Shen Wenbin is also clearly aware of the joints, and the complexion is somewhat dignified. ,

Since there are monks in the civil strife in Wunan, does it mean that the royal family has intervened?

Song Yu pondered for a moment, and shook his head again: “It’s just a monk in the district. It doesn’t explain anything… And, Guanzhong Yuanzong is rebellious, and the position is also engraved. The Dagan royal family does not put strength into it, opposes alone, some unreasonable. ……”

“What does the main official mean?” Shen Wenbin is not a stupid person. After Song Yuyi mentioned it, he said something.

“Maybe! Some people want to create illusions, so they are suspicious!” Song Yu looked calm and his eyes were slightly stunned.

At this time, I saw my own gas transportation around, there was a faint black gas, and it seemed to be misty, and some points were unclear.

Song Yu has been relying heavily on Divine Ability, and some have lost their effects!

“The world is vying for the dragon, the air is confused, if it can be completely clarified, it will dominate the world alone!” Song Yu saw this, knowing his own Divine Ability, in the end, the highest realm, there is still confusion, but also Not very depressed.

“But by looking at the gas, although I still don’t know where the murderer came from behind the scenes, I can see that this blackness is weak, and it is not a hindrance to the orphan…”

Song Yu thought about it and said: “Zhang Jia, Li Family, this is a very good thing, and the orphan will clearly declare the decree!”

Although Song Yu came along the way, the means of ruthless very ruthless, destroyed a lot of Aristocratic Family, but most of them are stubborn.

For the neutral Aristocratic Family, or the trustee, Song Yu has always been generous.

Moreover, its roots are deep. There is no need to infringe on the interests of Aristocratic Family, which maintains the bottom line.

Wu Nan Aristocratic Family, after a few times down. Naturally, I want to hold my thighs.

This time, it is performance.

Song Yu faintly thought, and asked: “When is the autumn harvest, how is the harvest?”

In ancient society, the grain output was the major event of life and death, and the Lord must pay attention to it!

“Wu Nan cabinet returns, all localities are Dashu! Yuzhang Sifu. Although the time is still short, the field is not open, but it is also a harvest. The people are happy!”

Shen Wenbin said back.

“This is good!” With the city gods in the back, not only can the weather be smooth, the grain harvest, the treasury is full. Can also be loaded with gods and ghosts. For example, this Yuzhang Sifu was originally built by military forces, but since the increase in grain production, the people’s hearts have begun to appear.

“Autumn is cool! The lonely soldiers have recovered, just use the soldiers!” Song Yu said, in the words, with the iron horse Jin Ge.

“The main patriots are hunting thousand, and they are heroic. They have a destiny, this will be able to sweep Wuzhou. Establish Wangye!” This is to be aggressive, Shen Wenbin knows the current Wuzhou, whether it is state animal husbandry, or Aristocratic Family They are all badly hurt and basically have no resistance. They can’t help but say.

“haha ……” Song Yu laughed and said: “Passing the will, raising the bill!”

On the fifth day of September, Song Yu’s army was retired and replenished by the new barracks. The army reached 40,000 and the soldiers were divided into three roads. Ye Hongyan led 10,000 people to the Qijiang government. Luo Bin led 10,000 people to the east to Raise Wuqu. Song Yu himself, with a 20,000-strong army, went straight to the state city to build a business.

In the previous few wars, Wuzhou troops were all empty.

Song Yu got another hand, and directly smashed the tens of thousands of pawns and cleared the Aristocratic Family. The three-way army had attacked the city all the way, and did not encounter any decent resistance.

Good news continues to come.

On the 11th, Ye Hongyan soldiers went to Qijiang Prefecture, and the Zhijiang prefects were bound themselves. They opened the city gate and offered the Indian residence, and they did not fight.

On the 12th, the Wuqu people Aristocratic Family, fearing Song Yu Tucheng, killed the Wuqu prefecture who insisted on resistance and opened the door to the city.

Song jade hand holds the army of 40,000, the rear is stable, and there is a fierce name of the righteousness and the massacre.

On the 20th, the army marched under the Jianye City. At this time, the flag was stretched, and all the way down the pawn, there were 50,000 troops, and the four-door group of Jianye was surrounded.

In the military camp, Song Yuxi looked at Jianye. This is not the first time he saw Jianye Dacheng. The last time he came, or the true body to chase and kill the real people, he was attached to the mortal and went into the city.

“I don’t know that Yangyun, how is it now? His journey is to find out, it is Jianye patrol, maybe it is still useful…”

“But it’s better to look for a small patrol than to start a journey, or to see the white clouds, and let them look forward to it. After all, they have infiltrated the Jianye City, and they have bought it.”

Although now, the state animal husbandry Zhao Pan gathers the remnants of the army in Jianye, intending to stick to it.

Most of the original responsibilities were taken back, but it is also a high-level general. The benefits are self-evident.

“Transmitting the virtual!”

Song Yu said.

“Nuo!” The man quickly went to report.

Not long after, the emptiness of the big sleeves fluttering, brisk walking, face ruddy, did not see the previous heart injury.

Because the military regulations are strict, the spirit is not in the natural, the Qing dynasty said: “I have seen Wu Hou!”

