On the official road, the mighty army marched forward.

The army of Song Yu, using red more, to respond to fire, this looks far, like a red snake, crawling slowly on the ground.

In the army, Ye Jianfeng patrols the horse and sees the spirit of the soldiers. The ranks are neat, and they are nodded in their hearts. They see one another, but they are somewhat frowning.

The whip was pumping, and the horse ate the pain and rushed to the center of the army with Ye Jianfeng.

“Why does the uncle seem to have something to worry about?” Here, hundreds of iron rides around the guard, one in the center, riding a red horse, and the armor is in the body, it is Ye Hongyan, but at this time, his brows are tight, his face is a bit gloomy. .

“It’s Jianfeng!” The voice of this scorpion, with the unique blood of the young people, has a worried mood, can be called the loyalty of the red, let Ye Hongyan listen, my heart is very comfortable, the brow is also slightly expanded.

But did not answer, asked: “What is the situation of our army?”

This is a business, Ye Jianfeng did not dare to neglect, solemnly said: “reporting to the general, our army just saturate, and after a rest, now on the road, are full of spirit, morale is strong…”

“Good! The soldiers will be courageous! With this fine, it is the root of my military commander’s life…” Ye Hongyan said.

“Under the subordinates understand!” Although these reasons, Ye Jianfeng has long known, but his uncle, mentioning it, respectfully listen.

Later, the more serious the heart, because Ye Hongyan said, is the actual experience of the military, although Ye Jianfeng has a talent, read the military books, but there is no such insight, only to benefit a lot. Hurry up and play the spirit of twelve points, remember with your heart.

Ye Hongyan’s attitude and spirit have been shaken. Although this innate talent is extraordinary, but after all young people, in the end lack of experience, some theories, is that the military will pass the door and mouth, not falling text, Ye Hongyan has also suffered some losses before. After taking a lot of detours, I got some real ideas.

“The way of the art of war in the book. It is imaginary! In fact, the law of the army is to be adapted to the time, but it is true! This combination of reality and reality is the use of the soldier Roundeous Path!”

Ye Hongyan concluded with a sentence.

“Uncle’s high theory. Jianfeng has benefited a lot!” Ye Jianfeng said sincerely.

“haha… said for the uncle. Or my experience, when can you listen in, get through and become your own thing, and the uncle will be comforted!”

The world has a lot of truth, but it can’t escape the threshold of “knowing that this matter is going to be done”. Even if you know the truth, you don’t have to practice it. If you do the trick, then you should know the universe. It is also useless.

“Uncle’s use of soldiers is like a god. This Yuzhang chapter will be a slap in the face! Jianfeng first congratulated his uncle here and made a great contribution!”

Ye Jianfeng seems to congratulate.

“Jian Feng! Are you really watching this?” Ye Hongyan slowed down the horse speed and waited a little for Ye Jianfeng. He was only a horse head faster than him. It was equivalent to riding and it was more convenient to speak.

“Anding and Yunshan two counties, listening to the uncle’s army, are all offering the Indian-style household registration documents. Without the war, the army not only lost one soldier, but also nearly a thousand people, and opened up to Yuzhangfucheng. The road, there is some fame in Xiaoxu, there are still three thousand soldiers, but in the end is a civil servant, who knows how to fight the army? If the uncle goes, he will win the Yuzhang Fucheng, take the Wuzhou for the main public, and make the first effort. !”

Ye Jianfeng said without thinking, this is his inner thoughts.

Ye Hongyan took the tens of thousands of military pressures and had the name of Qin Wang. Although the people of the world did not know that there were several approvals, it was a good name, not a sergeant.

Sometimes, there is no such thing, it is still very important, directly the difference between the righteous and the sergeant!

Count Magistrate in the two counties of Anding and Yunshan, there are only a few hundred soldiers in the hands, once they rebel, and they are broken, it is inevitable that they will copy the family.

Song Yu’s reputation in this regard was also spread.

Everyone is aware that Wu Hou has merits and rewards. He has to be punished and surrender as soon as possible. At least he can protect the family. There is no shortage of prosperity and prosperity. Once you resist, you must blame the Nine!

The spread of this famous voice, as well as Song Yu himself, in the secret to help, is to dispel the enemy’s resistance in the future.

Now it has received results! Count Magistrate in these two counties are forced by the situation and surrendered in the city!

As a result, the Ye Hongyan army, not only did not break, but more thousands of county soldiers, and the county counties of the two counties.

This is a great help for the morale of the army!

Ye Jianfeng looked in his eyes and had no doubts about his uncle’s victory!

“Jian Feng! You said it makes sense! But the eyes are only limited to Yuzhang!” Ye Hongyan looked at the blind man, still said.

“The Lord has taught me that for the general, there must be a big picture, not limited to the gains and losses of one city and one place!”

“Today, my uncle also gave this sentence to you!”

Ye Jianfeng was a little confused, but he was somewhat awake, and could not help but say: “The child is dull! Please ask your uncle to point out the maze!”

“You know my main Wu Hou, how many people are there?” Ye Hongyan asked slowly.

