Song Yu nodded: “Two words, in the language, the town is now, still take the rest of the life as the top, can not be good at the military front!”

Wait until the city’s beliefs are sown, open the fields, and harvest several times. The strength of Song Yu can be increased several times!

At that time, even if there are hundreds of thousands of mountains, it is appropriate to be afraid.

This point, Shen Wenbin and Yu Jing are both aware, nodded promise.


Yongan eleven years, October 15th.

After these days, the people of Linjiang Prefecture gradually eased from the horror, at least, on the street, pedestrians, and occasionally hawkers, selling along the street, it is a bit angry.

As for a few rice shops, it was when Song Yuyi entered the city and was ordered to open his business.

To the Song Yu, the fierce person who destroyed the Li Family, and even the son-in-law, the Aristocratic Family behind these shops, how dare to resist?

They are not afraid to violate the price of rice, and the price of tea, rice and salt is the same as in peacetime.

In this way, the people’s minds are quickly fixed.

The people of Linjiang Prefecture, first under Wuqi, were trembling with fear for more than a decade. I was afraid of the day, the Imperial Court army, and the government came down to wash Linjiang.

Historically, the military, especially the foreign troops, have encountered embarrassing things. This military discipline does not need to be said at all.

It’s still good to plunder the township. The most fearful thing is to kill the bad guys. Now, Imperial Court, the discipline is abandoning, it is very likely.

These Linjiang people, in any case, a “rebellious” crime, but can not run, naturally scared.

Later, the Imperial Court did not arrive. It came to Li Family.

Although Li Family has a sacred purpose, it has a clear understanding. What is Li Family’s plan, Linjiang people, is almost omniscient.

However, it seems that Li Family has a good name, and after entering the government, it is also a military discipline, and there is no distraction for the people, Linjiang people. This is the default.

But within a few months, Li Family defeated the family, and Linjiang fell into the control of Song Yu.

Even Song Yu’s own imperial edict is true. He is also just a new security festival. This has not been attacked by Imperial Court, and has been attacked by the military. Weifu own use. No matter how you look at it, it’s a complete anti-thief act!

But after so long, I didn’t listen to the intervention of Imperial Court. It seemed to have completely forgotten Wunan.

There are also colloquial words in this world, but there are only three things.

So many times, Linjiang people. Confidence in Imperial Court is very problematic.

In the eyes of some elders. This is the image of the end of the dynasty! The law of Imperial Court is also completely disappointing.

Now, as long as Song Yu ruled and could last for three years, these houses could even be completely transformed into private ownership.

Moreover, with the power of the city, this process can also speed up!

At this time, there is a line of masters and servants in the street.

It is a young Young Master, leading the stroll, behind, a black clothed servant, holding a high horse, and follow suit.

This young eyebrows are clear and beautiful, and they are so arrogant that they are only fifteen or six years old, but they are not seen in the face, but they are quite heroic.

In my heart, I also secretly said: “This new Anjun army, the result is strict military discipline, my horse, after the grassland Tianma, worth thousands of dollars, but patrol guards, all as if they are not seen, terrible and fearful!”

To that Song Yu, it is a bit more taboo, this peer, turned out, almost took away all the edge of the younger generation of the world!

Even with the father of this young man, he also took the Song Yu case as a teacher. There is often a saying that “being a child like Song Xin’an!”

On the official side of Song Yu, it is still the festival of Xin’an Town. According to the name of this world, after the name is always added, add a place name.

This is the meaning of respect, representing Song Yu, in Xin’an, there are several unique and unmatched influences!

Thinking of the teachings of the ordinary father, this young man secretly bite his teeth, but his head is suddenly raised, quite a bit unyielding!

This master and servant, seven turns and eight turns, was before going to an Inn.

Xiao Er’s eyes, hurriedly greeted him and asked: “Is the Young Master a tip or a store?”

“Stay in the store!” said the young Young Master, who came to the counter.

Sprinkle a few pieces of silver on the table. Inadvertently, it is a white jade ring between the fingers. This ring is simple in shape, and even has bloodshot, it is very strange.

If there is a master craftsman here, you can recognize that this is “blood jade”, because the blood in the jade is very rare, long-term wear, more warm-blooded, and the effect of nourishing and strong! It is useful for old age.

This ring of light is worth tens of thousands of silver!

Seeing this, while there was a somewhat lazy shopkeeper, there was a sudden flash of light in my eyes. This time, come quickly, go fast. It only happened in an instant, the next moment, the shopkeeper was lazy before returning.

If the youth did not feel it, they booked two rooms, ordered the second child, and sent the food into the room. They closed the door and could not walk.

Time is getting to the evening.

Outside the young Young Master’s room, there was a black shadow, and one person flashed into the door like a civet.

In the room, there is a bright candlelight, young Young Master and servant. It seems that at the beginning, this person will come.

In the candlelight, the silhouette of the silhouette is clear, it is the shopkeeper of this Inn.

