“The warriors of the nobility have just said that the officers and men of my great work are all lambs, letting them be slaughtered!”

“Was the warrior of the Tianzhu tribe, since it is a wolf, how can you fear the lamb?”

He Dongming spread out both hands, some rogue said. 【

“This…” Ba Yan said in a moment, he was not good at words, and on the juggling machine front, how could he compare with the literati of the literati?

His face is red, his fist is pinched, he wants to do it directly!

“Okay!” Huh and drink stopped Bayan, only looked toward He Dongming, “I want to send a soldier to help your master, it is not impossible, but the deceitful people, how to prove what you said, is it true?” ”

“Good! The deceitful people, the priests can’t help!” When the words came out, the bottom man’s old man eyes were all attached.

He Dongming looked around in a circle and suddenly chuckled.

I stared straight at Huhe: “If the Patriarch has doubts, I can make a blood oath in front of the gods of your city. There is a testimony of the gods, and we must not bother to breach the contract…”

“What did he know?” Hu He listened to He Dongming’s words, especially hinting at it, some suspicions.

The mountain tribe, although not convinced of the big man, but still deeply fearful of the mysterious power, He Dongming said this method, the old family and the leader are quiet, watching the call, waiting for his decision .

When the call was silent for a long time, when it was opened again, the voice was low, and there was some faintness: “I will discuss it with the family and ask the messenger to wait a few days…”

“Of course!” The first meeting, you can achieve this result. He was already out of the expectation of He Dongming and said quickly.

“Good! Come, let the messenger go to rest. Don’t be slow!”

Hu He told him to go down, and he had several attendants and led He Dongming out of the camp.

At this time, only the Tianzhu tribe’s own people were left in the camp.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and finally, Bayan and Huhe have a sentiment, and the temper is the straightest. I came out and asked: “The great caller and the priest! Now there are no outsiders. What are you planning about? Just tell us!”

Huhe instinct wants to tell the truth. But the rune in the belly made him calm down.

Looking at the emotions below, I can almost entrust the life and death of the brother, and slowly said: “I have thought about it. The mountain will develop. Clansman wants to multiply, relying on the mountains and some of the land grabbed, it is not enough!”

The people are nodded, the plains that the mountains are robbed, mostly close to the mountain range, and further away, they are easily affected.

These lands have raised more than 100,000 people. It’s just a stretch of time, and it’s time to go out and plunder. Can meet the needs.

If you want to develop the mountain, the plain site is the most important thing.

However, after the mountain chaos passed through civil strife, it was a warrior. It was a lot of death and injury. It is impossible to defend such a large site. If you can’t, you have to shrink. Give up a few plain land and reduce consumption.

But in this way, the previous efforts are almost in vain, who will be willing?

Different now, as long as they are allied with Song Yu, they can get a lot of land, and they have endorsements by the rulers, and they do not need to be stationed separately.

“Before us, we didn’t get a few belongings, let them murder and set fire! Now it’s just a change of patrons. Sending troops for Song Yu to fight, pay, is the grain field!”

Huhe said with a cry.

Under the head, look at it, what does it mean to agree? Not by some look at each other in dismay.

Bayan asked: “Can these people do believe?”

“Of course we have to guard against one hand, at most half of the warriors, and the testimony of the gods!”

Huhe said, but in my heart, it is a bit sad.

Song Yu, who is a big man, is already the king chosen by the gods of the city. Even if there is a remorse, what will the city take him?

“Good! The swords and guns of the langers have long been hungry and thirsty, and they need irrigation of blood! The chief of the priests, let me lead this time!”

The next Barut, but got up and said.

This is the newly-received mountain martyr, called Ka Shi, the most militant, just listen to Ka Shi sneer and said: “There are some nausea recently! Just go out, kill a few white pigs, distract the heart…”

This kind of brainless generation, even Bayan is a bit disdain, secretly thinking: “The head is big and brainless! If you don’t look at the hundreds of warriors you brought, you will have killed you and go to the wild. Wolf!”

Huhe and his face, but a smile: “Kashi! You really are warriors! If you are going to fight next time, you must be the first to call you!”

“haha…that’s good! That’s good!” Kathy laughed, touched his bare head and sat back in place.

On the second day, when He Dongming came to see him again, Hu He agreed to He Dongming’s request, and both sides, under the statue of the city, each made a blood oath, agreeing that they would never betray!

On the same day, Hu He sent three thousand warriors, ruled by Ka Shi, and guarded He Dongming back.

This is also a political statement.

He Dongming went to Linjiang for a few days and immediately reported the incident to Song Yu.

In the hall of the government, Song Yugao sat, surrounded by Shen Wenbin and several counselors, all listening to He Dongming’s obituary.

“Good!” Song Yu jaws, “Dongming, you are able to say that the mountain will return, and remember a great achievement!”

