Shortly after Chen Yun went out, six people, including Shen Wenbin and Meng Zhu, entered in turn.

At this time, I met Song Yu, and they all salute: “I have seen the festival to make adults!”

“Imperial!” Song Yu looked at the crowd below, only to see a red, not todded, this is his core of the civil service team, the life is above red, there is a trend of conversion to golden.

With Song Yu gaining recognition from the heavens and the earth, he inherits the position of Qianlong, and his life is also changed to assist the monarch.

Even the outstanding ones, such as He Dongming, stand upright and faintly sway the stars in the sky.

This is the time to work, attracting destiny to the world.

If it really echoes the stars in the sky, it is the star life, the natural chaos!

In the chaos of the world, the soldiers are in danger, and if there is no air transport and protection, they will be able to compete.

If there is a star life, then on the safe side, it will be a little more secure!

Song Yu is still looking forward to this He Dongming.

Can not help but ask: “Dongming! The town’s reputation, how is it prepared?”

He Dongming is from the Aristocratic Family in the county. He is proficient in etiquette and serves as the counselor of this ceremony, but it is just right.

“Reporting to the main public, the minister has asked for the emptiness and water lotus, etc. After three days, it is the Huang Daoji, you can hold a big gift!”

“The Jongmyo Temple has been completed. When the Lord is personally honoured, he can welcome the five generations of ancestors…”

“In Wuhoufu, a ceremonial official, a musician, a banquet… are all ready, rehearsing several times… Weichen saw, they are all familiar, not rude!”

“Good!” Song Yu caressed.

Looking at the crowd, I said slowly: “After three days in the town, you must call Wu Hou, officially establish a country, and you should wait for the position. It is time to adjust!”

Meng Zhui and others looked at each other and bowed: “Please ask the Lord!”

“When you wait for the specific position, the Sixth Division Counselor, both of them are two grades, and they are all in the divisions and six products!”

Song Yu had already made a good draft, and he came here.

“So! Meng Zhuren Ren Lang, Song Si Ren Wei Lang, Song lacked the sentence of the Secretary Lang Zhong, He Dongming Ren Li Langzhong, Sun Wei Ren Gong Langzhong…”

“Nuo!” Five people are promised.

“As for Shen Wenbin. You are Jinzheng Liupin Bing Lang!” Song Yu was looked at towards Shen Wenbin, said.

“many thanks the Lord!” Shen Wenbin bowed.

Before him, he was only the chief of the shogunate. In fact, it is still private.

Now, officially serving as the Imperial Court, the Enze air transport is different.

of course. Shen Wenbin knows. The main public is extremely strict with the military. In this squad, it is only a false title. It is still a long life.

But with this qualification, it is the basis for promotion in the future! Shen Wenbin is willing.

Song Yu looked at the appointment and sent it to the top, and the red and yellow spirit gathered. Can’t help but sigh.

According to the system, these six slang. It is the official position of the five products, the pure gold. However, Song Yu is the main lord, making rules, and containing the heavenly constitution, saying that it is a positive six products, that is the six products! Only red and yellow!

This is Song Yuxi’s air transport. Now it’s a white-handed start. Although it’s not a blue road, it’s hard, it’s precious, and it’s worth using the blade. Now it’s the first to blame and the others. Only then will the level be raised.

This second, but each person’s life is not enough, in addition to Meng Zhu, He Dongming, the rest of the people are scarlet’s life, although the conversion to golden, but in the end is still shallow, not completed. Even if you promote it to the top five products, you can’t bear it, and the air transport will be lost!

These thoughts are hidden, and Song Yu will not say more to everyone.

After waiting for a while, seeing that the subordinates had already digested the order before they said, “Now the town has jurisdiction over the five prefectures, and the prefectures, County Magistrate, have gaps. You have to wait for the list to be published!”

Yang Yuan and Zhu Wenchao, who were recommended before, received the official documents of the government, and they all gladly voted. Song Yu did not say anything, and they all served County Magistrate.

But now that the country is officially established and the two governments are added, this official still has a gap.

Fortunately, there is a political office and the rest of the channels. Before Song Yu, he specially reserved a lot of money. This person is not a big gap.

As long as the core is stable and sound, the rest, but the branches and leaves, will gradually become more and more lush.

Put it in Wunan, as long as the team in the six slang is in the same place, the other prefects, County Magistrate and the like, can slowly make up.

When the time went to the night, Song Yu boarded the high platform and watched Wu Nanmin’s heart.

After his true body was promoted to the position of the six-character, Divine Ability, with changes, can look forward to the trend of the air.

With such an advantage, Song Yu must go to the table every night, although the air transport is uncertain, but always see a few points of trend, for the future big policy, is also a reference.

This high platform is specially selected by Song Yu. It is located in the highest city of Fucheng. Standing on it, the fingers seem to be able to touch the stars.

“The dangerous building is 100 feet high and the hand can pick the stars!”

Song Yu sang a poem, “I have learned more about the feelings of Li Bai when I was in the past, I know more about this person, I am afraid that it is not yet!”

This big world, there is no fairy tales, the heavens are clouds, it is just the delusion of all beings, or, is the pursuit of some real people.

