Huo Li took the cavalry and went straight to the core of the Song Yu army!

He can see very clearly that Song Yu’s roots have been established, and this is a big defeat, but it can also make a comeback.

Therefore, the most important trick of this surprise attack is to obtain Song Yu’s head!

Song Family is almost all in Song Yu. As long as you have learned Song Yu, the whole Wunan will immediately fall apart!

In the eyes of Huo Li, the blood of the blood of the rays of light, but did not forget to shout: “Kill ah!!! Who killed Song Yu, this General Paul his official level 5, gold Wan two!” In the cold voice, With a strange lure and temptation.

Such a great effort, just in front of you, in the eyes of many cavalry, is also red!

They are screaming: “The rich and the rich, the wife and the shade, here is a fight!”

It is also urging the squatting horse to rush to the handsome account.

“Hah!” Huo Li took a knife, cut off the tent that blocked the road, and then flashed a few times, avoiding the chaotic arrows, immediately before, the blade light flashed, with bloody rain!

After breaking through several camps, the long knife slashed and finally came to the middle of the camp.

At this time, Huo Li, only a few steps away from the handsome account, this distance, the horse jumped.

At this time, Huo Ling’s spiritual sense is a great alarm!

wrong! This is not right! ! !

“Call!” Huo Li suddenly thundered, let the cavalry behind, did not stop.

The soldier looked at the coach with some doubts, but at this time Huo Li, but looked around, blood and fire, many Wu Nanshi soldiers, still resisting, and the night attack of Huo Jun killed.

It’s too easy! The enemy’s resistance is too weak! The number seems to be too small! ! !

Huo Li suddenly realized that what was wrong, here is Song Yushuai account, the core of the army, but the resistance is too weak.

“Not good! Volt!!!!” Huo Li blurted out, and his forehead saw cold sweat.

“Fast! Pass me military orders! The army is retreating!”

Huo Li shouted loudly.

Unfortunately, it is too late.

Just listen to a clear voice: “Huo General is very human! Unfortunately! It is only now that it is too late!!!”

Four tents, slammed open, showing the elite Song Jun who is strong in armor.

The army rushed from all around, and the middle of the Huo Li army, surrounded by the trend, the arrow was wounded, the sharp cold light, directed at the Huo Li army.

Thousands of torches were lifted, and the whole camp was bright.

In this battle, the state soldiers who are raging in the center can’t help but stop.

“In a short period of time, General Huo can reconnect the Yu Zhangbing, who has been reorganized and reorganized, to meet each other. Even in the old people who are solitary, they can insert spies and spy on the military. It is impossible to let the lonely voice ‘admire’!”

In the Song Jun, the public will surround a big car, Song Yuduan sat on it, slowly speaking.

Although the sound is not big, but it is strange to hear li can be heard, listening to Huo Li and hand low-level province soldiers, are cold in the heart!

“Tonight’s surprise attack, first open the way with the wolves, and make a great army. If you are really preparing for tomorrow’s war, then the soldiers will be slack. In this case, there will be Yu Zhangbing anti-water, and the orphan may really fail!”

“The general’s move is really to achieve the tactics of the military!”

Song Yu seems to admire.

However, Huo Li clearly can feel that Song Yu’s voice has a power to appease people. As a result, the bloodthirsty color in his eyes is gradually disappearing.

“Not good!” Huo Li was shocked.

He is the reincarnation of the black wolf demon, known as the “demon fairy”, naturally also has a divine, can make the law.

Before, the opponent’s corporal sergeant, using the magic to confuse the mind, to increase the surprise attack.

Originally, the army gathered, and it was self-contained with iron and blood.

However, Huo Li is the coach of the three armed forces. He has an innate advantage and his mana is extremely high.

The exhibition is not a high-level spell, but a spiritual induction, which stimulates the bloodthirsty meaning of the soldiers, which can be successful because of the situation!

Now Song Yu, by speaking, is secretly ignorant of the practice of the Famen, and even the magic of his display, all broken!

As soon as the blood was passed, the mind was awake, and he saw himself surrounded by the army and pointed by the bow. He was suddenly afraid, and some of his hands were loose. Long spear “jingle” and fell to the ground.

This is the downside of using spells. If you are not in the usual way, you will not be affected by the spells. After killing the enemy, how can you get out of the state so quickly? But now, when the spell breaks, the blood is lost, and even the courage is also rapidly decreasing!

Being trapped in the encirclement, but also the morale is low, is it that I am Huo Li, will you be killed here?

Huo Li tightened the long knife in his hand, but in an instant, he replied from the frustration and looked at Song Yu, his face showed a fierce color.

At the same time, Song Yu is also looking at Huo Li.

See this person wearing a black armor, face thin, a pair of scorpions, even more narrow, faint green glow.

The whole face looks a bit mean, not like a living person, more like a wild beast!

“This is the image of the wolf’s madness! I really don’t know how the former state animal husbandry, how to think, even let Huo Li take the position of the general!”

Song Yu slightly narrowed his eyes, and he saw Huo Li’s head, and the air was condensed, turning into a black giant wolf, forcing the forefoot, making a fuss!

I know that this person is deceitful, and perhaps I am still ready to wait for an opportunity!

