Fang Ming had a chance to attract money when he was shackled into a soul. But he has to resist himself, that is, to grind the temper of this person.

After all, in the jurisdiction, life and death are in the hands of Fang Ming, and can sit on the Diaoyutai.

Now it seems that the results are not small, seeing so many things, Yu Jing finally got the idea of ​​relying on.

“This…” Liu Wen wants to stop, although he did not know the appeasement before, but Fang Ming’s attitude, he still knows.

Since Patriarch, the support is Song Yu, the Li Family has been destroyed, this person is Li Family, is it not used?

For the talent of appeasement, there are still some regrets, and I can’t help but say: “The Lord! This person has great talents, although it has been reversed before, but the death of the people is extinguished…”

“You don’t have to say it!” Fang Ming smiled and waved, interrupting Liu Wen’s words.

“The matter of the yang world, since it will not be brought to the underworld, since the pursuit of progress, how can the true body block?”

“Just take him as the head of the case, you will choose nine more people, together for the writing! Add the divisions!”

“The Lord is wise!” Liu Wenxing.

Fang Ming laughed heartily, he holds the longevity and the channel of advancement. These talents, no matter how talented, will eventually be used for him.

In the world, the result is that the monopoly is the most happy!


This is a ridge of land, and it has already opened a lot of fields. The roadside creek jade belt also seems to flow slowly.

Not far away, you can also see the huge silhouette of the waterwheel. The farmer on the side of the road, though sweaty on his face, looked happy and satisfied.

A carriage, patrolling along the road. Behind, it is followed by nearly a hundred Knight guards, all wearing armor. Fine and aggressive.

On the carriage, Song Yuxi opened the curtain and looked at the scenery outside. He said: “It seems that it is very smooth here! Meng Zhu, you have done a good job!”

Meng Zhunzheng returned: “This is the power of the Lord! The Lord has a command. Anyone who has done a good job has a field, and the people are more enthusiastic. The people are also gathered here! In a few months, you can open a field of 10,000 acres. !”

Song Yu nodded, his true body, although he has not personally come, but has sent Xie Jin and Wang Zhong. First sweep the new evil spirits.

The murderer is removed. Naturally, you can open up a lot of things. Every county has good news. The lowest is 5,000 acres, and there are tens of thousands.

This is still a new home, after waiting to catch up, the other two houses can also be developed.

Song Yujing looked at it. Seeing the white air, it is produced from the field. Gathering into a stream, reintegrating into its own gas, it is not a big pleasure.

Every day, his strength is skyrocketing!

Song Yu has a past life knowledge and firmly believes that contradictions run through the development of things. This principle can be applied to the big dry. Every time the end of the world, land annexation, officials and the party, the wind of corruption prevails, killing is inexhaustible.

The contradiction between the peasants and the landlords, even the peasants and peasants, the landlords and the landlords, is increasingly sharp.

The situation has reached a point where it is difficult to return. Only when the situation is renewed and new, it can be eased.

On this basis, Song Yu has taken a different approach and opened up a larger piece of interest to ease the contradictions. Is this liberated strength comparable to others?

This is still a new open field, waiting for the city to be in place, the harvest is soaring 50%, it is even more angry! At that time, there will be the cost of sweeping the world!

Song Yu visited the winter 垦, very satisfied, carriage just one to the festival, there is Shen Wenbin up to sue: “The lord! The tribute talents, and the political hall of this year’s graduates, are waiting at Wenhua Pavilion… …”

“Well! This town will go see you!” Song Yu nodded, went to Wenhua Pavilion, big sleeves fluttering, faintly walked like a dragon and stepped like a tiger capital, see everyone, can not help but heart.

This matter is naturally ordered by Song Yu. Even if he accepts talents, he must also pass the bottom of his heart.

It’s too early to do the imperial examinations, but it’s still possible to do a small temple test.

The Aristocratic Family of the three prefectures has eliminated a few stubborn ones. For other big families, as long as they do not commit Song Yu’s decree, they are safe homes.

Song Yu won a new open field, and did not need to compromise with the Aristocratic Family or the blood from the Aristocratic Family. Even if there is a apportionment, it is only a form, indicating obedience to domination.

Wu Nan Aristocratic Family, not blind, Song Yu Xin is glorious, how can they not prepare early?

The scorpion and the like are not willing, but a few scorpions are next to each other, but it does not matter. Even if it is a failure, the gecko can be broken.

Coupled with the running of the political hall for so long, and finally some results, Song Yu decided to meet together. By the way, he can test his talents and let him know what he is.

When he thought of the political office, Song Yu couldn’t help but sigh. He still underestimated the strictness of this law.

Those farmer’s children, who listened to freely teach and learn, also provided food and clothing, and there were arrangements after the completion of the study. After Song Yu took the Sanfu, the youngsters who signed up almost smashed the threshold of the political hall. Song Yu had to add a decree and announced that he would enter the political office. He also had to pass the selection examination and brush down some people to avoid insufficient resources.

This is also the prototype of the imperial examination.

But now Song Yu employs people, or is recommended. These political hall students, in order to be in the first place, must have tested two games, one entry, and the qualification to study in the political office.

