“Forget it! Pass the orphan command! Our army will take over the troops, log in, collect the wounded, clean up the battlefield!”

Song Yu saw this, and he was not too disappointed, faintly said. ~

The commander immediately went down. Soon after, the pulse wave led the team back to the barracks.

The pulse wave returned to the high platform, the iron armor, but also splashed with blood, but did not care, and gave up the sins: “The end will not be able to obtain the enemy’s first level, especially to sin!”

“You can win the first battle, the big army of the ups and downs, and what are the sins?” Song Yu stepped forward and raised the waves.

“Through the Lonely Order, Dianlang won the first battle, remembering once, rewarding the gold one hundred and two, and all the people rewarding the meat!”

“Thank you!” There is a happy color in the wave of the dynasty.

At this time, the logistics soldiers went to the battlefield, rescued their own wounded, and converged the dead bodies. As for the wounded of the enemy, the captives of the minor wounds, and the serious injuries, they were unable to get up. They saw only the part of the knife, and the wounded before the death, gave The entire battlefield brought a heavy breath.

After cleaning up the soldiers, they collected materials such as military uniforms and weapons that were lost and damaged, and took them back for reconstruction.

Throughout the process, Danyang did not obstruct, nor did it take the opportunity to attack.

This is the unspoken rule on the battlefield. In today’s situation, the winner can give priority to clearing the battlefield and obtaining supplies.

Anyone who talks about the other side of the face will not obstruct. Of course, after the victory party has cleaned up, the loser can be cleaned up again, but certainly can’t find anything.

Perhaps, the reason why Danyang did not sneak attack, but also the light to kill some logistics soldiers, is simply not helpful in the reason.

Song Yu faintly thought, and asked his subordinates: “How about the battlefield inventory?”

“It has already come out!” Hurry and scream.

“Our army killed 232 people, including a camp! The wounded and wounded more than 300 people, have been carried into the injury camp. By the military doctors, most of them can return to the team!”

“Yeah!” Song Yu nodded, this military medical system has existed since ancient times, but he first standardized it.

Not only set up specialized institutions to train medical talents, but also set up military doctors at all levels. The position of the commander, the priest, and the senior, as well as the official!

This has greatly stimulated the investment of medical talents and sufficient staff. The system is complete, so that Song Yu’s wounded can basically survive more than half.

Compared to other princes, only 20-30% survival rate is already a miracle.

Originally, if you were a city, you would like to go to the army. With the Divine Ability of the rejuvenation water. It is also possible to increase this ratio, but unfortunately it was all opposed by the following martial arts, which caused the matter to fail.

“What about the dagger?” Song Yu asked again.

“Our army daggers a total of four hundred, captive fifty-seven!” This article quickly said.

“Good! Hurry and register the merits, record it, don’t delay it! Go on!” Song Yu said.


Song Yu looked around and said with a smile: “The crowds went to the account with the lonely!” The first to get up and down the high platform.

Ye Hongyan and so on quickly hurry up.

As soon as he traveled to the center, Song Yujing sat down. I asked: “How do you see Danyang soldiers?”

“Wu Yi is a man! I am not afraid of death!” Ye Hongyan solemnly said: “I heard the Danyang people’s winds, and the rich Danyang soldiers are famous all over the world. See you today, name is not in vain !”

“Not bad! Good!” Each will be accompanied by a saying.

“While the enemy is brave, our army is not bad, the military system is on it, and there is no invincible reason!” Ye Hongyan said, and then let the public secretly conceal.

“Good!” Song Yu’s face is happy, “Hongyan’s words are really lonely!”

“Danyang Jingbing is sharp, but it is also awkward. Any coach who wants to use it is not easy. How can there be a solitary army to ban it? You will wait until later, when this one is broken!”

“The public is high! I admire it!” The generals said that they didn’t listen to it.

“Dongming, our army’s siege equipment, how is it prepared?”

Liu is not Huo Li, he is determined to win, and he is not defending the city. Instead, he is out of the city to invite the war.

Song Yuguan’s move today, Danyang Bing, can be guessed, this Liu is not, I am afraid that playing is a deadly idea.

It seems that the state animal husbandry Zhao Pan, died in Huo Li, Song Yu governed the four prefectures, but also did not idle, but secretly did a lot of things.

The rest of the Aristocratic Family in Wuzhou, although still fighting each other, reached a consensus on the issue of jointly controlling the Song and Yu forces.

After Huo Li’s death, it was even more urgent and obvious.

This time, Liu has already assembled 20,000 troops, and there are plenty of food and grass. I am afraid there will be many silhouettes of Aristocratic Family teamed up behind.

Song Yu just got the news and didn’t dare to despise it.

“Even if Danyang is a strong city, and the soldiers are elite, they have to be laid down! These soldiers and grass are also the last vitality against the Aristocratic Family. As long as they can defeat it, then the whole Wuzhou will only have Jianye! ”

Song Yuke has never forgotten, and he is entrenched in Jianye’s door valve Baojia.

Although Bao’s performance has been calm since the great chaos in Wuzhou, any superiors will never take it lightly for the famous eight Aristocratic Family and the hereditary Jing Guogong.

