Naturally, I don’t know, he has azure life, although the air transport is meager, even after a death, Yin Soldier can’t beat it.

However, there is a foundation in it, and it can live longer than other souls. In the legal field, it is more obvious.

“After these days, if you want to stay for a long time, the best way is to join the city system, be a Yin Soldier or a literary!”

The appease is faint.

“The date of this selection is uncertain, but recently I heard the wind, and the city seems to be expanding. I think there are many gaps and opportunities!”

Yu Jing has learned a person, as long as there is a selection, it will not fall.

“According to the past rules, it is in these few days!” Jing Jing waved his sleeves and stood up and looked at the distant sky.

On the face, there is some bitter smile: “Speaking of it, this city is a god, and my former lord, or an opponent, now I have to take the initiative to vote for him…”

“The world is amazing, people don’t know where to start…”

Just as the appeasement sighs the impermanence of life, in the distance, suddenly the sound of Zhong Zhong is loud, and even the country side can be heard.

“This is the joy of the Lord! Is it before the city is out, is it going back now?” Jingjing eyes moved, secretly measured.

During the golden light, Fang Ming walked slowly into the great hall of the city. As he entered, the bells on both sides of the great hall suddenly sounded without wind and sound. The entire city of the law, seems to be cheering, and welcomes the arrival of the master.

In these scenes, mortals are shocked and inexplicable, but for Fang Ming, they are used to it, and they don’t care. They sit down from the Lord.

The sound of Zhong Rong. It rang three times and waited until the dust settled, in the great hall at this time. It is already full of people.

The Shinto power, to himself, Fang Ming’s men, followed by at least a few years, got the resources of the gods, and tempered day by day, now each and everyone. The soul is solid, even with a French pattern, releasing light. Fortunately, they are well aware of the subordinates. Try to be restrained, otherwise, the entire great hall will become a place of competition.

These ones. It is the whole team of Fang Ming. I am going to Xin’an now. Calculating the manpower, there are some shortcomings.

Fang Ming looked away, everyone below, Wen Zuowu right arranged, all salute: “Welcome to the city master to return to the palace!”

On the left hand side, it is the record of the history of Guo Sheng, the doctor of the disease, Zheng Kuan, the fat priest Li Kong, and the son of the priest Li Ming. Among them, Zheng Kuan and so on, after so many years, only pulled out. Level one. From the order to the priest.

Next, there are several people in the village land gods Wang Zhong, Wu Hongyu, Zhou Si and Wang Deng. Zhou Si, Wang Deng two. Originally at Fang Ming, he served as a book, and later released it as a land god. It looks good and did a good job.

In the end, the talents of the latecomers, although they can still be above the old man, can only be confined to the last seat. Liu Wen and Guan Li are also listed.

On the right, Xie Jin was the first to take the lead. He was the commander of the seven products. Under Fang Ming, he had the highest status and was highly valued.

It is a pity that Fang Ming decided beforehand that the position of the military commander did not grant the position of the gods. Naturally, it was not allowed to be incense. Compared with other land gods, it was good or bad. It depends on everyone’s opinions.

Subsequently, it was Zheng Jing and Xu Yuan. They were promoted by Fang Ming into Zhengzheng Ba Zhenwei, and there were also five hundred Yin Soldier. Although there was no god, the military did not scatter and it was greatly supported.

Later, there are some camps and the like, and there are dozens of people in the forest, and the red and white atmosphere is pervasive. The most important thing for Fang Ming is Xie Ming, Sun Si and Bao Kunxiong.

These three people are now camping, but they can stand out, and their lives are not bad. Although there is no time before, they can’t be promoted.

However, since I entered the Fang Ming method, there are many natural opportunities in the future.

In addition to the left and right, there is also the daughter of Gu Xiaolian, dressed in a ritual robes, standing on the side of Fang Ming, serving as a maid, she was a ghost repairer, and later she became a spiritual girl under the seat of the city, and she got the help of Fang Ming. Day advance, not the core of the door.

Others, as well as He Yuqing, pearls, etc., are all idle aides, not into this hall.

“These people are enough for a government, but if they are expanded to the Three Governments, they will be stretched… The talents under them are still less…”

After Fang Ming counted all the people, it was secretly sighed, and then decided to recruit some scholars among the believers.

Although it is a needle in a haystack, it is impossible to meet the bead, but if it is not, as long as the instrument is well-versed, it is more than enough to be a master of the history.

Fang Ming is now a large number of believers. In the French domain, there are also many believers who are looking for them. There are always some. Although the atmosphere of the small people is mostly white, as long as there is talent, the highest can also serve as the ninth.

With these, the bottom shelf can also be set up.

Fang Ming thought about it, looking at the gods below, and giving the decree, one word and one sentence, is like a mouthful of heaven, revealing a deep bottomless atmosphere.

“true body has reached an agreement with Xinyu to make Song Yu an agreement. He sent the beliefs of the Three Governments. The true body keeps him in good weather, the crops are harvested, and the fields are harvested. In these few days, you will move to the jurisdiction and go to Xin’an Fucheng. You Wait until you prepare…”

“The Lord’s publicity is more and more sturdy, and it is deeper and deeper…” Under the crowd, facing Fang Ming, they all felt the feeling of facing the mountains and the sea, and they could not help but say: “No!”

