Time goes to night. {

The temples have been retired, and they are connected to the temple of the surname. Although some of them are lost, they are also framed by the temples.

Li Dazhuang held a fire and turned on the oil lamp.

The sparks of the beans are not clear, and the room is shining, and there are some dim meanings.

At this time, only Li Dazhuang and Wu Xinling were in the hall.

“Wu Family prostitute, this time, it really hurts you!” Li Dazhuang and Wu Xinling are the same village. When they are young, they also receive the favor of Wu old man. Looking at Wu Xinling, just like their own daughter, now, can’t help but say.

“What is there, for the sake of the great cause of the city, Enze Wanmin. Heart is broken and bones are broken,” Wu Xinling said with a firm tone. With the words, the eyes seem to have a strange luster.

“oh! Anyway, since the city lord is fixed, my old Li has nothing to say, Xinling prostitute, in the future, if I was bullied in Song Family, even if I came to me, my old Li spelled this life, too I want to support you!”

Li Dazhuang looked at Wu Xinling and his tone was very sincere.

“So, many thanks to Li Bobo!” Wu Xinling gave a gift and said.

Paused, again: “The Song Dynasty is a wise, decisive, heart-like person, must be in the house, these things are few, the uncle does not have to worry.”

“What’s more, he wished me a lot of respect to the city, and I still have a lot of reliance on it. I don’t think it will be difficult…”

“Hey! I haven’t passed the door yet, just talked to Husband!” Li Dazhuang opened his mouth and joked.

Wu Xinling glanced at it and immediately remembered the face of Song Yu. In the impression, the young and handsome, out of the ordinary.

His face is not shy. I’m not talking about it: “Li Bobo is going to tease people…”

Li Dazhuang stayed at this time. At this time, Wu Xinling was as a fairy who was shot down. Although she lost one of the aloof and remote, she was even more shy.

In my heart, I am not pleased.

“Old Li Ben came to see that your mind was on the battlements. Even the marriage was delayed. It was really anxious.”

“I see you now, but I have put more than half of my heart…” In the eyes. There are hidden tears flashing.

“Many thanks uncle!” This Li Dazhuang, to Wu Xinling, is almost treated as a relative of her own, and is closer than her big brother. Wu Xinling’s voice. Also can not help but choked.


The festival makes the house. In the study room.

Song Yu took the book, but he was not on the top. He asked, “What is the preparation of the book?”

The following two people, one is Shen Wenbin, the other is Meng Zhu, are confidant confidants. Chief Steward is first class.

“Reporting to the Lord, everything is complete. Just wait for the Lord to choose the auspicious day!” If it is a formal marriage, how can it be so easy, morning instructions, and the evening will be done.

Three books and six gifts, back and forth marriage books, which one, no time?

But the difference is different, the casual point, even the wedding banquet does not have to be done, the small 妾 花 花 花 都不 都不 都不 都不 都不 都不 都不 都不 都不 都不 都不 都不 都不 都不 都不 都不

In the eyes of outsiders, Xiao Yan and slaves are first class.

But Song Yu, in the end is not the person of this world, in my heart, there are still some thresholds, I want to do a little more solemn, compensation one or two.

Just ask: “Which days is the auspicious day?”

Meng stepped forward and replied: “The 15th of this month, the 9th of the next month, are all auspicious days, should travel, marry…”

Song Yuwei Shen Shen said, “That is the 15th of this month, the two reunion of the people and the moon is good, the town is on this day, the second woman passed the door…”

“Nuo!” Meng Zhuan and Shen Wenbin looked at each other and still felt that there was something wrong with them, but the Lord did not say that they could only endure.

Song Yu saw this, and there was a plan in his heart. If he didn’t say it, he said, “It’s just a small matter. Next, it’s about the rise and fall of the town. Don’t care!”

When he said this, Song Yu looked pale and dignified.

“Please also ask the Lord to publicize!” Shen Wenbin and Meng Zhu, quickly said.

“Meng Zhu, you are the counselor of the town, and count the work, how is it done?” Song Yu asked first.

“reporting to the main public! The job has already registered the town’s hukou, and the count has been completed. There are a total of more than 500,000 people. Of course, this is only the number of registered people, Aristocratic Family servants, and refugees.”

Meng Zhusu has the talents. As early as in Xin’an, he served as a counselor for the company. All these data were from the mouth, without any stagnation.

Song Yu nodded, now the end of the dynasty, the land annexation is serious, the Aristocratic Family concealed population, at least 200,000.

There is no land and less land, and the number of people who are displaced is almost the same.

Although there was a war before, but it was limited to one place, did not affect the entire government, the account loss is not large.

So counted down, Song Yu is now the owner of millions of soldiers and civilians!

This is also consistent with the air transport. In Song Yu’s view, he is on top, and the gathering of green gas also has the form of formation.

This kind of youthfulness is not a general product. In the official, it must be a big expensive. It is a car, and there is a canopy on it.

“It seems that this world is alive and well, and it must be owned by more than one million.”

In Song Yu’s heart, he talked to himself.

“My actual personality is now just four products. On the air, it is also a golden and a half.”

