“many thanks Lord!”

This reward is more important than the estimated one. Although it is known that it has caught up with the great power of the Lord, it is a good time.

But the five people are still very excited, thanks to thanks.

“Well! Get up!”

Fang Ming looked at his men. Now, he has three conductors, Xie Jin, Xu Yuan, and Zheng Jing. Each of them leads thousands of people. This is the three thousand Yin Soldier!

The rest of Xie Ming, Sun Si, and Bao Kunxiong are all Wei Zheng, who command five hundred. This is another thousand and five hundred Yin Soldier.

In total, there are 4,500 Yin Soldier. Before Fang Ming, they collected the military soul and trained them into soldiers. There are 5,000 people. Now after many battles, the rest is almost the same.

As a result, Yin Soldier has his command.

It is necessary to quickly put down these generals and let them become familiar with the military. After that, they are the core seeds of the expansion.

In this way, the veterans bring new recruits, supplemented by the Shinto means. Even if they develop a few hundred thousand, they can be accommodated, and there will be no problems such as impediment.

As for the military soul? Wunan is fighting for the world, is there still a small number of soldiers to die?

The gods are indifferent, and they seem to see through the future. They can see the battle, the bloodshed, the countless elites, and the death of a ghost!

At the same time, Song Yu, who is in the feast of the feast, also has an induction.

Song Yu holds the palm of the white jade wine glass, which is slightly stopped.

“Is it successful?” Song Yu looked at the direction of Xin’an, and he said to himself.

“I don’t want to be promoted, it is so smooth, and I have realized two attacks on Divine Ability. Great strength, this is the day to help me, complete the great cause!”

Song Yu is opposed to the following ministers, clansman, and Aristocratic Family representatives. Toasting to drink: “Today’s big joy, you can drink a few more cups…”

At this time, he was Wu Hou, who was in charge of the life and death of all the people in Wunan. They were all Thunder, and everyone below, although verbally said that they do not have to be restrained. In fact, which one is dare?

Seeing that Wu Hou advised the wine, they all called the grace, and then they tried hard to drink.

It is usually not in the cup. Also brace oneself, even drinking a lot, drinking a red face, fell to the ground. Was carried over.

The acquaintances next to him have to plead guilty. Do not dare to complain.

“This is the joy of the Lord!” Song Yu wine is hot, and a toast.

“This game in the world, I have to make a wonderful trip!”


In the winter of Yong’an twelve years, Song Yu led Wu Hou from the temple and built a ancestral temple to welcome the five generations of the ancestors.

This is the news of Hou Jianguo, and it was all over the world, and even the whole world. And not long ago. The information of Yuan Zongqi’s self-reliance has caused a great uproar.

There are also many Aristocratic Family. Knowing that the Song Family ancestral temple is eccentric, and the news of opening up the blessed land is a secret shock. After all, this represents the strength of the door valve!

But before the people digested the information, a swearing text came from Wu Nan, and it suddenly rumored to the world, pushing the previous shock to a higher level!

Jianye, Baojia Garden, or in the bamboo forest kiosk.

Bao Tingbo looked at the essays he had picked up in his hand, his face gloomy and uncertain.

This essay was issued by Wu Hou Song Yu, which counted the ten sins of Yuan Zong, calling on the princes of the world to join forces and jointly crusade!

“Song Family this child, every time unexpected, look at this situation, it must be prepared for a long time… But my Bao family just got the news of Guanzhong, not wanting Song Family, even faster than my family, is it that his family has grasped some secret channels? ?”

Bao Jia Patriarch’s brow wrinkled into a ball and tried to think.

This is not a trivial matter! On behalf of, behind the Song Family, if there is no secret hand push, it must be profound, and there is any hidden power, in order to ambush the spy in Guanzhong early.

After thinking about it for a long time, I was confirmed with one after another, but I still couldn’t get any clues. Bao Tingbo sighed then said and sat down slowly.

Right hand squinted and asked: “Is this essay, did you see it for the state?”

Standing on one side is the general manager of Bao Jia Mi Spy. At this time, squatting and immersing himself in the shadow seems to become a habit.

“The state animal husband has not been very good since the last time he vomited blood, and he was bedridden. Before that, Yuan Zong’s incident was another blow. The condition became more and more indulged. Now the people under him dare not show him this article. Afraid to stimulate the disease…”

Bao Tingbo nodded, this Zhao Pan, is a cumulative illness, need to be quietly nursed back to health, and should not be overjoyed.

I know this person, I am afraid it is abolished.

Shake his head and take the person away from his list.

Zhao Pan this person, can be there, is a sect, has a big name, the official voice is very good, if there is ambition, it is also a dragon.

It’s not a fake year, but some foolish loyalty.

After Bathing Bo’s regret, he asked casually: “What is the situation around the world?”

“You can only say that a mess!”

This secret spy is a middle-aged, but old-fashioned. With the sound, there are some hoarseness.

“This state, the state is heavily ill, can not be a director, Huo Li seems to have a change, Song Yu is a sergeant, the customs is the two months!”

“As for other states, the prefecture County Magistrate, and the guerrilla garrison, are just and honorable. They will take advantage of the prefecture and county, expand their squad, and disappear in the war. There will be two days in the fight!”

