After the Baiguan finished the fragrance, it was the ordinary people.

The incense in this copper tripod is getting stronger and stronger, and it gradually ignites the flame of bright yellow!

After the incense, the incense was quickly burned out, and the smoke rose and lingered around the great hall.

In Song Yuming’s meditation, he saw a domain of generation, with the image of the god as the center, and continued to spread to all around.

“This is the birth of the legal domain. It seems that it is a few times larger than the Anchang County. The Fucheng Festival is really not comparable to the county.”

Song Yu secretly sighed.

This world Shinto is still created by Fang Ming. Many things are groping forward, some changes, and even he is not. This jurisdiction is enshrined by the devout thoughts of believers and naturally generated.

As long as there is a sacrifice, even if it is a small altar in the village, it can also produce a spirit, and open the law. Just the site, some narrow that’s all.

The more the sacrifices are, the more believers are, and the larger the jurisdiction is.

Dafu’s Fucheng, the population is almost equal to the sum of the remaining counties. What kind of prosperity is the incense offering?

This opened up the jurisdiction, naturally far better than the county.

“Listening to He Yuqing and others, this jurisdiction… is very similar to the blessed land of the Aristocratic Family Royal Family. When you see it someday, you can look it up carefully, maybe it will be rewarded…”

Song Yu has always had a lot of interest in the blessed land.

But the blessings are precious, the Aristocratic Family and the royal family, which are not well-known in the world, are not available. Wu Nan has no natural ones. Song Yu is also missing.

“In the land of the blessed land, although the products are rich. I don’t know how to be hungry, but the power of the domain is very strict, and Xu Jin does not allow it. Even if you want to pass on some news, you have to consume a lot of money… This is different from the French domain…”

In Fang Ming’s view, this Aristocratic Family is a rudimentary form of the sinister sect. If you can see the mystery, it will be good for him to cultivate.

at this time. Song Yu sensed something, lightly smiled: “true body is coming!”

At this time, the mortal people are still burning incense and praying.

But the eyes are open. It can be seen that in the Void, which is invisible to the naked eye, suddenly there is a yin army!

The yin army was arranged in a row, and the soldiers all wore leather armor. Majestic and majestic. There is also a military flag on the top, and the military forces gather on it, and out of the ordinary, the black army is condensed into a cloud block, and it will almost form a form!

Yin Soldier is surrounded by people who seem to be defending. Most of these people are dressed up as civil servants. With a French pattern on his body, it bursts with ripples. In the middle, it is a shoulder lift of eight people, the curtain hangs down, and one of them faintly sits.

This group of ghosts and gods drove into the French domain, and the gods got the induction, and suddenly revealed the golden light visible to the naked eye! Suddenly attracted the following attention!

“This… look!” After a believer finished the prayer, he couldn’t help but sigh.

When the people looked up, they saw the faint golden light of the statue of the city, and they roared slightly, and seemed to be happy.

This strange power suddenly awed the people, and the heart that was originally underestimated immediately sank.

“The god of the city is showing up!” Among the people, some people shouted, and they squatted, and Peng peng rang. “Please also bless the city…”

When he took the lead, this person group immediately stumbled, and the black pressed a piece, and they all prayed for the city.

“This…” Shen Wenbin asked this scene and hesitated.

There was no such agreement before, and since this city god can show up in the daytime, the mana is unfathomable, let Shen Wenbin feel a little jealous.

“Nothing!” Song Yu shook his hand and looked at the people who worshiped the devout underneath. In the scorpion, I didn’t know what to think, and there was a flash of color.

The current people are really worshipping God. Before, they are just afraid of Song Yu’s decree. They are all about the way of being a believer. There are very few communists.

This is common sense. After all, the people are ignorant. To accept a new thing, it will take a few years at the earliest.

Fang Ming As a god, as long as you lower Fuze and pay attention to propaganda, you can greatly shorten it, but how hard you can work for a few months.

Fang Ming Time is precious, can’t wait for such a long time, although this time is not the real body in front of people, but the gods can be born, naturally not the goods, plus Song Yu secretly guard, in less than a few days, you can spread the faith The whole government, firmly rooted!

Shen Wenbin saw the calm and calm face of the Lord, and some puzzled, but since the Lord is saying this, he can only smile back.

Although Song Yu looked at the embarrassing situation, but a mind, mostly on the side of true body Fang Ming.

At this time, entering the jurisdiction, you will see a piece of land, it seems to float in the air, there are a few miles, everyone is a burst of embarrassment.

“The power of this divide is becoming more and more obvious. This jurisdiction is also getting more and more solid, almost one side of Small World!”

Fang Ming took back the thoughts and sighed.

Self-made World, Nasu is a mustard, and this Fang Ming also has a hole in the sky.

This city has a Faculty of Faculty, and it has the belief of Fucheng, and it has its own meaning of transforming itself into a realm.

If one day, to collect the faith of the world, the law of the formation, I am afraid is a Small World, I do not know, what is the difference?

Fang Ming thought, and then laughed: “In the future, you will know!”

