“This time, don’t invite Yin Soldier, and advise you to wait for you, don’t try to get away with it! Otherwise, the city will not be light!”

Guo Mu reminded.

Looking at Fang Ming’s disappointed face, I couldn’t bear it, but I couldn’t help it.

The believers have a lot of souls, and the Yin Soldier literary genre that Fang Ming needs is a minority. Nature can’t meet the demand.

She served as Lizheng, and for ten years, she saw it much earlier.

Seeing this scene, some of the majestic generations have also retired.

In the middle of the venue, there are only a dozen scholars and scholars left, and Jingjing is also among them. This is a big world, and the knowledge is strictly controlled. The readers are dressed in azure clothes, and the temperament is different from that of the farmer Wufu.

Guo mother looked at it, nodded, and each person sent a piece of jade.

Yu Jing took a look, this jade symbol is azure, only there is a rune in the middle, Guanghua flashing, just listen to the above:

“This is a pass sign, you can wait until you can go to the Chenghuang Palace. When someone arranges an exam, the passer can be a city shackle and get rid of the troubles of the soul!”

Guo Mu explained in detail.

In this area of ​​the city, in addition to these pieces of land for believers, other places, there are Yin Soldier patrols, what is the chaos?

This jade symbol is the passport of the pass!

Yu Jing knows that it is powerful, never overstepped, and now knows about it, and indirectly shouted, and thanked the scholars together.

“On the day of the test, just tomorrow, don’t miss it!” Guo Mu said, and took Yin Soldier to leave.

The rest of the scholars looked under each other in dismay, and each other, their eyes flashed, and there was a comparison.

Appease the cold eyes. Since the ancient literati were light, even more than this life and death major event, did not immediately start, it is already very hard to teach.

At this time, the villagers behind came forward to congratulate. Each student’s face was smiling with a smile, and there was some pride in the scorpion.

“Okay! I know that the scholar is not an ordinary person. Now the opportunity is coming… I will make a fortune in the future, but don’t forget the brother…” There is also someone close to the appeasement.

“This is nature!” Jingjing said with a hand: “The grace of dripping water is still reported as a spring. If you are ungrateful, you can’t be a villain?”

“That’s good… This is good…” This man, naturally, was lying on the face of the appeasement on the same day. Now that he is suffering from loss, how can he still be chic?

I feel a bitter smile in my heart. Although it is good here, there are life essence restrictions. If it is not hopeless, who would like to do this? Seeing him now has a detached hope, and he is coming to the knot immediately, but it is also human nature!

In the eyes of the rays of light, a few steps forward, said in the ear of the man: “Exactly! I have something to trouble the big brother!”

“What happened? Even though! I am not a Hu Hansan. But there are still a few brothers in the village…” The man said with his chest.

“Yes…” Yu Jing whispered a few words in Hu Han’s ear.

Hu Hansan looked at the appeasement and looked at a few scholars in the distance and said, “originally is this way. You can rest assured…”

“So! Many thanks! If you can choose Jingjing, you will not forget the help of the brother!” Yu Jing knows that this Hu Han three minds, once again guaranteed.

“That’s good! That’s good!” This is an investment, mutual benefit, Hu Hansan will naturally not object.

Seeing the appeasement guarantee, it is even more conscious that I have found the right person.

It’s the second day. The appeasement started early, under the escort of Hu Hansan. It is also safe.

Hu Hansan took a few brothers and sent the appeasement to the village boundary. Here is Yin Soldier, and there are other crafty plots and machinations, which are useless.

Yin Soldier looked at Yu Jing’s jade, separated one person and sent him to a partial hall.

This road, also took a few hours, Rao is a body of soul, different from the stranger, but also quite a bit too much to eat.

“Is this also a test?” Jing Jing thought in his heart, but he did not dare to neglect, paying attention to the surrounding.

When he arrived at the eccentric hall, Yin Soldier did not go in. After the courtesy thanked him, he strode forward.

Seeing that this is a partial hall, but it is also copper nailed red lacquer, Zhu Liangyu building, connected to the ground, are water jade stone base, light can be known.

“It is the home of the public servants, but it is just like this. Here, it is only a partial office!”

Looking around, the hall is hollow, with hundreds of tables and chairs, and four treasures of writing and other papers.

In some places, some people have already taken a seat. When they see it, they are people in the village. They are appeased, or nodded for courtesy, or look at them with cold eyes.

Jingjing took a ritual and sat down in an empty position. At this time, the Fangjue Hall exudes a silky sandalwood. With the breathing, the feeling of exhaustion of the former body is swept away, only to feel full of energy, no Not good.

Yu Jing’s heart sighs, but since he became a wandering soul, in the legal field, he has seen almost strange things, almost more than what he has seen before, but also some resistance, no on the spot lost self-control.

About Momo waited for an hour, the door of the hall was slowly closed, and the appeasement and the scholars were all in the heart, knowing that the meat was coming.

