“Good!” Fang Ming smiled, the golden light receded, and the image disappeared.

Huhemu looked at his face, struggling to stand up and get out of the account.

“Great Patriarch! You…do you tell me something?” A waiter saw and was not in the right color. He still had dirt on his body and could not help but ask.

“Who is it? Who asked you to come forward!” Huhe looked pale and roared loudly.

Scared the attendant, hurrying to the ground and asking for sin, “Great Patriarch, I… I just look at you…”

“Nothing to say, come!” Huhe snarled loudly.

“Adult!” Immediately there were two strong mountain warriors coming forward and asked.

“Put this person down and nail it on the stake. I want him to bleed and die!” Huhe Tieqing’s face, issued a command.

“Your will will be implemented!” The two warriors saluted, dragging the crying attendant, and respectfully retired. A few steps away, it disappeared into the eye.

Far away, you can hear the screams.

The rest of the surrounding attendants were pale, and even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe. They quickly bowed their heads and wanted to be treated as air.

Huh and out of the heart, only to breathe a long breath, looking at the distant sky, face, or unprecedented gloomy.


At this time, a team of secret messengers also reached the foot of the mountain range.

“Adult! You are the body of Wanjin, how can you take risks, or let your subordinates go…” A waiter advised.

Listening to him is a teenager, the scholar is dressed up, but the majesty of his body is more than many people.

This is He Dongming, the county’s nephew. Song Yu’s new clerk’s counselor.

He Dongming saw this guard, this is his own training, loyal. It is the first class of the slain, the county, and not much.

This time, the old He saw that the Aiko had to go deep into the Changle and Wuyi Erfu, and then sent it out as a guard.

“Nothing!” He Dongming waved his hand.

“My family is new, although it has some merits, but the Lord’s justice is the time to use things. With merit, you can keep it for a while, but you can’t keep it forever! If you don’t make any achievements, I will let the sage sooner or later…”

“I will retreat, outside the house, staring at the seat of Hejia County. Not a few…”

He Dongming smiled bitterly.

The embarrassment between this Aristocratic Family. It has always been a bit warm, and he has always tried to speculate on the rest of the Aristocratic Family with the worst intentions.

Although He Jia killed Zhu XVI and presented Changfu City above, there were some merits, but Song Yu’s promotion of He Dongming from the white body to the position of the Eight Priest Lieutenant was almost exhausted.

after all. This is the future center! I don’t know how many Aristocratic Family are staring at this seat. When He Dongming went up, he secretly offended a lot.

He has learned a lot of people, and he can understand that the main task of the protagonist is to use the meaning of pro-trust, and he must swear to death and live up to the expectations of the Lord.

Moreover, if you can say that the mountain is over, the Changle and Wuyi two houses are not fighting down. This is a great work. If it is completed, since then, the status of the family is stable, like Mount Tai, how can you not let him die? Beat!

Speaking more seriously, although he is a blind man, there are still a few brothers who died here, and they also showed their loyalty to Song Yu, which is good for the family.

Of course, these thoughts are just a turn of the heart. He Dongming’s expression is unchanged, saying: “For my family’s foundation, Dongming Wan died!”

“If the master knows that the Young Master is so! It will be gratifying!” The guards all said.

“haha…you wait for me to enter the mountain!” He Dongming no longer hesitated, striding into the mountains.

The guards looked at each other and kept silent.

Since He Dongming came here, he was naturally prepared and found several guides.

In addition, Fang Ming secretly took care of it, but it was all the way without disaster. On the second day, he came to the camp of the Tiangong tribe.

Looking at the continuous camp, He Dongming sucked the cold air: “I heard the priests of the Tianzhu tribes, and it is the flames, the gods are different, and gradually the mountains and tribes are now unified. Now, when you look at the camp, you can see out of the ordinary. So arrogant, you can’t reach me, you can drop me…”

At the bottom of my heart, I couldn’t help but see a cloud.

When I arrived at the Zhaimen Gate, I was stopped by the guarded warriors. At this time, I had to talk to myself.

He Dong is a good person tomorrow. Since he received the assignment, he is also a fine-speaking mountain and Vietnamese language. Fortunately, the same is the Wunan accent. There are always some traces. He is extremely intelligent, but he can barely understand.

I heard the guide saying: “Dagan…big official…the messenger…”

The more the mountain does not understand the system of ceremonies, it also needs to be guided by the guide, and then barely understand the meaning.

I came to the front of several people in He Dongming and said, “You are the messengers of Dagan, come to see the leader of our ministry, the great caller and the priest?”

“Exactly! Please also let me know!” He Dongming said.

The warrior looked at He Dongming again, and in the eyes, there was the glory of the wolf. He Dongming looked unchanged and waited quietly.

The Warrior saw this scene and said, “Oh! You… still have some courage. Unlike other people, they are weak lambs. Waiting here, I will go to report…”

He Dongming was guarded by the escorts, but he was angered by He Dongming. He was sighed with a stern look and blushing. Fortunately, he did not do it.