The following literary generals, Xie Jin, Wang Zhong, and Liu Wen are all waiting for the Lord to command.

Fang Ming thought of a move, originally on the original land, suddenly made a loud noise.

A golden great hall rises from the ground to form a magnificent palace. The sky is falling, falling into the ground, forming a jade stone pedal, layered and paved, light can be seen.

Just in the blink of an eye, on the original white ground, there is a castle of the city to create out of thin air!

This law hall stretches severe dozen li, how many times bigger than the previous county palace?

Xie Jin and the others, although it is not the first time to see this scene of Creation of the World, but still can not help but admire, said: “The Lord is proud!”

“hehe ……” Fang Ming took back the thoughts and smiled: “But Xiao Jier!”

This city has a connection with Fang Ming since its creation. In the French domain, Fang Ming is almost half a creator. It is a piece of cake to get some palaces out!

“true body This time, the government will move in, the other believers will be in the soul, but they will still stay in Anchang!”

“You wait to go to settle down, Liu Wen, you are responsible for this!” Fang Ming expression turned solemn and told him.

“Nuo!” Liu Wen came out, respectfully led.

“Xie Jin! You took Yin Soldier and went to the military camp to resettle!” Fang Ming said, and it was another military camp!

“As you bid!” Xie Jin came out and performed a military ceremony.

Xu Yuan and several other defenders, each receiving five hundred Yin Soldier, entered Changle, Wuyi two houses, annihilated the Wuyue evil spirits alliance, listened to the military newspaper, all the way like a hot knife through butter.

The five of them took away two thousand five hundred Yin Soldier, Fang Ming, and the rest is also this number.

The remaining two thousand Yin Soldier, temporarily returned to Xie Jin, was sent to Xin’an, expelled the evil spirits, and attacked the Evil Spirit. It was quite effective. Now, Xinan has been cleaned up almost.

This time, together with Fang Ming, enter the city jurisdiction.

The next thing is naturally Wang Zhong’s inspection. Fang Ming also took back Yin Soldier and placed it in the French domain.

After all, using Yin Soldier to smash individual hooligans, there is always a feeling of killing chickens, which also consumes strength and disadvantages.

Thinking of this, Fang Ming moved in the heart and looked at himself.

Seeing the air and air, from the Void, the white gas of the cockroach, gathered into red, and constantly shrinks, turned into golden, injected into the top of the gold seal.

Among the gold seals, it was almost completely filled, and red was gradually pressed to the bottom, which was invisible.

“Has the air transport been here?” Fang Ming muttered to himself.

Before the Wenchang belief, his air transport was great, and the golden on the gods was gradually Perfection. Now, golden is rich, round, and Guanghua, with a golden immortal charm.

“Fast! As long as the Wunan faith is all in the bag, I can cross the five products and directly into the five-character gods, the Great Accomplishment!”

The true god of pure gold, in the memory of Mu Qing, is no longer a small god, but the backbone of the Shinto, one of the overlord!

Mu Qing himself, at the highest, is just a city with seven products. When he meets the five gold gods, he has to be respectful and not rude.

In Dagan World, it is the industry that catches up with the real person. At that time, with the support of the air-fueled incense behind him, the ordinary real person is far from being an opponent, and it can be rampant.

Or thank you for the luck of the treasure, and the scent of the world, in order to make Fang Ming a little scruples.

In order to reach this step, Fang Ming has been waiting for too long.

“To receive the faith and fully consolidate it, it is the most important thing to open the field and increase production!”

At this critical moment, Fang Ming was more thoughtful and said: “Zhou Si!”

“Subordinate is!” Zhou Si came out, respectful salute.

He was the Anchang Zhou Family ancestor. He was originally imprisoned in the sacrifice. Later he was rescued by Fang Ming. He was the first to serve the literary genre. Later, he released the land god and was recently transferred back to the center to serve as the fat land division.

This qualification and talent are all substantial.

“You must enrich your subordinates as soon as possible, assign tasks, and put up the shelves! True body set up a charter, Xin’an Prefecture, each township sent a fat land order, the county is the priest level, responsible for the fat field matters, all belong to your jurisdiction! ”

Originally, as long as a few land gods were appointed, they could be resolved.

However, once the subordinates have not made great achievements, how can they crack the land? Second, in order to strengthen his own rule, Fang Ming would rather recruit more gods. Even if it is a waste, it is willing.

Whether it is the fat land, the priest, or even the fat of the eight products, with the body of the priesthood, there is only one Divine Ability, even when it is not as good as the land god!

In this way, it has increased the authority of the Lord! For this reason, the institutions left behind are bloated and so on, but they are unacceptable.

When it comes to this, Fang Ming’s thoughts are swept away, and he will be dressed and dressed in a robe of sorrow, his face hanging down, standing on the edge of the team, not dare to move.

The heart is a smile, he deliberately brought the appeasement, is prepared to be placed under the Zhousi.

This fat land Cao, in the future plan, the status is important, there are many opportunities for promotion, it is suitable for appeasement!

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