At this point, look at it, and see the stars, echoing the lights in the twos and threes on the ground.

Song Yulai, this is not to look at the mortal scene, set the god, and transport the Divine Ability.

When you open your eyes, when you open it again, you will see a blush, simmering, with a little white, hovering over the city of Linjiang.

This is the Fucheng gas transport, with redness and representative rule, but it is not what Song Yu really wants to see.

The gods looked through the city and took another step.

In the midst of it, Song Yu only feels that his own perspective is constantly rising, and seems to rise to the sky, with a slight dizziness.

I know that this is a crucial moment, and I am keeping a clear eye on Lingtai.

I don’t know how long it has been, it is bright!

Song Yu got up and looked at the scenery below.

With the help of Divine Ability, Song Yu seems to have seen the entire Wunan and even the world.

At this point, you will see the vast territory. With the quaint atmosphere of the sky.

There are air transport, red or white, and stars black. Each occupies one side and is intertwined with each other.

“This is the whole of Nine Provinces!” Song Yu suddenly clear comprehension.

Knowing that the opportunity is rare, not the second time can be so smooth, and quickly find Wu South Region.

It will be seen in the south of Wuzhou, surrounded by a red and white air transport, up to 30 feet, among them. Red is slightly more.

“This is the overall dragon, I am here, but it is the pattern of the red seven white three… If it is before. There is no self-reliance news, the air transport, at least there is a red…”

Song Yu said in his heart.

The overall air transport is the entire military and political system of Song Yu. There is also the popularity of the Aristocratic Family and so on. Converging, this is the real dragon!

With white, it is qualified.

Red, is the rear is stable, you can use the soldiers out of bounds!

As for golden, it is only in the prosperous world, and now it is turbulent, wind and rain are swaying. But there is no place.

Azure, that’s almost impossible. Unless civilization rises several classes in an instant, there may be some hope.

However, Song Yu’s eyes are so clear that he can see that the red gas is generated from Wunan, and it is continuously re-introduced into the dragon gas, so that white gradually fades and has a tendency to purify.

It’s not a big joy: “This is the opening of the field, the gathering of the displaced, the scorpio, the airlift that the mind has brought… as long as it lasts for two months, it is enough to support the stability of the rear…”

Song Yu observed his own site and quickly looked at other places. At this time, the opportunity was rare. The secret plane was open to him. The strength of the localities was invisible.

Hurry to watch the situation in the world, silently remember in my heart.

“Well! Wuzhou is also a red and white color, but it is not as good as me when it comes to half-opening, about quality!”

Looking at Song Yubei, I saw Wunanbei, a gas transport, red and white, standing upright, but only two zhang high, but still not comparable to Wunan.

“When I heard the state animal husbandry Zhao Pan, it was a patriarchal family. It was a popular affair, and it was more loyal. If you don’t think about it, you still can’t get the Aristocratic Family.”

This scenario is to show that Zhao Panlian’s support of 50% Aristocratic Family in Wuzhou did not win. Otherwise, the air transport has at least a reddish color, up to 30 feet.

Sure enough, around the gas column, there are many air transport, independent side, self-contained system.

Among them, one is particularly obvious, not only with the red color, but also with the majestic, and far above other gas transportation.

“This must be one of the eight gate valves in the world…”

Song Yu does not need to look at it, he knows the footsteps of this air transport. After all, the whole Wuzhou can no longer find a second home.

“It seems that the land of Wubei, the Aristocratic Family is centrifuged, and a plate of sand is scattered, but it is promising!”

Then looked towards Jingzhou, I saw a few red and white gas staggered and entangled, even if they were entangled with each other, even Song Yu, one time can not tell who is strong and who is weak.

“It seems that Zhou Yu wants to dominate Jingzhou, but the road to go is still very long…”

Time is limited, Song Yu remembers the red gas region, and casts his gaze on the depression.

Wuzhou is located in the southeast of Nine Provinces. If you want to fight for dragons, you must first attack Jingzhou, then take the chin, refine the navy, and rely on the Yangtze River to make a difference.

What’s more, the 17 years ago, Heaven Descending Natural Phenomenon, the reincarnation of the ghost king, has been deeply buried in the heart of Song Yu.

At this time, I saw most of the depression, and I was entangled in a black cloud. Only a small piece near the southeast, but also some white gas, with a red point in the middle, still resisting.

Song Yu saw this scene, and his heart was a cold.

“It seems that the dragon in the middle of the dragon, but it is not the ghost king, look at this gas number, and the fallen man… If you give the ghost king a dragon, it is even more difficult…”

At this time, even if the jump is anxious, it is also beyond the reach of the whip.

Song Yu’s eyes flickered for a long time, and he could only sigh: “I don’t know what the door is, but what to eat, and actually gave birth to Shi Longjie, became this gas!”

After deciding to go back, let the emptiness of the temptation, perhaps you can get some secret.

Qingxu is the master of Baiyunguan, and has channels of communication with the various state schools. He is responsible for this matter, but it is more suitable.

“After looking at the north, you can receive Divine Ability!”

Song Yu said to himself.

At this time, a sense of horror and stunned, suddenly hit!

Looking at Song Yubei, I saw the northern gas, and Mu Ran made a big change! ! !

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