The view of the heavens and the sky at night is a symbol of the swordsman.

Real human cultivation base, deep and secluded, although the Qing Dynasty has a bloody revenge with Fang Ming, but does not know the relationship between Song Yu and Fang Ming, but now it is still a heart to help the Qianlong Deng, to reduce sin, to the Song Yu fortune, natural attention, and to play the spirit A clear way to watch the battle between the two sides!

Qing meditation and ignorance of the law, open the eye, you can see Azure Dragon inside, the silk is full of military, there is a red gas generation, cloud gas gathering, into a red tiger shape, baring fangs and brandishing claws, mighty out of the ordinary !

In terms of Yuzhang, not only is the air transport smaller than Azure Dragon, but also the military, it is also thin, not shaped!

The strength of both sides is clear at a glance!

“haha…this is really blessed Wuhou!” Qingxu said with a smile: “Zhoumu Zhaopan is seriously ill, even if he is now strong support, he is also completely unprepared, and he is even preparing for the Yuzhang. No, it must be an attack!”

“And once you get the Yuzhang House, outside the Azure Dragon, there is a base, you can develop calmly, this is the trend of the times!”

Then he smiled and smiled with some doubts.

“Ye Hongyan, although it is a guerrilla general of the five martial arts, has led over 10,000 people, but it should not have the image of this red tiger!”

The gas is red tiger, which means that the army has strong morale, strong strength, and the real leader of the handsome, is the elite teacher of the hundred battles!

(Long) (Wind Song Yu Yu, although well-trained, but only 10,000 people have this image, or some strange.

“In combination with the news from Wuhou, this time will be Ye Hongyan’s leadership of Wanjun as a pioneer!”

In the darkness of the scorpion. It shows the appearance of Ye Hongyan.

“This Ye Hongyan, this poor Daoist has also seen it, it is the talent of the general. But how rare it is to say, it may not be! Unless there is a great life in this army?”

When the soldiers are not so abundant, only this is possible!

Qing Ming’s eyes are bright and bright: “There are such handsome talents. Every one of them can increase the number of masters, but it should be found as soon as possible. Introduce to the master…”

“No! This red tiger formed, it shows that this person is not low in the military, at least. Can affect the coach’s judgment! With this status, early appearance, no need to recommend …”

“But I can make one or two, and there is always no harm. This war. I will be able to see this person shine! When I know where it is!”

The night is shining, the dawn of the morning, shining on the head of Azure Dragon, bringing a touch of glory to this millennium.

In this scene, Azure Dragon closes the door, but it is Mo Ran, and an army emerges from it.

This Wu Hou army. They are all dressed in uniforms and armed with weapons.

Many soldiers. They are all dressed in bamboo, and the fire is on the top of the team, but the leather armor is in the body, suitable for the body, revealing a faint suffocation.

The army’s armor is clear, the lineup is neat, and the order is set out in an orderly manner.

On the wall, Song Yuxi looked at the army of thousands of people, and saw the formation of the military, and the red tiger, roaring, could not help but nodded.

At this time, Ye Hongyan was draped in the bright light, and bowed in front and half, and said: “The army is assembled, please ask the Lord!”

“Good! Lonely command! The army attacked, the soldiers sent a chapter!”

“Nuo!” Ye Hongyan loudly promised, and screamed: “My master is victorious! Wansheng!!”

The sergeant at the bottom, also shouted together, and for a long time, the entire Azure Dragon was wrapped in sound.

Song Yu nodded, and said to Ye Hongyan: “You go and go alone, with 20,000 troops, give you the back!”

“There will be the right thing to do, it will be the main public, take this Yuzhang House!”

Ye Hongyan loudly promised, and quickly stepped down the city wall, and his own soldiers took the horse to the front.

Ye Hongyan turned over to the horse and returned to Song Yu to salute, only to pass the order, Azure Dragon outside the army, slowly move up and head toward the direction of Yuzhang.

Song Yu saw a red tiger roaring and went to Yuzhang House. In the direction of Yuzhang, the air transport was weak, the military air was diffused, and it was almost inconspicuous.

He sent troops this time, but it is a multi-party calculation, taking advantage of the first-hand advantage. This first battle is very important. Xu Sheng is not defeated!

Ye Hongyan has a great general, and Ye Jianfeng, an azure talent, has made suggestions on the side. This first battle will surely win the battle and make a sound!

This is the beginning of the opening, the entire Wuzhou Raiders, it is easy to do a lot.

At this time, Yu Zhang also got the news that Ye Hongyan is about to lead the troops.

Yuzhang Fucheng, a prefect of the prefecture, a middle-aged Confucian student running away from the image, disrupting the tranquil atmosphere of the house!

This Confucian scholar seems to be not a small identity, and the guards along the way are not afraid to stop.

All the way to the core of the study, this Confucianism stopped, turned to a quick step, mix thoroughly breathing, finishing the appearance.

Before the study, Confucian students did not see the rest of the clothes except for some scattered clothing.

“Is it Zhang He? Come in!” The person in the door seemed to have news and the voice came out.

Middle-aged Confucian scholars pushed the sandalwood door into the study room, and they saw the case behind the case.

“I have seen Mingfu adults!” Zhang and said.

