City area, the main hall.

At this time, Fang Ming commanded, and there were no people around.

The main hall is magnificent, but at this time, it seems a little empty.

Only in the first gold seat, still sitting on a silhouette, seems to be closing his eyes.

This silhouette is dressed in a robe, with a jade belt around his waist, a gold crown on his head, and a footsteps on the cloud. He can only say that it is delicate and pretty, but there is an unspeakable majesty.

This person is Fang Ming ! Today, Song Yu said that he also felt the opportunity of the promotion of the gods, specially dismissed everyone, and waited quietly.

At this point, the eyes open and reveal the color of expectation: “Come on!”

The great hall roared, and a large azure air transport came in.

This gas lush and green, but it seems to be somewhat illusory, aggregated. Fang Ming lightly smiled, with a hand, Qingqi floated to Fang Ming.

In midair, the volume is reduced by ten times, the color is also turned into pure gold, but it is stable and solid, and there is a golden immortality, which means nothing!

Shinto immortal dao air transport, because it can last forever, unlike humane air transport, if you want to convert, then at least ten times the consumption!

But the vastness of the gas, even if it is ten times smaller, turned into golden, and almost filled the entire great hall.

At this time, in the main hall of the city, the golden gas is full, and it merges into a torrent, and it is injected into the top of Fang Ming.

Affected by this, the scarlet in the gold seal disappeared quickly. After a while, you will see golden light flashing, purifying one color, and gold printing, all golden air transport, into gold liquid.

At this time, the gold seal was truly called the “gold”.

As the golden gas is continuously injected, the gold liquid is also rising. When the gold gas dissipates, the gold liquid will also fill the gold seal, and even some surplus.

At this time Fang Ming is on top. Gold seal, life, gas transport purification, brilliant!

boom! ! !

The gold seal blasted and merged with the gold liquid. When it reappeared, the volume expanded several times. Just like the essence, there is no such thing as a vain image! It has a deep and heavy feeling like a mountain!

“Air transport breakthrough to the positive five products!”

Only five products. It is the pure gold gas transport, this time Song Yu said, brought the air transport. It is really thick, and even crossed the level from the five products in one fell swoop, let Fang Ming air transport directly break through five products!

This substantial gold seal, formidable power does not seem small. Fang Ming can obviously feel it. The vast power hidden in the gold seal. In the scorpion, there is no expectation of the color of expectation.

Neem is the authority! Before Fang Ming, I liked to use the gold seal against the enemy. Now Jinyinwei can rise, suddenly like a tiger that has grown wings!

As the top of the air is turned into pure gold, the power of Fang Ming within the body has also changed.

Fang Ming is immersed in the body. See the vast power of the Spirit of the Sea. There is also a drastic change.

Originally, this god pool, the radius is more than 100 feet, the internal storage of liquid power, the red gold, filled with half a pool.

Now, the upper red power is affected by air transport, and the filaments are aggregated and turned into golden.

This process is going very fast, almost in the blink of an eye, Fang Ming within the body of the Linghai Shenchi, the stored power of the gods, all turned into golden.

Although the water wave has dropped, it has purified golden, and it seems to contain even more amazing power.

The golden power is surging, and as Fang Ming is commanding, he gathers into a golden dragon, flies up and wraps the priests!

Divine power is centered on the ecclesiastical symbol, and it is gathered into a golden light ball. It floats in the air and puts a golden glow on it.

Fang Ming’s spirit is concentrated as never before.

After all, this time, it is necessary to cross a product and two levels, different from before, this difficulty, presumably will be even bigger!

Seeing the golden light ball, with the power of the gods, the surface of the priests fluctuated, and the original gods became blurred.

At this moment, Fang Ming screamed: “Hey!”

God read the cohesion, using the power of God as the ink, writing on the priesthood.

Every time I read it, it seemed to be very huge, and the whole space was trembled. ,

This is written in the gods, which contains the mystery of the Great Dao of World. It is not only a great deal of effort, but if the accumulation of sentiment is not enough, then there is no qualification for even the pen!

However, Fang Ming has a memory of Mu Qing, and he has accumulated silently for more than ten years. He has enough food, but he has no problem at all, and he has written the scripture smoothly!

Waiting for the last one to fall, the original priesthood symbol, Guanghua flashed! ! !

The golden light dissipated, revealing a new symbol, the gods imprinted on it, with a mysterious atmosphere that could not be said.

But Fang Ming can understand at a glance, the above book reads: “The five-story city is a god!”

This is the god of the five products, even in the past life, is also the backbone of Shinto, one of the overlord!

The priesthood was shocked, and a warmth turned around.

Fang Ming, seeing his Divine Body golden light, the weight is also soaring, heavy and incomparable, it seems to be cast in pure gold!

“This is… Great Accomplishment?” Fang Ming guessed.

The symbol of the five-character god is the golden body achievement! At this time, the light, from the appearance of the light, is no different from ordinary people, but also another return to the Natural State.

The priesthood is constantly adjusting the body of Fang Ming and adapting to the golden body.

At this time, don’t let slip an opportunity, Fang Ming quickly closed his eyes and realized the World Law.

In the entire great hall, the golden gas gradually filled, and the entire silhouette of Fang Ming disappeared into the golden, unrecognizable.

