Fang Ming in the distance is thoughtful.

“This mountain is more difficult to be wild, and it must be beaten from time to time…”

The god Dao Talisman, who he sent, has hidden secret hands. Because Shinto is in this world, it is still the first time, and it is not afraid of others.

Mountain cross-country, fierce and sly, must use the method of falconing the dog to receive the service.

This gifted god Dao Talisman is both a weapon and a collar, easy to manipulate by Fang Ming.

“In the mountains and over, plant this piece, wait for the day of the flowering…” Fang Ming looked at the direction of the Tianzhu tribe and muttered to himself.

With the presence of Huhe, Shanyue is basically impossible to be unified by others.

As for the evil spirit Totem, the professor’s ritual to Hohhot is enough to resist. After Fang Ming returns, he can send Yin Soldier to clean up.

“Xin’an strategy, it should start, but it is time to go back to the town!” Fang Ming came out this time, one is to understand the mountain, the second is to find the breakthrough opportunity.

Now the first article is also reached. As for the second purpose, although there is no specific chance, but it is a bit of a look, Fang Ming is well aware of the truth, and decided to go home.

God read a move, the whole body, Muran turned into a flame, disappeared in the air…

There is a place in the city’s jurisdiction, and the fields are well-formed.

Even the roadsides are filled with unknown fruit trees, with fresh fruits on them, and the taste is sweet and juicy.

There are occasional pheasant hares running over the ground, not afraid of life, some stupid and bold feeling.

In fact, this is exactly the case. I saw a middle-aged Confucian student, holding a wooden stick and gently sweeping it. A pheasant could not dodge, and was shot down to the ground, mourning.

This middle-aged Confucian student was born, or came forward, mentioning pheasants. Walk to a village.

Said to be a village, but this Confucian scholar heard the old man said that it has been expanded several times, spread severe dozen li, the house is awkward, almost a small county.

According to him, he inquired. There are more than one village in this kind of village. It is horrible and awesome to lay down the scene!

Middle age person has a glimpse of his heart and keeps his feet. After a short time, I walked into the village.

“Hey! He is a scholar, come back!” One person on the side of the road, lying on the ground so lazily, greeted.

“Hey! Actually caught a pheasant, yes, yes, it’s all about the power of the book. It seems that it’s all rumors! Not telling you, if you are hungry in the belly. Can you come to my house to eat?”

This person said, it is a little narrow.

Appeasement only can’t be seen, knowing that this person is not bad, that is, love takes some verbally cheap, smiles and replies: “Several times, courtesy. How can you add harassment!”

“Zhou is only a scholar, but I am very happy with it. The richness of the products makes me almost think that I have arrived at the Aristocratic Family. There is no livelihood…”

The person lying down shook his head: “The words of the scholars. Some don’t understand… forget it, if you have leisure, you can come to my house. After all, that many food, how to eat it…”

Jingjing bowed his hand and thanked him, and walked away. Not long after, came to a shop.

Although this shop is small, but the rice, oil and salt sauce vinegar tea, are all prepared, and everything is top grade, it is said that the essential salt of the people, sold here, the color is pure white, faintly green, is the specialty of Qinghu House ‘青盐’ is a royal tribute.

Ordinary people can’t see each other. The price has always been more than silver, a pound of green salt, you can exchange a pound of silver.

Here, there is a whole lot of cylinders, about a hundred pounds. Seeing that the scholar’s ​​eyes were straightforward, although they were not coming for the first time, they were deeply shocked.

“After the birth, what do you want to buy this time?” asked the owner, laughed.

“Working Lao Guo, give me half a catty of green salt, another pot of vinegar, two packs of tea!” Jingjing did not dare to neglect, said the ceremony.

His mind is clear, although the time is short, but there is some understanding of this.

Other wandering souls, this groceries shop owner, are respectful and addictive, do not dare to offend, presumably come to the head is not small, since the number of courtesy, can not offend.

“Good! Come, get it!” Although the shopkeeper looked at his age, his hands and feet were arrogant. After three or two times, he would praise the things and pack them into a package and hand them to Jingjing.

After receiving it, I took it out and went out on my own. I didn’t pay.

The owner did not ask, just smiled and looked at Jingjing to leave.

When Jing Jinggang stepped out of the door and saw a glimpse of his eyes, he saw that the salt tank that had taken the salt before was full again and seemed to have not decreased.

My heart sighed: “These things in this shop are not only of superior quality, but also inexhaustible. They are inexhaustible. The shopkeeper is also a stranger. Actually, the villagers take it, and do not accept a text…”

Going back to my own mansion, the door is unlocked and the door is opened. This yard is not small, and it is bigger than the house that Li Family rewards to Jingjing.

“In addition to the absence of a maid’s child, this life is better than I am in Li Family! The city is really a god!”

Since no one is helping, I can only do it myself. I will cook the pheasant. Although he is not good at it, he is rich in materials and willing to waste. After a few days, he will not be able to cook a good dish, but at least he can make it. Cooked food, do not have to go to other people’s home to play the autumn wind.