Although the former Xiao Xiaoxu has been in the 50th year of the year, it is very well maintained, and the face is smooth, and there is no wrinkles. The people who look good say that they are blessed!

But now, brows frowned, hidden behind the ears, where is the previous half-point style?

Seeing this master thin, when the heart sinks, there is some speculation, and asks: “But that Song Yu, has the movement?”

Ever since I learned that Song Yu called Hou Jianguo and issued a divine king’s essay, no matter how the world people look at it, at least Xiao Xiaoxu knows that this Song Yu ambition is not small, and the Yuzhang House under his own control is next to Wunan Azure Dragon. It is necessary to take this away, and recently I am restless, all for this matter!

Seeing Zhang and nodded now, but there is some sense of liberation, muttering: “The end is coming!”

Listening to the voice of Zhang He: “Song Yu takes Ye Hongyan as a pioneer, leads the 10,000 people, and comes straight to the Yuzhang. It is estimated that this afternoon, you can reach Anding County…”

“Ye Hongyan is the number one general of the Song Jade Hand, and leads the soldiers, and I have only three thousand soldiers here… This Song Yu, can really afford the old man!” Xiao Xiaoxu said with a smile.

After the rise of Song Yu, his deeds of his name were also spread, especially in Wuzhou.

No matter what the mind is, you can’t ignore it. The advisers under the filial piety of Xiao Xiaoxu naturally also made Song Yusong’s name of the official of the following military officers into a booklet, and brought images and approximate character.

But now, it does not help this situation.

“Before the government, I received the state’s grazing documents, and asked me to wait for the Yuzhang government. It is necessary to protect the Song Yufeng sharply and resist the Yuzhang government. Zhang He, you have a trick, look at this time, how should it be good?”

Whether it is a government or a county, this main thin seat is often a confidant, this is also equivalent to the first-class think tank of Xiao Xiaoxu, relying on the confidant, it is directly asked.

“Ming Fu is under the helm!” Zhang and his face were bitter.

“This time Ye Hongyan is coming to the fore. There are only a few hundred soldiers in Anding County, and they will not be able to withstand it. Only by relying on Yuzhangfucheng, perhaps it can be slightly better!”

“But blocked, what about it? Song Yu also took the 20,000 army in the back!”

“This adds up to a total of 30,000 troops, almost the sum of Wuzhou’s strength! Forgive me, if the state animal husbandry does not send reinforcements as soon as possible, Yuzhang District, but it can not stop for ten days!”

This is also the time that Zhang He followed Xiao Xiaoxu, who had a sentiment, and then said it truthfully. Otherwise, he would be dragged out of the dagger as a traitor.

“This is… although I know it is true, but there is fire when I listen, don’t say it outside!”

Xiao Xiaoxu’s eyes flashed, but he said.

“Subordinate to obey!” Zhang and again salute. I heard the voice of Xiao Xiaoxu coming: “According to your opinion, this Yuzhang House is unstoppable?”

Zhang He saw Xiao Qiao’s face, but he bit his teeth and said: “If you really want to defend, it is not impossible. Just do the prisoners in the city, collect the private soldiers, and then seal the door with the boulder, and launch the city to defend the city! With the savings in the government Grain, that can at least guard March! But…”

Next, Zhang He did not say, Xiao Xiaoxu also knows.

If the city breaks, then Xiao Xiaoxu does not need to say, it will be executed by the whole family, it is Zhang He who has an idea, but also has to blame the family.

Even if you can successfully support the time of the state soldiers, save the crisis, but offended the Aristocratic Family’s filial piety, you will not be able to ask for it.

The most important thing is that Xiao Xiaoxu is also a big family. Why should he accompany Zhao Pan’s funeral?

Zhang Hezheng measured the meaning of Xiao Xiaoxu, and he tentatively said: “While Song Yu claimed to be Wu Hou, but the princes defended the emperor, they were reluctant to say it, and they started to fight in the name of Qin Wang. This has a big name, and recently it has been rumored to have a scorpio… ”

“The present is still the prefect of Dagan!” Xiaoxiao Xu said coldly.

“Adults forgiveness!” Zhang and quickly succumbed to sin.

“Get up! It’s not an example!” When Zhang Hezhen was annoyed, he heard the sound of Mingfu coming, and he got up and saw that Xiaoxiao Xu had a dark face, but there was no anger, and this heart is certain!

With this attitude, it means that this Xiaoxiao Xu’s heart is not disgusting to Song Yu, but he can’t let it go.

I know that this adult usually loves to listen to his opinions. However, in this life and death major event, he has been arbitrarily and arbitrarily. If he wants to make a statement, he will push the prefects to the opposite side of Song Yu, and he will not say anything. For self-deprecation.

“Okay! Go ahead! This matter, the government has to think more…”

After waiting for a long time, I heard a little tired voice from Xiao Xiaoxu.

Zhang and his heart are happy, the face is not exposed, and the ceremony is retired.

When this person silhouette disappeared completely, Xiao Xiaoxu picked up the tea on the table and took a sip. He said slowly: “Zhang He! Zhang He! The government asked you not to be thin, but did not want to vote for Baiyun…”

In the scorpion, there is a cool color flashing.

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