Although Hong Quan’s life is not too high, it is a good hand to rule the army. I only see the order being continually sent. For a moment, I have already set up a high platform. Please go to Song Yu to read it.

Song Yu saw, not allowed by nodded, this Hong Quan, ruled this six hundred water master, but more than enough.

With his talent, at least he can lead a city. If you can use it sincerely and study hard, it will be possible to become the master of the Navy and lead the six thousand water army.

Song Yu went to the forefront, and this high platform was built on the side of the harbor. When he was condescending, he saw the big river, and the sun shone on the water waves, and the golden scales appeared.

On the top of the golden wave, there are two waves of water confrontation, divided into red and white, each with three ships, about three hundred people.

Song Yu saw that the Navy had a small scale and could not help but smile. He said: “The sergeant is full, the morale is strong, and Hong Quan, it seems that you are using your heart…”

As soon as the voice fell, this flooded the head, and it was a little more golden. This is Song Yu’s dying, the lowering of the air.

Although Song Yu is still not comparable to the emperor, he can change his life and change his life. But in Wunan, it is also a big one, and every word and deed can change the fate of the people. This is also the master of life to some extent!

“Many thanks to the Lord’s public praise!” Hong Quan liked to bow down, he knows well, among the Navy, as long as the Lord’s grace is endless, and there is no loss of trust, then with the identity of the founding veteran, as long as a little effort, Countless glory and wealth, and the wife of the wife, rely on it.

Asked again: “Lord! Do you start the exercise?”

See Song Yu nodded, Hong Quan got up. After turning around, the momentum immediately changed, and returned to the Navy of the killing decision.

Facing the commander. Screaming: “The order is coming, the exercise begins!”

The flag soldier got the signal and immediately took off two flags from the back and waved the signal. The sound of the drums around it also rang, and the distant li was passed.

The two warships facing each other on the river slowly moved. Killed to the other side.

With the “peng”, the two sides slammed together and the sailors roared. Waving the wooden knife in his hand and killing him.

These ordnance, although wooden, are too aggressive. Excessive force. Will also die!

However, Song Yu did not think that the war was not a family, it was training, but also had a bloody suffocation. He gave the death indicator early, and also specifically told the deceased to pay for the death.

Song Yu treated the soldiers and always treated them very well. Now there is another field, and I will never say anything. This is already worth the loss of life.

Song Yujing looked at the two sides to fight.

Seeing the soldiers of the Shuijun, there is no more than A, and some even red, bare upper body, even the short shirt is not worn, the weapons used are mostly small.

I know that whether it is bamboo or leather, it is solid and bulky. It is a good land, but it is a good one. But once it falls into the water, it is a little more than a few pounds. It is a mortal situation. said.

Therefore, the Sergeant of the Water Squad, only relying on water to fight, is the officer of the team and is also trying to choose a lightweight leather armor.

As for the generals, because you don’t have to fight in the first line, you can wear armor.

At this time on the river surface, the two ships meet, it has entered the most intense joint warfare, from time to time there are soldiers falling into the water, picking up a large piece of water.

Song Yu carefully observed, and saw the soldiers of the water army, mostly flexible, on the deck as a flat.

Land battles, since the emphasis on thick very ruthless, but placed on the water, but it is light and flexible to win.

This can be seen in the soldiers. The selection of the army, the more tall, burly and sturdy generation, and the water army soldiers, mostly light and healthy tide!

After the battle lasted for a quarter of an hour, the red side took the advantage. Hong Quan got the Song Yu gesture, which made the Mingjin retreat.

“Well! This war red party wins, it should be rewarded, pass the town order, the house kills a few fat pigs, let the soldiers stop eating!”

“Nuo!” Hong Quan passed down the order, and soon the whole army was uplifted. The marching ceremony shouted: “Thank you for being handsome!”

At this time, there are still some Qin and Han ethos in the army. The good meat on the fat pigs is enjoyed by the winners, but in the water and pigs, the losers can also get some, one solution! Therefore, the whole army is very excited.

“Hong Quan, this exercise is very good, and it can be improved in the future…”

Song Yu faintly commented, and occasionally made some comments, Hong Quan is listening to it.

After waiting to finish, Song Yu asked: “If you practice the water army, what can be difficult? Even though it is said! The town will solve it for you…”

Hong Quan knows that this is not the language of the main public, what is said: “reporting to the main public, now the manpower field, are all available, but the lack of officers, the camp is and the team is positive, there are vacancies …”

Song Yu listened, and there was some bitter smile in my heart.

Although his origins are not meager, Song Family is not a county, and the foundation and prestige are still shallow.

At the beginning, even the army officers were in short supply, and when other heroes started, there were many who would rely on the Aristocratic Family, or cultivate themselves at home.

Just like at the end of the Han Dynasty, Cao Cao and Sun Jian can pull up three or four thousand, five or six thousand people when they return home.

