“So, you will wait for it!” Song Yu looked at the two men bowing their heads, and the tone finally returned to calm, faintly said. ++++

“Nuo!” Shen Wenbin and Meng Zhuo looked at each other, but still respectfully retired.

Looking at the backs of these two people, Song Yu slowly shook his head and looked at the attitudes of the two men. He knew that the people in the government had an attitude toward this matter.

The plan that can be secretly cannot be said. Now, only the power of the Lord is forced to be suppressed.

Fortunately, this time, Song Yu is only preparing to be the two women, if it is a flat wife, I am afraid that the entire festival will make the government, and it will boil against the sky, and even Song Ziqian, the father of Song Yu, will not agree, giving birth to many The incident.

Thinking so, Song Yu got up and went to the backyard. Chen Yunru, a black shadow, turned out from the corner, followed by Song Yu, cautious, and step by step. It seems extremely cautious.

“That appease, how is it?” Song Yu asked, the hegemony of the world, the most talented people, is the owner of the people, but also the people, only have the number of gas, appeasement is a talent, Song Yu naturally has some concerns.

Before Li Dazhuang broke into the sixteenth house of Zhu, this appeasement was also taken down on the spot. He was only a scribe, and he had no strength in his hands. He also resisted, and he only had obediently surrender.

Li Dazhuang got the city’s will, and he didn’t have much trouble. He always had a good drink and was not free. It was equivalent to house arrest.

Now, after these times, Song Yu remembers and asks.

“This matter, the job is eager to tell the main public…” Chen Yun voice, some low, heard Song Yu, are frowned.

“That appease, at first. It’s still calm, reading the Bible every day, playing tea with tea. It’s very stable.”

“But last night, the job of the lord was in the command of the Lord, and Li Family was put on the scene, pretending to be inadvertently revealed to the appeasement, today… today…”

“Isn’t it, self-destruction?” Song Yu asked faintly.

at this time. He has already walked to the remote part of the festival, surrounded by weeds and some desolate.

Here. Originally the backyard of the Fuyu, a few years ago, there was a ghost, quite a few people died. Connected to the prefect. Also frightened, fell to the root of the disease, had to retire.

This is considered ominous and ruined. It has now been restarted by Song Yu as the important person of house arrest.

This is not a guess, but in the eyes of Song Yu, it has already been seen, not far away. In the place of imprisonment, there is a black gas spread. Slightly spit a little azure in the middle.

“Is it dead to be a ghost?” Song Yu thought to himself.

But at this time, I saw the scarlet law network, emerged out of thin air, in the middle, even with a little golden, it is necessary to suppress, to destroy this soul.

“that’s all!” Song Yu’s eyes moved, the French net followed his heart, and he went back and disappeared.

Song Yu is the master of the law, and has a spirit, can naturally drive the French net, or forgive ghosts.

At this time, I saw a fire Yin Soldier came over and took away the soul of the appeasement who had just escaped the disaster.

This is true body got the news, sent people.

On the other hand, Chen Yun is still telling: “This morning, when the servant cleaned the courtyard, he found that he was appeased and had already hanged himself. After the rescue, the doctor said that it was already a fate.”

“Just now, Jingjing has already died, so he is coming to the special place to report…”

When Chen Yun said this, his body was still slightly trembling. After all, this was a bad sin, but it couldn’t escape. Chen Yun’s work was a secret and dark thing. The understanding of Song Yuzhi was almost still in Chen Wenbin and Above the Meng.

At this point, the forehead was cold and sweaty, squatting down, almost soaking the front shirt.

“It is a loyal minister. Is there any last word?”

Song Yu did not dispose of Chen Yun and asked other chores.

“Yes! Leave a suicide note!” Chen Yun quickly responded, from the sleeves, touched a piece of cloth.

Song Yu took it and started to see it. The blood was faint. This suicide note was written in blood!

Bloody words are mottled. Now, there is a dark brown color, watching some horror, but Song Yuhe and the others? I don’t even move my eyes, I just watched it.

For a long time, my expression changed a little, and sighed and said: “Mr. Yu is a great talent, but the Will of Heaven toys with the man, but this life is an opponent, but unfortunately, sigh!”

Asked again: “Is this appeasement, and there are relatives?”

“There is a wife and a sister, there is a nephew, only three years old!” Chen Yun is in charge of Bright Gown Guard, inquiring into the secret, these things are all skillful, thinking without thinking.

“The family gives a hundred acres of land, fifty-two silver, and in addition, find a good land, will be buried and buried!” Song Yu said.

“Nuo!” Chen Yun did not dare to neglect, and quickly wrote down.

“It is you, this time, it is considered to be unfavorable. Originally, these few wars, you spy on the enemy, but also have merit, should be promoted, now, they have achieved success, are exempted…”

Song Yu casually said that he had disposed of Chen Yun.