This pheasant tastes very fresh, and the appetizing is very refreshing, that is, there is no wine, some regret!

In the shop just now, there are wines for sale, and they are all good wines. But this wine is the only thing that collects money, and it is not owed.

The money used here, appeasement also met, is a kind of white big money, there are rune on it, the light is shining, it is very different.

This white big money seems to be used not only to buy fine wine, but last time, appeasement will be seen, a wandering soul, somehow, lacking an arm, crying, and happening to have a good-hearted person, can’t bear it, will The money was thrown into the soul, and the soul of the soul was completely recovered.

This is the first time that Jingjing has seen such a coin, but from the face of that kind-hearted person, this money is probably extremely precious, not so easy to get. At least, appeasement is coming for ten days, and there is no work there. You can send this big money.

After appeasement observation, those who have this money are not ordinary people. Appeasement can even feel a sense of oppression from them.

Moreover, the body of these wandering souls is generally thicker than the appeasement.

“When I read a hundred books, I also saw the record of people dying as ghosts. Originally, I thought that I couldn’t talk about it, I don’t want to be at the moment, I’m a ghost, and I’m talking about it…”

Suddenly smiled and laughed, and thoughts could not fly back to the 10th.

On that day, he got the news that the Lord died, and even was copied from the family, and he couldn’t help but choose to kill himself.

After I didn’t want to die, I turned into a ghost, and I was almost wiped out by the temperament of the festival.

Fortunately, at the end, somehow, the law automatically retreated, and spared his life, before he was able to struggle on the at the death’s door.

After the scene, the memory of Yujing is still fresh.

Two big men, the officers and men dressed up, the body exuded with suffocation, suddenly appeared, looked at Jingjing, sipped: “It’s you!”

One person grabbed one arm and took the appeasement away. He was a literati. Although his life was good, he did not have much luck in his body. Even if he was a ghost, he had no basic mana, and he could not resist it. He had to be restrained.

These two Yin Soldier’s feet are full of wind, and they go fast. The appease only feels a rush of clouds, and when they stop, they have already arrived at a great hall.

This palace is very big, watching the regulation, even a mere partial temple, Jingjing just suppressed the shock in my heart, I heard the above voice: “Who is the audience? Come and announce your name !”

Looking up, it is a young bureaucrat. The majesty is not small, and the appeasement can hardly be seen.

When I reported the name, the young man picked up a paper and looked at it carefully. He said, “Well! It’s called Jingjing, Linjiang House, and there is another incense. Your parents go early, wife is not a city. Believers can only use for themselves!”

After that, with a wave of hand, a small white column, it fell into the body of the appeasement, and the appeasement only felt a warm flow, and could not tell the comfort and comfort.

“You have settled down in the country!” The youth seemed to be very busy. Instead of waiting for Jingjing to ask questions, they sent away.

After that, I was brought here and enjoyed the tenth day.

I remembered the incense that the young bureaucrat said, and I couldn’t help but smile.

He is determined to help the community, how can he not understand Wu Nan? At the time of his youth, he also traveled to various prefectures and counties in Wunan to inquire about intelligence and increase his experience.

When I heard the word incense, I saw the Yin Soldier Palace. I still don’t know where it is.

To put it bluntly, this city is a god, since it supports Song Yu, it is the enemy of Li Family.

Before the appeasement, I traveled to Anchang, and I went to the Chenghuang Temple to get a fragrant incense. I didn’t want to do this. I had a fate and I was taken back to support after death.

The appeasement did not insist on any literati style. After all, I died once and everything looked at it.

Besides, no matter who is looking at it, since the appeasement has already reported Li Family’s knowledge of death, then it will be clear.

The present appeasement is a free body, of course, for yourself.

Jing Jing silently thought that he had come over so many days, and he was thoroughly familiar with the situation around him.

According to his understanding of the situation, the nearby souls, like him, are believers in the city, or have incense. After being killed, he was picked up and placed here.

Of course, you can apply for it, but out of the law, life essence is reduced by half, in addition to really act recklessly, which dare to do this?

But staying in the jurisdiction, it is not always dead, the Jingjing often sees, there are many souls, when the blur is not seen, was taken away by Yin Soldier.

It would not be great to want to come to the end.

According to the rumor, ordinary ghosts, lifespan is seven days, in the legal domain, there can be fourteen days. In addition, the more faithful the faith is, the more incense, the longer it will live, the heartbeat of the mind, the warmth of the day, There are some guesses.

But when a person becomes a soul after death, it is not a belief, nor an incense. It is a daily prayer, and it is useless.

“I have been here for ten days. According to the general situation, it may not last long, it will be taken away by Yin Soldier… although my soul is not weak and fuzzy, but it is not preventable!”

Appeasement faintly feels that there are some differences between himself and other souls, but it is still planned according to the general situation.

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