In the first ten days of the first year of Hongzhi, Ye Hongyan’s army was under the Yucheng City. $.

On February 12, Yuzhang, the predecessor of Yuzhang, opened the city gate and presented the seals and household registration documents, requesting the return.

Under the great joy of Ye Hongyan, he announced that the army had entered the city, and there was no crime in the autumn, and he even passed the book to Song Yu.

With the cooperation of Xiaoxiaoxu, the acceptance work of Yuzhangfucheng was carried out extremely smoothly. It was the other counties that had not been laid down. After receiving the letter of advice from Xiaoxu, most of them surrendered.

Only Emperor Pu’s family tried to resist, and planned to assassinate Ye Hongyan.

On the fifteenth day, the entire Yuzhang House has been under the control of Song Yu!

The sun hangs in the air, bringing a little warmth to the earth, reflecting on people, and showing the project on the ground.

Yuzhang Fucheng, at this time the city gate was wide open, and the guards guarded on both sides, seemingly waiting for someone.

Ye Hongyan took the lead, followed by the original Yuzhang Zhifu Xiaoxu, and Ye Jianfeng and other groups of civil and military officials, all wearing formal official uniforms, standing quietly behind.

“Report! The Lord has gone outside 10 li!” At this time, a commander quickly said it.

“Yi Hao drums are ready!” Ye Hongyan drank.

The musicians waiting on both sides did not dare to neglect and picked up the instruments to prepare.

Ye Hongyan looked around and saw that everything was methodical and could not be said with a smile: “Well, the ceremonial guards are all neat, and this is thanks to the help of adults…”

“hehe…where, my little band, can play for Wu Hou, talk about entertainment, but also get what he wants!”

Xiaoxiao Xu smiled and said.

Throughout the entire Yuzhang House, there is only the Ruan Family as the county. You can make up a ceremonial team with enough specifications to meet Wu Hou, without losing the number of gifts.

Since it has been sincere. Naturally, I have to do it thoroughly. Xiao Xiaoxu heard that Wu Hou is coming soon. The ceremonial musicians in Yuzhang Fucheng are lacking, but they immediately offer all the musicians in the government to show their loyalty!

No matter what you think in your heart, but politically, you only look at the face.

This gesture. Naturally entered the eyes of Ye Hongyan, and this Xiaoxiao Xu is also a little closer. Look back at this time. See this person, but I still have some feelings of restlessness. I can’t help but smile and ask: “Why is the prefect of the adults?”

Xiao Xiaoxu said with a smile: “Thinking that I will meet Wu Hou, some lost self-control, I hope it is strange!”

This is less than twenty. It has tens of thousands of troops. The young man who called Hou Jianguo, Rao is a filial piety, and he has a lot of knowledge and deep thoughts.

“haha … 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮 阮

Ye Hongyan said comfortably. Has always been descending ministers. When I met the new master, it was all this way, but I didn’t think it was strange.

“The generals have a good word!” Xiao Xiaoxu said with a smile.

At this moment, flying sand running stone seems to have a yellow giant dragon!

In recent times, it is the trace of a wave of cavalry galloping, the horseshoes stepped over, raised dust, and the yellow sand was thrown behind, flying and splashing, like a golden dragon, rolling on the ground.

The giant dragon approached and showed the knight silhouette.

“This is a cavalry! Thousands of cavalry!” Xiao Xiaoxu had an eye for it, murmured.

However, it is known that the southern horses are precious, and they are often trade-restricted goods. These thousands of cavalry, in Wuzhou, can almost be rampant!

“This is a black feather ride! Presumably the Lord has arrived!” Ye Hongyan said.

The sound just fell, the black feather ride mad to the front, with a drink order, immediately stopped, nearly a thousand cavalry plus horses, the action is almost uniform, and actually some pleasing to the eye.

Xiao Xiaoxu and so on can’t help but think that the army that has been banned so far will be able to play more and more in the battlefield.

At this moment, from the black feather ride, a clear voice came out: “haha… Hongyan really knows the lonely heart!”

The black feather ride separates from both sides, showing a silhouette in the middle.

This silhouette is dressed in a black armor, riding on a black horse, looking at Ye Hongyan with a smile.

“Hongyan! You really didn’t let the lonely disappoint!”

This person is naturally Song Yu, at this time see Ye Hongyan not only quickly won the Yuzhang House, but also almost no casualties, but also added thousands of soldiers, is overjoyed.

“The end will pay respects to Wu Hou!”

Ye Hongyan rushed forward to pay respect.

“This is less than twenty, unified Wunan Wufu, holding tens of thousands of troops, peeping into the world of Wu Hou?”

Xiao Xiaoxu looked at the young man who was arrogant and arrogant, and could not help but lose some.

Most of the other officials are also the same.

On the horse riding, Song Yu is dressed up, but without losing his own temperament. At this time, under the black feather riding and guarding the escort, it is even more heroic!

Let these civil servants who have passed the age of the past have a feeling of living in a dog for a lifetime.

The loss of Xiaoxiaoxu’s gods is only a moment. The cultivation of Aristocratic Family has been cultivated for many years. It is still to let him immediately receive a sacred sacred sacred sacred sacredness.

Behind the six Cao and a few County Magistrate, at this time, as the dream wakes up, they are following: “I have seen Wu Hou! Wu Hou is a thousand years old and thousands of years old!”

“All are free!” Song Yu said.

“Thank you!” The people once again salute and stood up.