Are these all falling in the sky? All are self-cultivated private soldiers first-class! Usually take over the field, count as a tenant, to use things, just pull out a talent that is long and long!

With this foundation, it will not be a sentence to expand the army in the future.

But it’s the turn of Song Yu, it’s not such a good thing. I had to set up a Martial Hall to teach the farmer’s armymen who didn’t know.

These officers, let them kill with a knife, it is not afraid! But asking them to learn a few words is harder than going to heaven!

Every time Song Yu recalls, there are some memories of the past.

But fortunately, with the expansion of the site, the reputation has gradually spread, and there are also many soldiers and family members to rely on, and after the long-term operation of the Martial Hall, it is gradually getting on the right track and enriching Song Yu.

The current navy is also experiencing the same problem.

“What is the Navy Officer?” Song Yu said to himself, and he got up and said with a smile: “If you are in Wubei, how much is there, but Wunan Mountain, the famous aristocratic Family, is really not… …”

Suddenly, the flash of light flashed, looking at the sky in the distance, said with a smile: “But within three steps, there must be grass, Hong Quan! You go with the town, say no, you can solve this matter…”

Immediately after the high platform, back to the team, Hong Quan followed closely.

Song Hu’s order was ordered, and the team’s ceremonial movements began slowly.

This time, it was in the direction of Fucheng. Hong Quan thought about the words of the Lord. In my heart, there was some expectation, and the thoughts continued to fluctuate with the horses.

The squadrons marched on the official road, bringing in a burst of dust, like a yellow giant dragon, and arrived at the destination in a short time.

Hong Quanyi looked, this is a new building, the regulation is neat and tidy, just like a knife and a chisel, full of masculine atmosphere.

“It turned out to be Martial Hall!” Hong Quan muttered to himself.

Although he did not enter here, he played the famous of Martial Hall and also like thunder piercing the ear. However, this is Martial Hall, which is the place of the army. Can you find a navy talent?

Martial Hall is a middle-aged soldier. He is very majestic. Hearing that Song Yu personally came, he also feared to pay respect: “Before you have seen the handsome!”

“Well! Get up!”

Song Yu said calmly, and looked at the sky too late, saying: “Passing the town order, set up a banquet for Martial Hall students!”

This is also to see together, observe the gas number. Song Yu is looking forward to Divine Ability, but I am afraid that I can’t find a few useful ones?

“Nuo!” This mountain soldier was born, and the work was very resolute, so go ahead and prepare.

In less than half an hour, I organized a hall, put on a banquet, and played the Martial Hall student officer.

This is the great dear banquet! Honor is incomparable, not to mention, if you are fortunate enough to be a handsome man, how much help is it for the future military road?

The Martial Hall students, without exception, all arrived, respectfully waiting for Song Yu to come.

When Song Yu arrived in the field, what he saw was such a situation.

This kind of scene, since he was in the upper position, it is much more to see. At this time, I sit down from the room and enjoy the gift of the hundred officials.

“The logo has been seen before!” In the Martial Hall, it is natural to be a soldier, and it is also a military ceremony. Under this worship, the solemn atmosphere of the Corpse Mountain Blood Sea is full of appearance and spread in the hall.

Song Yu looked at it, and the following officers were filled with officers. These are the grassroots non-commissioned officers.

The current Martial Hall is still a basic education for officers.

Song Yu found that it was good, not only can just and honorable to withdraw from the officer, to prevent the mountain from sitting. And at the time of the investigation, there was also a good excuse.

This is also beneficial for weakening the Aristocratic Family.

My heart decided to strengthen the construction of Martial Hall. After I promoted the middle-ranking officer, I had to come here to study before I could release the appointment.

You can even train senior military talents, which is the hardcore guarantee for the future!

Of course, this is just a plan and there are many problems to be solved. Song Yu is now only setting up basic training, and confessing to the most basic military command and military law of Wu Chang, has already attracted a lot of dissatisfaction. If it is to be deepened, this counterattack will be even more fierce!

However, Song Yu still decided to lay the pawn now and start reforming. After all, everything is now grassroots, and the white paper is good for painting. The resistance encountered is also the smallest.

If you wait until later, your internal vested interests will react and you will be obstructed. That is hard to return.

Song Yu came back to his senses, and he saw the lower officer, there are about a hundred people, red and white, overflowing into the sea of ​​clouds, full of halls.

Among them, there is still a lot of whiteness, and red is very rare.

“oh!” Song Yu sighs secretly, how can talents be so good? With red, it is a time to be a handsome, if it is a civil servant, you can go to the county government. If it is a martial way, you can almost do all the command, and control one hundred and two hundred fines, but what is it?

This Wu Chang and the fire chief position, but they are all white, can have red, or the officer’s own life and air transport.

“It can’t be too demanding!” Song Yu sighed.

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