At this time, He Dongming, I don’t know if this is a meritorious opportunity given by the Lord’s public. The eyes are red, and the underarms are sobbing: “This is the whole public campaign! The gods of the city are blessed! The lower official is awkward!”

“haha… Even if there is a layout, you need to go and talk about it, you don’t have to be too modest…” Song Yu got up and raised He Dongming and said.

This young boy, his life is pure, is an unpolished jade, as long as a little hone, it can be used.

Song Yu, this time to give him this opportunity, is also the meaning of cultivation.

With this great deed, I will be promoted in the future, and no one can say no to gossip.

Song Yu took a few more steps before he said: “Wen Bin! Immediately sent a essay, preaching the return of the mountain!”

Although it is an alliance with Shanyue, in the eyes of outsiders, this is the return!

“Nuo!” Shen Wenbin loudly agreed, he read a few documents, naturally clear, now Wuyi, Changle two government’s government, has long been broken, connected with the prefect, are fleeing.

The discipline was abolished, even the government soldiers, several times down, but there are few left.

Just a few thousand troops, you can take it.

Only the mountains and the mountains are chaotic, but it is a hot potato, no one will take over.

Now that the mountain has been settled, will the remaining two houses dare to resist?

I am afraid that if the prostitute arrives, he will send a messenger and bring the household registration to the post.

“Congratulations to the Lord! Unifying Wu Nan!” Shen Wenbin saw, Meng Zhun and other counselors, also know, and congratulate them together.

“haha…” Song Yu laughed, but stopped very quickly.

“The two houses are mostly broken, and we must prepare food relief!” Song Yubrows frowned, the two houses, the escape is very heavy, the people are suffering, but since taking over, it is necessary to govern stability.

To govern the place, it is impossible to rely on the mouth. Only the army and the grain can be relied upon.

With military pressure and relief, the place is naturally stable.

“Please rest assured that the public has prepared 200,000 stone food, just wait for a command, you can be transported to the second house!” Meng rushed out to say.

“Re-distribute Li Dazhuang with a red towel, and there is a cooperation between the mountains and the Vietnamese army, enough to clarify the place and eliminate the law!” Song Yu said with a cold smile.

In this discourse, bring some murderous aura.

Everyone on the field, excited by this murderous aura, was shocked and shivered!

Knowing a few Aristocratic Family in the two houses, like the Zhao Family, the more private use of the mountain, the resistance to the king, and the collusion of outsiders, wanting to delay the footsteps of Song Yu, has led to the death of the Lord!

The emperor is angry, the corpse is a million, and the blood is a thousand miles!

Although Song Yu is not a god, but in Wunan, it is also an uncompromising emperor. This anger, even if it does not kill a million, but it is easy to destroy a few families.

“Subordinate to obey!” Although knowing this killing intent, it is not for them, but everyone still bowed their heads and did not dare to look at Song Yu.

“As for the mountain, what…” Song Yu stopped.

Already have the idea: “The town issued a document, set up a mountain, the six thousand preparations, the seal call and the five generals to recruit the generals of the North, command the mountain Yuefu! The next general, self-appointed!”

Seeing He Dongming, it was a smile.

“Since Dongming promised, he wants to reward him with 10,000 mu of good land. The town can’t eat it! Meng Zhu, you have drawn two thousand acres of good land in the five houses, built Zhuangzi, and gave it to Shanyue!”

“Nuo!” Meng is in the heart of the snow.

This is the plan for the division! After a civil strife in the mountains, the Warriors died and injured nearly half, which was originally a big injury.

Nowadays, they have been transferred to the army, and the women and children are divided into the government. On average, there are less than 20,000 people in the government. The forces suddenly weaken to the limit and can no longer turn any waves.

The reason why Shanyue ravaged the two government is that it has a large number of people, with more than 100,000, almost half of the population of the capital, and most of them are young and strong, with force.

Relying on the mountain range, it is difficult to annihilate, and suddenly it is a big harm.

Now I am assigned to the Five Governments, moved out of the mountains, and came to the plains. Most of them are women and children, and they can’t hide, and the number of people can’t take advantage.

“This is going to do it! But hehe… can you promise?” Meng asked.

The mountain priest is not a fool, and all these conditions can be promised.

“Yes!” Song Yu mouth, a smile.

It is possible to call the inner ghost and spread the beliefs of the city and master some of the right to speak.

Meng Zhuan knows that the protagonist has a well-thought-out, and no longer said, respectfully ordered to retreat.

“Okay! Go and be busy!”

Song Yu looked around in a circle, faintly said.

“Subsidiary retreat!” This mountain surrender, it is a major event, these subordinates, have to go down, clean up the mood, and the ensuing business, there are many, need to be prepared.


A few days later, with a slogan, the whole Wunan and even the south were in great shock!

Wu Nan’s mountain cross-country family actually returned to Song Yu collectively!

This news suddenly made many people fall into the eye and even depressed to vomiting blood.

I also gave money to the food before, I hope to delay the unification of Song Yu, I don’t want to be all in the water!

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