In the Aristocratic Family, there are also many political marriages. Even the young Young Master has received a few. {{wx}The young man thought silently, not only doing it, but also looking at it, or is it a big one?

“Nothing!” Shopkeeper shook his head and said: “The two little sisters are born with strangeness. I have inquired about it and got the exact news. One woman named Wu Xinling is the people of Anchang Qingyu Village. It is quite a bit. Divine.”

“There is still a woman who is even more surprised. It is actually a Li Family niece named Xiufang!”

“Li Family, which Li Family?” The youth did not respond, and asked.

“Since Li Xun’s Li Family! This Li Xiufang is Li Xun’s niece, Li Rubi’s sister!” Shopkeeper said quietly.

“This…” Young Young Master covered his mouth, some lost self-control.

娶 A village aunt, can also be said to be a showable meal, greedy beauty. But what about a woman who is an enemy, and who is serving around at night, is this Song Yu brain, how long is it?

The young man shook his head and was somewhat puzzled.

Then meditate, this Li Xiufang, will it be a good piece?

Just as the young man was thinking hard, he couldn’t see it. In the room at this time, somehow, there was one more person!

Fang Ming looked at the young man and smiled dumbly: “There is a god in the head, this person, actually on my site, hit my idea, it should be said that ignorance is a bliss, or that stupid!”

Of course, this is also the unequal of the two sides of information. This young man, although he knows that the city forces are relying on Song Yu, they will not know that the city is a god, and there is such a Divine Ability!

Fang Ming Now, the mana is rising. It is also in control of its own territory.

God’s power is even more divine. As long as someone in the territory calls for the name of God, it can be sensed. The same is true for the name of Song Yu.

This young man does not know the difference, forcibly exposes himself.

Fang Ming looked at the young man and compared it with the intelligence. He recognized it. “It turned out to be the man of that family. No wonder you can put your hand on my site! It seems that this family has an idea for Wuzhou!”

However, there was no intention to take the shots immediately.

This young man, although a little talented. But that’s it. Not surprisingly.

Moreover, taking this person is really useless!

Fang Ming wouldn’t have thought that if he took the other person’s nephew, he would be forced to return to Aristocratic Family. All he thought was a fool!

No matter where it is, everything is left and right. Still profit!

Keep these people, but you can also control them secretly. Manipulate the message. It is more valuable than grabbing it all.

Thinking about it, Fang Ming lightly smiled, and I walked with my sleeves. Only a few golden lights were attached to the three people and disappeared.

The three people, completely ignorant, had already walked in front of the ghost gate. Still continually planning, planning crafty plots and machinations!


It’s already early in the morning.

“Spring dreams have no traces!” Song Yu stretched a lazy waist, only felt squatting on the body, all refred, comfortable.

Last night, Song Yulian and two women.

This Wu Xinling and Li Xiufang, can be said Chunlan Qiuju, each is good at winning the field.

I have already married Song Yu, and it is also a tribute to the song, so that Song Yu is enjoying a blessing.

If it is not Song Yutian’s strong capital and nourishment, I am afraid that now, I can’t get out of bed.

“Husband!” The two women got up and saw Song Yu, all whispering, quite a bit shy.

Song Yu laughed and said, “You are just getting right, use it with me!”

The three people came to a partial hall, had a maid, and prepared breakfast.

A pot of thick porridge, full of porridge oil, has been put for a while, not hot or cold, just the entrance.

There are also a few dishes and small dishes, all of which are exquisite, fragrant, just some pickles and dried, but don’t have a taste.

Song Yu is now, Da Ke Shan Zhen Hai Wei, replaced daily.

But at this time, he does not need to show his status. On the contrary, I have a lot of favorite dishes for Chef Pharaoh.

This Lao Wang, who is also a chef, has heard of his ancestors, and he has also entered the imperial kitchen, and his family’s skills are also out of the ordinary.

Especially now, with the increasing experience, there is the meaning of Return to the Natural State. These little dishes are all in the ordinary, see the real Kung Fu!

I have compared the delicacies that Song Yu had eaten before.

The maiden skirt will be porridge, respectful for the three, and then retreat.

The body is graceful, but it is also a beauty, but in the eyes, there seems to be a resentment that cannot be said.

Song Yu touched his nose and smiled bitterly. This person, since Chunlan, Song Yu Na, she can not help but a little embarrassed, for fear that Song Yu has a new person, forget the old love!

The big hand took a shot on Chunlan’s buttocks, watching the beautiful woman shy away, said with a smile: “You little girl, what kind of bitter drama do you want? Rest assured, the town will not forget the old man. You will pass the door next month. And also be a master!”

Chunlan blushes like blood, and even the ears are red, but in the eyes, there are surprises that can’t be concealed. Although I was puzzled by the bitterness and drama in front of Song Yu, the last sentence was really in the ear, and a heart was settled.

Although it is also awkward, but identity, it is different from slaves, not to mention, she and Song Yu children sweethearts, have this friendship, as long as they do not commit taboos, a jade food, but also Fuze family, but no problem .

The slaves around are envious.

