After Song Yu and Bao Tingbo each paid respect, they sat down on the knees. “”

“I don’t know if Wu Hou invited Bao to come over, but what is it for?” Bao Tingbo sat down and asked.

“When Wen Jingguo has a woman, Wen Shuxian Shu, lonely and happy, will be a wife!” Song Yuzheng said.

He had only received two aunts before, and his wife’s position has been hanging empty. It was originally for this.

With Song Yu’s current position as a prestige, it is true that only the door valve prostitute, or the royal family, is worthy.

Bao Tingbo brows and his face does not change.

Knowing that Song Yu is a marriage, it is the meaning of the alliance.

He also knows more about Song Yu. He also knows that there are two loves in this Wu Hou Family, but they have lower births and no interest. They are all small sections and don’t bother.

After a moment of silence, the smile appeared on the surface: “Wu Hou is a young talent, I like it very much. My daughter can be such a husband, and it is also her blessing. So I will set it down!”

To cultivate a niece marriage, it is only a common occurrence in the Aristocratic Family. Before that, Bo Tingbo was ready to marry the daughter to Qianlong Li Rubi, but he had not yet taken it. Li Rubi was killed by Song Yu. Now it seems that this Song Yu is the fate of the world and is destined to be in charge. State.

Most of Baojia’s roots are in Wuzhou. To maintain the family’s prosperity and coordinate the relationship with those in power, nature is the top priority.

Now is a bit of an answer.

“Good!” Song Yu face with a little joy, but quickly disappeared.

When Bo Tingbo sees this, his heart is a sigh. He knows that this Wu Hou is not a person who will be restrained by his children, but his daughter is not only gentle and virtuous. There is also Bao’s support in the post, and he can be valued by Song Yu.

“I don’t know when I want to be married?” Bao Tingbo asked again.

“Before you are alone!” Song Yu answered chop nails and sever Iron.

Now Wuzhou is mostly started, Jianyezhou City. It is also a blink of an eye, and marriage can naturally be held in Jianye City.

“Yes!” Bao Tingbo said with a beard.

“So! I want to take the construction industry, I can’t bear to kill, specially ask Mount Tai to help each other!” Since the marriage was reached, and the de facto alliance relationship was formed, Song Yu also said directly.

“Wu Hou Renci! Bao family is willing to help each other!” Bao Tingbo agreed.

“So very good!” Bao Jia is the door valve Aristocratic Family. The potential of the horror, from the Jianye city martial law, Bao Tingbo can go directly out of the city. See Song Yu, you can see one or two.

Song Yu asked himself that before the Bao family did not explicitly rebel, he could not afford the risk and uprooted the Bao family.

The Bao family will not risk the damage of the foundation. Shooting against Song Yu. After all, the door valve home, the ancestors have training, not a big device, not into the dragon!

A madman like Yuan Zong is still a minority.

Since the two are good, Song Yu and Bao Tingbo are smart people and naturally know how to choose.

Looking at the silhouette of Bowingbo away. Song Yu’s eyes glimpsed, and it’s already a look at Divine Ability.

See the top of Bao Tingbo. Azure is standing tall, light green is full of body, lush and green.

He has the position of Jing Guogong, and this air transport is normal.

Song Yu sees this, but it is an epiphany: “The air transport is linked to the strength, where is the case! Bao Tingbo has a public position. If there is still a land, it must be pure air, and even bring Purple Qi! But now, gas The transportation is only light green, which is still supported by the reputation of the family!”

Bao Tingbo’s air transport is a bit lower than Song Yulai’s, so you can see the strength of the two sides.

It is no wonder that Song Yuyi throws an olive branch and he accepts it.

“But this matter is also good for the isolation!” Song Yu observed himself and murmured.

After seeing that Bo Tingbo promised to marry Song Yu, Song Yu’s head was in vain, and he had a large piece of golden cloud.

This piece of golden is rich and thick, and it is constantly transformed into Qingqi, which is merged into the top of the Song Yu.

“Golden? Bao’s support, it seems that the intensity is great!” Song Yu said to himself.

Bao Jiazhi’s overall air transport is only golden. Now spending so much air, it is estimated that it is also used fundamentally. It is obvious that Song Yu is attached!

This is also a win-win situation. Song Yu watched the construction industry’s meteorology. Seeing the cloud that represents the state animal husbandry, it has been crumbling, and the family of the Bao family is more powerful.

Suddenly knowing that Bao Jia and his own Wuzhou actual executives are married, the benefits are not small.

