Bayan blinked again, a handsome man, at this time gives the impression that there are some crafty.

“But also, I am not alone here, a few old people, all support!”

This is almost blatant. Fang Ming heard it, but it was a bitter smile. It seems that power is everywhere, and it is the same.

This is the case, even if it is Shanyue.

But this is good for him. “hu and” body shocked, but also lowered the sound, a few mosquitoes: “Good brother, what you said, are they true?”

“There is still a fake. If I say a lie to Bayan, let me lose my strength, die on the desolate land, and the body is eaten by the crow!”

Bayan said, but also issued a vow in Shanyue, the most vicious.

Because crows eat carrion, they are regarded as the messengers of death in the Shanyue. Legend has it that the people who are eaten by it, connected with the soul, will fall into the abyss of the nine abyss.

Bayan’s vows are extremely serious.

“Bayan! My brother, I believe in you! After all, we made a vow to the blue sky and the earth!” Hu He was moved and whispered.

Look around, before they, the voice is very small, Huhe and Bayan, and they used to play together, and did not attract any attention.

“Bayan! You are still going to the place where I teach you skills tonight, learn the three cuckoos. I will come out, then you will tell me.”

Huhe was close to Bayan and whispered in his ear.

“Good! I know!” Bayan promised.

This day, the bow is a bunch of gunpowder! Not as good. Let me, add the last ignition star to it! Fang Ming thought, sneer.

The next two days. It was a calm, blink of an eye, and it was time for the monthly sacrifice.

The sacrificial time of the Shanyue tribe is chosen at the time of the fifteenth of each month and the moon is the most round.

This sacrifice Totem, which can drive away the murderous ghosts, is the guarantee of the survival of the tribe. The entire Tianzhu Department is extremely attached to the entire camp. Since the early morning, I have acted.

According to the custom of the mountain, today is the “public break”, the warriors and women. Old people and children. No need to work.

The clansman of the entire Shanyue tribe gathered in the big square in the middle of the camp and opened a grand banquet.

Each person sat on the ground, with a blanket in front of it, filled with a variety of fine wines. These, in normal times, are only available to the priests, the high priests, and Beirut. But today, every clansman can enjoy it.

“This is consumed. What can I do during the winter?” Fang Ming is somewhat puzzled, but no one can answer.

At this time, in the middle of the venue, there is a passionate and beautiful girl in the mountains and mountains, singing and dancing, next to the youth, Shan Yue holding a variety of homemade instruments.

Fang Ming has also seen a variety of songs and dances since he passed through. He also specially raised a music class to enjoy the music. At this time, he did not know what it was. However, the dance of the mountain is better than the natural one, and there is also a flavor.

The girl in the mountains and the mountains, sweating on the stage, sometimes when they are happy, will come down and invite the warriors to go dancing.

This is also a kind of social. If the two parties look at each other, they will exchange the tokens with each other. As proof, they can live together that night.

Before Huhe, it was the middle-level warrior. The grazing head released the words again. He wanted to raise him to Barut, and he was not too bad to look forward to. He had a masculine face and was quite masculine. The favor, often invited to dance.

But he is not here, just smiles and refuses.

Pick up the fruit on the carpet, take a light bite, admire the dance of the boys and girls, time, and then unknowingly passed.

It was dark in the sky, and in the middle of the field, a huge bonfire had already ignited. The flame was as high as the comfortable feet, and the whole venue was shining like white.

The atmosphere of the whole banquet is also the most intense moment!

In the cheers of the crowd, two silhouettes walked side by side. One is middle-aged, the other is the old man, who is short. It is the bow of the sky and the high priest!

“My people! Let us cheer together and accept the blessing from the giant tree Totem!” said the priest.

“Giant tree! Giant tree!” At the bottom of the mountain, shouting hysterically, the state is crazy.

In this shout, the high priest raised his dry arm, and his appearance was not good, but with one hand, the whole venue, Mu Lian quiet, in stark contrast with the previous shackles.

“The great giant tree Totem is the guardian of our heavenly bow, the humble people, inviting you to come and enjoy the sacrifice…”

The high priest took off the unknown braided necklace worn on his neck and prayed loudly.

Then pass the order, “Take a sacrifice!”

Suddenly, the crowd spread a passage, a group of mountain warriors, pressed the captives, and walked into the venue.

These captives are mostly large people. At this time, they are covered in red strips and are stripped to the finest, like a big white pig.

Fang Ming has a hundred people.

Before, he also saw murderous ghosts and the like, and also had some understanding of ghosts.

Generally speaking, the popularity of a young person can be used by a fierce ghost and consumed for one month. After that, you need to add it.

Here, since hundreds of sacrifices are needed each month, there should be about a hundred or so ghosts.

