After Ba Yan finished, there was a fierce light in his eyes, and he looked at the Steward with no good intentions. Just wait for a call and he would use all kinds of means to make this black-hearted trader know it!

After him, the other families are old and stunned. + No wonder this previous person, to bow down, the original is to cover up the identity!

This Zhaofu Steward is the leader of the normal trading with the Tianzhu tribe. The Tianzhu tribe knows it. It is not a minority. Now it is the night. Before it escaped, it was stained with a lot of mud and grass, and it was not recognized for a while. Now At first glance, it is not!

“Sure enough, everyone!” Steward Zhao smiled bitterly, looked at the direction of the call, and looked strange: “Before, the villain also saw the adults and several faces, do not want to see each other again, the adult has become the head of the bow, this It’s hard to say that the situation is changing…”

Before Huhe, he was only a middle-ranking warrior leader. He had several transactions with this Zhao Family and he was responsible for the escort.

“You are climbing your love now, but you want to beg for mercy?” Huhe did not care, and asked casually.

“The ants are still greedy, but what about people?” Steward Zhao said indifferently, there is no sense of humiliation. He climbed all the way from the grass, and he has already seen it. What honor and disgrace are fake, only live, can be wonderful!

This feeling of calmness has made Fang Ming feel a move and laughed and said: “It is rare to be honest and fearful. If you look at it, I will allow you to argue again. If there is any concealment, only Take you to the wolf…”

Although it is a big laugh, but Steward Zhao, it is a glimpse of the heart, this mountain cross-country, killing people. Not only will not be buried, but also throw the dead wilderness as a trap. Kill the beast!

This is the language of the wolf, not a false intimidation. When I think of something wrong, I will be buried in the mouth of the beast. This Steward Zhao’s forehead can’t help but have a layer of fine white sweat.

Hurry up and beheaded: “The villain does not dare to hide… The villain is indeed the three Steward of Zhao Family, responsible for business dealings with the Ministry.”

“Before, there were a few people in the main house. Patriarch received a warm reception, and then I passed it, and I took my subordinate. I went to visit you!”

“Because the main family is in a hurry, without waiting for the agreed trading hours, the villain comes in without permission.”

Speaking of this, this Steward Zhao. There is still a jealousy. I don’t want to be in the mountains. It is far more difficult than I imagined. Without the leader of Shanyue, the people he brought are almost dead in the mountains!

“I don’t want the mountain road to be difficult, I am lost for a while, and I have a chance to meet your Totem…”

This Steward Zhao. In order to survive, it is said that there is nothing to say and to say. So before and after a comparison. Probably the thing happened to Fang Ming’s mind.

Wuzhou forces, see Song Yu Yu unified, secretly intervened, want to buy Shanyue, to create trouble for Song Yu.

To this end, I found Zhao Family, and I don’t know what agreement I reached. This Zhao Family is very enthusiastic, and immediately dispatched a man to contact Shanyue.

However, although the mountains and the Aristocratic Family colluded, they were secretively prepared. The time and place of the transaction are all prior notices to prevent leakage.

Now Steward Zhao, with a few people, has plunged into the mountains and wants to find the Tianzhu tribe. How difficult is this?

Being able to hit Totem all the way, it’s already a big blessing!

I don’t want to, before a big change, Totem is actually a goblin, and Hu He is a big god, and destroys the evil spirits. Steward Zhao feels guilty and wants to escape, not wanting to be captured by Bayan!

The general passage of things, that is, Fang Ming did not bother to ask, said: “You know, which state is the big family who came to your home?”

“This…the little man really doesn’t know!” Steward Zhao had a difficult face. He was just a megaphone. Because he had to contact Shanyue, he had a Steward name. The actual power was very small. Naturally, I don’t know the secret!

Steward Zhao went on to say: “Hu and the adults are brave and invincible. In the past few times, the villain was admired. Now he is the head of the Tianzhu, and it can be said that he is expected.”

“Now, on my Patriarch, I would like to be born with 5,000 jin, and with salt, cloth, etc., please ask the adults to deal with one person!”

“Oh…” everyone in the account took a sigh of relief. Even with Fang Ming, I was a little surprised. This handwriting is really not small.

Aristocratic Family has accumulated for thousands of years, and it is not comparable to nouveau riche!

“Who is it?” Fang Ming knows well, but on the surface, he still asks.

“This person is the cadre of the dry man, called Song Yu, and there are tens of thousands of warriors under his command. The power is enormous…” Steward Zhao did not know that he had to deal with the person who took the lead and had already passed a circle in front of the ghost gate. Still trying to be tempted.

“Hmph! The dry man is as weak as a lamb. If we are a mountain warrior, we can play ten!” Ba Yan was on the side, but she was dissatisfied.

Fang Ming listened, but he secretly shook his head. These mountains and mountains, used to be used in Changle and Wuyi two houses, can not help but ignore the heroes of the world.

Song jade hand soldiers, although in the personal bravery, the mountains are less, the weapons are fine, and the order is unified, the same number. If there are ten people playing against each other, then the mountain may still be dominant.

