Song Yu’s toast said: “Everyone is a good talent! After the expansion of the town, the opportunity to win the official body, the wife’s shade…”

This is a bit thick, but it is very appetizing for the following non-commissioned officers, mostly with a pair of eyes shining, I can’t wait to look at it immediately!

“Come! Drink this cup with the town!” Song Yu sipped his glass of wine.

“Xie Dashuai!” The following non-commissioned officers, did not dare to neglect, have toasted.

These non-commissioned officers, many of them have been slashed out of the folks, and their nature is rough. Song Yu does not say any poetry and songs. If he talks loudly, he will only give the best treatment in the future, and promises to reward him with merit. Great people, the public will be itchy, can’t wait to kill the enemy immediately!

When the banquet was over, Shan Chang saw Song Yu as if he had something to say, and immediately sipped: “All listen to! Array training!”

The ancient wine is not high, and then Song Yu is the master of the above, and which one dares to drink? These non-commissioned officers are all awake and immediately line up in the usual order.

In the hall, suddenly silent, Song Yu looked, very satisfied.

Coughing, let’s say: “The person who is good at watering, step forward!”

The public will be a bit confused, but the nature of the military obedience still makes some people take a step.

Song Yu saw it, mostly white, but there were also two of them. The red gas spread and suddenly satisfied. He said slowly: “The new navy in the town is lacking in manpower. Who are you willing to go, promote on the spot? !”

Was it this? No wonder you have to ask for water first! The crowd will be amazed, and then there will be some heartbeat.

Although they are the army. But the water is so skilled, not afraid of the big rivers, not to mention. With the Lord’s promise, the winners can be promoted, but how many people are going to be killed on the battlefield? How much is it great? Can you have it?

Suddenly several people came out: “I am willing to drive for the Lord!”

Song Yu saw that two reds were among them, satisfied with nodded, and asked the names of these people.

I know that these two red people are called Yang Ping and one is Xu Lei. In the past, he was a military leader, and he was sent to the Martial Hall for training.

After learning to go out. You can teach the fire!

Song Yu pretending to be inconsistency, said: “Looking at all the warriors, they are all camping!” This is the level of 4.

Yang Ping and Xu Lei were overjoyed, and immediately bowed down to thank you: “There will be great expectations!”

Surrounding officers. Seeing are envious. This is the coach and the seal, even the assessment is not needed, can be called ascending to the skies with a single leap.

“The other few are all team members!” Song Yu said faintly.

Also called Hong Quan, introduced to everyone: “This is the Navy of the Navy, you can see!”

The public will look at each other and say: “See the Governor!”

“Everyone will work together, I hope you will wait for help!” Hong Quan helped everyone. Speaking softly.

“Other students who are working at Martial Hall have given silver twelve. There are three cloths!” Song Yu said, this is also the rain and dew, and the grace of grace!

Other eyes, these few students who went to the Navy, are now grateful.

“Well! Today’s business is over, Hong Quan, you bring your own revolving navy camp!” Song Yu turned his head and said to Hong Quan.

“Nuo! Worship will not live up to the coach, swear to death for the coach to train the soldiers!” Hong Quan heavy squat, guaranteed to say.

Song Yu said to Hong Quan that it is necessary to give people, to give food to grain, all kinds of materials, all are well prepared, and what requirements are also met as much as possible.

If this is the case, I will not be able to train an elite navy, and that Hong Quan, the governor, will only be guilty of death.

It seems that Hong Quan is also understanding people, knowing this truth.

Song Yu nodded, said: “The town’s revolving knot makes the government, you wait for yourself!”

It was still the original team, but the sky at this time was already black, and there was a curved hook in the air, which dyed a silver ash on the ground.

The Milky Way is across the sky, and from time to time there are stars flashing, and the light and shade are uncertain.

Song Yuduan was in the car and looked at the night, not thinking about the ups and downs.

“The Navy has a complete and a few talents. In a short time, you should stop worrying!”

“The most important thing for the Army now is to recuperate and train the soldiers. At least in June, the military will be completely precipitated and form a strong force!”

“The next thing to pay attention to is the literary and agricultural sang! This is the fundamental foundation!”

Seeing the stars in the sky, I can’t help but sigh.

“Every time in troubled times, there are destiny to descend, that is, the stars, but also the descendants of the world to assist the Qianlong. This is called the star life!”

“If you say in the past life, the current Qianlong are all Ziwei life, they have to fight for each other, to achieve the body of True Dragon, Ziwei is a real life!”

“But other stars, but also the world, this is the world’s great talent, the world’s founding literary generals!”

“My majesty, but there is none!”

“In the past, Yan Fei must be, but this person is a fool of loyalty! Can’t use it!”

“As for Liu Wenhe and Jingjing, although there are also star life, but with death, the star life has already shifted, or returned to the sky, or looking for another inheritance…”

“Where is it from, how can I find these talents?”

