Although there is a sense of heaven and earth, it is still sad and rainy.

But the killing intent in Song Yu’s heart is unprecedentedly strong!

This kind of cold atmosphere, connected with the subordinates, is felt. Around the Song Yu, a cold and chilling atmosphere spreads.

Only a few veterans who first followed Song Yu knew that this was the sign that the killing intent of the Lord has been launched!

In the past few times, the blood flowing into a river ended, this time, it must not be exempt!

“The main public! The big camp has been set up, the soldiers are in order!”

Although the killing intent is strong, but for a few veterans such as Ye Hongyan, it is gradually becoming familiar. Now, although he is worried, he can still maintain etiquette.

“Well! Very good! The weather is solitary, maybe there is rain, the logistics should pay attention to preparing ginger soup to drive the cold, prevent the disease!” Song Yu eyelids said slightly.

“Nuo!” Ye Hongyan walked the military ceremony.

Another rumor said: “If there is heavy rain, it will be detrimental to the enemy and me. Now the master is holding 40,000 men, and if the army is over, it will be mad and out of the camp…”

It is up to the offer.

After all, Rao is the organ of Huo Li, and the gap between the 10,000 troops is not so easy to smooth out!

“No! From Yuzhangfucheng to this, although it is not a long journey, but the soldiers will be exhausted, rushing into the army, it is not appropriate, the other side is a mourning soldier, it is easy to give birth to the incident! Still need the town to quiet!”

Song Yu seems to be at this time, the killing intent is full, and there are some good gestures.

Let Ye Hongyan see, I can’t help but admire.

He led the army for over 10,000, and some felt overwhelmed. Now this battle of the hundred thousand people has really made him feel awkward.

After all, the whole world. Despite the chaos, the battle of this series is still quite rare, and no one has any experience.

Song Yu looked at Ye Hongyan, but his heart was a little sigh.

The chaos of the world. Everyone is in the stage of exploration. At this time, it is necessary to look at the usual accumulation and the quantity of each person.

In the end, Ye Hongyan has a limited life and has not yet been transformed. However, there are some urgency at this time.

This is also the reason why Song Yu came to the front line.

The 40,000 army, in addition to Song Yu. No one has this amount of maintenance, rushed to deliver, can not suppress, will only go wrong!

“Let’s pass the order! Camps strengthen their alert, all kinds of diet, ordnance, must follow the military regulations. Once the law is illegal, immediately deal with it! Luo Bin patrols the camps, the inspection is illegal!”

Speaking of this, I remembered another question and asked: “Where is the descendant of Yuzhangfu, where is it now?”

Ye Hongyan’s heart glimpsed and said quickly: “The death of Yuzhang’s house, after the reorganization, is arranged in the back camp, and is led by several guards!”

“Give the orphans to the squad, first climb to the rear of the two wings of the camp!” Song Yu said without thinking.

This is the obvious suspicion, Ye Hongyan forehead. There is cold sweat, see the main public face like ice, but still bite his teeth and say: “reporting to the Lord! These descendants, all under one after another, several guards, also from Wunan. Loyalty!”

“Orphaned nature knows, but now it’s a big fight. It’s a bit sloppy! It’s just a matter of just that’s all!”

Song Yu said.

At the time of this war, both sides are betting on everything. It’s really a little omission, but I’d rather kill a thousand, and I can’t let go of one!

“…no!” This point, Ye Hongyan is also aware, and finally no longer persuaded, was ordered.

“Yeah!” Seeing Ye Hongyan accepting the order, Song Yu’s face was slightly eased.

“The lonely army has been steadily fighting in the past few days. Don’t make a decisive battle with Huo Li. At the same time, he will spread the news that Huo Lijun will do all the time…”

Song Yu thought about it, but he said it.

“Lord Gong?” This is not only Ye Hongyan, but also the generals below.

“Oh! If it was before, Huo Li’s food in the army would be abandoning the city and leaving. It’s also a long way to go. But now, the two armies are confrontational. If he dares to escape, he will dare to chase after his death. A thousand miles!”

Huo Li’s means to force Song Yu to go out of the city to fight, but also paid a price, at least, he is now also unable to withdraw.

“Being alone, the food is rich, and Huo Li’s army is short of food, but it is a fact, and it is forced to fight alone! This does not allow him to do so!”

Song Yu slowly said: “Now the army is confrontational, just guard against the defense, delay for a few days, that Huo Lijun grain, will run out!”

“In addition to spreading news in the dark, shaking the hearts of the military, its military must be demoralized. When it is time to attack with an elite army, it will win a big victory, killing Huo Liru to kill a dog!”

This policy, or the previous revision of the original plan of the Stars, the focus is to use their own advantages, alive toss each other!

Because it is a conspiracy, so as long as you hold the heart of Zhongzheng, there will be no flaws!

Sure enough, the men will listen to them, they all admire: “The Lord is wise!”

The gloomy weather has been maintained for nine days. During this period, Song Yu’s army confronted Huo Li’s army but did not launch an attack.

