Time went unnoticed into August. —{2}{3}{w}{x}

This is the hot summer season, the weather is hot and sweaty, but it is warmer than this weather, but it is the ongoing siege war!

Danyang attack and defense, since May, has been two months.

Under the leadership of Liu, the internal defending alliance of Danyang played an amazing fight intent, and the Song Yu army has been firmly out of the city.

Song Yu was very patient, and sent his army to take turns to feel the siege atmosphere.

At this point, looking at it, the moat was filled in, the city of Danyang was all around, not even a blade of grass grows, the land was dark red, the blood was full, and the Song Yu army was almost folded in these two months. Tens of thousands! The loss is heavy, it can be called one inch of land and one inch of blood!

But at the same time, the guards in the city, the damage is at least 5,000 or more!

You must know that Liu has not owned all the troops, but only about 20,000. This ratio is terrible, that is, every four strokes, one seriously injured or killed.

The same is true of Song Yu’s army.

After such a long bloody battle, the soldiers on both sides are almost at the limit!

“However! Almost!” Looking at the city of Danyang, the air transport that represents Liu’s end, has been crumbling, Song Yu muttered to himself.

Song Yu is the owner of the people. He started from scratch and ordered the unity. Under such damage, the military is somewhat unstable, let alone Liu.

Liu has not been a man, or the Alliance Army, his defense, only the nominal alliance lord, now the casualties are heavy, especially the Danyang soldiers on their hands are almost completely damaged, let Liu’s leadership position. Shaky.

“Now, the competition is the patience of being alone with Liu!” Song Yu heart. Suddenly rise clear comprehension.

“Let the orphan command, summon the public!” Song Yu issued a military order.

The drum pen peng rang, after three passes, the handsome account was full of people.

Wu Housheng, three times the drums are not heard, are all military law disposal!

“Wu Hou is driving!” With the clear voice of the voice. Song Yu dressed in an armor and entered the big account.

“I have seen Wu Hou!” In the voice of his subordinates, Song Yujing sat in the middle of the golden chair. Just said: “People please!”

The crowd will get up, revealing different forms of appearance, the only thing that is the same, is the exhaustion of almost everyone’s face!

A few months of war. Everyone is nervous. Tiredness is inevitable.

However, hardships and hardships, Yu Yu Yucheng, only after such tempering, can you see the real thing of everyone! Song Yu is still quite expecting this.

When you look at it, you will see the first Ye Hongyan, his eyes are covered with bloodshot eyes. A lot of faces.

In the army, except Song Yu. Down, he is the oldest, the highest official, and the most important thing to deal with every day.

Although he has been known for many years, he knows the truth of mercy, and sacrifices hundreds or even thousands of soldiers in exchange for victory. It is not a blind eye. Unfortunately, the life of tens of thousands of soldiers is still too heavy, beyond his. The range of capabilities.

Song Yu slightly raised his head and saw that the life on the top of Ye Hongyan was trembled fiercely and seemed to be undergoing drastic changes.

My heart is clear, this love will meet the big threshold, this step has crossed, it is the broad sky, soaring for nine days! If you can’t cross it, it’s a family swallow, you can only rush in front of the church.

Later, Huhe was a mountain savage person, living conditions were cruel, life and death saw much more, but it was very calm, except for a little low face, the situation was generally stable.

Behind it, it is to make Song Yu somewhat surprised.

I saw Luo Bin’s armor, standing abruptly, his face was no sadness and no joy, his eyes were still sharp, and he seemed to be discouraged because of the unfavorable war.

Before passing through Huo Li, this will have jumped to azure’s life, the depth of the instrument is deep, with a few unfathomable temperament!

“The fruit is between life and death, the most edifying people! Hongyan, I hope you can come over!” Song Yu said in his heart.

However, in the end, Ye Hongyan has a long work from the dragon, and it is not a small sentiment. Song Yu pondered for a moment, or said: “Hongyan! You are busy with the military, you still need to pay more attention to rest… Is the scorpion Ye Jianfeng still there?”

“Many thanks the Lord is concerned! Jianfeng is still under my hand, now it has become the camp!” Although Ye Hongyan did not know why the Lord suddenly asked his own nephew, but still said.

“Hongyan has worked hard! I can’t bear to see you like this, um! Let your nephew, hang in the name of a counselor, help you deal with the official document!”

This counselor is a military staff officer who helps the elder to handle matters. He can also make suggestions in due course, but the final decision on whether to adopt it is still in the hands of the chief officer.

The reason why Song Yu is so, still depends on the amount of Ye Jianfeng.

Although this person is not thick, the life is high, with azure, can fight with Luo Bin after reborn!

He has escorted Ye Hongyan, and Ye Hongyan’s probability of passing this robbery is going to be a lot.

“At the end, I will thank the Lord for the sword!” Although the attendant is not high in quality, it is also a qualification! In the future resume, you can add a sum of money, it is a good thing.