However, he did not intend to give him a chance, and he said: “There is no need to kill the beggars! The rest, do it!”

“No!” Song Jun sounded in unison.

Several generals ordered the “archers, the first shot of the cavalry, the preparation of the gunmen, the encirclement of the enemy, do not let one run!”

With the command, the archer shoots the arrow in his hand!

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” “Chī! ”

In the face of the arrow rain, the cavalry behind Huo Li has a few arrows in his body, and he can’t afford it.

“long spear soldiers! Go forward!”

The gunmen arrayed, long spear forward, forming a sharp gun array, pushing the enemy away.

The pace is neat, the movements are uniform, and the sharp tips are almost in a straight line, and the cold light flashes.

The opposite state soldiers, constantly retreating, were forced to shrink into one piece.

At this time, the state soldiers could not bear the pressure and ran to the rear!

With the first one, there was a second one. The entire Huo Li army fought and crashed. Many of the soldiers fought bravely and rushed to escape from the gap.

The army was huddled together, and in order to compete for the opportunity to escape, the sword in the hands would not hesitate to cut off the robe.

When the state soldiers escaped from the military camp, they found that the number of people was nearly half. Others were not still trapped in the military camp, but fell under the knife of former comrades!

But the war was far from over. I saw the gate of Song Yujun’s camp and opened it, and a team of cavalry came from it!

When the first person, it was the black feather riding leader Luo Bin, drinking: “Array! Charge!”

The cavalry arrayed and slammed into the scattered state soldiers.

At this time, the state soldiers have lost their hearts, and they have compiled chaos. The cavalry penetrated, almost effortless.

After a few round trips, the state soldiers were completely washed away, the horseshoes were bloody, and there were countless souls under their feet.

Seeing that the enemy’s resistance has been completely eliminated, Luo Bin is shouted: “There is no need to kill the beggars!”

The other cavalry also yelled, and cut the heads of several state soldiers who were still running away!

Finally, some state soldiers could not bear it, lost their weapons, and said: “I will wait until I drop! I will wait for it!”

This is a three-in-one, killing at the end, but it is the Righteous Path.

First, killing with the army, but leaving a gap, when the enemy fled, and then chasing the enemy, slashing and killing, there is almost no casualties.

Luo Bin chased and slashed for a while, only to make: “The Lord has a command, the night is deep, and the cavalry can’t enter after XORYX li is chased!”

This is just in case, after all, it is still dark night, within 10 li, relying on the military camp bonfire and the torch in the hand, it is barely visible.

Once you chase 10 li, it is not killing, but committing suicide.

“Nuo!” Although the black feather cavalry was somewhat unwilling, he still resisted the mount.

“I will go back! Collect the captives, if there is resistance, immediately kill!” Luo Bin ordered.

The killing and defeating of the army, their own casualties are extremely small, almost the credit of the day, the black feather cavalry, are all elated, followed by the Lord will return to the division.

At this time, Luo Bin’s face was cold and he stretched his hand, but it was a waterdrop.

Looking up, I saw the sky was deeper, the cold wind whistling, and the raindrops slammed down.

The rain was extremely sudden, and it was like pouring in a moment. Not only did the torches be extinguished, but the night was dark and deeper.

Luo Bin’s brow wrinkled: “Why is it raining now?”

Looking to the direction of the military camp: “I hope that the Lord is free!”

At this time, it is impossible, or screaming loudly: “Bundle the captives with ropes, don’t leave one!”

The heart knows that this weather, the captives flee, but it is difficult to avoid, even the battle, must be reduced, not to be tight tight knit.

Song Yu is in the camp.

When the state soldiers escaped half, Song Yu’s army surged and blocked the gap.

There were tens of thousands of state soldiers before. If it was a ruin, it would bring a lot of losses to the Song Yu army. It is not worth it.

But now that you leave these, you can eat it completely, and the casualties are very small!

“The army is slowly getting together, don’t go one!” Song Yu ordered.

“There were more than a thousand fled before, because the night, even if Luo Bin took the black feather ride to chase, try to capture, and kill the most, and capture two thousand!”

“But here is different, there are more than a million soldiers, they are all in the lonely bag! This can be trained, the veterans who have been on the battlefield, as long as a little reorganization, immediately is the elite teacher!”

“All the collections, loneliness, this extravagant hope, but even if only half, it is five or six thousand fines! The rest of the ordnance war horses, not to mention…”

With the military order, Song Yu’s army surrounded and surrounded the state.

At this time, the state soldiers have not completely collapsed, with their respective Weizheng Camp as the core, forming a circle of resistance.

Song Yu sees this, frowned: “Tune the archers in the past, kill the flat!”

“Nuo!” The commander went down, mobilized the bow and hand, and saw the arrow and the rain, sporadic resistance, and soon was subdued.

Song Yu’s mind was not placed on this. After a little command, he turned his eyes to Huo Li.

This Huo Li, is not the reincarnation of the demon, the arrow rain just now, most of them have been escaped, occasionally a few, just shot to the black armor, it was blocked, even the white spots have not left.

At this time, with the last dozens of riding, the heart is sharp, left and right, and breaks out. r1152


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