Song Yuxi thought, and then he laughed. “I missed it. This and the others are talented. Every time there is one, it can be a big increase! Is it so easy to get it? If I became the owner of Wuzhou, then There are still some points to count…”

Then I thought about my own team. Under him, only Ye Hongyan, Luo Bin, Meng Zhun and so on, there are only a few people, and they have the golden life, and they are also outstanding. They are the most important talents.

There is only one He Dongming with azure, but it is the new investment, and the promotion to the ceremonial counselor is the limit.

“I will go out to fight in the future. This is empty and must be guarded! He Dongming and Ye Hongyan are not going to follow me. They are not enough. Have not caught!”

Song Yu thought so, his brows gradually picked up…

Time flies, in a blink of an eye, Xin’an Fucheng and the temples of the cities and towns are all well-equipped, just waiting for the light.

Once Fang Ming enters, it can start to work, accept the incense, and protect the people.

Song Family clansman certainly has some complaints about this, but Song Yu opened the field and supported clansman. Almost every Song Family clansman has at least a dozen acres of farmland. The Song Family has more than 700 people. This is Ten thousand acres of good land sent down!

Such a great talent immediately dissipated the resentment qi within the family. After all, compared with the post-mortem, this kind of visible and tangible benefits can touch people’s hearts.

What’s more, ordinary clansman, where do you know the secret behind death?

As for a few ethnic groups and Song Ziqian, Song Yu is ignoring, only to go his own way.

After all, it is true that Song Yu and Fang Ming are one. This Song Family is an outsider and wants to protect his own interests. Absolutely will not give up the faith.

As Song Yu took power for a long time, the power in the tribe was also tilted toward Song Yu. Song Ziqian and other ethnic groups were old. Seeing Song Yu, other clansman, there is a field, happy, and cohesive, except for the long sigh, It is also impossible to think.

On this day, the sky was just bright, and in the city of Xin’anfu, the original royal ancestral temple, now the temple of the city, was full of people.

In the Chenghuang Temple, there are two rows of sergeants standing guard and guarding the order.

The people outside pointed out a little bit, and there was a lot of discussion, and some could not believe it.

“This is the royal ancestral temple! It was dismantled…” This is amazing.

“Demolition and dismantling! After all, now Wu Nan, but the Song Yu Song Festival has made the final decision!” One person said lowly, when it comes to Song Yu’s name, the voice is even more inaudible.

“What kind of ancestral spirit is this city? How have you not heard of it before…”

“hehe… This is what you are ignorant! My old Li went to the south, but I know that this city is a god, it is the god sacrifice in Anchang County, Wenchang. I heard that it is very effective…”

“This festival, openly welcoming the city temple to the Fucheng, the Song Festival is also all the way to triumph, the gas is strong, can not say, between the two, there is insider trading and the like…”

“Oh… hum! Don’t you want to live?” One quickly yanked the speaker’s arm and pointed to the direction of the nail.

The person who spoke before knew that he had lost his words, and quickly stopped talking and quickly left.

But not far away, a few Bright Gown Guards in plain clothes have been eyeing the two and have followed them.

These gloomy confrontations, Song Yu never cares, it is enough to have Chen Yun look.

He is now standing in the hall of the city hall and looking at the golden body of the city. He is very emotional: “I have finally come to this step. As long as I can afford to pay for it, it is easy to mold a golden body. But it really needs to be transformed, but it is really It’s hard to add!”

“Adult! The time is coming!” Shen Wenbin did not know Song Yu’s thoughts and reminded him.

“Good! Let’s get started!” Song Yu came back to his senses, faintly said.

As the order was issued, the gates of the temples were opened and the people rushed into it.

This temple is different from the county. It is just a few times larger than the land, and the materials are more luxurious.

The entire temple, Wei Wei, magnificent, a sacred atmosphere, Mo Ran emerged, so that ordinary people, dare not slightly impudent.

“Also ask the adults to be the first musk!” Shen Wenbin held a good sandalwood, and said.

“No need! You are going to the town!” Song Yu said with a hand.

“Nuo!” Shen Wenbin is somewhat confused, but it is only a bit unscrupulous. After all, the belief in the Sanfu, in exchange for the multiplication of per mu, is not a loss.

However, if their own ancestral sacrifices are robbed, there will always be some resentment qi.

I didn’t care, I ignited the incense in my hand, and bowed down to the city’s golden body, silently wishing to pray, and then inserted the incense into the copper tripod in front of the statue.

After Shen Wenbin, it was the various officials. Although Song Yu had laws and regulations, officials did not have to worship in person, but the bosses came, how dare they absent?

In the officialdom, this has always been the case.

In this regard, Song Yu is only faintly smiled, even if his officials are sucked in some air, as long as they do not worship every day, it is nothing.

What’s more, this air transport is only a left hand to a right hand. In the final analysis, it is still in the hands of Fang Ming.

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