In the study room of the festival, the lights are bright, not only the smoke of the ordinary candles, but also the faint fragrance.

This living condition, placed in ancient times, is not rich and expensive.

Although Song Yuping did not pay attention to these, but the following people, but the hollowed out of the mind of the pleasing, this candle, is the following Aristocratic Family offer, it is said that the raw materials are produced in the East China Sea, taken from the belly of the whale, modulated by the secret law, Three years of stagnation, the price is higher than gold.

This whale is a great whale. In the legend, it is awkward.

Therefore, this kind of candle is also called musk!

Because of the scarcity of production, in addition to the royal family and the door valve, other Aristocratic Family, are rare.

The Aristocratic Family of this treasure, or the ancestors once worked in the East China Sea, only accumulated a little, this time, all were sent to the festival.

Song Yu did not hide and squat, and used it when he used it. At this time, he was placed in the study room. It was really bright, but it was less filthy, and it was easy to use.

Shen Wenbin and so on, but not too make a fuss about nothing, but also secretly clicking one’s tongue in wonder.

Song Yuduan sat down and looked at the seven people below, slowly asking: “Chen Yun! Can there be news from Guanzhong?”

“reporting to the main public! The latest news from Guanzhong was sent yesterday. It has already been sent and seen. The emperor appointed Gao Tong as the front guard of the royal army, and Yuan Zong adjusted Yuan’an to guard against Beijing, and he was also stunned by the Queen’s…”

These, Song Yu have seen it, then asked: “You listened, what do you think?”

Six priests looked at each other, or Meng Meng went forward: “The contradiction between Yuan Zong and the royal family is sharper. They are all going to move the swordsmen. I think the people of insight in the world can see. Guanzhong has to meet again. Come to a big mess…”

“This is also a no-brainer. The little emperor grew up and wanted to be a pro-government. The power is in the hands of Yuan Zong. It can’t be handed over, nor can it be handed over…” Shen Wenbin added.

If the power is surrendered, will the Emperor Rong Rong Yuan Zong be a powerful minister? But dragging. It will only get deeper and deeper, so you can only fight for it!

But on both sides, they came to the aids. Seeing that it is necessary to fight with a real knife, but it is still rare. After all, there are also princes in the world. It’s all glare like a tiger watching his prey!

This can only be said. Destiny!

“You said that if Yuan Zong suddenly killed the little emperor and seized the big position, then the town would like to wait for the situation, and take the name of the Qingjun side, how?”

Song Yu seems to inadvertently ask slowly.

A few people in Shen Wenbin looked at each other, but they were secretly thought: “The meat is coming!”

Know that the Lord’s public star calls them to come here. Since I have not done some speculation, I ask so. At least there are six or seven points to grasp!

But this content, but really a little Shi Potian shocked!

Did the little emperor die? Yuan Zong wants to push the entire foundation of the Yuan family’s gas transportation into the overall situation of hegemony?

If the outsiders say this, a few people will think that the snoring episode, but the lord said, can only believe, and follow the thoughts and do some deduction.

Meng Zhuo is the eyes bright: “If this is the case, the emperor of the emperor died, Yuan Zong was a bit, and the protagonist called Wu Hou at this time, but it was due to the number of qi … and Dagan, not to violate the way of the monarch and minister, the reputation is not lost! ”

“Not only that, the Lord can also raise the name of the Qingjun side, call on the world’s heroes, and discuss the Yuan thief. If it is not, then you can attack, and no one can say anything!”

Song Si also saw the huge benefits hidden in it, and the voices were a little trembling.

“This is the master of the Scorpio! Please also ask the Lord to follow the destiny, officially called!”

Everyone looks flushed and they all worship.

“haha…good!” Song Yu said with a big laugh.

Yuan Zong and him, there is no monarch relationship, but he does not need to hesitate, but he can also take the banner of revenge for the emperor, occupying the name of the righteousness.

“Chen Yun! You carefully collect Guanzhong news. In addition, give me the wind, and let Yuan Zong’s ambitions, as well as the speculations of Qi Jun, make it clear that within two days, the town wants the whole Wunan, even if it is three years old. Also know!”

“Yes!” Chen Yun slammed the ground, cold sweats, such a big news, the Lord did not know him first, this has the crime of doing things ineffective.

Now see the Lord has not caused this attack, but it is a sigh of relief.

Song Yu nodded, if it is now to promote Yuan Zongjun’s self-reliance, there are few letters.

But you can do some preparations first, brewing the situation, when the news comes from Guanzhong, natural fermentation, forming a general trend!

At that time, it was said that the soldiers were sent out, and the name of the righteousness was all in place. The reputation was not lost. It was really a destiny!

Song Yu’s eyes are faint, and it seems to be a hole in the mystery…

Chen Yun is in charge of the dark spy Bright Gown Guard.

When Wu Nan was still immersed in the news that Song Yu was about to be called, another explosive news spread loudly, and for a moment, it spread throughout Wu Nan.

The great general Yuan Zong wants to be self-reliant! ! !

This rumor is like a huge stone that is thrown into the lake and stirs up thousands of waves.

Who is Yuan Zong? The door valve Aristocratic Family Patriarch, Kingdom Guardian Great General, the exclusive Imperial Court military and political power, can be described as the right to the wild.

This person, if it is anti-go, is a fatal blow to the entire Imperial Court! Even the whole world will fall into a series of wars!

In contrast, Song Yu’s message of self-reliance is only a small matter.

However, rumors after all is rumors, although Wunan is widely circulated, but after all, there is no factual evidence. The Aristocratic Family people are waiting for the Imperial Court news.

