Just then, just listen to the screaming wild beast roaring sound:

鈥渁o wu! !!鈥?/p>

The pro-arms with years of hunter experience finally recognized, and shouted: “Wolf! Wolves!”

The defender will be amazed. At this time, I will see that the green light outside is the eyes of the mountain wolf, and the bloodthirsty killing intent!

“This time, here again, how can there be so many wolves?” The defender said incredulously.

At this time, the wolves outside the camp, from the eyes, there are thousands!

The wolves of this size are almost the total number of nearby miles. How can a brain appear here?

The guard will sniff out an unusual taste!

But at this time, it was too late to think. The wolverine just seemed to be a signal. The wolves got instructions and immediately rushed to the military camp!

“hmph! A family follows the Lord, and the Corpse Mountain Blood Sea has come over. It is the number of people who have personally killed, and there are more than a hundred, how can they be afraid of these beasts!”

The defender coldly shouted, yelling: “kill!”

Here is the military camp, surrounded by fences and trenches, although there are many wolves, the more it is.

The soldiers got the military order, and they did not hesitate to stab the long spear.

The result of the usual training, now you can see it, see the long spear as the Poison Dragon stabbed, easily into the mountain wolf within the body.

Another agitation, the wolf’s internal organs, twisted into pieces!

The Azure Wolf, who was seriously injured, couldn鈥檛 help it. He screamed and fell to the ground.

“Receive!” Wu Changhuo sipped, and shouted: “Re-stab!”

Another row of long spear stabbed, the wolves in the guns fell to the ground.

When he was close, the defender discovered that the wolves were very mixed. There are many species, including gray wolves, Azure Wolf, black wolves, and others. The figure is old, but there is a sinister and fierce in the green eye. There is almost a ray of light. This is the lone wolf, the loser of the struggle in the wolves, and has always been alone. Until the death!

These are all gathered together and impacted the military camp!

Let the guard almost think it is in a dream!

The wolf is deceitful, bullying and fearing hard, this military camp. It is a hard bone in a hard bone. If you have a little instinct, you will not come here for food.

This guard will take care of himself and make sure that it is in reality, and that what he sees is not illusory.

But this, however, made him fall into awkwardness.

As a Guardian, it is a night. Responsible for the safety of this line of defense, if it encounters the enemy, it can be reported! Concurrent signal warning!

but now. Although there are some situations that can still be controlled, and it is not an enemy night attack, this will make this a little difficult.

The military rules are strict, and the soldiers are nervous professions. Always under high pressure, in the middle of the night. Once a fork appears, it is very easy to “explode the camp.” Tens of thousands of troops, losing their sense of reason, biting each other and even slashing, are possible!

If this is a warning, if it is not good, there will be a crime of misconduct, and it will be dealt with by military law!

Looking at the continuous camp, only a few nearby, seems to be alarmed by the wolf, and the distance is still silent.

This will finally make up my mind, just want to issue an order, I will see a scene that I want to see!

With the ups and downs of the wolverine.

There was no rule at all, and it seemed that there was a command of a wolf group.


The wolf corpse gradually piled up, filling the ditch and gradually increasing.

“Not good!” The defender just thought of something and said.

Unfortunately, it was too late, I saw an Azure Wolf, jumped on the wolf corpse, crossed an azure arc, and landed firmly in the military camp.

Immediately, some of the lost soldiers were thrown away. The wolf kissed one, revealing sharp fangs and directly biting the throat of the soldier!

“Six sons!” Seeing the old robes, they were killed in the mouth of the beasts. Although they were soldiers, they realized that they were red eyes.

A few times, the shadow of the knife flashed, but it was a few soldiers nearby. They all flew before the body, and the Azure Wolf was smashed!

“ao wu! !!” With the wolverine, more and more mountain wolves borrowed power to jump over the railings and came to the military camp to launch difficulties! ! !

Even more let the Guardian鈥檚 heart chill out, there is still a gray wolf, came to the bottom of the fence, kneeling on the ground, the front paws quickly dig, it is necessary to shake the fence foundation!

“Is there such a clever wolf in this world?”

The first thing the defender thought was, but it was this, and immediately roared: “I still squatting? Let’s shoot the arrows and shoot the gray wolves!”

“If it is to dig the fence, then I will be dealt with by the military law!!!”

Around the soldiers, this came back to his senses, the military law is harsh, especially for them, as a night watch, but the defense line is broken, this plot can be serious, it is all the beheadings, it is possible!

At this point, these soldiers, finally came back to his senses, there is a bow in front of the bow bow and place arrow, shoot the arrow! ! !

When the arrow was raining, the gray wolves in the ground were in the middle of the arrow, and the blood flowed to the ground, sobbing and no action.

At this time, other gray wolves came forward and dragged down the body of the companion to continue the previous work.

This kind of obstinating instinct, ignoring the state of life and death, even the veterans of the rest of the war, looked at the heart is cold.

