With extraordinary ears, Fang Ming heard that the screams of the underground, just for a moment, were silent.

Subsequently, the hundred ghosts flew out, all of them are satisfied.

The ghosts sucked the popularity, the body was more solid, and it was obvious that the ghosts were on top of the head, and a little more black. This is the resentment qi, faintly screaming with the people.

At this time, the fierce ghosts and ghosts, seeing the above-mentioned worship of the mountain, is still somewhat unsatisfied, making a fuss.

Fortunately, the head of the evil spirit at this time, screaming and screaming, flew over and knocked down a few fierce ghosts who were the most powerful, and then barely kept the scene and prevented the riots of the ghosts.

“It is no wonder that the evil spirits are not in the same place as the Tianzhu tribe. They are usually away from each other. Only after the signal of the high priest, they come to accept the sacrifices. It turns out that this is the reason…”

Fang Ming thought about it. Look at this situation, you will know, these fierce ghosts, the desire for popularity.

Thanks to the separation of the evil spirits, the major event will not be provoked, but once the two are mixed, the leader will not be able to take care of it, and it will be easy to get a major event.

Of course, this evil spirit leader, the reason why the protection of the ordinary mountain Yue people, is only a long-term plan, for the future income that’s all, there is no incense.

The murderers had already eaten their popularity before, and they were stopped by the princes. They also stopped a lot and did not make any trouble.

But the evil spirits leader still urged his men to leave, it seems to avoid night long dreams.

“With these popularity, this group of murderers can last for at least a month. During this period, they, like the city’s Yin Soldier, took the initiative to guard the Shanyue tribe. Sending foreign ghosts…”

Fang Ming looked at the sacrifice, and in my heart, there was some speculation.

so. This mountain between the evil spirits and the evil spirits has formed a strange and associated relationship. The mountain is captured by the captives and the evil spirits are protected by the evil spirits.

This interest is closely linked. Even if the previous patriarchal sacrifices are found to be wrong, they will actively cover up.

This belief can only be passed down for thousands of years!

“To annihilate the evil spirits here. It is trouble!” Fang Ming knew it was not good.

With his power, dealing with a few evil spirits, it does not cost as easy as pie. But it is difficult to be in the mountains afterwards. If you are not sure, you will be recruited from other places.

If you want to completely smooth this place, the key is to solve the mountain forces!

The problem turned around and returned to the original road. just. This mountain is more. There are enough thousands of people, Song Yu has to settle in the house, a short time, but also how many troops can not be drawn.

What’s more, to sweep so many mountains and rivers, the manpower and material resources needed have gone.

Even if it is settled, it will consume a lot. Time-consuming and losing the opportunity to compete for the whole world!

Just when Fang Ming thought about it. The high priest stood up and said loudly: “The giant tree Totem is on, and has enjoyed the sacrifice of the Tianzhu tribe! Cheers! People!”

At the bottom of the mountain, regardless of the elderly and children, they stood up and cheered loudly. The atmosphere will be extremely warm!

The joy of these people is also from the heart. After all, this is closely related to their vital interests.

Fang Ming manipulated the body and the body, and cheered with it, but in his heart, there was a slight sorrow. The safety of these mountains is based on the sacrifice of the same people.

Perhaps, they did not regard themselves as human race.

With the cheers, the sacrifice ceremony, also reached the last moment!

The high priest personally planted a small sapling on the crater. As the saplings fell into the soil, the resentment qi in the crater actually dispelled a few points and seemed to be suppressed!

“Well! This sapling has some meaning, but it can solve the rest mentent qi!” Fang Ming eyes shined, the variety of this sapling, even he can not recognize it, think of some kind of spirit plant.

Although it can only be slightly resolved, it can be considered out of the ordinary.

Resentment qi is only stopped, and it is rising again, but it has also been suppressed by the spirit plant. It seems that even if the evil spirits are not willing to be entangled in too many resentment qi, they will find this tree and suppress the resentment qi.

Unfortunately, it’s just a drop in the bucket.

Fang Ming knows naturally that if the resentment qi is so easy to be solved, then the whole world has long been chaotic!

In the past life of Fang Ming, there were also spiral plants such as eucalyptus and mahogany, which have the ability to avoid ghosts. This mountain plant’s spirit plant is to absorb the resentment qi as its own nutrients!

Of course, hundreds of people succumbed to the resentment qi, how profound? This spirit plant is planted here, and even 0,1% can’t suck it.

But it can be one point less, and the disaster in the future will be lighter. This gap may be the difference between life and death!

“This spirit plant is good, and I will take back my own research and research!” Fang Ming is honest, and put this spiral plant on the label of the surname.

Since there is something to look at and the price is not great, Fang Ming naturally wants to get into the bag. After all, Fang Ming has never thought of himself as a good person since he crossed!

Just as Fang Ming looked at the sacrifice plant, there was a sudden mutation in the middle of the field!