“reporting to the main public! The subordinate craftsmen work overtime and work overtime, and have saved 31 catapults, five arrow towers, and ten door knockers, which will be shipped to the front tomorrow!”

Under the jade hand, it has already occupied the Kyufu. Most of the Wuzhou is in hand, with strong strength and endless potential for war.

These siege devices are external manifestations.

“Good! These are the first to accept, the latter production does not stop, so the next warrant, once the equipment is built, it will be shipped directly to the front of the array, no need to go through other procedures…”

“In addition, the letter Wu Nan and Yu Zhang Si Fu, the equipment shipped in stock!” Song Yu Brow, said again.

Listening to this statement, there is a bad feeling in the subordinates.

Siege equipment is cumbersome, long-distance transportation is inconvenient, the Lord is so commanded, what do you see? Or what is the prediction?

Is it going to take a long time to attack the city, and then you will not hesitate to carry the heavy equipment from the old nest?

Of course, these words are just a matter of heart, no one dares to ask questions. He Dongming quickly bowed his head and said, “No! This is the order to go to life!”

On the second day, Wu Hou army. It started the siege.

“peng!” “peng!” “peng!”

The catapult car roared and cast huge stones on the city wall.

The boulder, with its powerful kinetic energy, squats on the green black city wall, which is torn apart and makes a loud noise.

Small stones splashed, and some even sparked. He opened a bleeding hole in the former sergeant.

The structure of the trebuchet is precise, and after a few rounds, it is necessary to rest. Replacement parts, the soldiers of Danyang City, only waited for half an hour, they could not hear the sound of boulder.

“It’s a pity! If there are hundreds of such things. Take turns. Is there any city in the world?”

Ye Hongyan was unfortunately thinking, and immediately ordered: “The tower is up!”

With the sound of the singer “嘿哟!” “嘿哟!”, the pawn of the Danyang City Head, I saw several giants, slowly moving toward the city wall.

Closer to see, but the building of each and everyone tower, several floors high, standing on the top floor. You can even cross the city wall and see the scenery of Fucheng.

There is also a rolling wood under the arrow tower. Driven by hundreds of soldiers, regardless of the arrows thrown from the city, just push in the direction of the city wall.

The arrow tower stopped at the moat, and it was only ten zhang or so away from the city wall.

Xiu xiu xiu! ! ! !

From the arrow tower, the bow and arrow were shot, and the city guards fell.

This arrow tower is condescending, the archers on the top are very cheap, and the wooden boards can be extended from the top floor and directly connected to the city wall. When you hide in the tower, you can directly get the city wall through the wooden board, and the inside of the tower There are also passages for the continuous passage of the soldiers, and the soldiers will be transported to the city wall, which is a siege weapon!

“It’s an arrow tower! Fast! Prepare a catapult!”

This arrow tower is out of the iron, and it is soaked in water, the knife and the arrow, the rain, and even the golden juice, are not afraid. The only thing that is afraid is the huge stone!

There are also officers on the wall. I know that I have to deal with this kind of arrow tower. In addition to the destruction of the city, I only use the trebuchet! But the other side has taken advantage of the strength of the force, and the actual can be used, only the trebuchet!

“Archer! Quick release!”

The officers on the tower quickly sipped, and the arrow rain continued to fall, preventing the movement of the city.

“Come on! Hurry!” When the archers on the five arrow towers pressed the city’s head, the next Ye Hongyan was not idle.

Thousands of soldiers, carrying earth bags, quickly stepped forward, put the earthen bags into the moat, and returned again, repeating the previous movements.

“Fast! Give me the river!”

Ye Hongyan screamed loudly, and saw the trebuchet appeared in the city. Large stones were thrown at the tower, causing countless blood.

Knowing that there is not much time, hurry to make: “Hurry up! The logistics force is also on!”

With the order of drinking, the flow of people has increased.

Hong long! ! ! A loud noise came.

It was an arrow tower that could not be supported and was broken down.

“Take two more waves, it will kill the soldiers! Unfortunately!” Feeling the arrow rain of the city, and there is a strengthening trend, Ye Hongyan sighed, or passed the military order.

Knowing that if there is no arrow tower to suppress the city, it is necessary to fill the moat, and I don’t know how many soldiers need to die.

These are all strengths! It is too worthless to spend here.

But this moat is the first line of defense in Danyang and must be removed!

Ye Hongyan looked up and looked at the Danyang city wall. The city wall is tall and thick, and it is very strong, giving people a stable confidence.

At this time, in Ye Hongyan’s opinion, it seems to be mocking his incompetence!

“It’s really glaring!” Ye Hongyan muttered to himself. “If you give me 20,000 people, I will be sure to fill the river in two days!”

If you do not count the losses and drive the people to fill the river, it is meaningless to let the guards block.

The husband is not a soldier. The most troubled people in the world are the ones who have died.

If you are on a fierce general, you will probably use this policy.

It is a pity that Ye Hongyan was born in the grass roots, and he also had compassion and compassion. He also knew that Song Yu loved his reputation. If he said that he would not cause the Lord to be furious, he would not use this method.

This offensive and defensive war has been hit until the night, until the night is completely shrouded, Ye Hongyan unwillingly glanced at the Danyang city wall and issued an order to retreat.

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