With the words of the high priest, the evil spirits have also acted!

I saw that it did not know how to use it. In the whole Void, Mu Ran was very arrogant.

The mountain clansman, you can see, in the Void, the black light flashed, and a “person” volleyed.

This person is ordinary, dressed in mountain costumes, surrounded by black clouds, surrounded by all around, silhouette translucent, faint can see behind the scenes.

As soon as it appeared, the entire venue, the wind and the wind, and the temperature, it seems to drop a few degrees!

“Graph… Totem is showing up!” A mountain warrior said in amazement, involuntarily squatting and shaking.

Other Shanyue, but also a big fear, the foot is soft, have followed the squat, tremble.

For this scene, Fang Ming is not strange, he is not a small group of ghosts and evil spirits, and there are 18 gods made by evil spirits!

This evil spirit can be seen in the sky, the fierceness is extremely prosperous, and it is still at night, and the yin and yang are weak, and nature is more obvious.

Surrounding the mountains, I don’t know why, I saw the evil spirits. First of all, I took a bit of self-defense, and my courage was weak. I usually dared to kill the lion and tiger. At this time, it was like a white rabbit!

“Great Totem, I am your most loyal servant, summon your coming, clear the rebellion of the Tianzhu tribe…” The high priest recognized the identity of the person with the force of the body, which is far superior The level of his savage force, hurry up, prostrate oneself in admiration, the voice is so sick.

“Useless waste, or fulfill your previous promise, offer your flesh and blood soul!” With a wave of evil spirits, there are a few black gas saved. In the middle, there is still a sneer.

This is the man who is relying on the evil spirits, and most of them are the ghosts. Although it can’t be seen in the daytime, it is also familiar with changes in the power of the genitals. At night, it can also be seen by the evil spirits.

As for the ordinary murderous ghosts, it is not even black.

These few black air, facing the high priest. It is a flutter! The face of the high priest, with the wrong color, could not be prevented. Being a few black, broke into the body.

“噼里啪!” The high priest within the body, just like entering a few mice, walking down the flesh and blood. See the mountain clansman. It is a big cold in my heart.

With a few strange laughs, the black gas left the body of the high priest, but at this time, there was only one dry corpse in the original place, and the eyes were violent, it seemed to be unbelievable!

“Ghost, ghost!” Surrounded by mountains, although quite awkward. It’s not a fool, it’s dead. Suddenly let them start the association, can not help but blurt out.

This corpse is dead, but it is a sign of evil spirits, and the bottom of the mountain is suddenly awkward!

This is the giant tree Totem, which is usually worshipped, is it a evil spirit? Many days of bow clansman, suddenly fell into panic, panic, confusion.

The evil spirit hehe sneered, it seems that there is no disguise, and Fang Ming is a little frown.

In the field of observation, I saw only the bottom of the mountain, some of them got up and fled, and some were still squatting, and they stood up, and they couldn’t be said to be human.

As for the ethnic minorities and the higher layers of the mountains, they are inextricably linked. Looking at the evil spirits, they seem to be waiting to explain.

“It seems that the Totem of the giant tree is what the evil spirits are doing. The entire top of the sky bow is well-informed and has a tacit understanding with the evil spirits.

Fang Ming, at first glance, guessed one or two.

At this time, the evil spirit leader turned his eyes to Huhe: “I recognize you, called Huhe, and it is also a golden bloodline! How? See the giant tree Totem, still not to worship?”

Speaking of the back, the sound turned harsh, and Fang Ming even felt the killing intent!

Under the evil spirits, if it is still the previous call, naturally can’t live for a long time, you have to prostrate oneself in admiration, the mind is taken.

But this pressure, for Fang Ming, is like a gauze, which is not a hindrance.

Lost a smile, this laugh is small, but in the dead field, it seems to be awesome!

“People! What are you laughing at?” The evil spirit leader did not immediately rush, but he played with the black gas in his hand and asked with interest.

“I call and I used to be the leader of the samurai. I also know a little about Totem. Then! Totem, the distinguished giant tree, why do you abandon the previous tacit understanding, and you must show the details and slaughter your people?”

Hehe looked at the evil spirits and asked quietly.

“haha…that’s because I don’t need to cover up anymore!” The evil spirit leader laughed wildly, and the face of the original haze was even more embarrassing.

“Before, there was a Taoist and Imperial Court suppression. I waited for the brethren, and I had to rely on the mortal to hide my body shape and do some things. I have to cover up like a mouse…”

The evil spirit leader said here that there was a fierce light in his eyes, and he scanned the circle. “It is also a shame to humiliate these mortals and drive them.”

This discourse, with the murderous aura, is seen in the Tianzhu tribe.

“haha … haha ​​… but now, the big dry voyages are sometimes poor, and finally enter the chaos of the world, connected to the door, but also secretly fight, the strength is greatly reduced, this is exactly what I am waiting for!”

“I have waited for the five evil spirits, have formed an alliance, and have agreed to work together, saying no, I am waiting for the brother, the opportunity to promote the ghost king, it is here! At that time, look at the whole Wuzhou, who is the enemy!”

