart. Shen Family is a Song Yu mother, but in terms of relationship, it can be nearly one point. It is also good. It used to mean this, but it was delayed by the war. Now, it is also an opportunity. The eyes are bright.

“The town wants to accept, but it is two. You have not seen it, but you must be familiar!”

“One named Wu Xinling and one named Li Xiufang.”

Song Yu smiled and said, but in the eyes, it is quite a bit of fun.

Sure enough, the bottom two people, Zhang mouth, almost dislocated, half a day back to God.

“This…this…this…” Shen Wenbin and Meng Zhu, were frightened and stammered.

The names of Wu Xinling and Li Xiufang, both of whom have heard of themselves.

Wu Xinling is a native of Qingyu Village. He is a civilian, and his status is somewhat low, but he is doing nothing but nothing. However, this woman is a city sacred wine, quite famous, and the outsiders are also very different. They are regarded by God as Goddess and do not dare to offend.

As for Li Xiufang, what kind of person is it?

Shen Wenbin and Meng Zhui looked at each other and they all smiled.

This Li Xiufang is Li Xun’s niece and Li Rubi’s sister-in-law’s sister!

Before attacking Linjiang, Li Family clansman, all fell into the Song Jade hand. Among them, the son-in-law is more, Song Yu will be the Li family, the men are all in prison, but the son-in-law is properly placed, do not want to be rooted here!

Meng took a deep breath and stepped forward, carefully persuading:

“Lord! That Wu Xinling, although he called Anchang Goddess, is really a singularity, and his status is despicable. There are clouds in the old sayings, gentlemen are far away! What’s more, the people?”

“As for Li Xiufang, is it a woman who is a thief, how can I get close? The Lord is not afraid of the future, what is the disaster?”

“The main public is full of heroic spirits, and the great cause is in the body. It is true that it should be widely used to reproduce the beauty, but the two women, but they are not necessary!”

Shen Wenbin also came back to his senses and said, “Meng Zhunzhi’s words are very reasonable… the Lord, this is absolutely impossible!”

Song Yu looked at the following two people, some smiled and said: “The town is the second woman, but not for beauty!”

“Wu Wu Xin Ling is a beggar, but it is a condition for peace talks with the city forces. At that time, you also know that if you can’t help the city, the town will kill Li Rubi, and there is some trouble!”

“Since I promised, can I lose faith?”

“As for Li Xiufang, this reason is not enough for outsiders!”

“In short, the heart of the town has been decided, you can wait!”

Song Yu said quietly.

At this time, he was ordered by the degree of the festival.

Song Yu is now a three-factory festival. He can immediately unify Wu Nan. Is this identity air transport, is it fake?

Shen Wenbin and Meng Zhu, they felt that the mountains were pressing, and they almost breathless. If anything, they swallowed.

At this time, I will not be willing, and I can only bow down and say: “Chen Accepts This Order !”

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