“Although you have already guessed my identity, but according to the rules, I still have to show you this!” Young Young Master throws a block token from his hand. This token draws a beautiful parabola in the air and falls into the hands of shopkeeper. .

Shopkeeper’s eyes are full of light, carefully identified, this token is all black, looks unremarkable, but faintly has an ancient meaning, close look, but also smell a fragrance, it is hard to forget.

“Good! The order is right!”

Shopkeeper’s self-talk, then kneel down, pay tribute to the bridegroom, “People Pan Zhuo, I have seen Great Young Master! Great Young Master. At this time, I shouldn’t have come here, and I am in danger!”

“Oh? Why do you say that?” The young man rubbed the blood jade ring on his finger and asked faintly.

“Xin’an Songyu, very savvy, governing the government in January, the entire Linjiang, has fallen into control, the order is nowhere, the Young Master Wanjin body, how can it be involved in danger?” Shopkeeper said not humble, It seems that the status is not low.

“I know this, but now, on Song Yuming’s face, it is still the Imperial Court festival! This Young Master is not guilty, why do he move me?”

The youth is not a reckless generation. The meaning of this is that the two armies are engaged in warfare.

This young man is a descendant of a major force in Wuzhou. If there is damage, it will be of no benefit to both sides.

As for the kidnapping of hostages, what are you going to do? It is a joke!

It should be noted that among the great tribes, there is no room for warmth. This young father is not only a son!

Even if Patriarch agrees to give in, others will not agree.

Song Yu should also know that if this is the case, in addition to the two sides complaining, completely irreconcilable until death, no good! He is a shrewd person, never since.

At this time, the youth seems to be in danger. From these few sentences, it can also be seen that this young boy is also a thoughtful person, not a generation of grass bags.

“This Young Master also has to admit that this Song Yu is a generation of people! Wu Nanzhi, although there is a secret report, but I don’t come in person, I really can’t rest assured!”

The young man said with a bitter smile.

Shopkeeper moved his mind and lowered his head, saying: “Young Master is wise.”

The young man waved his hand and asked: “Let’s gossip less, I will leave as soon as possible, you will tell Linjiang again!” Although Song Yu will not do it, it is difficult to prevent the enemy of the young Aristocratic Family from making a shot. The relationship of jade, this point, still can not help.

“No!” shopkeeper nodded, thought about it, and said in a false statement: “Song Yu army, since the following Chang, Linjiang, the government is also tired! Although the retreat is still called 10,000 people, but the army is broken, It is also necessary to integrate old and new, at least within six months, it is impossible to have a big fight!”

“Even so, there are tens of thousands of troops, and there are three houses behind, this power is too strong…” The young man murmured, his brows wrinkled.

“This Song Yu, the unification of Wunan’s situation, is inevitable. After that, it is bound to send out Azure Dragon and conquer Wuzhou! My father also intends Wuzhou. The two tigers fight, there must be a wound, I will be planning!” In my heart, I thought about it.

At this time, Ye Hongyan took a family of 6,000 people, guarding the Azure Dragon off, non-hundred thousand can not be broken.

Throughout Wunan, there is no power and can intervene in the reunification of Wunan.

The youth looked heavy and asked: “Ye Hongyan, can it affect?”

Shopkeeper has a difficult face, saying: “This Ye Hongyan is a grass-rooted person. He is valued by Song Yu. He has been promoted all the way. He has been loyal to the generals of the five products. It has always been loyal, but our people are not affected! ”

This Ye Hongyan is a simple and simple way of Song Yu. The treatment is thick and unparalleled.

At this time, if you want to rebel, you will only be rejected by the people of the world.

Moreover, in the young family, the position of the real power general of the five products is not available.

In this regard, it is already possible to give up.

The young man turned his mind and asked: “What is the situation in Shanyue?”

“Mountain off-road, the language is unreasonable, and fierce, I used to send a few waves of people, go to contact, all the audio is not…”

“Don’t be embarrassed in this regard, if you have no one, you will recruit again! If you are willing to go, you will be rewarded with five hundred and two, and the family will be taken care of by us!” The young man said without thinking, this mountain force is now Wu Nan, the only possible influence Song Yu unified manpower.

No matter how much it costs, as long as it can unite Shanyue and create obstacles for Song Yu, it is worth it!

“The next day will be done!” shopkeeper nodded.

“If there is nothing, you will go down first, our relationship, or should not be exposed… Yes, I am in the street today, I saw many lights, it seems that there is something happy, you know?”

The young man is about to send shopkeeper to leave, but at the end, but the ghost is so bad, asked this sentence.

Speaking of this, the face of Shopkeeper is a bit strange, saying: “This thing Young Master does not ask, I have to tell you, today, Song Dynasty has a happy event, Song Yu wants to take two small sisters to pass the door!”

“Oh?” The young man came to the interest and curiously asked: “Which woman is it? Is Zhang Family or Yun Family?”

The rise of the strong, and the marriage of the old forces, is unusual.

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