Just at the time when Fang Ming thought about it.

The high priest on the stage also finished a large section of the ritual, and there were a few more red tides on the surface. He drank: “Bring up the sacrifices of the spiritual things!”

Below, there is a warrior who puts a bundled offering on it.

Fang Ming looked, the pupil was a contraction. This offering is dressed in indigo costumes, with loose hair, covering the face, and a graceful figure, actually a woman! And, it is also the clansman of the Tianzhu tribe!

Fang Ming has seen this person’s face and his face is gloomy.

The high priest on the stage is still saying out loud: “The giant tree Totem said, only the blood of the devout believers is the nutrients needed by the spiritual things, the people of the Tianzhu tribe, tell me, you are willing to be Totem Spirit. Dedication?”

“Will! Willing!” Under the ordinary mountain, all of them shouted loudly, and the waves were higher than the waves.

“cough cough…haha…” The high priest’s face was flushed, and he fell down and coughed a few times before he said, “It is a privilege for all the heavenly bow people to sacrifice their lives for the great giant tree Totem! Put the sacrifices to the blood and pour the spirits!”

The two warriors, before the sacrifices were placed in the crater that was filled, bite the waist knife and gather the hair of the offering behind the head. It seems that it is necessary to cut the throat and bleed on the spot!

The sacrifice hair was smashed to the back, revealing a beautiful girl’s face, it turned out to be aunt!

“younger sister!” In the crowd, Bayan shouted, but if it was mad, but was surrounded by several warriors, he looked like he was ready!

At this time, the crowd is also in vain. Many Shanyue have turned their eyes to Hohhot. After all, these days. Auntie is the news of the call and the woman, has spread throughout the Tianzhu tribe.

Fang Ming is still in shape, but keenly discovers all around hidden hands and ill-conceived eyes!

At this time, not busy, Fang Ming controls the call and asks for help. Looked towards

At this time, Huhe, the tiger eyes are tearful, and the eight-foot man. It seems that there is a bit of pity! Even if it is a heart of stone, it will be touched!

But the priest is just expressionless. Around the hand. They also expressed their love and help.

“Looking at this situation, the priest and the high priest have decided to start, first reduce the middle school, and then decide a victory!” Light from this expression, it leaked a lot of information, Fang Ming will open the fog and discover the truth!

Huhe and Bayan. They are the backbone of the wall-mounted faction, passing an aunt. It can be double-edged, how convenient!

“This is a sure death situation!” Fang Ming looked at Bayan, who had been tied up, thinking about it.

If it is the previous call, if you encounter this situation, if you save, you can’t save it. It is a hat that violates Totem’s glory. It is enough to kill him thousands of times.

If it is not saved, then he will sit and watch his woman die. Although it is Totem’s order, it is excusable, but in the Shangwu Shanyue, the reputation is completely stinky. Without the reputation of brave, the influence of Huhe is also greatly reduced, and it will not be threatened before.

“Good plan! Good! I don’t know if it is the priest, or the high priest thinks. Unfortunately, you absolutely did not expect that what you have to deal with at this time is not a call, but a true body!”

Fang Ming sneered, suddenly shot!

Fang Ming He and the others? This shot is Shi Potian shocked!

He took a deep breath, Void, actually faintly visible white airflow, was inhaled by Fang Ming, with the breath, the body of the call, soared 30%, like a demon!

Stepping out, across the casual feet, came to an ambush warrior.

The warrior was so afraid that he took a step back and immediately attacked the savage, pulling out his waist knife and screaming.

A knife is thrown out, but there are also sudden winds and arms, people can see that this warrior, even in the entire tribe, is not a mediocrity.

But then, the blade light paused in the air! Because a big hand, like a steel cast iron, firmly grasped his arm!

This warrior’s face is red, but it can’t be pulled out! Huhe followed a punch, right in the chest of this warrior!

boom! ! ! The warrior flew seeveral feet and slammed into the ground.

The shrill bones shattered and sounded, and the blood on the ground spread, and the warrior was not alive.

Huhe turned around and looked at the few people behind him! There seems to be a flash of light in the tiger’s eyes, which is extremely embarrassing!

The warriors of these sieges are all the priests of the high priests. Seeing this scene, not only did they not retreat, but they looked at each other and swooped together!

These mountain warriors, who are strong and strong, grow up in the mountains, and have been working with the wolf tigers since childhood, seeking survival. At this time, the postures saved are not good-looking, but they are all tempered and tacit. The retreat was completely blocked.

Although these mountain warriors, there will be no martial arts moves, but it can be said that in the face of this flutter, the entire Wunan, 99% of the so-called martial arts masters, must drink hate!

But Fang Ming is not among the so-called 99% martial arts masters! He talks about martial arts, at least it is more than the top of the whole master, but also beyond several levels!