The evil spirit leader laughed in the sky, and it seems that the whole Wuzhou is the same thing in the bag.

At the time of the big sacrifice, everything was normal. How suddenly did it change? Fang Ming thought about the answer.

“Just, I must have met the outsiders. I got a lot of news and I was told to move it!” Hu and asked faintly, Zhizhu was holding.

On the mountain, the five evil alliances of evil spirits can be counted as those behind the scenes. The outsiders have to provoke the relationship, and the more the soldiers are fighting against Song Yu, how can they leak here?

Although the evil spirits and the mountains and the more are cruel, the outsiders are even more let alone, but since they have spared no effort, they have tried many times, and by chance, they have succeeded in concatenation!

“hu and! You are very smart! Now, kneel, swear to loyalty to me, this is your last chance to live!” The evil spirit listened to Fang Ming’s assertion, and the killing intent in the heart rose, but he pressed it and said to Huhe. With.

The evil spirits are not living people. They must fully control the Tianzhu tribe. In a short time, they should not call and the others.

For this solicitation, Hu and Laughter, shook his head slightly: “I am the descendant of Suyena, the successor of the golden bloodline, how can I salute the humble insects?”

This speech is the red, naked and provocative, around the evil spirits, the black cloud slammed, but I am expressionless: “Since you look for the dead end, then you can’t blame me, I want to put your soul, put In the smoldering fire, burning for thousands of years…”

With a wave of hand, there are a few devils, and they turn into black gas!

In the distance, Bayan is in a hurry, roaring, and winning the knife will come forward!

Instead of screaming for this black gas, Huhe sang an ancient song: “When the first morning light between heaven and earth, Suye was born from the fire, the jumping flame is Suyen’s bright long hair, he fell in love with the mother of the wind, and he blessed the stars and the sun…”

At the bottom of the mountain, all of them looked up and looked at the young priests and sang the familiar songs of the mountains.

Then, in their eyes, they saw a scene!

Seeing the wave of hand and wave, the bonfire burning in the center of the venue seems to be motivated, suddenly skyrocketing, forming a Fire Dragon!

Fire Dragon baring fangs and brandishing claws, will surround the whole and surround the whole body, bathed in the flame, but not hurt a minute!

The ghosts who rushed on, met the flames, and saw the sun like snow, and they were quickly turned away.

There was a black gas coming a little slower. When I saw my companion, I was afraid. I immediately retraced, but I saw the flames rushing to catch up and burnt black shadows.

The black smoke suddenly exploded, and everyone in the room seemed to faintly scream, and he saw that the black gas was completely swallowed by the fire tongue and disappeared.

“Suyena! Suyena!” This bath is not hurt. In the legend, only the ancestor of Shanyue, Suena can do it.

Underneath the mountain, as I saw my own god, in my eyes, tears flowed out, screaming and shouting.

Ba Yan only rushed out a few steps, I saw this scene, but also the mouth opened wide, the handle of the hand “jingle” fell to the ground, but did not care, only wide eyes, watching the call in the flame, I almost thought I was in a dream!

At this time, the harmony is surrounded by flames, and the brilliance is shining and shining.

There is no sadness on his face, like War God in flame armor, watching evil spirits.

In my heart, it is secretly thought: “This is Divine Ability. It is easy to use! It’s a good idea to have a ghost!

“You…who are you?” The evil spirit leader converges on the fierce predecessor, his face is as solemn as ever, looking at Fang Ming, and he is crying.

“The bow of the Tianzhu tribe, Beirut calls!” Huheloudly shouted, do not give the evil spirits leader a chance to speak, with a flame pressed.

The body was over, and a trace of burnt black was burned on the ground.

One palm presses out, Fire Dragon entangles, the heat waves sweep, all around the gloomy atmosphere, suddenly swept away.

The evil spirit leader already knows that this is the moment of life and death, loudly shouted, the black cloud rises, and the vicious ghosts and ghosts around him are also included in the cloud. This black cloud suddenly rises a bit, along with the evil spirits. The mind, turned into a black giant knife, smashed out!

“I actually took a shot of the ghosts and made a fight! It is a good temperament!”

Fang Ming looked at this scene and naturally knew that this evil spirit would sacrifice all his sacrifices and join the black cloud to increase the yin, but it was a sacrifice in one fell swoop, in exchange for a formidable power!

This eyesight, decision, can not be underestimated.

Unfortunately, this is the case. If it is a ghost king, and it is a tens of thousands of ghosts, Fang Ming needs to be jealous and avoid its edge, but this giant tree Totem is only a cultivation base, but it is only a hundred, even if it is only a hundred How many forformable power can you sacrifice?

“The brilliance of rice grains, dare to shine!” Fang Ming sneered in his heart.

God read a move, behind the sun, gold, attached to the fire dragon body.

This Fire Dragon, with golden, poked a claw and grabbed the black giant knife.

“砰!!!” The dragon claws and the giant knife collided, and a wave of waves was picked up.

“No…Impossible!” The evil spirit looked at the dragon claw and shattered the giant knife and shouted.

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