The people of Song and Shen have investigated for a long time, and they have also come to this Divine Ability, only the conclusion of Anchang.

It can only increase production by 10%, and it is only effective in Anchang.

This is usually very tempting and easy to give birth.

But now it is a troubled world, land annexation is serious, Aristocratic Family accounts for almost 70-80% of the land.

There is no major event in the surplus of land, and in the chaos and displaced people.

If you are in peacetime, even if Anchang four people join forces, they can’t stop the mouth of the wolves.

“If you are a Prosperous City, you are willing to return to the lord, so that the per mu production will increase by 10%. That is also a great merit!” Meng rushed to his eyes and said quickly.

If it is Song Yu, the per mu production will increase by 10%. This is not a small number.

Not to mention, if there is a land god, it can save the people of Lebanon and save the floods and droughts. How much should this be caused?

When Meng Zhuoguang thinks about it, he feels the tide and cannot be himself.

“hehe … not only that, the town also reached an agreement with the city, the trust of the town, all entrusted, and the city god, then ensure that the town jurisdiction, each county re-opened a thousand acres of fertile land, an increase of 50% per mu!”

Song Yu smiled, the news was thrown, but Shi Potian was shocked!

“Ten…hundred thousand?five…50%?”

Shen Wenbin and Meng fell to the ground in half, and some lost their hearts, but Song Yu saw it.

This is common sense. Normal people will think that they will play tricks. However, Shen Wenbin and Meng Zhuo followed Song Yu for a long time, naturally knowing that the Lord has never spoken vain. This news can be really Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering!

Each county reopens the hunting thousand fertile field, which increases 50% per mu. What is the concept?

This means that every county can live tens of thousands of people, and its strength has more than doubled!

Not to mention the reputation gained from it.

Under the rule of a certain person, the ghosts do not exist, the fields are opened, and the mu is increased by 50%!

The matter came out. No matter how Song Yu’s opponents toss, I can’t deny the conclusion that Song Yutian’s life is in the body!

This is a big name. It will be there!

Shen Wenbin and Meng Zhuyi thought of this, but they were too excited to be self-made.

For a long time, Meng Zhucai got up and thanked him: “We are rude to the minister. I dare to ask the Lord, what can you say?” but he still can’t believe it.

“This is natural. Otherwise, how can the town promise to give up the power of faith and give it up?”

Song Yu said ten fingers crossed, Shen Sheng said.

“But under the city, the temple is not enough, now. Only Fuze is the first!” Song Yu added.

There are many murderous ghosts in this world, and they smash the suburbs and kill the people. Get popular.

In this world, people die into souls. At this time, they are called the soul of the tour. Generally, they are scattered on the 7th, and the true spirit is put into reincarnation. The height of the person, but can be more struggling on the instrument at death’s door for a few days.

If it is popular. It can maintain the soul and stay in the world. At this time, it is a fierce ghost!

The soul of the soul will not hurt people, but the murderer will feed on the living, and the stranger will not be near.

As the murderer draws more and more popularity, he can advance to the stage, and he is familiar with the change of the force.

The devil murders the massacre, and the evils are full of sorrows, and they become murderers.

When it comes to the ghost king, it is the opening of the government building, which is divided into a place, and the voice is soaring, even the real people have to avoid the edge.

The people of Dagan, who live in the city, are the villages, and they are as close as possible to the city, and they are self-protected.

In the suburbs, there are wandering ghosts and ghosts, and they are very dangerous. This also causes inconvenience to local exchanges.

Ordinary villagers and villagers, through sacrifices, have only a few shelters of gas, facing one or two fierce ghosts, but also support, but in the case of ghosts, it is unfortunate.

Therefore, after daily farming, before dark, you must return to the village to avoid accidents.

This distance cannot be too far, so there is room for development around the county.

As long as the wandering savage ghosts and ghosts are driven away from the top, it is possible to open the fields again. This is not a little bit of growth in strength.

It is a pity that the world can fight against ghosts, and that kind of, official and military, to suppress the county, can not be light.

The ancestral rituals are also restricted, and they are not allowed to move. Moreover, the formidable power is limited, and it is impossible to plow the court and sweep the ghosts.

The rest, only the power of the door.

But the children of Daomen have always been scarce. This world law requires a high degree of qualifications, and it also requires a spirit, and the heavens are transparent.

At this point, 90% seeks people to block outside.

What’s more, the big master is the Imperial Court. How can you let the door search the world? Many of them are obstructive.

In this way, some roads, even the right heirs can not be found, leading to the ruin of the Tao!

With the number of these Taoist priests, it is difficult to plow the Qing government. Not to mention that the ghosts are not killing the light. After all, every day, there are new ghosts and ghosts born. If you want to open a good field, you must Resident guardianship.

With so many difficulties, Dagan has been in the country for a hundred years, but still can not increase the reclamation, and finally lead to troubled times.

The chaos of this agricultural society is that there are too many people, too few fields, and the food produced is not enough to eat. Only by killing a lot and destroying the population can it be calmed down.