“If you want to be pure and pure, even… a glimpse of Wangye, you must win the whole territory of Wuzhou!”

Song Yu pondered in the dark.

Immediately said: “The town wants to set up a new barracks, recruiting under its jurisdiction, this time, in order to fight in the future, must recruit 20,000 people!”

Underneath, Shen Wenbin and Meng Zhu, are not sucked in a breath of cold air.

This limit is very big and almost reaches the limit of the people.

Shen Wenbin was listed and asked: “The lord! 20,000 new pawns, this training consumption is tens of thousands, afraid of…”

20,000 people, just food consumption, are calculated according to Wan Shi, but now it is not available to Song Yu Festival.

On the other side, Meng Zhu is also a brows tightly knit. He knows that the Lord has never made a fuss, and he has racked his brains and thought about how Song Yu is going to solve it.

Song Yu did not sell off, said: “You wait to see this!”

I will hand over an instrument to Shen Wenbin and Meng Zhuo.

When the two took a look, they said without thinking: “This is God bless the Lord!”

It turned out that Song Yu gave the two people a look, but it was an intelligence. In Linjiang, a gold mine was discovered!

This gold mine is located on the border of Linjiang, within a small mountain range. Almost half is open air and mining is extremely convenient.

This is a day of decline.

Thinking of this, Song Yu has some bitter smiles.

This windfall, but not for him, but to heaven, to Li Wubi this dragon to prepare.

In other words, Fang Ming is a god of the city, and has done land. He has a sense of the earth’s atmosphere. Whenever he wants to join the world to fight for the dragon, how can he not think about it?

As early as Song Yu was still a child, Fang Ming secretly patrolled the Wunan mountain range, hoping to discover gold mines and other silver mines in preparation for future hegemony.

It is a pity that in Xin’an Wenchang, there is almost nothing.

Even if you are lucky, you have discovered a few jade mines and silver mines. They are also too far away from the people. They are deeply buried, low in content, and hard to mine. They are just worth the loss.

You must know that in this world, there are many fierce ghosts in the mountains and forests.

However, many veins are located in the deserted area of ​​the deep mountains. If you find a rich mine, you need the Imperial Court to release the army, suppress the ghosts, and levy thousands of people to successfully mine.

These conditions, Song Yu at that time, are not available. Even if Fang Ming secretly helps, he can only lose money.

It is now that with the power of Song Yu, this is not the case.

But the Linjiang gold mine is different, not only rich in content, but also far from the city. Mining and transportation is extremely convenient.

According to Fang Ming, this amount has a total of 100,000 gold taels up and down.

This is the capital of the future hegemony!

I think that this mine will be in Linjiang, which is clearly the capital that God started to give to Li Rubi!

Fortunately, Li Family was unsettled, and he was good at the army and was defeated by Song Yu.

If Li Family temporarily recuperates and enjoys the help of the veins of gold, then Song Yu is the means of heaven and earth, and there is also a disaster!

Shen Wenbin and Meng Zhuan also thought of this, only to say that it is God bless.

“The town has sent Song Hu to go all the way to block the veins. He ordered Sun Hao to gather artisans and go to mining in a few days! This gold mine is extremely abundant, enough to support the army for several years.”

Song Yu said with a smile, he replaced the position of the dragon, this gold mine has also become his help, so that the Great Stage development of a large gap, it will be added.

“This is the great fortune of the Lord!” Meng rushed to the former gift, but he advised: “But in the troubled times, the price of food will rise! The Lord can send a heart to Azure Dragon to prepare…”

Every year, despite the floods and droughts, the food is expensive, and the Aristocratic Family merchants are hoarding. This food price is rising and then rising, sometimes even at a priceless market.

Gold can’t be eaten as a meal. It’s just a bunch of dead things. It must be transformed into strength as soon as possible.

Who knows that Song Yu just smiled and waved his hand and said: “This batch of gold, the town is ready to be used as a military sergeant, or to install an ordnance, but not ready to buy food.”

“Moreover, when Azure Dragon buys it, it is easy to reveal the traces, but it will be defeated by the time…”

Out of Azure Dragon, it is not the land of Song Yu. Such a large-scale grain transaction does not attract the attention of other forces. When it comes to interference, Song Yu is also beyond the reach.

Shen Wenbin and Meng Zhuo look at each other in dismay, and then they say; “The Lord will have a well-thought-out, and there are good strategies in the abdomen, please let me know!”

“haha… I really can’t wait for you!” Song Yu laughed.

Then the face was a little strange, and asked: “When you wait, you know that Anchang is producing?”

Shen Wenbin was listed and said: “The job has been heard. I heard that Anchang has a strange folk style. Just worship the city and pray for it, and you can save the harvest in the coming year, and increase production by nearly 10%!”

“The main public squatting under the red towel is a city god temple!”

In the ancient agricultural society, the most important thing was the output of the field. How can Anchang do not provoke a survey of neighboring eyes?

Song Shen and two families, there were also investigations before, but at that time, Fang Ming was eager to keep a low profile.

Divine Ability is also strictly under the guise, and should not be overused. It is only the limit. To the outside of the county, there is no such thing as grace.

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