Song Yu, who was less than twenty years old, ruled a state. These martial arts, even the great ancestors, are too late!

According to this situation, a throne is inevitable. Once it is called the king, it is worthy of the special book of the official official, the name of the history of the history!

It is to win the whole world, but also have some hope!

“Hongyan this life, can meet the Lord, 襄major event, it is life is also fast!” Ye Hongyan secretly thought.

At this time, He Dongming put the whites in his hand into the chess box, and bowed down to the ceremony.

“Wu Houyun is planning to squat, seeing thousands of miles, and his subordinates are convinced orally!”

“hahaha…” Song Yuhuan laughed and looked down at the star-studded building. The eyes seemed to ignite a faint flame, and the enemy might be burned to ashes!


Knowing the great policy of Song Yuding, Ye Hongyan, no matter how Huo Li is provocative, is a big army that does not move, and occasionally sends a small stock to ride the harassment to maintain morale.

In this confrontational situation, time passed unconsciously for two months.

In a blink of an eye, it is already in April, the spring is getting thicker, the earth is rejuvenating, everything is born, and even the warm air is intoxicating.

On the top of Yuzhangfu City, Song Yu held his hand and seemed to appreciate the spring. Ye Hongyan, Shen Wenbin and so on quietly followed.

“I don’t want this Huo Li, it’s really a bit of awesome!”

After a long time, I heard Song Yu’s voice.

Originally, the inventory of Hongzefu City was only enough for 30,000 troops to be used for about one month, which is difficult to support.

I didn’t want Huo Li to rush to grab the grain after the military’s food was exhausted, and even forcibly apportioned the major Aristocratic Family in Hongze. It is to copy the family!

This strategy came out, connected with Ye Hongyan, I thought this Huo Li crazy! I have to do this kind of self-excavation.

However, relying on the food that was robbed, Huo Li’s 30,000-strong army also supported the present.

“This is a tactical rush to grab the grain. It is self-sufficient in the world, not far from the day of death and defeat, Hongze Aristocratic Family, suffering from the chaos of the soldiers, has secretly sent a good faith piece to this side…”

Shen Wenbin immediately said it.

“This is not the person who is so mad, it is forced to help!” Song Yu suddenly smiled. Said.

“I want to hear the Lord and see you!” All of them are listening to the spirit.

“Wu Bei’s news, you are also aware of it. The current state animal husbandry has lost the power to the jurisdiction of the northern provinces. The capitals have the image of self-reliance. It is shocked by the reputation of Huo Li and the army!”

“Now if it is a battle without a fight, then it will be retired, then Huo Li will be known for sweeping the floor, even with the government will be official, even joint killing!”

“So, now Huo Li, who is in the position of if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off, even if he is rushing to grab food, blackmailing Aristocratic Family. Not willing to quit!”

He Dongming said, “The Lord knows what you see, in the words, Huo Li at this time. It is already hesitating to drink and quench his thirst… I must have let him enter the city of Hongze Prefecture, and now even the intestines must be remorse! ”

Said, the face, there is actually a little bit of a narrow color.

Everyone listened, and there was a smile on his face.

“Not only that!” Song Yu said with a smile: “There has been news. The people of Hongze Prefecture have fled very much, and they have a lot of Aristocratic Family. They are also secretly transferring assets, the whole food of Hongze. It has been unable to support for a few days. !”

“Lord? Will Huo Li go to grab the food of the neighbors?”

Ye Hongyan asked, and there was some worry on his face. Huo Li’s plan, although cruel, lost the hearts of the people, but the effect is also very obvious, the army is full of food, only to swallow the enemy, the current 30,000 army, still very If you have to fight a few more, then the war will have to be delayed.

If you respond to Zhao Pan, integrate the rear, and deliver the supplies, the situation will be turned. When it is Song Yu, it is at a disadvantage.

Although this is unlikely, it is not impossible!

“Nothing!” To this, Song Yu is very calm, called a person, said: “Chen Yun, you come to tell everyone!”

Out of the dark, one person came wearing a uniform of seven uniforms, and it was the shadow of Bright Gown Guard.

The Wenchen military commander present, seeing Chen Yun, his face is not very good.

After all, for this outside the power structure, the power is very large, and it can be directly sent to the secret agency of the day, and anyone has some taboos.

The partiality of this Bright Gown Guard represents the will of the Lord, and cannot be clearly opposed.

But there are many things that are secretly boycotted.

Chen Yun did not care about these gaze. He first bowed to Song Yu and said, “No!”

It is to get up, lower his head, and can’t see the appearance of the outside.

“The job has been informed, Huo Li is a plan to snatch the nearby provinces, but the news leaked ahead of time, the Aristocratic Family, all organized militia, and closed the city gate, strictly guard against!”

In the surrounding provinces, although some soldiers have been transferred, there are still many foundations, and there are many Aristocratic Family squadrons. In this case, they are together and defend the city together.

With a soldier and a city wall protection, then thousands of people can support it for a long time under the siege of the tens of thousands of troops.

