When the policy of opening the city is released, the growth of the dragon, at least 20%.

In other words, in the future, Song Yu will use 80% to attack the remaining 40%.

Moreover, this 40% is not attributed to one person, Wuzhou other males, and each other, also compete for slaughter.

Song Yu occupies twice the advantage, and the enemy is a loose sand. This battle must be crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

Think about it this way, there, Li Xiufang has already finished worshipping.

“You have entered my Song Family, and you have slandered the ancestors, and they are the people of my family. I hope that we can raise the case and not lose the love of the husband and wife…”

Song Yu looked at Li Xiufang and said warmly.

Hear this, Li Xiufang looked up and looked at Song Yu with her confused eyes. All this made her somewhat confused.

Song Yu doesn’t care, he took up the jade hand of the beautiful woman, only felt the jade hand in the palm, slightly shrunk, and then stretched out.

I am very pleased. If you can “nothing wrong”, husband and wife are harmonious, after the house is well-being, since Song Yu wished.

This Li Xiufang, in the future, if it is safe to keep the duty, not only its own glory can be expected, even Li Family, the rest of the son-in-law, will be pardoned, if not… Song Yu can always let Chen Yun secretly monitor, Lei Hao Yu Lu, see Li Xiufang himself chosen.

These thoughts were just a move. Song Yu smiled and said: “Let’s go, you have to ask Father of the Buddha!”

Li Xiufang shyly blushes and sighs low: “Yes!”


“The things of the three houses have been arranged properly. Next, it is time to go to Wuyi and Changle two houses to see, by the way. It is also clear that the rumored Shanyue…” Fangjiang, Fang Ming looked back. City wall. self-mumbling.

Since becoming a god, he has been huddled in Anchang, and rarely came out.

Now, the enemy has gone, I can’t help but feel a bit quiet and think about it. In addition, these are ten years. Fang Ming comprehend Shinto rules, also encountered a little bottleneck, these troubles. No one can discuss, only come out and see if you can break through in the tour.

The way of God, can not build a car behind closed doors. Humanity and Heavenly Dao. Both have to pay attention to each other. Fang Ming has already learned a lot about the incense and incense. However, Fang Tiandi has not thoroughly explored it. He must come out and travel to see the world. Only by understanding the avenues of the road can we continue to improve.

Say. Xin’an, Wenchang and Linjiang are unified, and the remaining Wuyi and Changle two houses are the next top priorities.

Although Song Yu and his men set a big plan, to be stable. But in a situation, don’t go to see it in person, how can you get it real?

Song Yu is the main lord, can’t he travel naked, not afraid of white dragon fish clothes?

But the true body is ready to shoot. Such a kind, let Fang Ming set a plan, personally, go to Changle, Wuyi two government to explore, by the way, you can also understand the world, expecting to have a harvest on the road.

Since it is a journey of sentiment, naturally, there is no need to serve with servants. Fang Ming is very light, but he does not use Divine Ability to hurry. He stops and stops all the way. The journey is very slow. After a few days, he will go to the border of Wuyi. .

On this day, Fang Ming is walking along the ramp. In the hands, there are rune flashes from time to time, aggregation changes, and the movements are uncertain, but before, with inspiration, experimenting.

At this moment, there was a faint voice coming from the front: “Young Master, now the war is in jeopardy. Although the Song Yu Festival has been made, it has been unified, and the soldiers have patrolled, it is still stable, but here, but the border of Wuyi! I heard that those mountains and mountains, each eight feet tall, are wild beasts that eat raw people. If they meet, we are two hundred pounds, not enough for people to sew…”

The voice is tender and the tone is quite irritating.

Fang Ming has an interest, looking forward, he is the body of the gods, as long as it is not deliberately present, ordinary mortal, naturally can not see.

These two people are a pair of master servants. The front is a young Master, a azure clothes, but some wash and whitish.

Behind, is the person who just made a sound, the book boy dressed up, or a half-large child, carrying a book, is complaining.

Looking at this situation, we know that this pair of master servants is not a big family, but a homesick home.

After all, the big family, a few horse rides, still come out, the most unsatisfactory, there are also squats and so on.

But after reading the book and having a book boy, it is certainly not a civilian.

This world practice, only a scholar, can wear azure clothes, and books are expensive, not a more homely family, can not afford to afford.

But this between the master and the servant, but it seems a little casual, even with the book boy, dare to complain to the master.

Moreover, this young scholar is also a bit of a desolate image.

Fang Ming looked at it and got a lot of interest, not following it slowly.

At this time, the young scholars looked back and said: “Hey, it is the so-called, the trust of people, the loyalty of things, I have promised Xu brother, to send a letter to him, do it yourself! What’s more, now Xu brother I am seriously ill, I am anxious to see my family. I can do a little bit of power, how can I get rid of it?”

