This majestic voice resounded throughout Danyang, and the Qingxu and Yuhui outside the city were clearly audible.

With the words of law, from Void, there is a piece of smallpox falling!

“This is? Forget the sorrows and flowers?” Qing Xu muttered.

The smallpox illusory, with a different fragrance, floats into the forehead of the soul.

Received the sorrow of the smallpox, convulsed on the surface, I do not know what happened, after a moment, the pain and hatred of the color to go, turned into a kind of kindness.

“No! Revenge! Revenge!”

Compared with the soul of the civilians, the military soul is more determined, and the earth is filled with yin, helping the army to resist the ceiling.

“This is a death, why bother to worry! Hey!”

With the words of Fang Ming, above the earth, golden spreads, shining dazzling rays of light.

At the end of the day, above the ground, it has completely turned into the color of the red gold, the golden light condenses, and the yin is locked underground.

The blossoming golden lotus flower blooms from the ground, and the general spirit is wrapped in it. The sandalwood is full of gas.

After a while, the golden lotus spread out, and the military soul inside was revealed. At this time, the military soul, black and suffocating, looked somewhat translucent and stable.

“Heavenly, the golden lotus!” The empty mouth opened wide, almost can’t believe his eyes.

This is also a very high achievement in the Daomen. It has only been achieved by several ancestors.

But Fang Ming’s Divine Ability doesn’t stop there.

“Reincarnation! Open!”

With the Divine Ability command, above the city of Danyang, a large mouth with a length of more than 10 li was opened, and the middle whirlpool appeared.

This time the reincarnation of the reincarnation. How much more than a hundred times bigger than the previous Fang Ming?

And this is the first time Fang Ming has been in the big dry position. Open the rein channel.

With the high power of the gods, his scruples in the big dry are also less and less. The opening of the reincarnation channel is to compare the difference between Dongtian and Dagan World.

From the huge Void gap, it exudes mystery and deep breath.

“This… is this?” The emptiness outside the city is almost inconsistent, and the pupil shrinks into a pinhole.

Compared with “Master!Master!”, I don’t know the secret of reincarnation. It is ignorance is a bliss, looking at the master of the serene is so lost self-control, like a madman. Can not help but shed the cuffs.

“hu …… Thank you, you!” Qing came back to his senses, but it is watching the wisdom, warm words.

The morality of the road is very dangerous. If it is not clear, it is not clear. I also use the wisdom and wisdom to remind me that I am afraid that today, I have to make a big reduction, even a military solution!

“Master! What is that?” Linghui saw the recovery of the virtual, could not help but ask.

“This is just a guess for the teacher. I am not sure, you just need to remember, it is extremely dangerous! See you back soon!”

Qingzhen cultivation base. Nature can sense the power of a reincarnation, but still can’t be sure.

At this point, there is more attention. It’s already a magical way to get a clear eye, and you want to see a few points.

“pu! !!”

Just as the method of transporting, the illusion of clearness seems to see the unfathomable darkness, and with great mysterious power, suddenly lead to the spell backlash, mouth spurt blood out, the heart is greatly damaged, the front is black, fainted in the past… …

“Master!” Linghui yelled.

“Reincarnation! Take the ghosts!” Fang Ming sipped.

The reincarnation channel rotates, giving a great attraction, and the surrounding ghosts are inhaled. This force seems to be effective only for the ghosts, but the sun and the grass are not moving.

Weng! ! !

Heavenly Dao has a sense, a huge law force appears, in Dagan World, the reincarnation of the first time, and more than 100,000 ghosts, such a big change, naturally caused the Heavenly Dao attention in the dark.

Lush and green’s youthfulness is constantly drifting away. This is Heavenly Dao’s favor, lowering merit and rewarding meritorious service.

The disenchantment of Song Yu killed the hunting thousand, Fang Ming just surpassed these souls, because without grinding the soul, he dropped so many Heavenly Dao merits, so that Fang Ming couldn’t help but have a kind of “the world is not benevolent, and everything is a dog.” a feeling of.

“The cycle of life and death, in Heavenly Dao’s view, is only a natural law! For Dagan World, only those who bring the power of World will be favored by Heavenly Dao…”

Fang Ming muttered to himself.

As each and everyone enters the reincarnation, the grayish gas on Danyang City is getting less and less, and finally dissipates.

Under the warm sunshine, the city was given a golden glow.

The people in Yangshizhong naturally did not know that there was a great change in the underworld, but from the beginning, they felt that the surrounding cold was greatly reduced, and the long-lost sunshine was sprinkled, and the heart was quite relieved.

“Well! The souls are all overdone, and the underground veins are also interrupted. Not only that, but the city has been washed by the city’s power, and has formed a similar Holy Land to the West. The City God Temple wishes to get a bigger blessing on this land. ……”

See true body. The treatment of the underworld is perfect, Song Yu regained his gaze.

Looked towards the following Wenchen military commander: “Let’s just discuss the matter!”

“In the future, you have to wait for more than one side, especially the military commanders, attacking the city and plundering the land. Although you have to make a decision, you must also set a charter!”

“Please tell the Lord!” The generals will all say.

