Not to mention them, it is the officials at all levels who are on the lookout with the prefects and filial piety Xiaoxu. They are also pale and sweaty!

Seeing Xiaoxu, it is also like pouring cold water, cold hands and feet.

“Wu Houguo is very human!” Xiao Xiaoxu sees this, and coughs, attracts attention, and slowly speaks.

“I am waiting for the food of Jun, the loyalty of the king, what should I do now? Please ask me to teach me!”

See the above-mentioned masters asking questions, under the look at each other in dismay, are not to say a word.

Although everyone under the bottom has more thoughts, who can dare to say before I know what the real thoughts are? Don’t want to live?

Xiao Xiaoxu looked around in a circle. Seeing that the bureaucrats were down, they seemed to be eager to get into the seams. Fortunately, he had already thought of it here, but he was not very angry, but he was somewhat funny.

Said: “Since there are no good policies for the public, then I will return to the government to discuss again…”

The following people, I also wish to go back early, to make some plans for their own lives, they all agreed.

Going back to the mansion, until I entered the study room, Xiao Xiaoxu’s face suddenly sank down, thinking of the shameful gesture of the birds and beasts just now, but also the anger in the chest.

The study room of Xiaoxiaoxu is a heavy land of the government. There is no pass, once it enters, it is a part of the staff!

Last year, there was a room for Xinna’s little sister, who smacked pets and sneaked in. The filial piety was violent on the spot, regardless of the abbot’s pleading, and the life was dragged to death!

After this, the next person is even more terrifying, and dare not go further!

Xiao Xiaoxu’s mind is deeply hidden, only in this private place that is completely his own. Only then showed the emotion of burying the bottom of my heart.

“hmph! erect!”

Xiao Xiaoxu took out the long sword, and the clear coldness spread. Slashing in the table, the sword light flashed, and the desk made by the fine ebony split into two pieces.

The white paper flew, and the pieces fell like a butterfly.

Xiao Xiaoxu was out of breath, and expression was calm before returning.

After a long period of silence, I came to a shelf. Shake the bell!

The sound of the sound came from the study, and the bookshelf was removed, revealing a black passage.

This hole is dark. I don’t know where to go, there is no light, it seems that a rare beast opens his mouth and wants to choose someone!

soon. The footsteps sounded. A black clothed person came out.

Seeing Xiao Xiaoxu, it’s a bow down ceremony: “I’ve seen Patriarch!”

In the secret study room of Xiao Xiaoxu, there is actually another secret thought! This point, I am afraid that it is Zhang He, who is leaning against my heart, and I don’t know.

But when you think about it carefully, it is also reasonable. Ruan Family is the county, how can there be no secret forces.

Zhang and I don’t know. It is not yet in the core.

“Well! Wait until the place will be cleaned up and replaced with new ones. Be sure to be the same as before!”

“No!” black clothed person promised.

“What is the change in the government today?” Xiao Xiaoxu took a seat in front of an Imperial Tutor chair and asked slowly.

This black clothed person is the head of the Ruan Family, who is responsible for internal spying. Sometimes it is also responsible for monitoring, assassination and so on.

Sure enough, I listened to the black clothed person. Some hoarse voices sounded: “In the Yuzhang House, there have been some more faces recently. Although they are used as foreign merchants, they also have household registration and customs clearance documents. The origins are very suspicious. The suspect is a spy…”

“The emperor’s family recently gathered the guards of the family and sent the weapons. It seems to be moving…”


The black clothed person’s voice is slowly, but the current situation in Yuzhang’s house, one after another, shows Ruan Family’s powerful control over the entire Yuzhang City.

Xiao Xiaoxu listened carefully, from time to time, black clothed person one after another replied, at the end, Xiao Xiaoxu seemed to inadvertently, he asked: “What happened to Zhang He’s business?”

“All of them are prepared according to the instructions. They are all trusted people. They have taken drugs in Zhang and his diet. As long as the adults give orders, they can take their lives…”

Aristocratic Family, for those who are behind the Lord, naturally there is a set of rules, and it will kill soon!

This sum, who was accepted by Xiao Xuan, was secretly bought by Baiyunguan. As a lobbyist, he was also discovered that this is the best place to go.

In normal times, this body is thin and has a body, even if Xiaoxu wants to move him, he also needs to be scrupulous.

But now it is different! Every time in the chaos, but also in wartime, if there is no time, there are foreign enemies. With the enthusiasm of the home of the county, Xiao Xiaoxu can even learn other people, and the Yuzhang government is classified as private, and it is also a small prince!

Even now, with Song Yu, the enemy, has to rely on the state, and Xiao Xiaoxu in Yuzhang, can also be regarded as one hand covering the heavens.

You can drag Zhang and pull out at any time, beheading the crowd!

Just looking at the years of love, and thinking about the pressure of the army, only let go, ready to give a “sick death” ending, but also counted the junta of a monarch.

I have already commanded the manpower and got the medicine in Zhang He’s diet. This medicine itself is non-toxic and has a beneficial effect on people. It only gradually accumulates in the body with the body. Once it encounters another kind of medicinal scent, it will immediately Become poisonous!

The deceased’s face was pale, and it was very similar to sudden illness.

I have used it a few times before, except for a few opponents, I use it now and on my body!