After waiting for a moment, the warrior came out and looked at He Dongming with a strange look. He said, “Hu and the shepherd invite you to come over… Come with me!”

Turned around and took the lead into the camp, and He Dongming followed closely.

When He Dongming entered the camp, he looked at it in secret, and compared with the records in the previous book, he felt that he had opened his eyes.

I also asked some things in the side, but the Warrior did not know what instructions, lips closed, did not say a word, so that He Dongming has nowhere to start feeling.

One line went to the vicinity of the grazing camp, and He Dongming was anxious. Suddenly, he didn’t want to see it. He saw cigarettes.

Turning around, I saw more than a dozen mountains and over, there are men and women, old and young, facing a clay sculpture, pay homage!

This statue, but let him have a sense of familiarity, suddenly a flash of light, found the roots, suddenly settled in the heart.

Then he asked casually: “You mountain, isn’t it to sacrifice Totem? What is this?”

This involves the belief of the major event, and the warrior has to open his mouth: “The great shepherd has abolished the bloody Totem ritual and changed to the god of the gods. The god of the gods is a tolerant, benevolent god, not the blood sacrifice of our heavenly bow, but it still falls. blessing……”

The city’s two words were in the ear, and He Dongming’s heart was completely settled.

“It is no wonder that when the Lord commanded me, he bluntly said that this mountain must be said, but it has already buried a secret hand!”

“It seems that the god of the city has taken root here, and it is greatly beneficial to me!”

“The city is blessed!!!”

After the Hejia ancestors He Yuqing’s dreams were sent to the mother, they naturally explored the multi-party. Finally, the whole family believed in the gods of the city.

Although it has long been known that the city is an ally of Patriarch, the power has actually developed to Shanyue, and He Dongming is somewhat surprised.

Since the Warriors explained the city beliefs, they no longer talked about it. He brought He Dongming and the others to the most gorgeous big account and said, “Come on! This is the camp we call the shepherd, only You can get in, everyone else has to wait outside!”

“This is nature!” He Dongming said, wearing a dress, said to the guard: “You wait here!”

“Nuo!” The guard can’t, can only promise.

“Please!” He Dongming said to the Warriors.

“Good! My Mukai likes the courageous man!” Mukai praised it. When he first entered the camp, He Dongming followed.

Once in the camp, there is a fragrant aroma, assaults the senses.

“It should be burning some spices! But the variety is mixed!” He Dongming thought lightly, glanced around.

In the interior of the big account, many mountain warriors with painted colors on their faces, sitting on their own seats, staring at him coldly, like a wolf.

On the top, a middle-aged man in a white robe, holding a short stick made of gold in his hand, is looking down!

“Xin’an Festival House, Li Shiming, He Dongming, met Huhemu!” He Dongming had a bottom in his heart. At this time, he was deeply stunned, calm and elegant, and calm and uncomfortable, so that Hehe could not help but admire.

“You are the official of Dagan, why come to me?” Huhe asked.

There is not so much rules in the mountains, and there is nothing going on.

“In order to form an alliance with the adults!” He Dongming knows that these mountains and mountains are the most ruthless. If they say that they are coming to surrender, they will immediately be dragged out of the dagger, and they can only change their opinions.

Anyway, as long as I have the help of Shanyue in the end, in the official document, I naturally want to write how to write it. Can these mountains and mountains still understand?

“Aligned?” Huhe laughed heartily, and asked: “I have a warrior tens of thousands, your master, what do you want to form an alliance with me?”

“My Lord Song Yu, is the Xin’an Town Festival! Control Xin’an, Wenchang, Linjiang Sanfu, His Majesty’s Master Hundred thousand, Admiral Hundreds of Members, and even more ups and downs, enterprising the world!”

“The shepherd is also a hero. Why don’t you start with the Patriarch public to create a prosperous world? Everyone here is a founding tribute, a rich and prosperous, and a good jade food. You can get a lot of plain fertilizer with the mountains and the family. From now on, I have lived a life without worry…”

He Dongming said calmly.

He knows the mountains and the Vietnamese, the multiple strengths, deliberately will be Song Yu, and exaggerated several times, and really shocked everyone.

I also made a wish for a better life in the future. Sure enough, I heard some of the bosses below, and I was somewhat impressed.

“Listen to what you said, you Patriarch public, is the hero of the dry man, it is worthy of an alliance with me, Liangtian beautiful house, is also good! But to get these, I need to go to the mountain, what to pay?”

Huhe asked, in fact, in my heart, I can’t wait to drag the messenger directly out of the wolf, but I can only condescend to the gods of the city, and play a double spring with him.

“Just send your troops and help me Patriarch to sweep Wuzhou! As long as the priest promised, I will be able to send 10,000 acres of good land to Patriarch.”

“Wuzhou! A big tone, what about my bow, how many warriors die?”

Bayan jumped out and said loudly.

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