Fang Ming Since the establishment of the system, you have to pay attention to a first come and then come. .

Liu Wen is a latecomer. Although he has talents, he has never been able to display it. He can only be a literary scribe.

Now that there is a vacancy, Fang Ming thought of him the first time.

Since Guo Sheng is a general judge, he is in charge of the welfare of the three government believers after his death. This is a thousand things, and he has to come to one after another to clear it. Some people have already left.

Recording the accounts again is a bit of a power failure. Besides, the power is too big.

This divine account is the foundation of the Fang Ming system and cannot be ignored. Now I am handed over to Liu Wen, but I can rest assured.

“So! Many thanks to the Lord!” Liu Wenwei silent, or thanks.

When the voice fell, Fang Ming gasped on his head and split it into Liu Wentou.

Liu Wen was originally, but it was a small cockroach, only white, but now with the help of Fang Ming, the white gas is full, and the red, azure life is slightly moved, the air transport is solidified, and it is immediately consolidated. !

“This Liu Wen, there is no foundation, from the small to the eight products, there is no pressure!” Fang Ming praise.

See also Liu Wen got the air transport, azure hit a shock, split a little azure, into the Fang Ming air transport.

Fang Ming’s eyes are condensed, and he carefully watches his own gold-printed air transport, but he can’t find it anymore. I think that azure is too subtle and is covered up by other air transport.

“The ancient book said that if you have the talents, the Lord can have a good luck. I didn’t think of Shinto. Although it is helpful, it is nothing…”

Song Yu got He Dongming, and it was immediately reflected in the air transportation. Qingqi has risen by a full amount. I didn’t expect to be here at Fang Ming, just add a little azure and I can’t see it. I thought it was an illusion.

Fang Ming is a bit stunned. This means that the more you go, the more you will not be lucky, even if you have the talent to help, it is not obvious.

But he and the others. Just for a moment, I replied again.

“Tian Xingjian! Gentlemen should be self-improvement! This Liu Wen is also a low-powered, good for me. It is subtle, but in the future, as the status improves, it is unchangeable!”

“And! The people who die in the world are always more than alive. As long as I collect more. One or two, it is not obvious, if it is a thousand thousand…”

As soon as I heard this, Fang Ming was relieved and immediately calmed down and restored calm and composed.

There is no Heart Demon in the Shinto, but Fang Ming improves the progress. It’s a bit faster, and it’s been a dozen years. Just promoted six products from the nine products. Those gods of previous life, to do this step, which does not need to accumulate for thousands of years?

Fang Ming has been advancing too fast, and naturally there are some small twists and turns, but his second life is a person, his mind is firm, and there is a memory of Mu Qing’s memory, which can be solved immediately and cannot be a big problem.

These thoughts are just a flash. Below, Liu Wen has already replaced the official uniforms of eight products. The style is majestic, and it is even more so that his face is like a crown, and the morning star is a sight to be seen.

As soon as these appointments were made, the civil service was almost arranged.

Fang Ming looked towards right hand.

Lightly told: “Xie Ming, Sun Si, Bao Kunxiong!”

The three men came out and said, “The mark is in!”

“You wait for three people, you can use Wengwu, and you have a good military. You are the true body and you are the guardian of Zhenwei, and you are leading the five hundred Yin Soldier!”

“Nuo!” These three people, before the camp is positive, now, is to rise to the top, suddenly hi-shaped, then thought of still in the temple, immediately converge.

“You three, bring their own soldiers, together with Zheng Jing and Xu Yuan, to go to the Wuyi House in the mountains and the mountains of the Tianzhu tribe. The grazing heads there, is the true body temple wish, you secretly assist him to drive out the evil spirits! ”

These five people, although their own mana, may not be as good as evil spirits, but with the help of the military, they can stand up to court.

They are all defenders, with five hundred Yin Soldier, a total of 2,500 people, this number is almost more than all the more vicious ghosts!

Before the evil spirits of the Five-Vietnamese Alliance, they were deducted by Fang Ming, and they also spared all the subordinates. It was also a heavy blow to the evil spirits alliance!

These five will have their own talents, and Xu Yuan is a great general. Dealing with the remaining evil spirits can have an advantage.

This time, it is not clear to appoint the leader. For these five will, it is also an experience. It is necessary to make waves wash out the sand and choose the real talent!

These five people, also thought of here, are all eyes black and screaming: “Subject to obey!”

“Good!” Fang Ming clapped his hands and looked forward towards the side of Xie Jin: “Thank you!”

“Being a job!”

Xie Jin came out and looked calm, and did not move for the matter just now.

“You go to Xin’an with the true body!” With Wang Zhong’s inspection, after the three ghosts of the Sanfu, there is no need to thank Xie Jin, the future Yin Soldier army, specializes in defending foreign enemies, once the shot is a big fight !

“Nuo!” Xie Jin decapitation.

“There are Song Yuzu graves, and I need to send Yin Yingier to guard the battalion!” Fang Ming thought for a moment. This is a private matter, not to be vocal, and then to seal a hill god, with a battalion to kiss Yin Soldier in the past.