“After the training of the soldiers, the orphans will split the way, Raiders Wuzhou!”

“For the disposal of the descendants, set the rules first!”

“If you surrender in advance, you can raise one level on the original basis!”

“If you surrender before the battle, keep the original grade, and promote it as appropriate!”

“If you resist stubbornly, you must copy the family!”

“You wait for the rules to act first. If you are unable to make a decision, you will be rewarded again!”

This is to set a rule first, so that other generals have a bottom.

“Preaching Qin Yun!” Song Yu drank.

“Humbled up to see Wu Hou!” Qin Yun walked in quickly, and bowed down.

Song Yu is a faint glimpse. This Qin Yun is a middle-aged man with a resolute face and a typical military appearance. On top of a golden life, Song Yu could not help but look at it.

“According to the orphan system, you surrender before the battle, you can retain the original grade, and offer the city gate, have meritorious service, and solicit your two levels, and appoint you as the guerrilla deputy of the Sixth Product, and manage both!”

“many thanks the Lord!” Qin Yun led the life, the top of the red and yellow full of instant.

It’s not a pattern, and the sky is full of clouds, indicating that this person has some strength before, but there is no limit, Song Yu will not take care of it.

It also makes: “The soldiers are sleepy and sleepy, and the logistics help to improve the food. Two days and one meat, the physical strength will be raised!”

Ancient elite soldiers are mostly eaten by eating meat.

General state soldiers, if there is no war, seven days a meat, it is only seven days to stop the meat, maintain supplies.

Only when the war is over, will it be changed to two days, one meat or three days, to replenish physical strength.

Song Yu, because of the bumper harvest of grain, and the continuous battle of Lien Chan, and the sufficiency of the atmosphere, changed the rules into a normal three-day meat, a war in the day, this is the standard that the central banned army has!

On the basis of consuming a lot of manpower and material resources, I have trained a soldier who is able to sweep Wuzhou and compare it with the private soldiers trained by Aristocratic Family!

Before the siege war, there was meat every day to motivate morale!

Now that the war is going to stop, according to common sense, it should be changed back to the three days and one meat, but Song Yu decided to give the soldiers a meal in order to restore the physical strength as soon as possible!

“The master is good, but it is consumed… and Wu Nanyu is in a hurry and has already laid down Danyang. Should I wait for it?”

There is a subordinate question.

“Our army has several provinces, and has seized countless numbers. It is enough to support this.” Song Yu sat back in the golden chair and was relaxed.

“As for Wu Nan and Yu Zhang? Now is not the situation before, I just need to wait and see what happens!”

Whether it is the state pastoral leader attacking the Yuzhang four houses, or the Wunan civil strife, the Song and Tiger assassinations are actually the enemy’s suspects.

The main purpose is to induce Song Yu to break into the chaos, withdraw the army and return to the defense, and then join Liu in the army, and replace Song Yu.

But now, Danyang City is broken, Liu is no, the Aristocratic Family is completely ruined, and it is completely ruined.

The rest, but the generation of the clown, Song Yu has long been in the eye.

“You just need to send Danyang news out! It’s still quiet in the town! I have to look at some people alone, how should I end?”

Song Yu sneered, and his eyes will show off!


On the 13th of the first year of Hongzhi, Song Yu broke through the city of Danyang and killed more than 10,000.

After that, on the 3rd of the massacre, the hundred thousand people were killed! The enemy army officers also copied the whole family and killed eight thousand soldiers!

In Danyang City, the blood flows into a river and the floating bodies are everywhere.

After the incident, the black smoke of the body was burned, and it was straight to the public li, and several counties around it could be seen.

The rest of the Kuaiji and other government, I heard that Song Yu’s deeds of the massacre were all terrifying!

Because of the fear of slaughter, they all sent people to drop. So, do not fight and get the three houses!

On the 20th, Song Yu did not send a soldier, but the entire central part of Wuzhou was completely in the bag!

State Mu Zhao dialect heard the news, vomiting blood three liters, coma for a few days, the first thing after waking up is to order the withdrawal!

As for Wu Nan, after the formation of the cabinet, Meng Zhu, Song Si and other cabinet ministers are all old-fashioned political affairs. The affairs are handled very smoothly. Song Yu has left six thousand troops in Wunan, and only the Lord will be assassinated. Into the dragons without a head, the thieves are violent, now have instructions, several times encirclement, will ruin most of the ruins, no longer climate.

In the city of Danyang, in the study.

“Lord! Wunan’s latest news! The first squad of Wang Jianli, who has been strangled by several Aristocratic Family, will be the first!” Shen Wenbin said.

“Oh?” Song Yu brows a pick and takes the paperwork.

After reading a few lines, I was a little surprised and said, “Hey? Is the news reliable?”

The intelligence not only clarified the matter, but also attached a post-mortem result, indicating that the rogue leader Wang Jianli is a monk!

“It has been said that three sorrows have been seen, and this is the case, and according to signs such as larynx and beard, it is certain that it was castrated since childhood…”

According to the Dagan system, only the royal family can use eunuchs. The entire Wunan, except for Song Yu’s Wuhou Palace, has entered some eunuchs, and other places are basically impossible.

This is easy to make people associate.

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