“Many thanks the Lord!” Chen Yunxin, but a loose, as long as he did not take the position of his Bright Gown Guard command, is to trust him, this is more important than anything, although not promoted, some pity, but the world is big It! In the future, are you afraid that there is no credit?

“The main public…but to see the body of Mr. Qi?” Chen Yun heart relaxed, could not help but ask.

“Abandoning me, can’t stay on the day of yesterday. What else does he do?” Song Yu said it.

Now, as the forces have risen and the number of gas has increased, he has become more and more aware of the self-use and self-satisfaction.

This appeasement is just a big talent. If it is to rely on it, nature is very important, but since it is dead, what do you care about? The former thick burial and the children and children of Enze are only showing means, and they will not be minded afterwards.

Song Yu, regardless of Chen Yun, walked through the path, and soon came to the front of a yard.

This yard is a little more angry than other buildings, and the walls are still faintly visible. It seems that it has just been repaired.

“Great coach!” Two guards at the door, met Song Yu, are saluting.

“Free!” Song Yu waved his hand and asked: “The person inside, what about these two days?”

“Back to the coach, yesterday, said that it is necessary to see other relatives, I stopped, and no more trouble…” One of the guards, obscenity said.

“Very good!” Song Yu nodded, slowly walked into this courtyard.

Chen Yun is behind, his face is a bit strange. This piece, he naturally recognized, is the place where Li’s son-in-law is detained.

In this house, it is natural to live in Li Xiufang.

This woman, Chen Yun has also seen, although it is still somewhat beautiful, but to say that the Lord is addicted to the female color, and deliberately come here, Chen Yun first did not believe.

Seeing Song Yujin, Chen Yungang had to lift his footsteps to keep up, but he did not know what to expect. In the end, he did not enter the house. Instead, he guarded the gate with two guardians.

When Song Yu entered the house, he frowned.

Although this house has just been rebuilt, it has been rushed, and it is the place where the wife is taken care of. The craftsmen are not very careful. Now, they can smell a pungent and decadent atmosphere.

In front of the yard, on a small piece of open space, there is a girl, the palace dress, the skirt is mopping, the skin is white and snowy, like fine jade, it is a rare beauty.

Only at this time, his face was pale, looking at Song Yu, his fingers were tight, his body shivering slightly, it seemed to be facing, not a person, but a beast.

This is Li Xiufang, next to it, there are a few rough women to serve, see Song Yu come here, are all salute.

In the small courtyard, only Song Yu and Li Xiufang are left.

“You are a bad thief! Why are you here? My mother younger brother? Where?” Li Xiufang and Song Yu looked at each other and finally took the courage and asked.

Since she was a child, she has also read poetry and books, and her tutor is very strict. This thief is the most resentful word.

“This town is here to tell you something!” Song Yu said faintly, in the eyes, there is no color.

“The town has ordered that the males within the Li Family tribe don’t dare to be 耄耋old man, or babies, who are in extreme punishment, and ask for it!”

As soon as this statement came out, Li Xiufang’s body was a tremor. He wanted to fall and watch Song Yu’s gaze. He was even more angry and eager to eat its flesh!

Song Yu has no sadness and no joy. He still hasn’t said anything. This time, not only Li Family, but even the son-in-law, they are all taken down. They must ask each other and block the same sin.

“You told me this, why?” Li Xiufang almost bite the lower lip, not to be asked.

“I want you!” Song Yu said.

“Would you like me?” This discourse is really weird. Li Xiufang muttered and couldn’t believe it.

She is a very intelligent woman. From the tone of Song Yu’s tone, she can see that she has no intention of admiring her. It is even more funny to talk about the relationship between Song and Li.

But at this time, the beautiful woman bites the jade tooth and said, “Well… if you put the relatives of the slaves, the slaves will… let you do it!”

Speaking of this, it seems to exhaust her courage, Li Xiufang two lightly red, gaze dodge, add a touch of beauty.

This beautiful woman’s shyness will surely attract most of the world’s men to be tempted, to be on the top of the mountain, to the bottom of the sea, and not to leave.

But Song Yu, even the corners of his eyes have not moved.

The sound is cold like ice: “Li Family male, must kill all, whoever pleads, is the same!”

“Then why are you here?” Song Yu’s words were exported, Li Xiufang’s face, the blood was faded, and he asked.

“Li Family men are dead, but there are still girls, they are in my hands.” Song Yu smiled, but in Li Xiufang’s view, like a goblin, “If you squat from me, this town After that, they can also be preserved, and the town can return the Li Family to support it…”

“If not, all of them are used as camps, for the round of people!” Song Yu sounds calm, but no one feels that he is joking.

As soon as this statement came out, Li Xiufang was struck by lightning and stood still again, half a squat on the ground.

“You can have three days to think about it. After three days, your sister-in-law, you can’t wait…”

After Song Yu finished speaking, he turned and left, and did not stop at all.

Just as I was about to step out of the courtyard, there was a voice coming from behind: “Good! I promise you!”

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