“Even so, just call a patrol horse to send it, not just fine, why do you have to go in person!” The book boy named Yuer is still dissatisfied.

Now the Sanfu War is just taking a break, and the law and order along the way are all somewhat unsettled. This master and servant, who can get here, is already blessed by the sky, but can go in again, but it is the land of Wuyi, more chaotic than Xin’an Sanfu. Several times!

This pair of master servants do not understand martial arts, is it a lamb in a tiger’s den?

My nephew can understand that along the way, I don’t know how many times this Young Master has been persuaded, but this young Young Master has a strong enthusiasm and must go on the road in person, in order to fear the opposition of his parents, and even run away from home with his family.

“I talked with Xu brothers and generations, his parents, my elders, can you be slow? Besides, the Master has said before, the scholars should break through the books and walk thousands of miles, and they must have true meaning! The truth is not yet mature, but it is also time to travel a hundred miles and add some experience!”

The book boy smiled bitterly. Knowing this Young Master, he was a little bit sullen. Now it is quite different. It is secretly regretted. It was too late to inform the old lady and stop the Young Master. It is too late.

“This is a wonderful man!” Fang Ming is on the side, listening to it, just a smile.

Inadvertently, Divine Ability, you can see, this young Young Master head, with a slight red, is nothing, but in the middle, a few literary, lush and green, it is rare.

“I can see this person, that is, fate, may wish to follow along and see what can I see?” At this moment, Fang Ming only felt a move, seemed to grasp something, but faintly, there was some speculation, set idea.

This is also a kind of whim, but it does not mean a big disaster, but a chance! Fang Ming came out, isn’t that just asking for this? Can’t help but follow.

The master and the servant, the footsteps are not fast, and they are coming into the night, but they have not yet reached the next village.

When you get into the night, this wilderness will become a place where the souls and murderers gather. It is very dangerous. These, the master and the servant, are all aware of, and cannot help but speed up.

The young man stalked and reprimanded: “It’s all you, when you delay, if you complain less, I can go to Busan Village and find someone to spend the night. How is this?”

The boy-in-law seems to know the loss, and does not talk, but only cares.

After a while, the young man stopped for breathing for breath and said, “hu…heh… I can’t hold it, I have to rest, I can continue on my way…”

This young man has no worries about food and clothing. He is somewhat unbearable for the hardships of the road. However, with a slogan of business and support, now it is a matter of urgency, and suddenly it can be overwhelmed. It’s very heavy, and I don’t want to move for a moment.

“Hey! My Young Master! This is no worse than the township of the township. One night, all kinds of fangs and ghosts, they came out. I heard that the yang that sucks on these young people is just wrapped around it. On the other hand, ‘整个’, the whole person will become a dead body…”

When I saw the Young Master, I stopped, and I couldn’t help but scream.

In this village, there were many delays, and I did not come back in time. I was sucked up by adults. This Young Master has seen a few of them. I think of the yellow hair and the limbs that are similar to the dried bamboo shoots.

I got up and walked a few more steps. I just refused to accept the loss. “This Young Master has read poetry since childhood. The Master also said that he is righteous and can avoid ghosts. As long as there are ghosts coming up, I Just drinking it will make the ghost soul destroyed…”

“Yes! Yes! Yes! Young Master, you put those ghosts in a horse… or go soon!” Hearing quickly.

This Lord servant, once again started.

Fang Ming followed all the way, listening to the answer to the master and servant, and also laughed.

This world of Confucianism, not only has a good sense of righteousness, but also teaches and educates people, Tao Li, the world, the status is lofty, gathered in the air, in order to drink a retreat ghost.

This young man, with a hint of redness on the top, wants to retreat from ghosts, but it is a nightmare.

However, this young man is not born low, so good, and there are a few ancestors who are blessed by the ancestors, so as to avoid the murderous ghosts and harassment, and now.

However, as the night falls, the yin gas deepens, and all kinds of sorrows and sorrows will appear. Just relying on this bodyguard, it is somewhat inadequate.

Just thinking about it, the main servant in front, and met a new situation!

The nephew took the Young Master, and all the way, suddenly, stopped, and looked around, some sluggish.

“Hey, why have you stopped, I can support, go! Go!” This young man also has some self-knowledge. What he said before is just a drama.

Now that I saw the book boy stop, I couldn’t help but be afraid.

The nephew turned back and cried and said: “Young Master, not a small one, don’t want to go, but… we are lost!”

“What?” The youth was shocked and glanced around. Sure enough, the two men were no longer on the official road, and the surrounding scenery was strange and extremely desolate.

The night is deep, and the light is almost completely cut off!

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