Huhe looked around the venue. At this time, he has already controlled the audience.

All the martyrdom loyal to the high priests were taken down, and the subordinates of the priests were also surrounded, no different from before.

Now, just need to close the hand and tail, you can safely inherit the position of the priest, no! It is the power of the whole mountain!

In the end, the high priest was not too young, but he was eroded by the yin force. His body was not as good as before. After being smashed, he fell to the ground and screamed. Now, it is already venting more air and less air, and it will not live!

It is the priest of the side, because of the change, temporarily saved a life, now, looked toward the eyes of the call, is the red, bare naked taboo and horror.

Seeing and gazing look towards themselves, the priest screamed and said: “The descendants of Suyena, the golden bloodline of Shanyue, have to kill each other?”

Suye is the ancestor of the mountain, the legend is born from the flame, his bloodline, called the golden bloodline, has the political legitimacy of the ruling Shanyue tribe.

But what about the golden bloodline, for power, to fight for killing? It was before, the ancestor of Huhe, who was also the ancestor of the patriarch, lost a big position.

Huhe looked at the patriarch. At this time, the middle age, although his face was pale, but his figure stood tall and did not lose his former temperament. He could not help but be nodded. He said, “Respected patriarch, you are also a descendant of Suyena. Why do you have to deal with your bloodline brother with the high priest?”

The head of the priest smiled. He and the high priest had a tacit understanding. They must eliminate the middle school in one fell swoop, and then divide the winners and lose the power of the Tianzhu tribe!

These are all conspiracy plans. It’s inconvenient to say it, but who wants it. Out of the call and this variable, even forcibly turned over, and the high priest, can be described as losing defeat.

However, Tianzhu has this lord, and the future revival is expected!

The priest looked at the call and the expression was complicated. Paused, taking out the golden golden stick from his arms.

This short stick is covered with golden light, and the whole body is cast by gold. The body of the stick is embellished with various pearl jewels, which makes it even more radiant!

Called and stopped in the eyes, this is the token of the pastoral priests, the symbol of the power of the Tianzhu!

“This scepter. It will be returned to you!” The priest looked at the scepter in his hand. In the eyes, the color of memories flashed. In the end, I still stretched my hand and closed my eyes.

Huhe art expert is bold, naturally not afraid of what the priest will play tricks, stride forward and take over the scepter, this scepter is very heavy. It seems to be solid.

“As a descendant of Suena, I ask for the dignity of the death of the golden bloodline!”

Seeing and taking over the scepter. This priest’s export gas, everyone will see, the priest at this time, although the appearance has not changed, but apparently lost Essence, Qi, Spirit, it seems that a lot of old.

This golden bloodline, with its privilege at death, can be asked to die without blood.

In the past, there has been very little gold bloodline in the power, and this is the tradition of the mountain.

“Swear by the Holy Fire, I call and agree with your request!” This is only a small matter, and he agreed to answer it without thinking.

As soon as he looked at him, Ba Yan took a few warriors and took the priest to a big account. The shepherd was also considered a hero, and naturally he could not be insulted.

This execution also has to avoid everyone, or choose to be self-satisfied, or choose poisonous wine. In short, it will not see blood and insult the glory of the Huang Jin Family.

Soon, Bayan came out, his face was a bit gloomy, more, but it was uplifting, looking at the call, nodded.

The mountains around are clear, and the priests at this time must be unfortunate! For a time, there were some commotion in the crowd, but the warriors shouted in unison and suppressed.

At this time, a family is old, looking at the mountain clansman, shouting: “Since the bone card has died, the Tianzhu tribe, it should be the same as the golden bloodline and the successor of the patriarch, you may have objections. ?”

“I agree with Bayan!” Bayan naturally supported, shouting loudly, a pair of tiger eyes, fierce light, staring at clansman, it seems that as long as the mouth dares to spit out a “No” word, it immediately pounces!

“I agree!” Then, the middle warrior who followed Haya and Bayan also followed shouted.

Once the force is vested, the prestige is Dasheng. This is not only manifested in the air transport. Other Shanyue clansman, the warriors who have the knife and the bow are all supported, known the general trend, have opened their mouths, agree with the call and succeed.

Although there are still a few children in the priesthood, in the mountains and over the mountains, I don’t talk about this set. If it is usually, the priests will arrange the hands before the students, and the hand will be handed over to the child slowly. Maybe there are still some possibilities to continue, but now, call And not killing to the last one, it is good.

The mountain cross-country is quite martial, now the call, not only holds the army, but also shows extraordinary courage, I am a gold bloodline, with a dominant righteousness, this is the next step, just a hesitation, all are acknowledgment allegiance, squatting, shouting : “hu and! call and peace!”

“You are the sun in the sky, born with the flames. When you are the head of the shepherd, lead the lost wolves and conquer every inch of the land under your feet…”

The mountains and the mountains, under the leadership of the old people, sang the ancient poems.

