Huhe sneaked into the Zhaimen, stopped and did not move, sipping the Tianzhu Warriors, and rushed into the Black Tiger Camp. ()

He has been a long-time battle, and knows that at this time, as long as the Zhaimen is not lost, he can already decide the battle, and he will defend himself. This is also an opportunity for the following warriors to hone.

Sure enough, with the Tianzhu tribe warriors rushing in, the black tiger tribe can only rush to cope, the warriors are not in the hands of the weapons, which is the opponent of the wolf-like tiger bow warrior?

Almost as slaughtered as a chopped melon, and occasionally resisted, it was quickly surrounded.

“Report!” A warrior came over, respectfully bowed, eyes admired, with excitement, said: “The son of the great flame, the caller and the priest, we have killed the black tiger priest, only the black tiger Beirut and the sacrifice Also in the pastoral camp, our warriors are attacking…”

“Okay, keep a team, guard the gate, other people, go with me!” Huhe issued a command.

This black tiger tribe is similar to the Tianzhu system. This grazing camp is also in the middle position. With the warriors, passing through the battlefield of a mountain of blades and a sea of ​​fire, you can see your own warrior. With a big account, the bow and arrow are winding, but they don’t move for a while.

This is naturally the camp of the black tiger priest.

The warriors saw the call and came and shouted loudly: “Suyena! Suyena!”

For the first time, it is Bayan, who said: “The shepherd! I have trapped the Beirut and the high priests of the Black Tiger tribe, waiting for you to fall!” The demeanor is very respectful, not because it is the priest. When I was young, I was bragging.

Called and nodded, this Bayan. It is a heart.

The first conquest of the Tianzhu tribe, Huhe as the leader, naturally can not stand still. This Bayan will surround the important figures of the enemy without killing, that is, to sacrifice for the peace! At the same time, this high priest has a wickedness, can summon evil spirits, if there is no call and the son of this flame is present, Bayan is also a bit worried.

It is a person who knows how to advance and retreat! Fang Ming is awe-inspiring.

Step forward and drink: “The Beirut and the sacrifices of the Black Tiger tribe are listening. I am the peacekeeper. The only priest of the Tianzhu Department. In the will of Suyena, to be the man of the King of the Mountain! You wait for surrender now. Kiss the land under my feet. I will forgive you and accept you into the Tianzhu tribe. From now on, it will be brother. Otherwise, it will be your blood. Sprinkle this land…”

Although the voice of Hohe was not too big, it was audible in the audience, and even the irons in the hands of the warriors were stunned.

Seeing this scene, the Sky Bow Warrior is a great earthquake, drinking: “hu and! King! Huhe! King!…”

Corresponding to it, the atmosphere inside the camp. It is a sudden silence.

After a long time, only a dozen people came out. In the middle is a fine warrior and 耄耋old man, the Beirut and the high priest of the Black Tiger tribe!

The high priest stared at the murky eyes and looked at the call. He had some sinister powers and could see some scenes that ordinary people could not see. At this time, he saw the redness spread, and even had a golden color. The flames were several inches long. Daxie.

This is the call of his own personality. As for Fang Ming, this high priest has a low level of practice, but he can’t find it, but this is the great deterrent to the high priest!

Can not help but say: “hu and adults! You are indeed the hero of the Tianzhu tribe! To become the king of the mountain, but still far from enough!”

“Oh? What about that?” Hehe and his arms, pretending to be interested, asked.

“Only the priests who have been recognized by Totem, the tribe of all our tribes, will be qualified to become kings!” The high priest was pious and prayed in the sky, muttering.

“Good! Then you summon your black tiger Totem, see if it recognizes me as the king!” He and the eyes, the cool color flashed, let.

Hear this, the priest’s heart trembled, but he still took out the roots of the staff, and began to pray, as did the remaining black warriors behind him.

A wave of volatility is generated from the staff and spreads.

Huhe leisurely waited, this black tiger tribe, so strangled, would not have been long before, will be discovered by evil spirits, and now only a little ahead of it.

Sure enough, as the high priest prayed, from the distant mountains, there was a black cloud visible to the naked eye, which was thrown here, and there was a faint silhouette!

The dark clouds have not yet arrived. These mountains and mountains have been greatly threatened by the spirits that have been exercised in the mountains since childhood. However, looking at the silhouette of Huhe, it is an unprecedented peace of mind, courage and self-satisfaction.

The high priest saw this scene, somehow, and felt that he had done something terribly wrong, and he regretted it in his heart.

The black cloud blinks, the middle silhouette looks at the scene, roaring, black air floating, it is necessary to start!

At this moment, Huhe suddenly laughed, and let the high priest think that he saw a madman, but the restlessness in his heart, but it rose to the limit!

“The sacrifice of the Black Tiger tribe! Don’t you want me to get Totem’s recognition? I would like to ask, if Totem is gone? Whose approval?” Huhe laughed and shouted.