“You are Xiaoxiao Xu?” Song Yu came to the front of Xiao Xiaoxu and looked at the old man, especially the golden one on his top. It is very rare.

Around the life of the gas, there is a large group of bright yellow air transport, with a position of five products. It is just a little vain, which is why Song Yu has not yet fully accepted it.

Looking at the air transport, Song Yu knows that this Xiaoxu Xu is in the Yuzhang House. It is really rooted. If the light is supported by the family, it should not be underestimated.

“It is a small minister!” Xiao Xiaoxu did not know what Wu Hou meant, or brace oneself, replied.

“You can return to the orphans. Since you have adapted to the destiny, you have never had a chance. You have also read Yuzhang Fuzhi. When you are in position, you can clear the Weihe River, open up the fertile land, and live tens of thousands of people, but you can do it!”

Song Yu praised, but the more he said, the more his head, the more cold sweat.

At the end. I almost couldn’t stand, and barely said, “Wu Hou… I’ve won the prize, no… but it’s a little credit.

With the sound, there was some tremor.

“You can abandon the darkness, and you will not be able to talk about it. You will be appointed, and the Yuzhang government will know the government, and you will be able to control the government. You will be very loyal. Now you are transferred to the prefect of Wenchang, and you will be appointed immediately!”

Song Yu likes a smile yet not a smile. Then said:

“After you delivered the Indiana official uniform, you immediately went to Wu Nan to take up the post, but not be missed !”

“Nuo!” Yan Xiaoxu sweated like a pulp, his face was not as white as a living person. It seems to have been exhausted of all the spirit and vitality. But still struggle to worship the purpose.

At the moment of the command generation, the bright yellow cloud on the top of Xiaoxu Xuan quickly dissipated, and the golden gas on the side of Song Yu surged, enriching the air transport, and consolidating it, indicating that Xiao Xiaoxu would be competent in the prefecture.

Song Yu sees this. I smiled in my heart.

Before this Xiaoxu’s air transport came from the Ruan Family itself. The roots are deep, and Song Yu’s air transport is somewhat incompatible.

If you still leave the Yuzhang, you will have a big trouble if you have a little resentment.

This was transferred to Wu Nan, but it was a pen of God.

The foundation of Xiaoxiaoxu is in the Yuzhang. Once moved to Wunan, it is like a duckweed without roots.

If the duty is to do the prefect, then naturally no one will take care of him, but if there is a resentment, it is a dead end!

This Wenchang prefecture is also in the position of the five products, and is located in Wunan, away from the battlefield, and later rewarded with more gold and silver, and no one can speak.

In this way, it is necessary to completely eliminate the unstable factors in the Yuzhang House and prepare for the upcoming war!

After Song Yu transferred Xiao Xiaoxu to Wu Nan, he also encouraged several County Magistrates, but he did not mobilize.

After the ceremony, the musicians played the joy of the Lord, and Song Yu and his entourage surrounded the crowd and entered Yuzhangfucheng.

This is a happy event. Naturally, we must open a feast. At the banquet, everyone laughs and laughs, and even Xiaoxiaoxu seems to have recovered. They are toasting and chatting with everyone. From time to time, they are joking. How can they be embarrassed before?

After the banquet, Song Yu came to the study with Ye Hongyan and other confidants.

“The Lord is so urgent, but has a major event?”

The person present at the scene, Ye Hongyan has the highest status, and the relationship with Song Yu is also familiar, instead of asking everyone.

“Not bad! Originally, the army had to arrive early tomorrow, but only got a message on the lonely road, and only came with the black feather ride!”

Song Yu’s face was heavy and he said slowly.

“Is it not? Is there a change in the northern part of Wuzhou?”

Ye Hongyan asked, and only this matter can make Song Yu move and not hesitate to change the plan.

“Yes! I got the news of Bright Gown Guard. The state animal husbandry Zhao Pan and Huo Li did not know what agreement was reached. At present, they have formed a de facto alliance. Huo Lixiang helped, Zhao Pan received the military power of each house and made up 20,000 people. I gave it to Huo Litong, and I have already arrived at our army in the night of the stars!”

This news, immediately like a huge stone into the lake, set off countless waves, the subordinates are also big, from time to time, the sound of the cold breath sounds.

“Huo Li’s headquarters has 10,000 people, plus 20,000. This has 30,000 troops. Behind it is the state animal husbandry. With the support of more than ten provinces, this strength can compete with our army!”

Ye Hongyan solemnly said.

“Yes!” Song Yu murmured.

“Lonely knows that the situation is urgent, only to speed up the itinerary. Fortunately, Hongyan has high hopes and won the Yuzhang House. It is a reversal…”

“Now the matter is urgent, Hongyan, you commanded it, Yuzhang Prefecture implemented military management, after the curfew, you must not go to the streets, each family supervised, encouraged to inform, have no merits, and divided the armor, practice sitting!”

Song Yu was thinking about the charter on the way to the road. At this time, one after another came.

“These measures, filial piety Xu will be implemented after tomorrow’s departure, and the lonely stepping army should also arrive. At that time, Yuzhang Jinruojintang, there are more than 31,000 troops, plus six thousand troops, then there are 40,000 troops. In a spurt of energy, I will be here!”

Song Yu said indifferently, but in his tone, he revealed an unparalleled confidence!

Now Huo Li leads the final resistance of Wuzhou. As long as this battle is won, there will be no suspense in capturing the whole Wuzhou!

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