“Qing waited for his duties, and he did not bear the true body.” Fang Ming said with a smile.

With the complete promulgation of the appointment, everyone under the ceremony is once again giving a big gift: “Subordinate to obey!”

Fang Ming nodded. As a result, a new power structure has been established.

In the city system, Fang Ming is at the highest level, with the palm of his hand, and killing and killing.

In the civil service, there is a general rule to govern the ghosts of the believers. The fat land, the disease, the son, and the rain are all responsible for the Divine Ability. The master book account is reconciled.

In terms of military commanders, Xu Yuan and other five defenders will be able to promote their work after they return. When they appoint several commanders, the five thousand Yin Soldier can be assigned.

Fang Ming always likes to hold power in his own hands and believes in the strength of his hands. He must surpass the sum of his subordinates and more than half of his territory.

This time, a township land god has not been promoted, let alone county towns and the like.

Although the stalls are spread out, there are some vast ones, but it is possible to set up a priest and a priest under each Cao Division to expand the manpower.

The advantage of the direct jurisdiction is that the incense spirit must first pass through Fang Ming before it can flow into the lower hand to form Divine Ability.

In this way, absolutely not afraid of subordinate rebellion. Fang Ming is most concerned about this point. Compared with this, what causes the body to be bloated is the skin!

“The true body is to lead the Sanfu faith and send the city to Fuze. These teams are somewhat inadequate!” Fang Ming sighed and ordered: “Through the true body command, confidently wandering in the soul, recruiting talents, Those who are familiar with the writings, as a literary genre! Liu Wen, you are responsible for this!”

“No!” Liu Wen said.

This selection of Shinto literary works is a great opportunity for the following souls. Once selected, it can almost grow old with unfailing eyes and ears.

As long as there is divine support, it will not dissipate beyond the limit of life essence. This is also a certain degree of longevity. In lifespan, almost one step is even more than the real cultivation base.

After all, if a real person turns into a ghost repair, it will not live a thousand years old!

Liu Wen’s palm is the right to make everyone below, they are a little jealous, and behind them, there is a family. Every year, there is a generation of souls that need to be nourished.

Once this enters the system, not only its own resources, but also all of its supply, it can have a slogan, and it can be used by the future generations. It is self-use and wonderful.

Thinking about it, is it necessary to climb some relationships, as long as people can reach the qualified line, presumably the master, will not care too much.

Fang Ming knows these things, but he doesn’t care too much. He is not in the eyes of several employees.

This is the way to control the feelings of life and death of all beings, so that he could not help but be a little intoxicated.

“In the end, it’s all life and strength!” Fang Ming secretly sighed.

Light can not live, no power, honor and disgrace is in the hands of people, just like his civil and military bureaucrats.

What’s more, the longevity without strength support is the duckweed in the wind. It is not allowed to be external. Is this false, what is Fang Ming wishing?

“Only with longevity and strength, I can pursue transcendence and pursue eternal life!”

Fang Ming eyes, seems to penetrate the entire World, with the sun, the moon and the stars are born and destroyed, emitting faint rays of light…


“Bang!”, “Bang!”, “Bang!”

The deep and heavy gongs and drums sounded in the village where the appeasement was.

As soon as I heard this, the original lazy soul was face changed, and I rushed to the center of the village.

They naturally know that whenever the gongs are ringing, when the city has a command, this order is mostly to recruit Yin Soldier.

This village life is like a paradise, but the souls of the people know that their life essence is limited, and the good scenery is not long.

If Hongfu Qitian is chosen by the city’s lord, then you can get rid of the limitations of the incense life essence and enjoy the great fortune!

This kind of temptation makes them run fast and run fast.

I am afraid that I will be taken away by others.

Before, there was a soul, the nature was lazy, missed the opportunity, and finally the chest was full, crying, and helpless, the scene of dissipating, still vivid.

How can they be scornful?

The sorrow is caught in the soul stream, and with the movement of the big stream, he did not know before, this village, there will be so many souls.

In a short time, when I arrived at the square, I saw the middle of the building, with a huge bronze plaque, Yin Soldier erected on both sides, and was struggling to make a loud squeak.

“Three times have passed! Don’t wait!” This is an Old Lady, with a healthy body and a solid body.

When I was in the heart of the heart, I knew that this person was called Guo Lao, but it was in the country.

Don’t look at the old face, before picking up the soul that does not listen to discipline, but with no difficulty.

This person is Guo Sheng’s mother. She is supported by Guo Shengluo. It is also a Shinto shrine. It has natural mana, and it is not an ordinary soul.

“Yes!” With the sound of the response, there were several Yin Soldier going forward, holding the intersection and not allowing the soul to move in again.

The soul of the journey is one step late, and it is a long-awaited cry, and it is crying and pleading, but Yin Soldier’s face is cold and it is not allowed.

Guo Mu looked at the eager eyes of the people below, and could not help but say: “This time, the city lord gave the decree, you must choose some essays, you wait, if you have confidence in your writing, you can register!”

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