If the number of people reaches a thousand people, then the mountain is the whole family, and only the defeat is defeated.

But at this time, naturally, I wouldn’t say that, Steward Zhao would like to see and laugh at Yang Tian and said, “Yes! The dry man is the lamb, I can only let me wait for it!”

Steward Zhao was secretly barbaric, but still happy, said: “This is the case! When the priest warrior arrives, what Song Yu can only escape from the wild…”

Paused, said again: “This is a big deal, is it not to join forces with other tribes?”

A Tianzhu Department is not natural enough. Only by uniting the whole mountain, can the momentum be created and cause great trouble to Song Yu.

“hehe…the other does not say, before, the black tiger tribe, also caught a lot of warriors to sacrifice, how can you let it go?” Huhe looked displeased, Shen Sheng said.

This Steward Zhao wants to persuade, who knows and swings his hand: “The Heavenly Bow and the Black Tiger are natural enemies. There can only be one. You can see the sun in the sky. If you want to say it again, I will feed you the wolf. ……”

When this came out, Steward Zhao was in a cold, remembering that life and death are still in the hands of men. Besides the smile, what else can you say?

“To help you deal with the cadres, it is also possible! Before the conditions, but it is less, tell Zhao Dongming, I want to cast iron two 10,000 jin, cloth 10,000, will be shot!”

This is daylight robbery, but the people behind Zhao Family, in the end, for the balance, will still promise, why not?

And, with such a large amount of material transfer, you will not believe it!

Regardless of Steward Zhao’s ugly face, he sighed and sipped: “Baya! Bring this person down, take care of it! Send it down tomorrow!”

Bayan promised loudly and took Steward Zhao back.

“Muslim! The price we just had, is it a bit?” When Bayan just paid out, there was a family who was old.

This mountain, the power of dignity is still not deep, usually between the upper and lower, it is somewhat casual.

Fang Ming didn’t take it easy, and explained casually: “The bigger the mountain, the better the warrior, how can you be a hawk dog? These are just temptations…”

Old eyes shined: “Does this Zhao Family, really come out?”

“Zhao Family can’t go out, but the people behind it are naturally out!” Huhe said with a sneer.

Regardless of the somewhat confused eyes of this family, they slowly said: “If the Zhao Family is really out, we have these materials, and we can arm the clansman. Since the dry people are so rich, they are naturally connected to the Zhao Family. Swallow!”

The old eyes shined, the former Tiangong, the strength is not too strong, had to join hands with the Aristocratic Family in the two houses, as a knife and gun, the benefits, but the Aristocratic Family took the big head. Calling this now is to go it alone, but also to bite the Aristocratic Family!

The old family is also Shanyue. Naturally, it does not regard the cadres as the same people. There is no guilty feeling for renunciation, but there is still some concern about their own strength. They can’t help but ask: “The strength of our Tiangong, if we want to do this, It is not enough!”

“Reassured! After a few days, it will be enough!” Huhe stood up, opened the camp, looked at the distant mountains, and seemed to talk to himself.


In the distance, it is also a mountain-level camp. Looking far away, it is even more complicated than the Tianzhu tribe.

In the middle of the camp, you can see a big flag Totem, a black giant tiger above, fierce and arrogant, just want to choose someone!

This is the black tiger tribe of the mountain, the deadly enemy of the Tiangong, the previous big battle, and also captured many Tianzhu warriors, all sacrificed the black tiger Totem!

“The shepherd! Our people are all here!” Ba Yanfu lowered his body and said it.

“Good! The weapons are covered, don’t leak the news!” Huhe lowered his voice and glanced at it.

“Reassured! The warriors of the Tianzhu tribe want to use the blood of the enemy to cleanse the shame of the body…” Ba Yan said, in the voice, there is an inexplicable excitement, and even a look, it is a little more Bloodthirsty!

This is half a month after Huhe became the head of the Tianzhu. Between, call and daylight robbery, ask Zhao Family for a lot of supplies.

Zhao Family didn’t agree at first, but Hu and Xu forced to force it. It was a threat to directly rely on Song Yu. Finally, Zhao Family was forced to loosen the mouth. First, he sent 5,000 jin pig iron and came up with some ordnance and a lot of salt.

With these, the armed standards of the Tianzhu tribe are all up.

This time, Huhe and the Tianzhu tribe, together with three thousand warriors, will lay down the enemy black tiger tribe!

“Kill!” Huhe saw that he had touched the Dazhai, and he was likely to be discovered at any time, no longer concealing, and issued an offensive command!

The warriors of the Tianzhu tribe suddenly sighed in unison, as if they had beaten chicken blood, and they rushed to the Black Tiger tribe.

Because of the harmony and harmony that is regarded as the reincarnation of Suyena, these warriors are not afraid of death, and morale is extremely prosperous!

There is also salt to replenish physical strength, and weapons and armaments are also above the Black Tiger tribe. Coupled with sudden sneak attacks, if it is still victorious, it is the day to destroy!

Hu He was the first soldier, rushing in the first place, long knife and even smashing, the two black tiger warriors who just came up, even the enemy did not see clearly, the head flew out and fell to the ground.

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