This is passed down from ancient times. It is like a ritual non-official essay. It seems that the article is not an article, but every time the mountain priest is succeeded, he has to recite this.

As everyone praised and dominated, the voice of shouting was higher than a while, and as everyone went to worship, Fang Ming saw it, and the white air gathered together, condensed into a cloud, and stopped at the top of Huhe.

The white air is round and gradually red. The silk is red, hovering on the surface of the call, and gradually smooth.

“Hu and now, it can be said that the power is in the grip, but also the red person. It seems that the number is too small. The entire Tianzhu tribe is only a million people. How can it be?”

This call is contrary to the original face, but it is a bit thin, and now it has been airlifted, and it has changed easily.

Fang Ming sees this, but if it is realized. This person’s face is not the same, but in the event of a major event, it will still wind up from the clouds, even if it is for Tian Shelang, it is not a good idea to go to the Temple of Heaven!

White gas is the spirit of the small people, and the civilians are only a few times. If the group is solid, there will be a body.

According to Fang Ming, under the nine products, it is still generally white. It’s red and white.

County Magistrate is seven products, the air is pure red, in charge of a county power, it is a hundred miles.

Just six products, still the red and yellow gas gathered, only the five products, can be golden and straight, transparent, air transport pure gold!

The current Fang Ming, the true personality, is red and yellow. It is Song Yu, Qing Qi has been born, there is a pattern of air transport in the four products.

“Humanistic air transport, the fruit is good, strong and hot, Guanghua burning!” Fang Ming thought of Song Yu air transport, could not help but sigh.

Now, he is against the real person, that is not afraid. After all, real people only have their own mana, even if they have scattered officials, but that is not close to the military and civilians, do not take the real power, how much gas can help?

On the contrary, it is against the humanitarian officials, and there are still some taboos.

In particular, the real authority in power! After all, officials have to control the people’s air, very strong, although they can not be used, but used to defend themselves, but more than enough.

Fang Ming is also carrying the air of the people, only to move every one of them, all with great power, the power of the power is not at the bottom, the real person will live and die.

But for the officials, the air transport on both sides is a bit of trouble.

Of course, facing the officials of the six products, those can be ignored, because Fang Ming’s own air transport is far more than bureaucratic. But above the five products, there is some powerlessness.

“Fortunately, this time, officials can’t practice the law. Otherwise, it would be horrible to give a clear idea of ​​the air transport method!”

No matter whether it is Fang Ming or Dagan, there is no example of the success of officials. Among them, the secret is deep, and even Fang Ming is not clear.

“Now, there is a red person, this is the military power in hand, and the students will hold up the air!”

Originally, this call and command the 10,000 people, it should be a gathering of white gas, can have a few red air, is a great fortune!

But he is under the control of the mountains, the temperament is fierce, and most of them are warriors.

If you really want to talk about it, you can make three thousand soldiers! This strength is not the same as a small one, and it is not surprising that it has a red personality.

This represents the strength of the call and the present, almost beyond the strength of a county!

“This is still a Tianzhu tribe. If the mountains and the mountains are all united, it will really become a climate, and it cannot be contained!” Fang Ming has a hint of jealousy.

At this time, the bottom of the mountain, the ceremony has been completed, and now the call, can be regarded as the new priest of the Tiangong tribe.

An old red light across the whole face, what to say. Suddenly interrupted by a voice.

“cough cough…cough cough…the tree Totem! Your servant is willing to offer all the flesh and blood souls, as a sacrifice, please come!”

The high priest climbed up from the ground, ignoring the swords and guns of the surrounding warriors and the gaps in his arms that were still bleeding.

He sang loudly. At this time, he seemed to have entered a kind of realm. Although he was seriously injured before, he did not affect the activity. With the humming, a wave of volatility is generated and quickly passed to the distance.

Fang Ming can naturally stop if he wants, but the rays of light in his eyes flashes, but he does not move, leaving the high priest summon.

“Not good! Stop him!” the old man shouted.

“haha…it is late! You, let me die with me!” In the eyes of the high priest, there was a slight green light, and the sound was like the nine secluded land, which made people listen to the cold.

As the high priest completes the sing, the distance, as well as the volatility, a screaming scream, even if it is a mortal, can be heard.

Fang Ming doesn’t look at it, just see the scene of the hundred ghosts and nights, and it is reappearing!

The ghosts formed into dark clouds, three feet from the ground, floating like a light smoke, bringing the cold wind, let the surrounding mountains, not to be chilly, want to kneel down.

“Hmph! Waste!” The evil spirits headed by the scene saw this scene, and there is nothing to understand, disdain cursed.

This sound, penetrating the yin and yang barrier, connected with the ordinary mountain clansman, can also be heard, with ice cold, almost let their blood condense, many mountains and more, are both legs shaking!

The high priest was with a smile, screaming: “Totem is coming! You! All are going to die!”

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