“This…this…this…how is it possible, before we, haven’t we been walking on the official road? How come here?” Young Young Master murmured. I still can’t believe it.

“We… I am afraid that I have encountered a rumored ghost hitting the wall!” The child almost cried out,

“Ghost hit the wall!” Young Young Master was shocked. In this legend, there is also this saying. Hearing the evil monster, I like to use this method to trap the stranger, to destroy the blood of Spirit, Soul and Qi, and then to start, save some strength.

“I…we, have you encountered a ghost class?” The young guess said, two battles.

“I…have always walked along the martyrdom. How come here, there must be a ghost evil king…” The babies trembled and screamed and made a “ge ge” sound. It is obviously inner, already extremely fearful.

He clearly remembers that before a few steps, the surrounding scenery was still above the official road.

But somehow, I came here, not only the surrounding scenes, but also strangers, even at the foot, but also overgrown with weeds, but it came to the depth of a mountain range.

The people of this world have fears against the mountains. Now, when they see this, they don’t know what they think, they almost fell to the ground.

Young Young Master sees this, just wants to swear, but it is gradually getting into the darkness. It makes him feel a little bit of fear in his heart. He is crying in the eyes, almost cried out, and quickly turned his head and forcibly held back.

At this time, the corners of the eyes saw a few bright lights, the size of the beans, exuding the warm rays of light.

The young man was overjoyed and kicked a kick and said, “Get up, get up! Look! There are lights, we are saved!”

The children struggled to climb, and they also saw the lights, and they were very determined. They patted their chests: “The ancestors blessed! God sheltered! This is really a life escape…”

They grew up and listened to their ambitions. Naturally, this evil monster, even if it has a flame, is also a dark green first-class. At first glance, this bright yellow light is the image of others.

The youth and the deaf children were so determined that they did not think about it. In this barren hill, it was a strange thing to suddenly appear in the mountains. They only felt the strength of their legs and feet. They made two steps in three steps and rushed to the direction of the lights.

As the distance is closer, young people and nephews have also seen it. This light is from a family!

This is a farmhouse. Outside, it is surrounded by a fence, with thatched yellow and some dust. It seems to have used a few heads.

Young Young Master is very determined, and he slams the door.

After a while, the door opened, and a crisp voice sounded. “Who? Come in the middle of the night? Let no one sleep?”

The voice is sweet, but it is a woman’s voice!

Young Young Master only noticed that there was a girl in front of her, and there was a girl in the front, a bright tooth, two scorpions, a pair of watery eyes flashing, almost all the souls of the people were taken in.

Although this girl is not very beautiful, but in the eyes of young people and deaf children, this Goddess state, there is a sense of charm that can not be said!

When the girl met the young man, she asked, “Who are you? How do you knock at my house in the middle of the night?”

The young man was shocked, and this came back to his senses. He made a jealousy and said: “Small horse Ma Dengyuan, and the boy-in-law want to send a letter to Wuyi, but I don’t know how to get lost. It’s too late to be disturbed and disturbed. Where else, don’t blame!”

“Hey! This is a slogan, are you a scholar?” The girl’s eyes lit up and she stepped forward, clinging to the young Young Master’s arm and shaking and asking, it was a pleasant surprise.

The youth looks red, although he has mixed with the servant girl at home, but compared with this girl, like pearls and bright moon, can not be considered on equal terms.

As the girl is near, a girl’s body, mixed with an unknown fragrance, comes straight.

On the arm, you can also feel the amazing arc of the girl’s chest, so that the youth can not help but feel a little worried.

But after reading the book for a few years, Divine Art has not yet fallen.

Clearly, I silently read two words of innocence, and took my hand out of the girl’s arms and took a few steps.

The girl still wants to go forward. At this time, she sees the boy’s head, a few red lights flashing, pushing the girl away, and the girl’s face is suspicious, but she is not entangled.

“It’s a few books in the late life, but a little bit of recognition, it’s really ridiculous!” The youth did not find this, or said.

“This way! Scholar, then you come in!” Looking at the juvenile’s somewhat cautious attitude, the girl pu chi smiled, opened her side, let out the door, said.

“So, many thanks!” The young man gave another gift before he entered the gate with his nephew.

The girl led the two to the front hall and said, “I am going to call grandfather! You wait first! There are refreshments on the table. If you are hungry, you should eat first, and don’t matter!”

Madden Yuan was wearing a dress and said: “It’s really awkward to work late at night. It’s really a bad idea!”

“Oh… you this person, really interesting…” The girl smiled and turned into the back hall.

This delicate look, seeing Madden and his nephew, are somewhat lost.

My nephew was still young, and I knew little about men and women. I quickly responded. I looked at the table and placed two large porcelain bowls, some tea, and some of the dried fruits on the side of the plate.