What’s more, the current Huo Li, at least the Imperial Court appointed military commander, and the state animal husbandry is an alliance, can not tear the face, blatantly attacking the Imperial Court.

Hearing this news, Shen Wenbin and the others’ faces are slightly embarrassed. If so, then Huo Li’s rations will not last long, and the day of the enemy is not far away!


At this time, a pro-brother came over and said: “reporting to the protagonist! Exploring the horse to report, Huo Li up the army, out of Hongzefucheng, camping on the official road…”

This news, instead of letting Song Yu frown, but let him show his happiness: “haha!!! God helps the lonely, this Huo Li, finally to the end of the road!”

“At the end, I will congratulate the Lord!” Ye Hongyan also saw it, and congratulated him.

Originally, Huo Lijun was in the Fucheng City, guarding the city wall, and Song Yu even had a 40,000 army, but it was also unbreakable, and even damaged, resulting in offensive and defensive.

However, Song Yu is not a fool, nor has he been stunned by victory. He will never do this foolishness.

Now Huo Li’s army is out of the city and is stationed in the plains. It is the meaning of the invitation! It can also be seen that his urgency of logistics has reached an urgent moment!

Song Yu’s strength is even higher than Huoli’s, and 30,000 people are going to attack the Fucheng, where 40,000 people are stationed. This is not even a fool!

Huo Li’s bottom line is that on the plains, the two armies are fighting!

After thinking clearly, Song Yu’s face was a bit heavy: “It seems that this Huo Li is very sure!”

Even if the two sides do not have the advantage of the city wall, with 30,000 to 40,000, Huo Li still suffers, but still so, there must be a card!

“Lord! Not as good as our army is still not moving, just wait a few days, Huo Li army will do the food, it will collapse…”

He Dongming said in a rumor.

This is a heavy strategy. Unexpectedly, Song Yu listened, but he shook his head: “No!”

Seeing some confusion under the guise, he explained: “Huo Li’s move is not only a self-defeating, but also a persecution!”

“Now the enemy army is stationed in the city. If our army is in an advantageous position, it will still stick to the city, and it will be a great blow to morale. This one!”

“If our army is still unable to stand, then Huo Li will lead the army back to the division. Even so, he and the state animal husbandry are all well-known reputations. Even the Aristocratic Family in northern Wuzhou will be eager to move, but there are 30,000 troops. The cost, at least you can cut off a few houses, and get away!”

“But in this way, the idea of ​​severing Wuzhou’s ideas as soon as possible will be a mirror of the moon! This is the second!”

“The mourning soldiers can not be insulted. The current Huo Li army is a mourning soldier. If you have contempt, you will take your own bitter fruit. This is the third!”

“For the sake of the present, there is only a war in the city, and it is only after the main force of Huo Li can break the game!”

“This Huo Li is worthy of being a famous player. In the disadvantage, he can still be alone in this situation!”

Song Yu’s eyes penetrated and seemed to see Huo Li in the distance, muttering.

“Lord? Then what should I do?” Ye Hongyan bit his lip and said.

At present, it is very clear that Huo Li is out of the city to invite the war. Song Yu only has to destroy the enemy army here. At least he must destroy his main force before he can clean up the Wuzhou River and the mountains. Otherwise, it will take a long time. It will only delay the time and let Song Yu lose the opportunity of Jackie Chan!

In this way, Song Yu, Huo Li, and Zhao Pan together perish together to clear the way for God.

Song Yuxi walked a few steps, faintly has a dragon-shaped tiger step, suddenly stopped, and then laughed: “Lonely, the body is cold, after a hundred battles, there is no defeat, how can you be afraid of a small Huo Li? ”

“The order is passed down, the army goes out of the city, and confronts Huo Li camp!” Song Yu laughed, but passed the military order.

“Nuo!” Ye Hongyan, Luo Bin and other generals, as well as Shen Wenbin and other civil servants, are all stunned, knowing this, is the key battle to decide Wuzhou trend! At this time, looking at the heroic heroes, they are full of confidence!

The Fuyang Plain, located at the junction of Yuzhangfu and Hongze, has a flat terrain and fertile land. It has always been a land of prosperity.

Just today, with the arrival of two waves of troops, the entire Xiangyang Plain is in a deadlock.

Not only the nearby farmers have been dragging their families to take refuge, but they are connected with various animals. They seem to feel that the big changes are coming. All kinds of birds, beasts and fish worms come out from all corners and gather together to form an escape. wave!

The sky is also gloomy, it looks like there is heavy rain!

“Hey! Not all things are living, connected to the heavens and the earth, are there any inductions?”

Song Yu looked up, looking at the more gloomy sky, and remembering the scene of the extinction of life, could not help but say.

If in the past life, millions of troops will fight against each other, and this is not the case.

Can be bigger than the world! This side of World, ghosts and gods can be directly visible, everything is spiritual, can be cultivated, in order to be detached.

So World, nature is different! And it shows abnormality!

Now is about to fight, the squadron is in trouble, the death and injury are heavy, it is the ghost king, saying that it will not be generated!

Everything is alive, it is to escape! Heaven and earth have a sense, hereby show!

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