“This town knows what you are worried about! There are new towns in the city, and there are gold mines. These rewards, the town is still made!”

“And, this is just a wartime policy. After the peace, there is a change!”

“As long as it can be carried out without deduction, then my town will be victorious!”

“You wait and remember, and tell your people, this is the bottom line. If you find something stinking in the town, then the genocide is light!”

This is Song Yu’s strategy, which is related to the world’s ownership and can’t be sloppy.

When you say this, it is murderous-looking.

“Nuo! If you have such a social mouse, dare to destroy the main event, do not use the main public, the first one to kill it!” Shen Wenbin and Meng Zhu, are cold sweats, know that the Lord is really worthy of this time, guarantee that With.

“So good!” Song Yu said quietly.

With this policy, as long as it is carried out, it will take a few years to swept the world. This is a conspiracy, not afraid to learn from the town.

After all, the need for the field is not a decimal, even the door valve Aristocratic Family, may not be able to draw it.

But with the Divine Ability in the city, Song Yu, who can open the field in the counties, has this ambition!

Moreover, these veterans are the roots of Song Yu’s rule, and they are divided into interests, which is also the meaning of cultivating and growing.

If Song Yu appeared in the past, there are only two ways to go.

The first is to eliminate the former interest class and use its own power to make up. However, it loses the hope, just like Zhu Xie, the reputation is not good, and the hope of the world is small.

After all, the people who win the hearts of the world, this person heart. It is the heart of the world Aristocratic Family!

The second is to compromise with the old interest classes and get funding. Maybe you can kill some dead hard molecules and eat some meat. But this after all is a minority. In this way, the Lord’s own interests are less, the strength is weak, and the voice is small, which is easily restrained by the Aristocratic Family.

The ancestors of the dynasty swayed between the two roads, and the degree of grasp. Just look at your own level.

But today, Song Yu has a third way –

Discover new interests and cultivate their own roots.

This newly opened field is acre. Song Yu is not prepared for the Aristocratic Family, but for his own power.

Except for the preparation of the reward, the rest is the consumption of the Xin’an Festival.

among them. Song Family is a big part. Shen Family follow closely from behind.

Ye Family of Ye Hongyan and Meng Family of Meng Zhun will all share a lot of fields, and they will be on the field in an instant, without losing the big towns.

After Ye Hongyan and Meng Zhuo made their mark, their relatives came to rely on them to form their own power, which has always been the case. Song Yu is also happy to see it.

With these, the foundation will be stable. Moreover, it is not affected by the outside silhouette.

Coupled with the benefits previously gained from the old forces, Song Yu’s current strength is also above the Wunan Aristocratic Family.

Not only is the reputation not damaged, but it can also be self-reliant, free from outside influences, and compete for a big position!

With this power, other Aristocratic Family, are you still not honest?

If you still refuse to accept it, then there is no such thing as extinction. If you are obedient, you will enjoy a few soups, enough to beat the Aristocratic Family of Wunan, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Such Wu Nan is the real emperor’s capital!

After sending troops, it is dignified righteously, and it is pressing people!

Before Song Yu, the capital was too small, and there had to be more speculations. Others saw that Song Yuying was absolutely determined, but he would not have thought that once things were a little bit worse, it would be a disaster!

I don’t want to be in the dignified righteous army, there is no such cost!

But now, everything is different.

After a few years, the city’s beliefs spread throughout Wunan, and the strength of Song Yu’s will increase by several times. Moreover, as long as it has been cultivated for several months, it can be quickly restored, and it’s the equivalent of Others and two houses!

What is the advantage of this? With these, Song Yu has no doubts about winning the world!

Compared with this, what can be thrown aside if you climb the technology tree and open up the people’s wisdom?

As a traverser, Song Yu naturally considered using the past science and technology, but he thought about it again and again.

To climb the technology tree, what is needed is not the power of one person and two people, but the needs of an entire class of elites!

Fang Ming read the novel in the past, the protagonist’s head was shot, the plan was made, the arsenal was put up, and the agricultural technology was improved. It was really convenient.

But now it seems that the absurdity is incomparable!

The progress of science and technology is complementary to the progress of the whole society. If it has not been accumulated for hundreds of years, it will be done overnight. How is it possible?

What’s more, all kinds of modern technology, the manpower required, are blue-collar, and there is also a junior high school diploma!

But in Dagan, there are few people who are literate. Where can I find that many people go?

This is only a matter of broadening the wisdom of the people, only a few points, not to mention wasted time.

Guang said, has opened up the wisdom of the people, is it good for Song Yu?

Whether it is the sacred identity of Fang Ming or the landlord class of Song Yu, it is the vested interests, and the ass determines the head.

Song Yu’s position is naturally very positive.

Historically, ancient rulers have adopted the policy of stupid people in the same way. That is, if people have knowledge, they will think about it and demand more power, leading to the demise of vested interests.

Song Yu is the ruler, and he will fight for the True Dragon in the future. He will never dig his own roots.

