All the people under the command, listening to the Song Yu plan, are all eyes bright, obviously also see the benefits!

“If the filial piety does not want to go, or delay by reason, what should I do?” Ye Hongyan asked.

Although I have already guessed the answer in my heart, it is a big five-member. I have to ask, I can’t do it.

“Hey! It’s already impossible for him!” Song Yu said with a cold smile.

Paused, but said: “The person who is so ignorant of the filial piety, but not stubborn, must be able to see the situation, do not have to worry about…”

“To build a military camp and accommodate 40,000 troops, it is no small matter, Hongyan, this will be handed over to you!”

Song Yu told him.

“Nuo!” Ye Hongyan was killed!

“Luo Bin! Let the lonely rider ride down the ground and inquire about the news! Once you have the news of Huo Lijun, report it immediately!”

“No!” Luo Bin came out and promised loudly.

“The rest of the people wait, according to the plan!” Song Yu also told.

“As you bid!”

The next one answered.

In the end, Xiao Xiaoxu was a wise man. After the banquet, he returned to the government office and then went home to pack his bags and prepare to take up his post.

On the second day, the city gate was just opened, and he took a few family members and hurried to Wu Nanxing.

This is a matter of knowing the time, Song Yu was overjoyed, and then handed over the shoud of Yuzhang to Ye Hongyan to prepare for the next big fight.

As for the original Yuzhang, the main thin Zhang He, but suddenly sudden illness, the symptoms are extremely fierce, the day passed away.

Song Yu knew this news, but did not say anything.

At this point. Xiao Xiaoxu is quite right. No one will look at Patriarch for a difficult piece in the district.

The death of the main thin, did not arouse any storms. It seems to have been forgotten by everyone.

At noon, the tens of thousands of marchers who were squatted by the cavalry also rushed to the scene.

Song Yu ordered the army to rest and prepare for the next big battle.

As Yuzhang House entered the state of preparation for the whole, Huo Li took the 30,000 army and the news that he was about to be killed also spread in Wuzhou. The discerning person knows at a glance that this war is the key battle to determine the ownership of Wuzhou. The winner can almost be called the owner of Wuzhou!

The news of this war is extremely concerned. Many spy spies are sent out in a swarm. Go to Yuzhang to inquire about the news.

For a time. The air of Yuzhang House seems to be condensed, full of oppressive feelings, and it seems to be a touch of tension, terrifying matchless, if not Song Yu timely implementation of military management, I do not know what to do.

The dark clouds of the war are officially shrouded in Yuzhang Mansion!

February 20th. Huo Li led a 30,000-strong army to Hongze House and stationed in Hongzefu City. Outside the Azure Dragon customs, the formation of the confrontation between the two armies was formally formed.

Yuzhang Fucheng, picking up the star building.

Ye Hongyan rushed to the floor and went to the top floor. He saw Song Yu and He Dongming sitting cross-legged with a chessboard in the middle. It seemed to be talking, and there was a cup of tea set around, and a fragrance was assaults the senses.

Song Yu’s white moon, Confucianism, and leisure, from time to time.

This leisurely atmosphere immediately infected Ye Hongyan, which made him unable to lower his footsteps, and his mood seemed to calm down.

Stand up and dare not bother.

“It’s a swan geese!” Song Yu seems to have inadvertently discovered Ye Hongyan and said, “Come on! Try this tea!”

“Is disturbing the Lord!” Ye Hongyan respectfully bowed.

He Dongming also took a cup of tea and served it. Ye Hongyan took it nearby.

When I arrived at the center of the building, I discovered that this layer was all around, and all the furniture was removed. There was only the central chessboard and tea set.

Ascend to the high-rise, all around, and look down, you can see the scenery of Yuzhang Fucheng below.

An empty sense of loneliness is born.

“This building is too quiet, it seems that non-humans are livable!” Ye Hongyan faintly thought.

Toasting, “Be rude!”

Looking up and drinking, this tea is warm, but only feels cold and bones, a very refreshing feeling, from the throat down to the belly.

I also feel that I have no reason to rely on it. A sense of nothingness in a place without a foothold suddenly emerges, and there is fear in my heart.

Looking at the surrounding scenery, Ye Hongyan’s eyes were hot and almost fell into tears.

“This star-studded building was built by Xiaoxu Xu, used the top layer alone, and deliberately emptied all around, and with this cooler and more fragrant tea, tea, chess, and watching the scenes of all beings, it does not have a taste!”

Song Yu took another one and said leisurely.

“The Lord Gongda is talented, but the end will be no blessings!” Ye Hongyan wiped his eyes and made another ritual, thanking the sin of the pre-June.

“Below lost self-control, please ask the Lord to sin!”

“hehe … no matter, it is Dongming. When you first came up, there was also lost self-control. As a military commander, it is easier to feel the true meaning, but it is reasonable!”

Song Yu waved his hand and asked: “What do you think of this tea?”

Ye Hongyan turned his head deep and whispered and said, “It’s very clear! Very quiet! Hongyan is now feeling small, time passes, a hundred years is like a moment, life is disillusioned, no more than this…”

He also solemnly advised: “The Lord is Wu Hou, the head of the six-member army and the people of the six provinces. It is advisable to be enterprising and ambitious, and to live in this building. It seems that something is wrong…”

As a subordinate, if you say this, it will be a little over.