I don’t know how long it took, with a clear sound, the golden gas in the great hall, Muran spread out, showing Fang Ming silhouette.

At this time, Fang Ming looks like the body has no sense of transparency, and it is no different from ordinary mortals. Only the golden light around it shows a difference.

More critically, there is a feeling of “reality” in the whole body, without the sense of nothingness before.

The Great Accomplishment of Shinto is not only a defense increase, but also the whole person seems to be more substantive.

“I am showing this in the mortal world at this time. It is also this form. Apart from the golden light, there is no difference between the mortal and the mortal!”

Fang Ming looked at himself and muttered to himself.

“This promotion is what makes me see the difference!” Fang Ming’s mouth is full of joy.

“Shendao cultivation. The Early Stage is in the incense, the medium is heavy in the air, and the Late Stage is in the law…”

“And the Shinto is golden. Although the appearance is the same as ordinary people, but the essence is still the soul, in the end is different.”

“If I don’t expect it, the azure god of the third product will be derived from flesh and blood. At that time, it can be freely transformed between the soul and the body, without restriction.”

Shinto gold body. It is the god of the five products, in the Shinto, it is medium.

But if there is azure. That is the great god! In the past life, it is also a good high-level!

Once you get to the top three, it turns into a mortal, that is, a real mortal. Not only is it usually the same as a mortal. It is to meet with mortals, but also to give birth to children.

“If the myths of the past life did not deceive people, those gods who stepped on the footprints and felt the footprints in the pregnancy story, at least it was the azure god of the three products!”

Fang Ming smiled lightly, this time, not only successfully promoted the five-character gods, but also the Great Accomplishment. A glimpse of the mystery of a higher level is definitely a great reward.

But only these.

Fang Ming turned over the palm. A gold seal emerged, deep and heavy, with a golden glow.

“This is made up of a virtual gold seal, and it is really a small thing!” Feel the power of the golden seal, Fang Ming’s mouth, it smiles.

His promotion has not only successfully reached the top five products, but also in the process, he also realized the Great Dao of World and realized two Divine Ability!

These two Divine Ability are all about Divine Ability! They are all related to the Golden Seal, a name called “Overturning Heaven Seal!”

Fang Ming felt that after the Wunan campaign, it would be a terrible, his own gold seal usage is rough, deliberately in the promotion, the law of Divine Ability, which is attracted to the golden seal, finally realized these two!

“This Overturning Heaven Seal and the Indy Seal are all Divine Ability, and the Golden Seal is also a magic weapon. The two complement each other. Formidable power can grow by at least a few…”

Fang Ming recalls Divine Ability information, on the surface, it is a big joy, a few want to laugh.

“Unfortunately, the promotion of the gods was too short. I couldn’t brand these two Divine Ability on the priesthood. Otherwise, the power will skyrocket!”

After Fang Ming’s joy, there are some regrets.

Then I was dumbfounded: “I am too greedy! The mysterious mystery is extraordinary, it will change, it will only go out of chaos, or strive to be safe! Not to mention, there are two Divine Ability, that is enough! I have to look There are two seals in the sky, and who else dares to block my gold seal?”

Divine Ability, with the magic weapon, produces power that is far more than one after another.

According to Fang Ming’s speculation, if he uses the gold seal, he will display two Divine Ability, the average real person, if there is no treasure body, it is only covered head and sneaked away like a rat.

If you are not careful, you will be killed by a blow!

“Too on the road will surely start when Song Yu goes out to fight, and then Divine Ability can be opened and give them a big surprise…”

Fang Ming Yang Tian shouts, only feels very happy!

This shouting rang through the gloom, and the entire city was clear and audible.

After the long screaming, Fang Ming looked at it and saw the silhouette. He came to the great hall.

But when the seever li was opened, it stopped, and there seemed to be an invisible boundary block, and it was impossible to move forward half a step.

His face was eager, and he seemed worried about the accident.

“true body is nothing! You wait!” Fang Ming said freely, and the voice rang directly in his ear.

The gate of the shrine is also windless and automatic.

All of you are sneak in. Everyone was ranked according to their status, and they saw that they had nothing to do with the public. They all felt that they had let go of their hearts.

See also that the Lord’s appearance is different from the past, and it seems to be more active.

I know that the retreat of the Lord’s office is not small. They all bowed to the celebration and said: “Congratulations to the Lord and the great power!”

“haha…haha… don’t have to be polite, get up!” All of them were present, and Fang Ming did not hide it, and admitted it generously.

See also Xu Yuan, Zheng Jing and the others. Just say: “Exactly! true body has retired before, did not send a reward, now do it together!”

Drinking: “Wu Yuan, Zheng Jing, Xie Ming, Sun Si, Bao Kunxiong?”

Five people listed: “Marked!”

“When you wait for the Alliance of the Five Evil Ghosts to be destroyed, they are all rewarded.”

“Xu Yuan, Zheng Jing Jin Zheng, seven products are commanding and commanding thousands of people. Xie Ming, Sun Si, Bao Kunxiong have made great achievements, and they have a lot of money!”

Every time Fang Ming says, it seems to be World Law, and the export is constitutional!

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