Moreover, if the soldiers are in danger, even if Ye Hongyan takes care of them, Ye Jianfeng still encounters several dangerous situations and almost died. It is also good to be able to transfer the nephew from the front line justifiably.

“Yeah!” Song Yu nodded, and let Ye Hongyan return to the list, said:

“Under the two-month war, I know that the soldiers are exhausted, but the enemy is also the same, and the news is alone…”

“Hundreds of people are half a dozen, and you must never slack off at this time!”

“Nuo!” The public will listen to the first master’s spur, and refuse to promise.

“Well! If you have nothing to do, go ahead and prepare for today’s siege…” Song Yu saw that he was right, and he was ready to end today’s proceedings.

“Report!” At this time, the commander came in and said: “Yuzhang urgent report!”

The dust is on the servant, the voice is urgent, and it is a major event!

In Song Yu’s heart, there is a hunch that says: “Speak!”

“reporting to the main public! Yuzhang Sifu urgent newspaper, the state animal husbandry Zhaopan, up the army, about 10,000 people, came to Dingshan, Songfeng, has now laid four counties, approaching Dingshan Fucheng!”

“Report!” Song Yuzheng wants to say something, and another commander is being assisted. When he sees Song Yu, he is struggling. “Reporting to less… Lord! Wunan Houses, there are unidentified people who have unidentified people. The law and order is unstable, Song Hu’s adult was assassinated, and he was seriously injured and could not be considered…”

The voice is rushing, and even with some crying.

This person Song Yu recognized that it was Song Family clansman. He had already followed him. Since he sent him to send a letter, it would be quite urgent to say that the situation in Wunan is even worse.

Suddenly, I heard the news, and all the presenters are big hua!

After all, there is nothing in the Yuzhang accident, but Wu Nanke is the old nest! ! !

Even Luo Bin is also a face to face, some worry.

“wind and rain want to come!” Song Yu listened to these two news, but did not upload the military order, but instead got up and set off in the camp.

After a few laps, I stopped and sighed slowly.

“Lord! We hurry to the class, and come back to Wunan! That is your foundation, absolutely can not be lost!” There will be one to come out and advise.

“Yes! Danyang is broken, big deal will come again next time, after all, the dead can live…” and the generals said.

In the face of this, Song Yu did not answer, sitting back to the golden chair, eyes turned to the generals, looked towards three people, asked: “Hongyan! Dongming! Luo Bin! How do you see?”

“The subordinates think that they can’t retreat!” He Dongming said in a row, and Shi Potian was shocked at the exit.

“Oh? Why?” Song Yu seemed to be interested and asked.

“Viewing this situation, the Lord has been in a disadvantageous situation! The step by step of this opponent is like a chess player, slowly pressing. If the Lord is acting according to common sense, he will fall into the trap…”

“That’s what you see, what should I do?”

“Please ask the Lord’s forgiveness to be dull. I only think of the word “the quietness of the town”. The specific strategy is still without a clue…”

This “the town is quiet” four words, Luo Bin is a bright spot, said: “The end will be seconded!”

Only Ye Hongyan, the face is still hesitant.

When Song Yu saw this, there was some regret in his heart, but he still laughed and said: “hahaha…the four words of Dongming, but they are talking about the lonely heart!”

See the following will still be somewhat puzzled, or say: “Lonely control the Kyufu, with a hundred thousand, look at the entire Wuzhou, no one can!”

“These military facts, though seemingly irrelevant, are traps. As Dong Ming said, there are behind-the-scenes hands, and they are left alone, waiting for the diamonds!”

“The enemy has to defeat our army. The outside has no strength. After all, the output and population of each government are fixed, and between the eager and the future, they will not be able to change their future! Their only hope is that our army will be self-defeating!”

Speaking of this, Song Yu has some sighs, no matter the past life or this life, many powerful empire and even organization, the cause of defeat is not foreign enemies, but internal chaos, because of various reasons, suspicious, and finally suspicion, vain power, leading to its own decline.

The history of Zhao Zhao Qing is visible, but there are still so many people stepping into the trap. In addition to their short-sightedness, they can only say that the pattern is insufficient, and they cannot see the general trend.

“The lonely army can’t retreat. This retreat is a situation that can’t be recovered. You can be sure that Liu, who is in the city of Danyang, is already waiting for his own. As long as the lonely army retreats, he will come to attack and reproduce Xin’an. Battle!”

In the original battle of Xin’an, Song Yu implemented the plan of strengthening the wall and clearing the wild, and the army squashed the new Anfu city, exhausted the physical strength of the Li Rubi army, and then attacked Li Rubi! Li Ru’s body is dead, and the potential of the dragon is repeated.

Many people in the field have participated in this war, and they are naturally impressed. See Song Yuyi, and then compare Danyang situation, my heart is a surprise! Although Liu seems to be crumbling, but the 15,000 army in his hand is not a fake!

This Danyang situation is exactly the replica of Xin’an!

This is the difference in the quantity pattern. When the generals of the men are all looking at the critical situation, Song Yu has already opened the fog and saw the truth of Wuzhou and even the world!

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