“Well! Get up! What did you say about the last time you talked with you?” Song Yu asked directly.

“Please ask Wu Hou to rest assured that the man is now very trusting in Zhao Pan. Although he is not planning to make a overall situation, it is very possible to guard one. It is possible to welcome Wang Shi into the city!”

Qingxu guarantees that the Baiyun Guanshan Gate is located outside Jianye City, and the penetration of Jianye is also the deepest. It is still unknown how much strength is hidden.

“So! You will let go and do it! After the event, there will be a reward!” Song Yu nodded.

“Subsidiary retreat!” Looking at the silhouette of Qing Xu, Song Yu eyes a glimpse, I saw this person, although still full of gold, but thinner than before, and wrapped around the gray gas, it seems Not as safe as it seems.

Song Yu thought in his heart, kept his feet and entered the military account. At this time, the generals were waiting.

“The main public! The army has surrounded Jianye, according to the secret report, at this time there are only less than 10,000 people in the city, when will I attack the city?”

At this time, in addition to Jianye City, Wuzhou has all fallen into the Song Jade Hand. It will see the protagonist’s future. It is not a place where the candidate can be limited. It is all intentions, hope to establish meritorious service, and later to seal his wife. child.

“You also met Jianye City, how do you feel?” Song Yu did not answer the general question, but asked.

“The terrain is majestic, the city gate is deep, and it is rumored that Wu Wang built the city with stone, and the people became huge thousand. Three years is a success. See you today, name is not in vain! Our army should act cautiously!”

“Jianye as a state city is naturally taller and stronger than the first-class city. But our army has 50,000, and there are only 10,000 people in the army. The foreign states are unable to interfere. At this time, don’t fight, when will it be?”

Listening to Song Yu’s question, the generals are all expressive opinions.

“Jianye City is purely a stone barrier, the defense is extremely strong, the city has sufficient food and grass, the state animal husbandry Zhao Pan, and the royal family loyalty, will hold to the last moment!”

Song Yuyi waved his hand and interrupted his words, slowly speaking.

“But the lonely city can’t be kept, the lonely army has arrived here, and the Jianye City is the next half. You just have to guard the four doors, don’t let people escape!”

Song Yu knows that the siege is the next, and the heart attack is the truth. The current Jianye is the lonely city, crumbling, but he controls Wuzhou, the foundation is solid, and the foreign states and the Imperial Court have internal disturbances.

In this case, anyone who has a discerning eye must consider consideration for his own life.

By relying on the action of Baiyunguan after the Qing Dynasty, Song Yu has 50% to grasp, so that the enemy can open the door to the city and build a business without fighting.

After all, this will be his future rule, and the essence of a state, can minimize the damage, save vitality, and be good.

The only thing that still has doubts is the Bao family!

The state animal husbandry Zhao Pan, has been determined to stick to it, irreparable, but Bao Jia, one of the eight gate valves in the world, still has an attitude of **, showing no inclination.

Song Yu’s conspiracy in Danyang was once thought to have been written by Bao’s Yasukuni. However, after investigations, he was already suspected of Bao’s affair.

Thinking of this, Song Yu has a decision.

“You wait for the first move!” After the deportation will be dismissed, Chen Yun will come in and swear by the sorrow: “Before you see the Lord!”

After the last time, he became more and more deep.

“You have a message to the Bao family, and you want to see the other side with Yasukuni!”

“Nuo!” Although the two meetings will have an impact on Wuzhou and even the future of the whole world, Chen Yun will not change his face.

Some of them unexpectedly believe that the response from the Bao family was very positive. Not only did they agree to meet, but they also chose to be in the Song Yu camp outside the city.

Although this is the reason why Song Yu is strong and takes advantage of it, but seeing the other side so interesting, can not help but feel happy.

Time went to the night, Song Yu’s army camp, the lights were bright.

In an inconspicuous tent, Song Yu sat alone, and there was a tea set in front of him, which seemed to be brewing tea.

In the earthenware pottery furnace, the charcoal is red and red, emitting a bright flame, burning the copper pot above, and the spout hu hu is white.

This scene seems to add a little warmth to the air that is gradually cooling down.

At this time, a cold wind rushed and the fire was stunned. Someone opened the door and came in.

The man was wearing a black robe with a cloak and couldn’t see the person inside.

At this time, I saw Song Yu. The man picked up the cloak and revealed the appearance of a middle age person. The three long-haired, long-faced, elegant, and fascinating.

“Wu Houbai started his family, all the way to Xinan, kill Li Xun, win Linjiang, dominate Wu Nan, and even out of Azure Dragon, Lien Chan and Jie Jie. Since then, but for three years, has been a big country! Baomou’s name is a long time, and I have to see it today, I am not very happy!”

Bao Tingbo said that he first bowed his hand.

He was a hereditary Yasukuni, a light theory, and is still above Song Yu. At this time, he said this, but he was very sincere. Song Yu heard it very comfortably.

“Jingguo Gongda raised me, please sit down and use tea!”

Song Yu got up and returned to the ceremony. He was also curious about the owner of the Aristocratic Family.

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