Moreover, scientific development, where is the Shinto?

Song Yushou is only a hundred years old, but the gods can live forever!

Compared with the great age of Yang Shi, Fang Ming still pays more attention to the development of Shinto!

What’s more, whoever has nothing to remember a lot of useless formula chains, after crossing, can also be one after another.

In addition to their own concerns, who will have nothing to do with other industries, and still from the raw materials, processing, structure, all back, to be used later?

There is such a thing, not a superman, or a pervert!

Song Yu believes that neither of them is. In his previous life, he has always paid little attention to these things. Even gunpowder or something, he only remembers that there is sulfur, or charcoal saltpeter. As for the proportion, he did not pay attention.

In this case, if you engage in two inventions and increase your strength, you can still write it. Song Yu wrote it and threw it to Sun Hao. He rewarded him and let him drum up. He ignored it.

But it may be because there are two Worlds, and there are subtle changes in the laws of physics. Sun Hao is now unable to produce results, and even the things that killed the dead did not happen.

In a word, Song Yu does not support or oppose this technology. Just look at it and let it develop freely. Anyway, according to Song Yu’s estimation, as long as he does not intervene, this feudal agricultural society can still last for thousands of years!

With this time, enough Fang Ming has developed.

In his heart, there is another thought.

As long as Song Yu goes to the pole and spreads the beliefs of the city to the world, the whole world can open countless fields and live hundreds of millions!

What kind of merit is this humanity?

What’s more, since then, Fang Ming’s faith has been completely tied to the people of the world.

If it is the emperor of the later generation, dare to abandon the belief of the city, then there is no temple wish and Divine Ability, the people of the world, they must starve more than half!

The consequence is that the emperor himself can’t afford it!

Ask? Who dares to take the world by storm?

This is the failure of Fang Ming to promote the ancient gods and leave behind!

After all, if you can prove the ancient gods, you are the best. However, Fang Ming is very thoughtful, and he does not care about winning first. Naturally, he will do some insurance for the future.

With these, even if you can’t prove the ancient gods, Fang Ming can become the last winner, and grow up with the world.

Now, Fang Ming is going to make the power of faith into the first productive force. According to the current development, this is entirely possible. After all, 50% per mu is not a decimal.

Unless there is a revolutionary change in agricultural production technology, there are several revolutionary changes, otherwise it is impossible to exceed.

In order to survive, in order to be detached, Fang Ming does not mind that he will be kidnapped on his own chariot!

These thoughts are all flashing past.

Underneath, Shen Wenbin and Meng Zhuo are still beheading.

Song Yu couldn’t help but laugh, just thinking about his future plans, he was somewhat fascinated and couldn’t himself.

Looking at the two people below, slowly said: “The town has just war, the rest is to recuperate! Changle Wuyi two government, what can be the trend?”

These, privately, Chen Yun has already reported, but Song Yu still wants to listen to Shen Wenbin and Meng Zhuo’s opinions.

There are five prefectures in Wunan. Among them, Wenchang, Xin’an and Linjiang are the core essences, and they are now in the Song Jade Hand.

The remaining Wuyi and Changle two houses are not only remote, but also many mountains and mountains, rare fields, and mountain cross-country chaos. The people have escaped. Now it is ten rooms and nine empty spaces. Even the prefects, all abandoned the official escape, no one in the state is willing to go, leading to Song Yu and Li Rubi in the Wunan time of Great War, the two houses are still a plate of scattered sand, can not intervene.

“The two houses, the strength is weak, can not until stand with a single blow, even as long as the main public, you can settle. Only, mountain cross-country, but it is a trouble!”

Speaking of this, Meng Zhuo also shook his head.

“Not bad! The protagonist, the mountain is more fierce, not listening to the teachings, but also savage and barbaric, it is very difficult to deal with, and, in Wuyi Changle two, there are several hundred thousand people…”

This mountain is different from ordinary people. Because of the harsh living conditions, the elderly and children can be soldiers and fight.

Although the weapons ordnance is primitive, the amount of light is very troublesome.

“You wait, what is the strategy? Despite it!” Song Yu asked directly.

Meng went forward: “Chen believes that there is only one policy, divide and rule! Absolutely can not let it in series!”

Song Yu nodded, this mountain is the general name of the Wunan people, the wild people, they are also divided into Tiangong, Black Tiger and other departments, mutual attack, this is not the second government, raging Wunan.

However, if the coercion is too great, let them have a sense of unity, and even choose the league lord, the unified order, the major event is not good.

“The Lord Gong! Chen deducted, only divided and surrounded, and ruled, it is the best policy! Urgently!” Shen Wenbin also said.

He has been a master of the shogunate, and he has paid a lot of attention to the influence of the Wunan army. This mountainous file is full of houses in the various houses, and all the masters of the Ming Dynasty have tried various methods. micro.

Only this policy, the former Wang Wang used it, the big broken mountain, known as “captured hunting thousand, choose young and strong 30,000 into the army, the rest to make up for the farmers …”

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