But since Fang Ming crossed, everything is different.

This World, more Shinto!

Fang Ming’s temple wishes, there is no requirement for qualifications, just believe in piety.

And, as long as the grace is in the body, it can be quickly promoted without any hindrance.

Now Wu Xinling, in just over a decade, the accomplishments of Divine Technique, compare the door, is a half-step real cultivation base, and compares many Taoist children, half-life of perseverance.

Li Dazhuang, there is also a core disciple cultivation base, can not be underestimated.

As long as the power is enough, Fang Ming can cultivate tens of millions of temple wishes. These temples are good enough to deal with the general savage ghosts.

Not to mention, there is the city of Yin Soldier, secretly shot.

If it still doesn’t work, then the land god, Yin Soldier, will also intervene. At the end, Fang Ming will not sit still.

Now Wu Nan, who else can resist?

Wait until the temple is cultivated, enough to sweep the entire Wunan ghost class!

But now, the belief in the city is still limited to Anchang, and the team that has been cultivated is only enough to sweep the ghosts of the house, Divine Ability.

No, Fang Ming is going to go bankrupt, which is absolutely impossible.

“One government, it is enough!” Meng whispered to himself, and asked: “Where is the Lord wanting to choose?”

“Nature is Xin’an!” Song Yu said without thinking.

Xin’an is the land where Song Yu started. In this sense, it is not the same as a small one, enough to influence the world.

And, until the whole development of Xin’an, Xin’an people, you are a fool, know the benefits of the city god, self-confidence and integrity.

The accumulated divine power can be used in the development of the other two houses, so, like snowballs, the more rolling.

Shen Wenbin finally came back to his senses and solemnly congratulated: “The Lord’s public fruit is the fate of the body! Under this life, you can meet the Lord, and you have a major event. It is a lifelong wish…”

The decision of Song Yuying Goddess Wu Xinling is no different.

Such a big interest, if not for the sake of fame, is to be a true wife, and it is impossible.

Song Yu nodded, said: “Xin’an City Temple is already under construction. At the end of this month, it will be completed. You should remember to prepare early!”

“Nuo!” Shen Wenbin and Meng Zeng were so excited that they were flushed and shouted loudly.

“With this foundation, a lot of things can be done!” Song Yu picked up the cup and licked the tea and said.

“Please also ask the Lord to publicize!” Shen Wenbin and Meng Zhun saw Song Yu’s disappointment, but also converged his emotions and asked in unison.

“A few times before the war, the town veterans, for their liver and blood, heavy casualties, have to pay back! Wen Bin, before the town, how to do it?”

“The war dead, the silver reward twenty-two, by the family members. The disabled can not return to the team, the silver reward 12, retired!” This has been done, Shen Wenbin casually said.

“It’s too low, too low!” Song Yu said with dissatisfaction: “The foundation of the town is more dependent on the life of the soldiers. This reward is still low! There must be a field of land to show the heart of the town!”

It turned out that the main lord wanted to say this. Shen Wenbin and Meng Zhui looked at each other with a stunned look. They couldn’t help but ask: “How specific? Please ask the public!”

“The war dead, in addition to silver, plus 30 acres of good land. The disabled, plus 20 acres of good land!”

Song Yu said that he had long thought about it. There are 30 acres of fertile land, enough for a family to live, plus Divine Ability of the land god, and 50% increase, you can live a good life.

“In the future, the merits of the dagger must also be added to the reward of the field!”

“Where you are at the first level, you will be rewarded with silver. You don’t give the field here.”

“Dagger Level 2, rewarding silver twelve, giving Tian five acres.” Can kill two people, this luck component, it is much smaller, it must be brave.

“Dagger Level 3, 15 points for silver, and 10 acres for the field!” Plus the previous five acres, there are 20 acres of good land.

“Dagger Level 4, silver twenty-two, plus 15 acres of field!” This is thirty-five acres of good land, be regarded as the rich peasant class.

“Dagger Level 5, 30 points for silver, and 25 acres for Tiantian. If there is no official, then he will enter the Martial Hall for further study. After he comes out, he will teach the fire!”

This is a field of sixty acres, almost a small landlord. After all, it is possible to kill five enemy troops. It is not something that can be explained with the courage. Luck, martial arts, are indispensable. This person can’t be wasted.

“The fire is longer than the war, not the dagger!”

“The above rewards are only issued after the war, or died in battle, and are inherited by the family.” Song Yu added the last sentence, which is the most important thing!

This reward of the field of silver, both are extremely rich, but only the Song Yu regime exists, it has legitimacy. In order not to a dead loss, the soldiers will fight hard.

These things, veterans want to have, unless they defeat the enemy, or die, they are enjoyed by their families.

Shen Wenbin and Meng Zhuan listened, they were all dignified, long time no words.

After the song jade hand in the cup is cold, Meng Zhucai opened.

“The Lord’s move will surely provoke a war to die! But it seems that there is something too much…”

“If you don’t, how can you win the lives of the soldiers?” Song Yu waved his hand and interrupted the words of Meng Zhu.

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