Song Yu, Laughed Heartily, said to Wu Xinling and Li Xiufang: “In my house, I am a family member, I don’t have to be restrained!”

“Yes!” The two women agreed to eat with Song Yu.

This ancient rule, pay attention to food and not speak.

Song Yu and Li Xiufang are both from the Aristocratic Family. Wu Xinling has a tribute to the temple for more than ten years. He also learned etiquette. During the breakfast season, there is silence, and even the sound of cups, saucers and chopsticks is very rare.

When it was used up, Song Yu said: “Heart is going back to rest, Xiufang, you come with me!”

Then strode out.

“Younger sister is not fast enough to keep up!” The two women are getting started at the same time, but Wu Xinling is older and naturally lives in the elder sister.

“Yes!” Li Xiufang gave a light gift, carrying a skirt and stepping on it.

Song Yu specifically slowed down and waited until Li Xiufang came up and said, “Come with me!”

Take Li Xiufang and come to the festival.

This is a remote small room, Song Yu opened the guard and personally opened the door.

A scent of sandalwood is to face the face, “not yet come in!” Song Yu strode in, casually said.

Li Xiufang bit his teeth and walked into the house.

“Ah!” The scene in the house was to let her hold her mouth and shed tears.

This room is not big, the middle one for the table, the above, densely packed, are the main cards of God, the first few are still new, including the names of Li Xun and Li Rubi.

Here, it turned out to be the Li Family ancestral temple!

This festival made the palace, originally the Linjiang Mansion, occupied by Wu Qi.

Li Family was enlisted in the army, and after killing Wu, he became a Li Zhai.

When Song Yu entered Linjiang, this Li Zhai naturally changed to surnamed Song.

The Li Family tribes were all destroyed in the Song Jade Hand, but the ancestral tablets, Song Yu did not have a fire, all burned, but moved away from the Jongmyo, placed here.

“father!big brother!” Li Xiufang looked at these cards and couldn’t help but cry.

Song Yu did not stop, waiting quietly.

For a long time, Li Xiufang stopped crying and looked at Song Yu. The expression was complicated and asked: “Why do adults bring you here?”

“Here, it is your Li Family ancestral temple, you can worship, tell your ancestors!” Song Yu said.

Li Xiufang stared at these cards. Here, some of them were worshipped by her childhood. Some, dozens of days ago, they were still alive. They talked and laughed with her. They didn’t want to be present, but they were separated by heaven and man!

This scene of the moment, she was forced to marry the enemy, the helplessness of the welcoming, all unveiled, let her have a sense of nakedness in the world of ice and snow.

“Is this what I want to do and enjoy the thrill of victory?” She is a very intelligent woman, and she is precocious. Naturally, some big people have some strange hobbies.

In my heart, there is some fear.

However, Song Yu’s words have been exported, but they have not changed. Li Xiufang took the incense, burned incense and prayed, closed his eyes and prayed. The body is still shaking slightly.

“Is such a horror?” Song Yu touched his chin, some puzzled, but did not care much.

Silently said: “Li Family ancestors are on, Song Yu today, 娶 Li Xiufang is a beggar, in the future, have to succeed, so that Li Family cigarettes, not to sever, ancestors have a spirit, please help me!”

As soon as this statement is made, there seems to be a change in the Li Family ancestral temple.

Song Yu opened the Divine Ability and saw a scene of singularity!

I saw the blue and purple gas, rising from the various cards, the aggregation is uncertain, the more the more, the more, finally, become a small piece of blue-violet cloud, floating above the god’s main card.

The blue and purple spirits are intertwined with each other, and there is a dragon shape in faintness.

“roar!!!” Affected by this, Song Yu’s head, the gas movement, the dragon’s stagnation emerged, shaking its head and wagging its tail.

Longqi Akasaka saw this cloud, and it was a big joy.

The blue-violet cloud moves, but it does not resist, letting the red scorpion absorb.

The red dragon has long water absorption, and the green Purple Qi has been exhausted. The body shape has risen by 30%, and the scales are flashing, even more majestic!

Song Yu’s heart was determined, knowing that he was Li Xiufang’s beggar, and promised to pass the one-child, inheriting the Li Family incense, and finally got the Li Family.

This remaining 10% of the dragon is already full!

“Li Family Zu Delong is thick, and the ancestors had a chance to be buried in the dragon vein, and Li Qianbi was born.”

“If Wuzhou Longqi, divided into 10%, then at least 60%, fell on Li Rubi, the rest, was divided by Wuzhou other groups.”

“Because of this, Li Rubi is a Qianlong, with the king’s life! I defeated Li Rubi, won 90%, and placed it in Wuzhou, which is also 50%.”

“This half of the dragon, to win Wuzhou, but it is a bit of twists and turns, costly, is not conducive to future hegemony!”

“But now, the last ancestor of Li Family is full of me, my current dragon, at least 60%, sweeping Wuzhou, grasping bigger!”

Song Yu now knows more about dragons and is more precise.

But I also know that the dragon gas is not static, and the products are rich and the population grows, and naturally it will give birth to a dragon.

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