“Excluded!” Fang Ming waved his hand: “Now, no more than before, it’s just a county, you have to take charge of the government, and you have to rely on the help of everyone…”

Immediately issued a command: “Guo Sheng!”

Guo Sheng was listed, bowed to the ceremony and said: “Guo Sheng is here!”

“You work diligently, with the true body for a long time, dealing with the ghosts, it is also reasonable, can not be rewarded! True body seal you for the eight-city city, the general judgment, in charge of the soul and evil, can not care!”

“Nuo!” Guo Shengyi worship, before he was only a district history, but also into the gods, but Fang Ming casually, see Guo Sheng body, the history of the law service faded, replaced with the official clothing of the eight products!

Fang Ming waved his hand, and the gods descended. Guo Sheng’s body, the divine power, and the breath of the sky, actually caught up with the cultivation base of Zheng Jing and Xu Yuan!

In the Shinto, the official position is the mana. As long as you get the seal, the mana mana is immediately advanced by leaps and bounds!

Everyone around, watching is envious. However, Guo Sheng followed very early, and it was directly under Fang Ming. He had credit for it. He got it, and he couldn’t say anything. He just congratulated him.

Fang Ming smiles, the god position he has given, naturally has a backhand, can control, but in addition to these, it also contains force, and immediately the chicken dog ascends to heaven.

His direct subordinate god, naturally can not be incense, the city temple built in Xin’an, there is no Guo Sheng’s seat, compared to other land gods, there is less freedom, no one has the power to hold the pleasure. However, close to the main public, it can be promoted quickly, it can be said that there are advantages and disadvantages.

“Where is Wang Zhong?” Fang Ming drank again.

Wang Zhong is listed: “Below!”

“You hand over the errands of the land gods, and patrol the city for me. It is also a good eight!”

Before Fang Ming, I used Yin Soldier to do the inspection work. In the past life, it was like using the military as a policeman. It was a little overkill and the knife was used to kill the chicken.

Before the site was still small, in order to reduce consumption, it was barely used.

But now, it is still unclear that the powers and responsibilities are still unclear. Wang Zhongben was born in the military, and after the exercise of the land, he did the job of this inspection, but it was just right.

“Thank you!” From the sacred land of the gods to the eight patrols, the nature is also promoted, Wang Zhong Xie En, just in the blink of an eye, the law service is generated, the power is greatly advanced.

“Zheng Kuan, Li Ming, Li Kong. You three, handed over the previous messenger, each village land god, I hope you can bless one side, do not bear the true body high hope!”

Fang Ming continued to speak. He deliberately imitated Yangjiao Liu Cao and set up the Fucheng structure. These three people can only have their own lives, but they have some shortcomings.

Putting it into a village land can also be held in power. In this respect, as long as Fang Ming’s bottom line, other, Fang Ming is placed very loose, can be called a land emperor, and, from the priest to promote the nine products, is also greatly Cross!

The three of them know each other and are respectful.

“true body in the government to set up fat land, disease, send children, pray for four Cao, are all eight priests!” Fang Ming considered, slowly said.

These positions are all big profits, and everyone’s eyes are bright and they are listening.

“Zhou Si! True body Jin you two levels, seal you as fat Cao!”

“Wu Hongyu! True body seals you as a doctor! Cao Deng! True body seals you as a child!”

These three people, all of them have pure red, and have been a land god for more than ten years. They are all skilled in these Divine Ability, and they can get started quickly.

“Thank you!” Zhou Si and the three looked at each other. Although they were promoted, their divine power also advanced. However, when they entered the central government, they had to be restrained, not to mention the time of the land.

But the three of them, following Fang Ming for many years, are also familiar with Fang Ming’s character. As long as they are loyal and dedicated, they can naturally live for a long time. They are also respectful and grateful.

Fang Ming nodded, send the gods. Then he turned his eyes to the next spiritual girl.

“What is the command of the Lord?” Gu Xiaolian saw it and immediately asked.

“You are a true body, and you can be worried about the true body?” Fang Ming asked with a smile.

“To be a public official! Never die!” Gu Xiaolian solemnly said, she is also an old man, and she is deeply awed by this lord, only to be unfathomable.

“Good! True body seals you for the eight products, praying for rain, giving Divine Ability to the rain, and heading the wind and rain of Wunan Sanfu!”

Fang Ming nodded said, with a wave of hands, the gods took Divine Ability and did not enter Gu Xiaolian’s head.

Gu Xiaolian got the god position, the robe of the body changed greatly, the Wei was solemn, and the whole person seemed to have a little more sense of the Holy Spirit!

“Liu Wen! You are the main body of the true body, the eight products, the accounts!”

Fang Ming gaze to the back and said to Liu Wen.

“Small sorrow is shallow, I am afraid that there is a heavy responsibility…” Liu Wen came out, and the dagger said.

“Qing has great talent! True body has always been convinced, don’t quit!” Fang Ming waved his hand and interrupted Liu Wen’s words.

This Liu Wen, but the life of pure green, has a great life, how can I miss it?

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