“The giant tree Totem said that the spiritual things of our tribes can only thrive if they are irrigated with blood!”

The high priest said slowly, and the tone meant something. Fang Ming frowned, before the sacrifice, but without this habit, then, the evil spirits leader has left, there is a ghost Totem?

But in the Tianzhu tribe, the words of the high priest are the words of enormous weight, and sometimes even above the priest.

Since he was the totem of Totem, other Shanyue could not find Totem to refute!

“The way of sacrifice, the shepherd talent is the key!” Fang Ming looked at the high priest’s distorted command, seeking personal gain, could not help but say, and secretly glimpsed.

Many times, the starting point of the order is good, that is, if the following executor has a problem, it will make the anger and anger.

Fang Ming Every time I encounter something, I like to reflect on my own body and make up for the shortcomings.

Seeing this scene, I thought of the temple wish below the city. Although there is no such unbridled priest, I need to be careful and put out the signs.

Shinto relies on humanity. In order to grow old with unfailing eyes and ears, I have to work hard and correct the disadvantages! Fang Ming Now, although the cultivation base is high and the prestige is long, it is getting more and more thin, and dare not slack off.

In this case, I have to be cautious. If you want to be detached, you need to prove the ancient gods!

As long as one accomplishes the ancient god, Fang Ming can completely worship the incense, and live with the heavens and the earth, the sun and the moon!

This thought, when it comes to mind, takes root and sprouts, almost letting Fang Ming shake his heart and not be himself.

But looking at the top of the air, it is a smile.

Fang Ming observes his own air transport, only in the golden seal, golden is very strong, almost completely assimilated the scarlet, the air transport is heavy and thick, like gold liquid, making the whole big seal, but also more solid, almost manifestation Out, turned into a real thing.

Around the air transport, golden’s human merits and azure’s Heavenly Dao merits complement each other, like tassels, hanging down.

“This merit, to prove the ancient gods, but there is still a long and long way to go!” Fang Ming estimated his progress according to Mu Qing’s memory.

Now, as long as he waits for Song Yu to unify Wu Nan, he can go up two levels and promote the position of the five products!

The five products are the pure gold of the air transport, the real person of this world door!

Fang Ming was attacked abruptly in the past few times, and he was relying on the power of the treasure. Together with this world door, he knew nothing about the Shinto means and could not succeed. If you give time to prepare, the result will be different.

According to Fang Ming’s own guess, at this time, he can easily defeat two real people, but if there are three real people, then the result is unpredictable.

These are still based on the premise that both sides do not use the gas to the treasure. After all, the world is full of doors, the foundation is deep, the light is too good, there are three pieces of heavy luck!

Although one of them is too flat, it has already reached its own hands.

Thinking of this, Fang Ming is a move in his heart. He kills the dream of the Taiping Tao, and naturally prepares to take over the opponent’s backlash. But now, I haven’t seen it too much.

“It seems that the big north is not calm!” Fang Ming smiled.

Before going too to the road, the loss was too flat, and the air transport was broken by 20%. Now there is another real person, which is a big loss. In addition, it is not good to arrange the Northland and guard against the secrets of other gates.

Otherwise, it will not be a dream, but it will not be heard. These are all judged by Fang Ming based on the information provided by his men and his own air transport.

This is a good thing for Fang Ming, and it can be improved.

“But being killed by a real person is no longer a problem of not being able to face and face, but a real feud of life and death! At this time, calm, indicating the counterattack of the next storm!”

Fang Ming is naturally not naive to think that if he is too good, he will never find him revenge.

“This time left for me, not too long, the fastest next year, the latest year, until Song Yuyi Azure Dragon off, it is too time to start!”

Fang Ming is transparent and can be used to get the secret.

This Azure Dragon Guan, guarding Wu Nan, has it in hand, Song Yu is in Wunan, it is nowhere to be profitable!

This is not only manifested in the strength, but also in the heavenly movement of the air transport and the mysterious and mysterious.

Simply put, Song Yu was born in Wunan, and Azure Dragon is in his hands. When he is acting in Wunan, he will get the help of this world in the midst of it!

On the contrary, it is too much, not only an outsider, but also a cultivator that pays attention to the sympathy with the heavens and the earth. When it comes to Wu Nan, it is right against Song Yu, and its own strength, at least to cut off 30%!

These cultivators are all reluctant, how can this be?

Only when Song Yu went out to fight, there was no natural danger to help.

At this time, in the eyes of outsiders, Fang Ming and Song Yu are naturally a group. In order to deal with Fang Ming, it is necessary to first remove Song Yu and break the foundation.

“The fruit is a good calculation! Su Wen is too good to dream, and is proficient in deduction, this must be his inspiration!” Fang Ming thought.

It is a pity that he is a stranger in the world, and he is surrounded by incense and enthusiasm. His power is vast, and it is a taboo for any technique that pushes the calculations!

This dream is a real person, even if the means of the sky, it is inevitable to break the sand!

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