He rushed for a day, his stomach was gu gu, watching the main home not, quickly stepped forward, picked up the tea bowl, gu lu sipped a big mouth, although bitter, but thirst, just the belly, feeling of hunger Heavier, quickly peeled off a few dry goods and ate it.

Also stuffed into Young Master’s hand, said: “Young Master, you are hungry, hurry to eat, padding belly…”

“The Lord’s family has not yet arrived, can you tamper?” The young man shook his head and said, but he did not stop it.

After a short time, the cough sounded, and Madden Yuan hurriedly whispered: “elderly is coming, don’t hurry down, don’t lose the number of gifts!”

Hearing this, blushing, swallowing all the grain in his mouth, getting a pain in his throat, and quickly drinking a few big mouthfuls of tea, I feel better.

With the sound of coughing, an old man, slowly stepping in with the help of the girl.

When I met Ma Dengyuan and my nephew, the ceremony said: “The old man is in the body, unable to meet in time, slow down the guests, please don’t be surprised!”

Ma Dengyuan hurriedly returned to the ceremony and said: “It’s fortunate that you get lost in the late life and get stuck here.”

Old man Touching the goat on the chin, it is very open-minded, and asked the names of the two.

After Maddenyuan said, the old man said: “cough cough…cough cough…old man named Hu Chunsheng, a Wuyi person, because of a plague, brought my hard-working child and daughter-in-law, leaving only one Young girl, and old man are dependent on each other…”

“In addition to the famine, I had to abandon my family business and abandoned the field house. I came here. Fortunately, the old man will also have some hunter skills. It is also here to settle down. The two are still the first guests in recent years… ”

Although the old man confessed to the origins, there were quite a lot of flaws, and there were still many untrue things. But Ma Dengyuan and his nephew, as if they were not aware, even with the old man’s remarks, even sympathy, almost burst into tears.

“oh! When people are old, they are a little embarrassed, Young Master is no stranger, come! Please use tea!” Old man coughed again, only to start the tea bowl, respectfully said.

Ma Dengyuan and his nephew, he also quickly raised the tea bowl, and after drinking it, he drank it.

At the entrance of this tea, Madden Yuan is a frown, but thinking about the farmer’s hunter, can have any good things, this is also very difficult, in order to avoid the bad old man’s good intentions, or forcibly swallow, I want to say something.

At this point, the mutation is protruding!

The nephew whispered, “How do you get a good dizzy?” The body swayed a few times and finally fell to the ground and fell asleep.

When Madden was shocked, he thought of getting up. At this time, his head was also dizzy and his eyes were shaking.

At this time, in his eyes, the old man’s narrow face, actually has a change, more elongated, not like a human face, a bulging eye, it seems to emit green light.

The whole face looks like an old fox.

This Madden dollar finally knew that there was a trap, and what he had to say in the future was also black and dizzy.

The girl looked at the two on the ground, clapping hands with a smile: “grandfather’s fans, the soul is so bad, these two people are so down, especially this person, the body is very good, almost hurt the child!”

Said, still unable to get rid of the gas, kicked Ma Dengyuan a foot, Ma Dengyuan is like a dead man, not moving at all.

Old man touches the beard, said with a smile: “Of course, these human races, the body of the body is very powerful, like this person, even if you grandfather, no means, can not hold it.”

“But why bother? A pack of fans, souls scattered, not all solved? Save a lot of effort!”

Pointing at Madden, he said:

“Hey, you are blessed, this surnamed Ma, the body of the out of the ordinary, the family is not low, and read poetry, has a literary, you take his essence, the road is advanced by leaps and bounds, not Under the words…”

The girl, who is called a nephew, looks at the unconscious Ma Dengyuan, and her face is hesitant. She said, “If I take his essence, then this person will die?”

“Of course not, I am waiting for a goblin. If you kill someone, you will have the sin of sin. In the future, you will be robbed. It is even more troublesome. You take his temper, let this person be the most sick, and will not put him to death… ”

Looking at the negligence of the nephew, I couldn’t help but say: “Not yet! You are the first time to take people to practice, this person is delivered to the door, isn’t it a godsend? It’s a good thing, Take his Foundation Establishment, solidify and cultivate, and achieve future achievements, not limited…”

“grandfather! But…” On the face of the child, there was a struggle, and he said.

“What are you waiting for? Hurry up!” old man sipped.

When your eyes are closed, you have to go forward!

At this time, a voice, if it was uploaded from nine days: “What is my way, it turns out to be two foxes, well, the drama is enough, you still have to leave!”

With the words, the grandparents and grandchildren saw a red-day red day, which emerged from Void.

Above the sun, there is also a ray of light, soaring feet!

The farmhouse’s small courtyard, table and chair furnishings, all with the glory of the sun, turned into fog.

After a while, there was only one white land, and there were two people lying on top of each other. Next to it, there were two white foxes, gathered together and shivering! r1152

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