“Under Wuhou, there are 30,000 troops, plus 6,000 in the mountains. There are 36,000 troops in total! This time, in addition to staying in Wunan 5,000, the rest are brought, this has 310,000. Thousand people!”

The soldiers in the vicinity are all officers. They are all understandable under the system of Song Yuxi. They do not have to be concealed. Ye Jianfeng also tells the truth.

Speaking of this, it is a flash of light in the heart, some insights.

“Not bad! The protagonist has started the army of Wunan, and there are only more than 30,000 people! More, it will damage the people and affect the harvest!”

“Three thousand people, say not much, say a lot less, the whole Wuzhou, except Wu Nan, the rest, is almost this number! Our army must be 30,000, unified Wuzhou, although it took the lead, But can’t care!”

Ye Hongyan expression is very cautious, and the voice is low.

“There are only 30,000 people in the Lord, but give me 10,000. What a great trust! If you can’t get the Yuzhang smoothly, then wouldn’t I have no face to see the Lord?”

Ye Jianfeng slowly nodded.

“Yuzhang City is the place where the government is located. The city is deep and deep, and there are three thousand soldiers. The food is sufficient. If it is hard attack, it can be won, but how much time and expense do you consume?”

Speaking of this, Ye Hongyan asked: “Jian Feng! You said, if our army storms the Yuzhang, how long does it take, how many people are injured?”

Ye Jianfeng had a cold sweat on his forehead, and he said, “If it is a strong attack, there is no internal response. If you want to win it, the army will at least damage 30%, and it will take time!”

“Yes! This is the minimum! But you think about it. There are ten Yu Mansions in Wuzhou North. If every time, it takes time and months, and thousands of damages, then our army will not be laid down in Wuzhou. Do it all…”

“What’s more, the public and the public have tried their best to seize this first move, and let the state animal husbandry react. If the delay machine is given to the state animal husbandry integration opportunity, then the situation of Wuzhou’s scattered sand will change greatly, and it will be more troublesome… ”

Ye Jianfeng suddenly realized this.

At this time, the strength is dominant, to win the Yuzhang Fucheng, it is simple, no one is afraid. It is difficult to save both strength and time.

This world is still a cold weapon era. Every big battle is a close fight, and at most some bows and the like.

Can be in the siege war, or a small role, to attack a big city, not dead, how is it possible?

Ye Jianfeng also finally understood why his uncle always frowned lately.

Guessing said: “Uncle has been letting the army go slowly, isn’t it what you mean?”

If you want to use it for a short period of time, you should save the military strength, unless you Xiaoyu Xu himself surrendered in the city, or ambush in the city of Yuzhangfu.

“Yes! The army is pressing hard, it will only let Yuzhangfu City go to the next heart. This will leave room for it. I will think more and find some retreats. People are like this since ancient times. This is our chance. I have sent me to go to the dark. Contact, there will be news in the future…”

“But you can’t rely on it alone. At a critical moment, even if you have a break, you have to fight hard!”

Ye Hongyan said, there is a suffocating appearance on the face of fortitude.

“Compared with the loss of the army, it is still important in time! Is it really because the filial piety hesitates and hesitates, he will not fight? I give time, let the inner activity, and also let the rear step up to make siege equipment, if the time is still the first mouse At both ends, that can only make Yuzhang see blood…”

Although Ye Hongyan only said a few words, but Ye Jianfeng heard a taste of the Corpse Mountain Blood Sea, assaults the senses.

If the mind knows that the damage is too great, then the Lord will not order, and the uncle will also strategize the city to encourage morale, and then it will be inevitable to be alive!


On February 10, the army was under Yuzhangfucheng.

Yan Xiaoxu boarded the city head and looked at the Wuhou army below. I saw the army array, and there were tens of thousands of people wearing red uniforms. It looked like a red wave, like a burning red flame, emitting a scent. Touching power!

The guards on the Yuzhangfu City were forced by this majestic army. They were shaking hands and feet, and they could hardly grasp the ordnance in their hands.

These guards have been pampered for a long time. Although some training and physical fitness are still there, but they have not been killed by the battlefield, how can they compete with the Wuhou army like a wolf?

Xiao Xiaoxu’s heart, can not help but some haze.

At this time, in the army of Wu Hou, several horses flew out and came to Yuzhangfu City.

“The people in the city listen! My lord Wu Hou, I should be destined for life, and I will be dedicated to the king. The general is kind, and I will give it to me one day. If I am stubborn, I will kill it, and I will regret it later. Not pre-ordered!”

There was a big officer who shouted loudly.

This officer resonating sound, severe li smells. This is a special training hand in the military. The two armies are called, or they are forced to drop and use them more.

At the time of the city wall, listening to the words of the officers, there was some commotion.

Song Yu’s name, like thunder piercing the ear, has never been defeated since the incident. In Wuzhou, it is already a ghostly character.

Ordinary soldiers, see the army under the city for more than 10,000, only three thousand of their own, the strength of the strong and strong, and the heart is a bit embarrassing.

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