At this time, a young man dressed as a civil servant stepped into the arena, and the insignificant majesty of his body made the scholars dare not look straight and bowed their heads.

This gentleman is naturally Liu Wen. He is now the master book of the city, and he is a priest of the eight priests. Even if he intentionally converges, the pressure that is released is not easily accepted by the general soul.

Waiting for Liu Wen to stand, all the scholars will salute together: “I have seen adults!”

Liu Wen nodded: “All up!” After the students got up, they said, “This official Liu Wen is the main test!”

“Now the time has come, if you don’t come, you will be deemed to give up automatically!”

Appease looked at some empty seats, and my heart sighed.

Among them, there are his acquaintances, and he has talked with him. It is a personal talent. He is usually famous, but he is too sharp and has now lost his chance.

Although doing this, after the investigation, it is impossible to hide. But as long as you test it, you can calmly resolve it.

This evil person is naturally this mind. After all, it is not a god. Soon after, it is soul destroyed! Naturally, you have to fight hard!

Qujing Jingsu is a singer, and Hu Hansan took the guard of the brother, and was spared.

“This selection test has started since yesterday!” Jing Jing secretly sighed.

However, he heard Liu Wen’s voice: “…the way of the official, the law of the people. It can be said! It is limited to two hours!”

When the voice fell, the front of the hall, there was an incense burner out of thin air, and there was a long green fragrance in the middle. This fragrance has the thickness of an adult thumb. Burning is very slow, it seems that this is the time, appease and public candidates look at each other, hurry to sit down, or bow down and meditate, or work hard. There are many things in life.

Liu Wen is nodded. If it is human, it is natural to send soldiers to suppress the order, but the world is different.

It is by his power level. It will be able to suppress the whole audience, and observe the micro-sense, every student’s subtle every move, will be in the eyes of Liu Wen, and want to cheat in the French domain? Just looking for dead end!

In the brains of the candidates, the time passed without knowing it.

Waiting for the incense to burn out, Liu Wen sipped: “Times are coming! Candidates stop writing!”

Occasionally there are a few candidates, and they don’t stop writing. See Liu Wen coldly snorted, not how to move, these candidates. It was a soft body that fell to the ground.

“Disrupt the order, ousted from the examination room, the results are invalid!” Liu Wen said coldly, there are two Yin Soldier coming over, dragging the crying candidates out.

The forehead of the appeasement is not allowed to go straight down. In the jurisdiction of Fang Ming. Scholars, though not a lot. But the victory is endless, and the territory will expand with the future. It can be foreseen and will increase.

But these scholars, in addition to relying on Fang Ming, have no choice, this difference has suddenly caused the status of unequal.

When Liu Wen looked at himself, he smashed a few people, and he was also a little lost. Then came back to his senses and sighed: “Is this the power of taste? It is easy to be addicted…”

The surface is not obvious, the power is surging, and the other papers on the table of the candidates are lifted by the breeze and floated into the hands of Liu Wen.

“You wait for each other to go back and wait for the news. Within three days, there will be results!” Liu Wen moderated his tone and said warmly.

The examinees looked at each other and could not do it. The ceremony said: “Students know!”

They all sneaked out and felt exhausted. They just wanted to sleep for a few days.

At the end of the appease, I looked at the hall again, and then sighed and said: “If the personnel is done, look at the fate!”

No more embarrassing, striding away.

Time went to the night, in the public room, Liu Wen is reviewing the candidates’ papers.

He has learned a lot, doing these things, it is effortless, read a piece, see these articles, although the writing is not too beautiful, but at least the reason is smooth, to be a book, but enough, not todded.

Turned to a roll, I saw flying dragons and dancing phoenixes, pens and dragon snakes, the font is just alive and elegant, and the curls are very refreshing, and suddenly the spirit is great.

Looking at the beginning, I was attracted, and I read the complete article without knowing it. I felt that I couldn’t help but read it again.

After reading the product, I suddenly got some true meaning. I only felt that the whole article was a word and a word, and I couldn’t help but praise it: “It’s a great talent!”

Look at the name, but it is appease!

“So talented, but not what I can decide, when reporting to the protagonist!” Liu Wenqian, gentleman, will not start any heart, but he immediately got up, holding the volume of appeasement, seeking to see the Lord.

“Oh! There are even volumes that you are convinced, true body will see you!” Fang Ming said with interest in the study.

After taking the paper handed by Liu Wen, Fang Ming swept his eyes and saw the name of Jingjing. He couldn’t help but laugh: “Who is this? It turned out to be this person! No wonder! No wonder!”

“The Lord knows this person?” Liu Wen asked.

He used to be a casual job. He didn’t know much about the situation in Wunan. If he was a famous person like Li Rubi or Zhu Xie, he knew it naturally. But before the appeasement was just a small adviser under Li Rubi, his name was not obvious. Liu Wen It’s also common sense to hear nothing.

“This person was originally Li Rubi’s majesty…” Fang Ming put down the paper and explained it casually.

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