If you encounter a narrow-minded master, there is still the worry of the body.

However, Ye Hongyan followed Song Yu for many years, and his ambition was attached to Song Yu. It was really unwilling that this heroic hero had a mistake and he said that he did not hesitate to speak.

“Hongyan has a heart!” This principle, Song Yu naturally knows, but also some moved, said: “You do not have to worry, to build this building alone, it is to be self-satisfied!”

Not waiting for Ye Hongyan to ask questions, he explained: “Every time I go to the building, I feel the empty and lonely mood, but I want to spread the intensity of this life on the way to the world!”

“For the orphans, this tea meditation is just a sharpening stone. Every time you see the disillusionment of life, it is more determined to be lonely!”

He also said: “Fifty years of life, going to things like dreams, within the next day, there are people who will never die!”

This is not a poem, but Ye Hongyan has heard a kind of great consciousness and great firmness. After setting the target, it is for the purpose, not to hesitate to decide! ! !

Can’t help but worship again: “The Lord Gong Dazhi!”

Song Yu smiled, this is also his first time, before the subordinates, formally confessed, showing the meaning of the world, said: “You are a lonely bone, lonely and long-awaited for you, today is doing very well, if later Lonely omission, despite rumors…”

With the high status of Song Yu and the heavier the majesty, there are fewer and fewer people who can speak freely in front of him.

This is not a good thing. After all, the daily deliberation and the Bright Gown Guard secret report do not represent the whole. Rao is the wisdom of Song Yu, and it is inevitable that there will be omissions. This requires people to remind.

“The main public transport strategy, the wise God, how can there be a leak?” This is to make Ye Hongyan a little cold sweat on his forehead, hurry to say.

“haha… Hongyan, you and I have known each other since childhood, but it is a private occasion, but it is not necessary to say these words…”

Ye Hongyan heard the true heart from Song Yu’s words.

Not hot from the chest, red eyes, red head dagger: “Nuo! The Lord is assured, the end will be even if the body is broken, but also help the Lord to complete the great cause!”

In the sound, it is also a cry.

“Okay, get up!” Song Yu stepped forward to support Ye Hongyan, and they felt that the relationship was closer.

Also asked: “Hongyan is coming this time, but is there something?”

Speaking of the business, Ye Hongyan quickly converges on the emotions, and restores the true character of the army.

His face was resolute, like a knife and a chisel. He said in a word: “According to the dark and the horse, Huo Li has officially settled in Hongze House. The number of the army is 30,000, and he has also sneaked around and snooped. Yuzhang is moving…”

“Yeah!” Song Yu nodded, but even the brow did not wrinkle, and then a child, said to the game of He Dongming: “Dongming, no need to heart, you will lose…”

On the opposite side, He Dongming saw sweat on his forehead and said with a smile: “The master and the chess are superb and the layout is exquisite. Please let me think for a moment…”

“haha… with you!”

Song Yu smiled and looked forward to Ye Hongyan, slowly saying: “What do you think Huo Li’s move represents?”

“What does it mean?” Ye Hongyan couldn’t help but mutter, as if he was asking himself.

Seeing Song Yuruo’s gaze, the heart was like a lightning bolt. Suddenly he understood it and couldn’t help but blurt out: “Huo Li is anxious!”

“Yes! The army just arrived at Hongze, it is not good to train stopped, but it is not a good thing to look for fighters, and we can’t wait to fight with our army. This is too urgent!”

Song Yu affirmed and analyzed: “Our army plus descendants, there are a few 40,000, and Huo Li only has 30,000. This 10,000-strong army is not a small number. He is unstable and steady, but he is eager. Want to fight with our army, Hongyan, what do you see from it?”

This is almost clear, Ye Hongyan said without thinking: “It must be unstable at the rear, anxious to make a great impact!”

Looking at Song Yu to encourage his eyes, the speculation said: “Isn’t it… there is change in the state animal husbandry?”

“No!” Song Yu shook his head: “Yuan Zong steals the country, and the princes of the world rise up. In Wuzhou, there is also a loneliness. On the occasion of the wind and rain, this Wuzhou official is the highest civil and military. If it is no longer together. But it’s a dead end… These two are smart people, and they won’t be here!”

He picked up a stack of papers from hand and handed it to Ye Hongyan and said, “This is the latest news from Bright Gown Guard. Look at it!”

Ye Hongyan naturally knows that the Lord has built a Bright Gown Guard, which is responsible for spying on the news. He has heard that the three religions are all-inclusive, and they are all known as no hole can’t enter.

But after taking a look, I saw the words packedly packed, small as a fly ant, but crawled over the entire white paper, all of which is Wuzhou Northland news.

The detailed description of the record makes Ye Hongyan, a long-time general, unable to drop cold sweat.

How can such a detailed message be obtained, and what if it is used by these people?

Ye Hongyan couldn’t help but think, and my heart was a horror.

“What do you think?” Song Yu’s voice pulled Ye Hongyan out of fear.

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