Immediately stretched out, Void, Mo Ran appeared a heat wave!

Red light ! Reflected in the eyes of the Black Tiger Sacrifice, it is the dazzling red light! Almost stabbed his eyes and shed tears!

Then, he opened the mouth wide and almost dislocated! Behind Beirut, although he was in battle, his will was harder than steel, and he was full of tears. He finally squatted and said: “Suyana ancestor! Are you finally coming to life?”

In his eyes, the body of Huhe, a group of flames out of thin air, will call the whole package, but it does not hurt its traces, such as giving a layer of flame armor to the call!

This flame rises to the superior feet, and the harmony of it is reflected like the gods!

Sure enough, it is the power of Suena! The story of the ancestors of the mountains and ancestors was spread throughout the entire mountain range. The black tiger and the heavenly bow are the same. When Beirut saw it, he thought that the sum was the reincarnation of Suyena!

But at the bottom of my heart, but bitter, this Suena, why the choice is the enemy of the Black Tiger tribe!

No matter how unwilling Beirut is, he can’t change the scene in the field. He only sees the body and the flames entangled in the direction of the black cloud, and presses it slightly!

In Void, there is a red cloud, which is generated from the top of the black cloud, and it is pressed by the thunder!

The evil spirits in the black cloud, roaring again and again, highlighting a few black air, trying to counter the red clouds, but these moves are like arm-and-lock cars. Under the pressure of the red clouds, even if they don’t win the blink of an eye, they will be evaporated. .

Finally, the red clouds are soaring, in the eyes of the evil spirits desperate, the whole cloud will be crushed! Among them, the fierce ghosts and the like, and even the crickets did not scream, they were melted by the red clouds.

This evil spirit is only a little more supportive than the men, and in the red cloud, it turns into black and white, this is the image of the soul flying annihilation!

“Suyena!”, “Suyena!”, “Suyena!”

The warriors of the Tianzhu tribe looked at Huhe again and again, and could not help but bow down, shouting devoutly, and even the warriors of the Black Tiger tribe, some of them followed and muttered to themselves.

“This…Impossible! The black tiger Totem is the guardian of my black tiger tribe. How can it be so easy, it will be wiped out…” The high priest was soft on the ground, and said with disappointment.

“Guardian? hmph! But it is a evil spirit that’s all! Also screaming for blood food to support! A little bit, but the ghosts of the village, what is the guardian? The one of the Tianzhu tribe, is also called by the grazing and grazing !”

On the other side, Bayan looked at the high priest disdainfully and said casually.

The high priest lost his eyes, but he didn’t know what he heard. It was Beirut behind him. He was shocked. This Totem is true. He knows it, but for the tranquility of clansman, he still pretends to know, even some take the side of the evil-doer. The move, now want to come, cold sweat soaked vest.

Not to be laughed at by smirk: “Suyena is on, I am sorry for my clansman, let me use blood to pay for my sins!”

Take out the dagger in your arms and you must break into your chest!

At this time, a fire tongue was swaying, and the dagger was hit, but it did not hurt Beirut’s trace.

“This?” Beirut looked up and looked at the call, some puzzled: “The Elves of Fire! Do you have to take away the power of my own self?”

Huhe converges all the flames and looks at Beirut. He slowly said: “It’s just a coward’s behavior to kill yourself. If you really want to repay the sins of the mountain clansman, join my majesty and contribute to the great cause of my unification!”

In the eyes of Beirut, Mo Ran emerged with a few hopeful brilliance, facing the call, calmly kneeling, kissing the land, and said: “The reincarnation of Suyena, the elf who controls the flame! From now on, I am not Zha is the sharpest sword in your hands…”

With the return of Mozza, the warriors who followed him also fell down and saluted.

Originally, the Tiangong and the Black Tiger are the deadly enemies! Absolutely impossible to see this scene. However, the identity of Hu and his identity is different. In the eyes of others, it is the reincarnation of Suyena. Any Shanyue, who casts his knees, is not betrayed, but returns to his ancestors and has great meaning.

What’s more, with the disclosure of Totem’s truth, these mountains and mountains, when the faith collapsed, just exerted influence.

This is also good for Huhe.

After all, it is not enough to rely on the Tianzhu for a unified mountain, only to accommodate other tribes.

So many warriors in the mountains and rivers, if they kill a brain, it is also a great waste.

In the Black Tiger tribe, Beirut is similar to the Tianzhu tribe. It is the weakest by the priest and the high priest. The power is the weakest, but it has the name. It is the third character of the Black Tiger tribe. Benchmarking is a good fit.

As for the pastor and the high priest, even if you trust, Fang Ming doesn’t want it!

Before the two were too high in status, they were hidden, but they secretly threatened the rule of Huhe.

As soon as he made his eyes look, Ba Yan got a gesture, his face smirked and he waved a knife.

“peng!” The head of the high priest rolled down…

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