Huo Li has only 30,000. In the end, he dares not to rush into the big camp with defenses. Although he is in a hurry, he is also delaying.

At this time, there were also bad rumors in the military camp.

The most talked about is the news that Huo Lijun’s grain has been exhausted. This makes Huo Li angry, and the soldiers who will be talking about all of them are beheaded and suppressed.

However, the shortage of military food is a fact. Soon, the soldiers found that the daily meals were reduced to two meals, from dry food to thin porridge.

This almost provoked metamorphosis, or Huoli’s painful slaughter of many war horses and the release of meat, only to calm down.

In the Song Yu camp, Ye Hongyan said loudly: “The Lord! The enemy has broken the grain! The army is unstable, almost transformed, this is a good opportunity!”

“Subject to the subordinate!” This point, other officers can see, have to fight.

“Also ask the Lord to be a pioneer and attack the enemy camp!” There will be one to say it.

“Please fight!”

At this time, it is almost the military power of the day, and everyone is vying for the first.

“Do you think that this is a good opportunity?” Song Yu was faint, and asked.

The public will look at each other in dismay, or say: “The enemy’s heart has moved, it is a good opportunity to break the enemy!”

“No! At this time, although the rations are exhausted, the enemy has become a mourning soldier. According to the secret return, the Huo Li kills the horse and takes the meat, and rewards the soldiers. At this time, it is a mistake!”

Song Yu did not say, but He Dongming came out to explain.

He Dongming is a county-eyed scorpion, and his eyes are excellent. Song Yu has specially cultivated it. In the end, he is an azure talent, and he has his own talents. He soon shows out of the ordinary.

Now I can see through the situation at a glance, this eyesight is still very pleasant to Song Yu.

Said: “The words of Dongming, very lonely!”

“It is not appropriate to play now, but the blasphemy is not long, and even if you kill the horse, can you eat it for a few days?”

“Tentatively let this Huo Li, and then live for a few more days… In the early morning after three days, that is, twenty days, we will launch a general attack, and we will all be killed!”

“No!” The public will hear, and they all bowed their heads.

Song Yu was only wearing a plain robe at this time, holding a folding fan, but in a few words in the district, pointing to Jiangshan, decided to support the death and death of the 30,000 generals!

This calm and unrestrained style suddenly gave me a heart.

Perhaps, only such a large number of masters can be called Wu Hou, and even settle the world!

Ye Hongyan and He Dongming look at each other and have such feelings in their hearts!

But did not find, Song Yu’s eyes, the meaning of the micro-memory!

On the 22nd of the first year of Hongzhi, the night.

For a few days, it was a cloudy day. Even at night, the dark clouds in the sky covered the moonlight, and there was no slightest penetration.

Song Yu Day Camp, at this time the police were strict, there were bonfires everywhere, the flames of bright yellow flicked, and the rays of light were emitted, dispelling the darkness and illuminating one!

From time to time, there are soldiers who are patrolling the night, strong and strong, armed with weapons, and their eyes are released, and they scan all the suspicious places.

Song Yu’s army is going to undergo a new training in the new barracks. Others dare not say that at least this military order is like a mountain, which is deeply imprinted in the mind.

There are also junior officers who have been trained by Martial Hall. This shows that it is a one-on-one approach, quite a rule!

The entire camp, like a sophisticated machine, works in an orderly manner.

It was late at night, and there was no omission in the defense.

Huo Li’s temptations were fruitless, and there were a lot of losses. Recently, I seem to give up the night attack!

But the vigil of the vigil did not dare to relax.

At this time, there was a military officer who looked like a guard. He was tall and strong, and he was wearing a waist knife. He was followed by two wolves like tigers.

A few laps, seeing the soldiers are attentive, and did not find any leaks, but this Guardian still has some frowns.

“The adults seem to have a heart?” a relative soldier asked.

“Yes! I am upset tonight, always feel that something is happening!” The pro-independence is different, and the guard will speak casually.

“The army is heavily guarded and there are no omissions. What else is there? Adults or their duties, thinking day and night dreams…” The pro-military said.

“Also! This errand of the night watch, I am so worried… Fortunately! As long as I am tonight, tomorrow is the total attack, no longer need to do this, but also save a family of work…”

Although the total attack time is confidential, the defender is raised from below, and he is not worried about his own confidant.

“Yeah! Although doing this, not only can you rest during the day, but also the meat and food, but it is hard work, and a little omission is a big disaster!”

The pro-military said this, and it seems that there is some respect for the errands of this night.

“Yes! That’s it!” said the defender.

Suddenly, the corner of the eye, you can see the dark outside the camp, a little green.

This green is like a gem, with rays of light. As a soldier, he can even feel bloody and ferocious!

With this cold air, the guard will wake up immediately and scream: “Alarm!”

“哐” got a cry and pulled out a long knife.

“Protect the adults!” The pro-arms also took out weapons and protected the guards.

Then they will see that the rays of light outside the camp are flashing, like a starry little star, just with a weird green!

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