After all, evil spirits and devils not only need popularity to maintain consumption, but also need to absorb the living spirit and supply cultivation. This number has gone to sea. In short, the more the better.

These people, all tied up by the five flowers, and their mouths, were sealed, and they were vocal, thinking that they were desperate for mercy.

Some people have already heard of the mountain’s blood sacrifice. At this time, they are only scared to be soft and almost fainted. They have to rely on the warriors to move forward.

At this time, the high priest came to Gaotai and launched a banner. The banner was very old, slightly yellowish, black as the bottom, with a large tree on it, dense foliage and dark green color.

This is the Totem of the Tianzhu tribe. Sure enough, it is very simple. Fang Ming thought to himself, from this Totem, he did not feel any strange fluctuations. It seems that it is a deceptive thing. What is really important is the necklace on the neck of the high priest!

However, the surrounding mountains and mountains are obviously not so visible. They are kneeling down against the flags and praying in unison.

Fang Ming snorted and followed his majesty, pretending to be a devout worship.

With the worship of the people, especially the priests, they have to move toward Totem, which makes it obvious that the high priest is intoxicated, and even with a few flushes on his face, he screams loudly: “The sacrifice will be Send it to the altar!”

At this time, the Tianzhu tribe, the altar that had been strictly defended before, finally appeared in front of Fang Ming.

Although he had seen it in the memory and memory before, at this time, still want to laugh, shouting a few “pits”!

With a serious guard, roll up the cloth around the altar and take it away.

The entire altar was presented to the entire people of the Tianzhu Mountain.

As you can see, the so-called “altar” is nothing but a deep pit, deep feet, black bottom, and some dark red.

There is a resentment qi rising. Fang Ming is only frowned.

At this time, the mountain warriors who escorted the captives pushed the white-skinned pig into the pit and set off a scream.

This altar is deeply pitted and digs up to accommodate hundreds of people.

All the prisoners were left in the pit, and the high priest ordered: “The sacrifice begins!”

At this time, all the mountains went up, holding the soil in their hands and throwing them into the pit, it was actually to bury these prisoners!

The captives underneath naturally struggled vigorously, but they were tied up with their hands and feet. They were inconvenient to move, and it was difficult to stand up. Even if they were lucky, they were quickly kicked off by the warriors waiting on the side.

With more soil, the captive eyes below are more and more desperate, and finally even numb, buried by the loess.

“It should be here!” Fang Ming looked around and talked to himself.

The soil is soft, and these captives can live for a while, but after this period, they are really suffocated by life, and no popularity is available.

Sure enough, at this time, in the sky, a mutation occurred!

Fang Ming opened the eyes of the gods and saw a scene: the murderous souls of the hordes of troops, like the black clouds, almost covered the moonlight in the sky.

“Hundred Ghosts Night!” Fang Ming muttered to himself.

Among these murderous souls, the fierce ghosts are the first-order, and they are the majority. There are also a few ghosts. The top is braving the black and red, the leader is a lean man, and the mountain is dressed up, top golden, red, black The air transport, the entanglement is uncertain, and there are more vicious ghosts ghost qi transport support, faintly fierce! Big is a curse!

“This force is not too small, it is under the Ghost King, but also a general!” Fang Ming said.

At this time, he was attached to the peace of mind, and his power was deep, and he was not aware of the evil spirits.

“The giant tree Totem is coming!” As the ghosts came, the necklace on the hand of the high priest was whispered, and when the high priest saw it, he shouted and took the lead to worship the altar.

The people of the Shanyue nationality also followed suit and bowed in prayer.

The evil spirit leader did not hear it, waved his hand, and the bottom hundred ghosts all plunged into the huge pit, attracting popularity!

Across the soil layer, the screams of the captives below are inaudible, but the mountains above the prayers are all cool in the heart, hurrying down and praying more piously.

“Yes! This group of murderers, how to blame Totem for what they are, in the end, it is also a first class of ghosts. After taking the popularity, the dry corpse left behind is proof!”

“Shan the mountain is quite ridiculous, but it is not a fool. If you see a corpse, if you have a contrast, I am afraid it is not so good to fool the past.”

“But the way to live this burial is great. Not only can the soil be weakened by the soil layer, but the mystery can be weakened. The traces can be buried and not leaked. These fierce ghosts are all incorporeal, the soil layer, against them, Naturally, no matter which mountain, dare to be so bold, and open the altar to see? It can continue to this day!”

Fang Ming saw the doorway.

“As for the necklace, the yin is very heavy, it seems to be the liaison between the high priest and the evil spirit.”

Fang Ming At this point, the totem of the evil spirit Totem is already well known and worthless.

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