After the defamation, you need to try a year with the Aristocratic Family to get an appointment.

In comparison, the children of Aristocratic Family not only have one birth, but also have family support, and the speed of promotion is not comparable to that of the political church.

Song Yu itself, just want to use these students to slightly suppress the Aristocratic Family arrogance, there is no substitute, after all, the timing is wrong.

Even so, these farmer’s children, in the hope of a glimmer of hope, are also seized, Song Yu will hear Chen Yun’s newspaper, these students, many of them study overnight, and even read and read the vomiting blood!

After a few more steps, I entered the Wenhua Pavilion and Song Yu went straight to the Lord.

The following two waves of people are bowing to the ceremony: “I have seen the festival to make adults!”

“Imperial!” Song Yu looked down, dozens of people underneath, sly distinct, while Jinyi jade clothing, instrument out of the ordinary. On the one hand, it was a coarse cloth, but the wash was extremely clean, and there was a little bit of enthusiasm in the low self-esteem.

Song Yuyi indicated that Shen Wenbin went forward and said: “You are seated!”

Waiting for everyone to sit down, your own servant will try to curl down, this test paper is very simple, just two questions.

A policy, talking about the general trend, the test is the overall situation of candidates. One is a practical case, and the candidates are required to write a concrete solution.

At this time, the candidates also refused to be hostile, and they were caught in the hard work.

Song Yu is at the top of his heart, and his heart moves, and he looks at Divine Ability and looks down.

The weather in the hall, under the eyes of Song Yufa, suddenly disappeared, showing the difference.

I saw the fullness of the red and white, Song Yu could not be nodded, Aristocratic Family, since it can be recommended, it is also a little learned, even if the political church students, after so long exercise, some red, is normal.

Song Yu looked into the eyes, most of the candidates are red and white, pure white, but this is nothing, the life of pure white, can also serve as the seat of the nine products.

In the middle, there are several pure red lives, which is a county Junyan.

Finally, in this red and white, there are a few golden, rays of light.

Song Yu’s heart moved and wrote down the names of these people.

After the exam, Song Yu hosted a banquet for the candidates, but Shen Wenbin took several deputy examiners to read the papers.

When the banquet is over, the work is done almost.

After waiting for the candidates to retire, Song Yu transferred to the back hall, and saw Shen Wenbin holding a stack of papers waiting.

Seeing that Song Yu came forward, the ceremony said: “The Lord! I have already arranged the order!”

Song Yu took it, and when he looked at it carefully, he saw it. He said that the Aristocratic Family is dominant, and there are many words that are bright and eye-catching. But when it comes to practical operations, it is the case of the political church students.

Can’t help but reveal the joy: “This government office, still do it with your heart, the mountainmaster should remember it!”

“Nuo!” Next to his own text, take notes.

Song Yu looked at his name again and saw several pure reds and goldens he cares about. They were all in the top ten. They couldn’t help but smile and said: “The top ten are from the nine-character Wenlin Lang into the official shogunate! The rest, Sent to the counties, train the divisions, the treatment is equal to the priest!”

This is equivalent to an internship, first accumulating experience, and then granting a full-time job.

“Nuo!” Shen Wenbin respectfully responded and asked: “There are also Aristocratic Family children, only for the employees, is it too low?”

“This town is too high?” Song Yu sneered. He also said: “Dagan officials, three years in a single job, but only know the dance and ink, not too much trouble, more than being shackled overhead, this is the source of the disaster…”

Next, Song Yu did not say, but Shen Wenbin knew well. These sergeants, smashed with the Aristocratic Family, formed the foundation of the Aristocratic Family for thousands of years, and sometimes the Imperial Imperial Capital had to retreat.

“Now the town started from scratch, it is the time to clear the dysentery, the hereditary hereditary, it is a great harm! Pass the town’s decree, after the squad, are three-year evaluation, excellent promotion, the next place to dismiss! ”

“If the three evaluations of the history are excellent, then rise from the nine products and give the official body!”

“This order has been executed since today, but the former employee can give a grace, and inheritance three generations!”

Song Yu got up and walked slowly.

He has been thinking about this for a long time and must do it. The current Dagan, although on the surface are officials respected, the actual work of the following are all employees, as long as the courage is fine, you can overhead the officials, arbitrarily filled with private scams, but things are officials sin, how can this be?

Now, Song Yu is breaking the censor hereditary system and clearing the hurricane!

Although this incident will have an impact on the system, Song Yubai started his own work and was very restricted. He could bear it. On the contrary, it cannot be delayed. The more procrastinating, the more difficult it is to return.

But for the employees, they can’t be killed by a stick. Song Yu also gave comfort.

The first is to avoid the ceiling of promotion. In the past, this sergeant, if he did not have great merits, was a servant in his life. Although he was full of oil, he had a bad reputation and no official body. In essence, he was still a small people! There is a chance now!

The second is to send grace to the former employees, so that they can also inherit three generations, after three generations, only to be included in the evaluation system.

There are two points, but also a lot of comfort, the rest, if you dare to have resentment, then the natural thunder disposal, no words!

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