Dagan North, Guanzhong area, has the Imperial Court Tianzhu, standing still, suppressing the Quartet. ;

This day, the color of the column is pure red, with a little white, the dragon in the north and the black gas in the grassland. If you are affected by this column, you can’t go half a step.

When Song Yu looked at it at this time, he saw that Tianzhu did not know what was affected, and it was slowly falling apart! ! !

“This Tianzhu is the last breath of Dagan. If it collapses, the last remaining gas of Dagan is completely over, and there is no ZTE possible…”

“To get to this point, only the big emperor has an accident, and there are foreign enemies to cooperate, this effect is there…”

Song Yu expression is complicated.

Hua la ! ! !

In the collapsed Tianzhu, Mo Ran appeared a dragon shadow.

The Flood Dragon flies out, has two corners and four claws, all in a cyan, majestic out of the ordinary.

“Is this… is it a big dry dragon? It turns out that it is not True Dragon. It’s no wonder that the world’s Flood Dragon is up!”

Song Yu muttered to himself.

This image of Flood Dragon, if placed on the princes of a place, is excellent, but the emperor of the Dagan, at this time, is still the nominal co-owner of the world. It is actually this image, it is very dangerous.

Without the suppression of True Dragon, the dragon snake landed, but it was natural.

The collapsed Tianzhu, turned into a scarlet torrent, and the Flood Dragon screamed, and the body plunged dozens of times, becoming a red-gold red dragon, trying to suppress it.

At this moment, in the torrent of gas, suddenly a black python was thrown out, spit a letter, spit out Profound Light from the mouth, and smothered the red dragon!

Around the world, there was also the hum of Flood Dragon, and the air traffic fluctuated. Appearing shape, with black python, is actually going to kill the big dry red dragon!

Song Yu only felt a shock on his head. Scarlet Flood Dragon is emerging, eager to try!

“Da Gan Chi Long does not die, I waited for Flood Dragon, and I still suffered.” Song Yu sneered, letting go of the control of Akasaka.

Akasaka cheered and joined the ranks of the Red Dragon.

See the rising of the red gas, from Akasaka. Highlight the rays of light, splendid and sturdy, straight to the big dry red dragon!

Discuss the momentum. In the world of dragon snakes, the stable ranks in the top five!

The entire world of Flood Dragon snakes, a joint blow!

To this extent, even True Dragon. All must be hurt. How can you fight against the world’s heroes?

Seeing the red dragon squatting, spared no effort, strangled with other Flood Dragons, and many scales on the body were damaged, and the blood of the yellow blood flowed out!

“The dragon fights in the wild, its blood is yellow!” Song Yu sighed.

Dagan Chilong, originally sitting in the middle of the big dry Tianzhu. As long as the Tianzhu continues, then any attack. Have to go through the Tianzhu, weaken a few points, and perhaps also survive this robbery!

Unfortunately, black python started from the inside of Tianzhu and broke the amulet of the Red Dragon.

This red dragon, although not True Dragon, is not comparable to the ordinary Dragon Dragon, with dragon blood, there is a prototype yellow color.

Although the Red Dragon struggled to fight, it was ultimately outnumbered, and his body was torn apart and scattered.

Many dragon snakes cheered and rushed forward to suck the dragon, then returned to their original position and disappeared.

Song Yu’s red scorpion is also returning. Although there is damage in the battle, it is quickly recovered as he swallows up the dragon. Not only that, although the dragon body shape has not changed much, but the golden on the scales is More intense.

Song Yu carefully watched Akasaka, and he felt that there was an inexplicable artistic conception.

“This is because Akasaka has lost the big dry red dragon suppression, and has swallowed the big dry dragon, and has the qualification to evolve to a higher level…”

Song Yu said to himself.

After a glimpse of the corner of my eye, I saw it again. The black python, which was entangled in Guanzhong, was swallowed by the big dry dragon, the first single horn, the abdominal claws, but turned into a black Flood Dragon! Occupy Guanzhong, draw a lot of dry air!

“This Black Flood Dragon…” Song Yu touched his chin and looked with interest.

“This must be the general of Yuan Zong!”

“I don’t want Yuan Jia to be one of the eight gates in the world. This Yuan Zong, dare to offend the ancestral training, and join the dragon!”

“As a door valve Aristocratic Family, you can quickly master the legacy of the big dry, but it immediately became a Flood Dragon, the foundation is deep…”

Yuan Jia is also a great man of the world, and the door valve Aristocratic Family has a huge influence in the Imperial Court.

“This big dry dragon mution, must be related to this Yuan Zong!” Song Yu must think.

Some time ago, I received the information. Yuan Zong and the Dagan Emperor and the Empress Dowager had no trouble. Now there is such an image. If it is not that Yuan Zong is the first to attack, then no one believes!

Moreover, the Tianzhu collapsed and the Red Dragon fell, and at least it was the Emperor of Dagan, and it was already unpredictable!

“Things will actually make trouble to this point… According to common sense, Yuan Zong will not be so unwise, this must be the little emperor wants to get started, use force to kill, but was discovered, only to lead backlash!”

Song Yu guessed and thought.

“If I am Yuan Zong, I will choose another person from the ancestral hall. As a shackle, I will wait until I have finished cleaning. After the foundation is stable, I will be called the king, and then I will be called the emperor!”