In October, the official document of Guanzhong came, and the emperor of the Dagan army collapsed. The general of the Yuan Emperor Yuan Zong held the ancestral hall Zhao Du as the emperor and changed Yuan Hongzhi.

Yuan Zongjin’s phase, praise and no name, did not tend to enter the DPRK, and the sword went to the temple.

Although this is a privilege, but people of insight can see that the emperor at this time, that is, the Imperial Court power, has completely fallen into the control of Yuan Zong.

On October 5th, another news came. The emperor turned to Yuan Zong as Qin Country, and cut the West House as a restaurant. The world is suddenly big!! !

Before Yuan Zong, there was also a public servant in the body, but there was no seal.

If you say that you have to pay for it, it seems that you have nothing to do with it.

But where is Xifu?

Guanzhong takes Chang’an as the center, east to Dongfu and west to Xifu.

Cutting the West House as a restaurant, is to send a half off! ! !

Big Court is now at the wind and rain, the Imperial Court is really in control. It is only about China.

Now it’s time to cut out half!

This is the rhythm of red, bare nude!

“I don’t think that this Yuan Zong is really a bit of a force!”

The festival makes the house. Song Yu put down his secrets and said slowly.

He got more news than other Aristocratic Family.

On September 20th, the Emperor rushed to Yuanzong into the palace, secretly ambushing the sergeant, to kill it in one fell swoop!

I didn’t want to leak the news, Yuan Zong sent troops to Beijing. Suddenly attacked the palace, killing the emperor, the queen. And the palace lady, the eunuch thousands of people.

Afterwards, the entire palace was dyed red with blood, and the emperor’s enthronement ceremony. They are all carried out in a bloody color.

“Lord! This Yuan Zong is mad at heart. But it is a dress for God!”

“The Lord is destined to be destined at this time, and he will be able to gain the number of gas!!!”

Underneath, Meng Zhu and He Dongming are all talking.

“It is lonely and some suffer from loss…” Song Yu laughed.

He also said: “Wenwu Baiguan must be waiting for an emergency, so I will go to the temple…”

Before him, as a festival, he called the town.

But now it is replaced by “orphan”, this is the self-proclaimed!

Nowadays. It is Song Yu’s date!

Song Yu at this time, not as usual. Wearing a robes, but changing a suit.

The swearing suit is the name of a dress in ancient times. Mainly consists of crown (crown crown), top (black, black), lower skirt (generally red or yellow), sputum and other main parts and other accessories such as knee, pimple, and peony.

This is a very formal dress, only used in major festivals or celebrations, there are regulations.

The emperor has twelve crowns, twelve chapters. Wang Jiuyu crown, nine chapters. The public seven crowns, seven chapters. Hou Wuyi crown, five chapters.

Big cockroach, with twelve crowns, big cockroaches, black cloth 纁 。. The tops are painted in the six chapters of the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the dragons, and the Chinese worms. The six shades of the embroidered algae, fire, powder rice, ancestral halls, pipa and pipa, a total of twelve chapters, so it is also called the twelve chapters. . This is the emperor can use, Song Yu, if it is now put on, will only be ridiculed and ignorant, arrogant and conceited.

Therefore, only wearing the five-crown and five-chapter clothing is suitable for Wuhou identity.

As soon as I got out of the bookstore, there was a waiter who sang: “Ji Shi arrived! Take the opportunity to serve!”

The sound is sharp and a bit harsh.

Since Song Yu called the founding of the country, the female eunuch of the palace, prepared on his own.

But among them, there are many difficulties, and many ritual laws and regulations are royal secrets. Usually Aristocratic Family, how do you understand this? You can only try it first.

Especially the eunuchs, don’t have to, but the technology is not enough, and I have killed several before.

Later, I would like to invite the Chenghuang Temple to come and show the rejuvenation of the Spring Festival to reduce the death rate and accumulate some.

This attendant is one of the finished products.

Song Yu stepped on the ride, and there were drums around.

The palace ladies are erected on both sides, all of them are outstanding in appearance, calm and calm, holding a palm fan.

With the sound of music, take a slow start and come to the Wuhou Palace.

It is said that it is a palace. In fact, it is just a large house in Linjiang. The Feng Shui is very good and has a foundation. Song Yu is honest and rude to use it. It is used as a Wuhou Palace.

At this time, the music in the temple was masterpiece, and the musicians were all oriented, with Huang Zhong, Da Lu, Ying Zhong, etc., and Xiao, Yi, Qin and Sheng, and the bells and bells accompanied, solemn and solemn.

Song Yu is all under the order. According to Wen Zuowu right, and connected with Ye Hongyan, it is also a starry night. At this time, standing on the right, the face is awe.

When the music subsided, He Dongming, who was temporarily a ceremonial officer, stood up. He was a priest, doing this, and doing his part. The face is solemn, take a step forward, first bow down, and take the golden book that the eunuch holds, saying loudly: “Transfer!”

At this time, all the civil and military ministers, dozens of people, all the black crows fell down and squatted down: “Chen and other orders!”

He Dongming read: “There is a collapse in the world, and there are Yuan Zong who are arrogant and self-reliant. The ambitions are all heard in the world. The Xin’an Festival makes Song Yu, the armored hunting thousand, the iron rides thousands of groups, Yi Chengtian is transported, and he is appointed as Wu Hou. Establish a national system to create peace.”

The group of ministers went down: “Chen and so on, see Wu Hou!”

At the moment when Wenwu Qunchen worshipped, Song Yu felt that he was in a state of inexplicable state.

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