“It’s worth noting, still those few!”

“Jingzhou, the governor of Jingzhou, has 20,000 troops, and the army has eight thousand, attacking Gangneung!”

“Yizhou Shilongjie, Lian Liu Liu, Xiangyang, will expand the power to Chengdu!”

“Northland, Yuan Zongling Qin Country public, after the Xifu, after the ruling of the wilderness, after some cleaning, was suppressed, Imperial Court Zhu Gong, in this campaign folded 50%. Three masters got the news, Under the protection of the soldiers, I left in the dark, and I will definitely go to Wuzhou in a day…”

“Youzhou, Hezhou, and Liangzhou all have heroes to land, and the grassland Hu people are also peeping. However, Yuan Zong, Lien Guanzhong has not stabilized, this will have a big battle…”

“Oh… how hard the world is!”

After Bao Tingbo heard the news, he sighed.

Knowing that at this time, the Imperial Court’s name was completely lost, and the local princes were all rising. Chasing the big deer.

The hegemony of the world, but it has entered the most intense moment!

At this point, as long as you have the first hand, it is snowballing. The forces are skyrocketing, sweeping half a world, it is possible!

“Wu Hou chest has the danger of mountains and rivers…” Song Yu, one of the behind-the-scenes pushers, naturally attracted Bo Tingbo to be jealous, and he was helpless.

“At this time, Wu Hou is ready to be completely, and will not let go of the opportunity, and compete for the clearance. See how the first battle is!”

Bao Tingbo got up and sat down. Repeat several times.

For a long time, still hesitating. After all, he is an Aristocratic Family Patriarch and can’t just be considered for personal reasons. More, you have to pay attention to family continuity issues.

“that’s all!” Bao Tingbo sighed and sat down.

“The old man is still on the wall, how to win or lose. Or let God decide…”

But it is the news that comes to mind. Too Shangdao seems to have an intention to intervene.

Although there is no definite evidence, it shows that there is no hatred between Tai Shangdao and Song Yu. To do so, he will not hesitate to delay the great cause of the North.

But the Boting Bo people are old and accurate, and they can guess that it must be related to the case of saintess Su Xia’s murder more than a decade ago.

In this case, too much is not only badly damaged. Also lost a piece of gas transport to treasure, can be counted both people and money.

Not only that. I heard that in the process of investigating the case, a real person has also fallen, and it is definitely a broken bone.

“Don’t you? Suddenly killed Su Xia, the burning of the station, is actually from Song Family?”

Bao Tingbo has some guesses.

“If this is the case, then the Song Family is really hidden…”

“Oh, no, there is the god of the city, and it is very suspicious…”

Bao Tingbo went into contemplation again.

The dark spy head did not dare to bother, standing silently waiting…


No matter what the chaos is outside, Song Yu’s mind is on his own career.

Thanks to Yuan Zong’s blessing, now the whole world is in a state of chaos. In the chaos of the world, there are soldiers and guns, that is, the head of the grass.

Song Yu, who has the advantage of absolute force, will carry it out quickly in Wunan, whatever he wants to do.

The rest of the Aristocratic Family, one is taken in Song Yu’s voice, and the other is that there is no excuse to make trouble.

On the bright side, it is said that as long as Song Yuqi is a soldier, it is natural support.

Song Yu doesn’t care what they think, as long as the nodded face on the open side, some materials and manpower can be made, and the rest will naturally look forward to future actions.

If you are obedient, you will be punished. If you don’t obey, you will be punished. If you are rebellious, you will kill. After a few times, you can always tame these Aristocratic Family.

At this time, Song Yu was sitting and taking a trip to the new barracks.

As early as in the 11th year of Yong’an, Song Yu ordered that a new recruit camp be formed in each prefecture and county to recruit soldiers. This time, the blood was born, and 20,000 people must be recruited!

You must know that the total number of veterans before Song Yu was only 10,000!

It has doubled now! If there is no gold mine, the gold is continuously mined and supported, and the Song Yulian army is lacking.

In order to prepare enough ordnance for the new pawn, Sun Hao spent the day and night working in the company, and even the whole person was thinned a few times.

For this reason, Song Yu also paid a lot of effort.

But it’s a good time to come over, now is the time to harvest!

“This new pawn, training is extremely rampant, has been extremely strong, as long as the battlefield is slightly up, practicing some murderous aura, is an elite one-on-one…”

Song Yu naturally has confidence in the troops he brought out with one hand.

“As a result, my hand is 10,000 veterans, 20,000 new recruits, plus six thousand mountain warriors, this is the 40,000 army!”

“But to suppress Wu Nan, at least five thousand will be left. This way, the only ones that can be used on hand are only 30,000 troops!”

“Three thousand people! Look at a lot, but for Wuzhou, and even the whole world, there are some shortcomings…”

Song Yu silently calculated that there was a deep deep in the middle.

The ancient wars were all close to each other. The so-called “one thousand injured, self-damaged eight hundred” is the normal state. Three thousand people will die one less, and recruit training will take at least half a year. This is not a question of labor transfer. When the army is exhausted and not replenished, it is very dangerous.

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