Song Yubrows frowned, Guanzhong people outstanding, Lingye thousands of miles, this potential, is terrifying!

Yuan Jia is also the door valve Aristocratic Family, which is deeply rooted and famous in the world.

But unlike the Imperial Court, there are restrictions, big can do as one pleases, this is the enemy!

Before the Imperial Court, because of the name of the world, although the real order, to make a discount, but also has a blue gas.

Since there is a big name, the whole world’s misfortunes have also been undertaken by the Imperial Court. It has been a long-term governance for hundreds of years. The accumulated shortcomings can be said to be difficult to return. Is it so easy to recover?

Therefore, the Big Dry Imperial Court has been clenched and restrained everywhere.

But for Yuan Zong, everything is different.

Yuan Zong only needs to manage Guanzhong well, and the rest are not related to him.

This immediately unloaded the bag and got out of the cage!

Song Yu knows that Yuan Zong, since he dares to take the ancestors’ preaching, but also to fight for himself, must have great grasp, plus the political, economic, and military capital brought by Dagan and his own Aristocratic Family. The world’s largest town!

“There is a big enemy in the north!!!”

Song Yu sighed, and immediately thought of something, and looked around Guanzhong all around.

I saw no big dry Tianzhu red dragon suppression. The python in the north has a thriving image.

Connected with the black air of the grassland, it is just like moving!

“Since it is your own creation. The consequences, you need to bear…”

Song Yu sneered, some taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

Yuan Zong broke the foundation of Dagan and became independent. The one who has benefited is not only his family.

The whole of the North, and even the mighty of the world, will rise.

This Yuan Zong. It is necessary to make a big effort to flatten the northern land and even prevent the attack on the grassland. I won the time for Song Yu.

Song Yu looked at it for a while. Seeing that each of the air transports is based on one side, no change, only Divine Ability is recovered.

A dizzy eye, and then back to God. Has returned to itself.

Look around. The night wind is slowly, with a cold chill, the high platform all around the scenery, or the previous appearance, it seems that I just saw it, it is a big dream!

The body is extremely exhausted, especially in the eyes, only to feel heavy in front of the mountain.

Red hulls hovering in the air. Cheering and jumping, but showing what I saw. Not a dream.

“This is a big dry gas and a broken air. The sky is leaking out. At this time, I am so open-minded and watching the gas, it is a coincidence that I can see this scene. This is really a scorpio…”

Song Yu sighed.

His look is Divine Ability, and now he can see the whole Wunan gas count.

Just now, Dagan’s own air traffic collapsed, the red dragon fell, and the law was damaged.

The entire world of the celestial law network, there have been loopholes, this loophole is fleeting, Song Yu happens to open the Divine Ability at this time, only this big opportunity, see the world air, to come again, but it is no longer !

“The gas is in advance! I only see the natural phenomenon, then the death of the emperor should have just happened, or just after the news, the news will be transmitted to Wuzhou, it will take a while, which is very big. The article can be done…”

Song Yu thought about the pros and cons of knowing the death of the emperor in advance and tried to maximize the benefits.

The heart is turning sharply, and the eyes are bright!

“Maybe… you can preach this, as an opportunity to be called!” Song Yu murmured.

Before he, he took the imperial decree and led the great position of the festival.

This is a shallow foundation of its own, and it has to be done in order to borrow a big name.

However, regardless of whether the imperial edict is true or false, Song Yu has taken the purpose, and when it has been so long, the nature and the emperor have a relationship between the monarch and the minister!

At least, in the eyes of outsiders, that’s it! !

In this way, Song Yuru wants to stand on his own feet, a rebellious reputation, but can not run!

Song Yu also thought of this before, but not to be called, what is the name of the dragon?

What is the name of the big dry knot? Or another false sacred?

They are all jokes and they are very dangerous.

After Song Yusi thought about it, he finally decided to stand on his own feet. Even if he had some stigma, history has always been written by the winner. If it is a success, it can be modified. If it is a failure, then everything will be done.

It is the loss of gas transportation, and it has the reputation of bringing in the increase in production, and it can maintain balance.

But now, the major event that took place in Guanzhong has allowed Song Yu to see another solution.

That is to start the army in the name of the Qingjun side!

“When I don’t want to be there, I have this thing. Recently, the fortune was too smooth. Is it that the flickering of the destiny has already begun to have an impact?”

Song Yu looked at his own torrent of gas, especially the air creek that surrounds him. His face is a bit strange.

But my heart is clear, this is not the prosperity of my own gas, but the air transport of the entire world of Flood Dragon snakes!

The emperor of the Dagan Emperor died and enjoyed the benefits of the whole world.

Everyone has a great name, and they can abandon their scruples and develop their own strength.

Song Yu estimated that when the news of Yuan Zongjunjun spread, the strong localities will usher in a period of rapid development of the forces.

The more I think, the more I feel that I am not waiting.

Song Yu immediately got up and retired from the high platform.

“Lord?” Song and asked.

“I am going back to the government immediately! The order! Six sangzhong and Chen Yun, immediately come to see you!”

Song Yujian stepped on the festival to make a special car, and told him.


Song and the pro-military commander can only be Zhongping, but they have two advantages. One is loyalty, the other is strictness, and never asks. It is enough to have these two articles.

Immediately died.

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