I saw and loudly shouted, the whole body, like a gyro, turned up, the mountain warrior, and the body that touched the body, was thrown away! He fell to the ground and did not move for a long time.

Hu He potential is like a tiger, a few steps to attack, and into the Bayan.

Every move, one punch and one palm, all seem to be brave and vigorous with the opening of the cracked stone. The mountain and the warriors facing each other have been shot and flew in the sky!

Three times and five divisions, the mountain warriors who escorted around Bayan will be completely defeated!

“Good brother!” Bayan excitedly shouted.

Huhe went forward and held the twine tied with Bayan. It was just a tear. This was usually used to bind the prey. Even the raging rope that the tigers could not break off was actually broken off!

“Fast! Go and save the aunt!” Bayan got a free, did not say why the brother is so divine, but quickly screamed.

“Reassured!” Hu and calmly comforted.

This high priest and the priest, but it is to force Huhe and Bayan, as for the aunt? But it is a tool! Although the situation is somewhat out of control, Huhe is also defying the command, and has achieved the goal.

But to prevent it, still save her! Fang Ming thought about it and kicked it!

Two stones, whistling the wind, rubbing in the Void, there is a little spark!

Just listen to “peng!” “peng!” Two!

The two mountain warriors who had previously held the aunts had a blood hole in the forehead and fell to the ground.

“hu and!” “Brother!” Auntie cried so much, like a frightened deer, ran to the back of the call, screaming at the corners of his clothes, his hands, still shaking.

Fang Ming patted the girl’s shoulder for comfort, and made a look to Bayan: “Auntie will give it to you first!”

Ba Yan nodded, with a girl, hidden into the crowd.

At this point, the entire square is in vain!

Just a few times, the rabbit has fallen, and the thunder is too late. Even the priest and the high priest have not reacted. Hehe defeated many warriors and saved the aunt until the aunt and Bayan disappeared into the night. Among them, the crowd reacted.

The shepherd and the high priest on the stage were also half-mouthed and shocked.

They naturally know that these two people, who have the courage, the siege and the Bayan, are all elite, all the middle warriors with three oil paintings on their faces, and even a four-painted Barut.

I don’t want to lose it, and it’s still a failure!

At this time, Huhe strode forward and the target pointed to the high priest on the stage!

The body of the high priest was somewhat uncontrollable to start shaking. At this time, although he has not heard anything called a three-footer, everyone is an enemy, but it must be very profound!

Thinking of the performance of the call and the demon, the guards of all around can not give him a sense of security.

In the heart, there is a hint of regret.

Can’t help but say aloud: “Stand… stop! Huhe, what do you want to do? Do you want to violate the will of the giant tree Totem?”

When it comes to the giant tree Totem, the surrounding warriors, just straightening the waist, seems to have confidence.

Linked to the mountain clansman below, it is also a poor face, the eyes are fierce.

“Totem rays of light shines on the sky bow, where can I offend? Just to the high priest, under the witness of the flame, come to a ‘blood fight’ that’s all !”

Fang Ming looked at the high priest on the stage and suddenly smiled and said loudly.

When the words were exported, the silence was quiet, and the high priest, but his face was pale, and he took a few steps!

Mountain cross-country, style, savage and martial! Usually, clansman, if there is a contradiction, and does not accept the mediation of the chief priest, you can raise blood with your opponent!

This bloody battle is that under the flames of the two, let go of everything, and die and die, only one person can live! The loser is put into the fire and burned to ashes!

Because in the legend of Shanyue, the ancestors of Shanyue are from the fire, so this bloody battle has a sense of inviolability of the Holy Spirit!

If anyone refuses to fight, it will almost be ruined by the whole mountain!

This bloody battle, there is no requirement for the status of both sides, as long as it is the mountain clansman.

But in normal times, the high priest is highly respected, the prestige is extremely high, and there is no one who has long eyes, dare to come to the tiger?

Over time, even the high priest did not think that he would receive blood! But today, Huhe just did it!

After seeing the performance of the previous call, the high priest, although he followed the evil spirits, made a fuss for the tiger. With a little bit of yin force in the body, but there is no certainty, it seems hesitant!

The priests who are not looked at towards one side, today’s plan, are the tacit cooperation between them, and they can be set. Now with backlash, the high priest will not bear it alone.

But the patriarch turned his head and only did not see it. This means that it is obvious.

He wants to watch the two tigers fight, and finally take the profit!

Old fox! In the heart of the high priest, he snorted, but he was not surprised. If he changed, he would make this choice.

But in the end, wily old fox, for a moment, I thought about the countermeasures, and I looked at the bottom of the person.

This person will come out and stare at the call, saying out loud: “The high priest is distinguished, so you can challenge if you say that you have to challenge me. If you want to do it to adults, you have to pass me!”

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