Regardless of whether Xiao Xiaoxu is a war or a descendant, this and a pawn in the district are insignificant.

If you fight, this and nature will kill the sacrifice flag. If it falls, these people who are behind the Lord can’t keep it, avoid being backlash.

Anyway, who would be embarrassed for a small thing, a county to see the prefect?

“Now don’t start, wait a few days, then send Zhang and thin on the road…” Xiao Xiaoxu turned his mind, and the voice seemed to be air-conditioned.

“old man is very sad! Zhang He followed me for a long time, I don’t want to go to this step…”

When I said this, Xiao Xiaoxu’s face was full of sorrow and color, not like a fake.

The true time of vacation is also true. If it is true, it is true and false. This is Xiaoxu, who is a county-based Patriarch. After many years of experience, he is old-fashioned.

Now slowly, it seems that it is really a pity for the subordinates!

Black clothed person said: “Zhang and the back of the Lord seeks glory, it is not enough to die, Patriarch does not have to worry about this and the others…”

“When people are old, they always have some old ages. The old man can now recall that twenty years ago, Zhang He was still a teenager, and he traveled to Wudi with the old man, brewing wine in Meilin, and talking about the scenery…”

Xiao Xiaoxu’s eyes were blurred, reminiscing, and he commanded: “You remember… Zhang’s parents are still alive, and there are also interest, and when they take care of them…”

“The Lord is merciful!” The black clothed person said respectfully.

“Okay! These are all trivial things!” Yan Xiaoxu rubbed his eyes and finished the whole coat.

This is the secret of the Aristocratic Family esoteric. After these movements, when the black clothed person looks again, Xiao Xiaoxu looks the same, just the temperament and the previous difference between Heaven and Earth.

The old man who had fallen under the grief has disappeared. The rest is still the Ruan Family Patriarch who is in charge of the government, killing and killing, and arbitrarily!

“I sent you to contact with the other side, what is the result?” Xiao Xiaoxu slowly asked, looking like a knife and gun, to stab the black clothed person.

Being stared at by this gaze, the black clothed person was so embarrassed that he did not dare to neglect, and quickly said:

“This is a small matter that I want to report to Patriarch! I have already got in touch with it! I also got a letter of approval. If this is a matter! Ruan Family can be saved, and there is no crime in autumn, it is Patriarch, and you can continue to be a good person.” Of course, you have to hand over the power of the army!”

“Do you want to surrender the military power?” Yan Xiaoxu frowns, he is the county of Patriarch, in the Yuzhang potential is very large, even the government soldiers, is also in control.

In the troubled times, with military power, it is the guarantee of life!

But I also know that no matter what the final result, Yuzhang falls into the hands of the party, unless the flag is self-reliant and the foreign enemy is defeated, otherwise no one will let the county look at the military power. Is this not a temptation to rebel?

“This condition is not bad! You can see your heart!” Xiao Xiaoxu faintly praised.

Although giving up the military power, some are unwilling, but it is not bad to be able to preserve their own family and continue to serve as an official.

“It’s a small duty to be loyal to Sir Patriarch!”

Listening to the Lord’s praise, the black clothed person has a happy heart, but the face is not exposed, Shen Sheng said.

Sure enough, Xiao Xiaoxu listened to this person, but his face was calm, his eyes softened, and he was encouraged.

Said with a smile : “I said that you have merit! It is meritorious! What is the deduction?”

Paused, said: “Is there a meritorious service? This is the case! Your home is in the north of the city, there is not nearly a hundred acres of land! I will give you one hundred, make up two hundred acres, and build a house, it is a small Small farm!”

“Multiple Xie Family Master! Multi Xie Family Master!” black clothed person This time, I was really shocked, and I was grateful to you, even thank you!

The rewards are also graded. This is directly given to the land. It is no better than rewarding gold and silver. After all, the money will be spent, but the fields, but the energy source will continue to generate benefits!

It is the home of the county, there are not many acres, and it is not easy to come out.

Now, I have given a hundred acres of it, but this is a great gift!

Although this black clothed person is a dark spy, it is not a human being.

But since the essence is still human, nature is longing for light, eager to live in the sun, the more people in the dark, the more so.

Now, with these two hundred acres of land, the future life, there will be a guarantee!

It is the blessing of oneself, and the foundation of the rise of the family!

Black clothed person is almost incapable of self.

Yan Xiaoxu sees this, faintly smiled, if it is so rewarded, this person still does not change color, it really has to be looked at, and strictly guarded!

He said: “Now it is the autumn of many things, inside and outside the Yuzhang House, you still need to see more, once there is any movement, whenever you secretly report it to me…”

This discourse finally pulled the black clothed person out of his thoughts.

Knowing that the main public is not rewarding at this time, it is not for the stability of the Fucheng, smooth transfer transfer!

If you can do this, then the 100-acre Liangtian and Gaozhai Academy of Fine Arts will naturally have it. If you have done a bad job and can save a small life, you can burn it!

Hurry up and say, “Please ask Sir Patriarch to rest assured that if you are small, you should do it for Patriarch!”

“Good! Go on!” said Xiao Xiaoxu.

Looking at the silhouette of the black clothed person disappears in the secretly thought, the look is gloomy and uncertain…

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