When I was an old Orion, I couldn鈥檛 help but say: “This is the Wolf King patrol, and the Bailing is back! We are still…”

“pu!” This old hunter has not finished talking, and opened a hole in his neck, bringing a big blood, swaying down!

The defender took a knife and turned back, whispering: “Shake the heart! 鏂?!!”

He slammed the ground and shouted: “It鈥檚 just a group of beasts. If you have anything to fear, don鈥檛 kill me!鈥?/p>

The sergeant will see this, and it will also converge on the fear of a little, and go to fight with the wolves.

There are so many wolves in the world, just what the guards will see, there are more than a thousand, and I don鈥檛 know how many, hidden in the dark.

It鈥檚 just killing!

Finally, as the soldiers continue to fall, this line of defense is also crumbling.

“鐮?!!” Just at this moment, a loud noise.

It turned out that after the efforts of the gray wolf, the squadron finally smashed the fence and the wolves roared. The fence made a noise and crashed into the ground!

This blow became the last straw and completely broke the hearts of the soldiers.

“Ah!!! I don’t want to be eaten!!!”

A round-faced soldier, a black wolf that can be seen. Directly licking the body on the ground, occasionally looked up, the green eyes staring at himself, seems to be looking at which one is good, finally can not stand, crashed!

Throw down the weapon. Cried and ran to the rear.

Running, suddenly felt a pair of fluffy hands on his shoulders, and when he turned back, he saw a wolf face, and his eyes shot green. The fangs bite directly on the neck of the youth, and the blood splashes!

“Damn! Don’t run!”

The guards saw the soldiers rushing and fleeing. They fled and fled, and even cut a few, they could not stop, and could not help but drink.

“Adult! The situation is critical, please let me go!”

The two soldiers are still in front of them. Just a long knife with red, body, and more flesh and blood. There are also the footprints of the mountain wolf’s minions.

“I can’t go! The Lord will hand it over to me here. I am incompetent. I am being attacked by the group of animals. I have the face and go to see the Lord!”

This will bite your teeth.

“This crime of non-war, before all. Before anyone else can think of a night attack of wolves. The Lord publicly stated that as long as the situation is explained, it will be forgiven…”

Rao is a pro-combatant, and this guard will not leave, seeing the wolves closer, the less the guards.

The two soldiers looked at each other and said in unison: “So! The generals allowed me to follow me!”

The general will not retreat, as a pro-brother, if you first flee, not only must beheaded the public, but also the family.

These two soldiers, one is afraid of military law, and the second is that this guard will usually be favored, and now the Lord will not leave, they are determined to die! ! !

“Good!” The defender laughed. “I am waiting for the three masters and servants to go together and it is a good story!”

Tightly tightened the knife and decided to fight with the wolves! ! !

The wolves are surrounded by the three servants.

Looking at the green light around, Rao is the three people who have decided to die, and feel that the heart is a bit cold.

Just then, the guard would hear a familiar voice.

“Step! Step! Step!”

The regular and rhythmic sounds sounded from the outside and gradually approached.

The experience of marching for many years, let this think of it, said: “This is the sound of horses galloping!”

鈥渁o wu! 鈥?/p>

It was also a wolverine, and the wolves scattered and rushed to the camp behind.

It was only the Guardian at this time that he did not have the joy of surviving, and muttered: “The late night wolf attack, the fruit is man!”

With his eyes wide open, you have to look at the back of the wolves. What are the others?

At this time, when the cavalry came to the camp, they heard a scream of uniformity: “Kill!”

The guards saw that hundreds of cavalry, like the dark clouds, poured in from the gap of the line of defense.

This cavalry costume is so familiar, it is the army opposite Huo Li!

“Well? How come there are living people?” A cold voice sounded.

Then, hundreds of riders roared, and the defender only had time to throw a long knife in his hand, and he felt a strong rush, and his long knife flew out, his chest hurt, and then he was completely in the darkness…

Hundreds of cavalrymen stepped on and crushed the three into meat, and they stopped at the rear camp.

“Give me kill! Kill this camp!!!”

At the cavalry center, there is a sound, the ice is cold, and the killing intent!

As the cavalry rushed over, the back followed up with densely packed, like an ant-like step.

By the fire, they can be seen wearing Imperial Court uniforms.

The sergeant rushed in, and there seemed to be a burning flame in his eyes, screaming to kill the big account, and occasionally the voice of roaring and slashing into the body.

It turned out to be Huo Li, who was the first to attack the Song Yu before the attack! ! !

Taking the wolves as the vanguard, the cavalry followed closely, and then the step was followed, like a sharp knife, and stabbed into the Song Jun camp.

“Fast! A team kills the light! A team set fire! Don’t give them time to react!” The generals roared.

Huo Li does not care about this, leading the wolves and cavalry, straight into the middle of the camp!

In the center of the big camp, a luxurious big account stands quietly standing, with a handsome flag in front, embroidered with a golden “Song” word!

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