This is just a verbal contract between the two sides. It is so meteorous. How long should the gas count be held on the day of the big wedding?

Song Yu suddenly found that his previous estimate of the strength of the Aristocratic Family was still somewhat miscalculated.


It has been a few days since Song Yu met with Bao Tingbo.

There has been no movement in Jianye City.

Song Yu did not care, and asked for the war, but also refused.

Jianye is a state city, and Zhao Pan is a clan. After several years of state animal husbandry, there are also a number of people underneath.

Rao is a combination of Bao Jia and Bai Yun Guan, and needs careful preparation.

But the two add up, at least there is a ** to grasp! Song Yu knows well that he can sit on the Diaoyutai.

At this time, I felt that I was looking at Jianye, and I saw the three pillars standing upright.

The middle one represents the strength of the state grazing Zhaopan and the Imperial Court, with red in the white and less red.

There are two roads around, one is the Bao family air transport, with golden, but several times smaller than the state animal husbandry.

One is the view of Baiyun, red and yellow, and floating.

Suddenly, the two air movements that represent Bao Jia and Bai Yunguan will jointly kill the state’s animal husbandry column.

Although the quality of the state animal husbandry is not good, it wins in a vast, bulky, not afraid of consumption, and the loss of two gas transport.

“Well! Going to the country for a hundred years, there are still some foundations!” Song Yu silently thought.

At this moment, I saw that the state animal husbandry and air transport suddenly moved, and in a white with a few red air transport, it was separated from it, joined the air transport of Baiyunguan, and jointly encircled the state.

This white gas column, the weight is not small, take the state animal husbandry to take 30%!

Under the circumstance, the state’s animal husbandry was defeated.

“This must be the predecessor’s garrison!”

Song Yu combines his own intelligence and knows the details of these air transports.

Finally, under the siege of the three-way air transport, the state animal husbandry and air transport broke out and no longer condensed.

Song Yu brows a move: “It seems that the city is ready to start!”

Sure enough, Chen Yun quickly came over: “Lord! There is a secret letter!”

Just hand a wax pill.

Song Yu took over and opened a piece of paper inside, which only read the words “Mid-night, East,” and looked at some of them.

But Song Yu is clear, this is the secret code of the city.

According to the agreement with Bao Tingbo, the information on the secret letter is reversed, translated, and the real opportunity to offer the city should be three moments, Simon!

What time is it? Song Yu looked up and the sun was already in the middle of the sky.

It is fast, and it is also consistent with the image of the air transport that I just saw.

Song Yu no longer hesitates, and makes: “Let the orphan command! Call the crowd!”

At the same time, Jianye City, the state pastoral.

Zhao Pan violently coughed, and the towel was covered with blood.

“Adult! Take care of your body!” The cronies on the side hurriedly persuaded.

“Cough cough… Dagan Jiangshan is in such a situation, the old man is a remnant, what is it?”

Zhao Pan waved his hand in disapproval, and took over the jade bowl in the hands of the maid. This jade bowl was pure white, with a hint of light on it, but with a dark sap in the middle, a strong smell of medicine, it came out.

“Adult! Wang Dafu has already said that this ‘旻春散’ is the medicine of the tiger wolf. Although it can temporarily suppress the injury, it will be more trouble later.”

The confidant said, the voice was a little choked, although it was useless, it was still the last effort.

” Needless to say! Old man is incompetent! The situation in Wuzhou is ruined, and after death, there is no face to face the ancestors!”

In the eyes of Zhao Pan, with bloodshot eyes, hate said.

Hunchun sipped a bite, just for a moment, I felt a warmth rising from the abdomen, spreading to the limbs, so that this line will be a little more strength.

“old man told you to come, not to listen to this, how to deal with it?” Zhao Pan recovered a lot of face, sitting under the desk with the help of the maid, asked.

“On every city wall, there are people! There are only a few people in our army…”

“Is there a shortage of people, I can make a big move, or ask the Aristocratic Family to borrow a private soldier. Do you still need me to teach you?”

Zhao Pan was coldly snorted.

“Jianye people, afraid of Song Yu Tucheng, did not dare to go to the city wall.” This confidant face is difficult, before Song Yu Tucheng, there are some reasons, that is, the Zhuang Zhuang spontaneous organization to defend the city, this is spread through Song Yu, the government The people are all aware, where can they dare to go to the city?

“As for the Aristocratic Family! In addition to the Bao family, other Aristocratic Family, donating money and donating things, are positive, but unfortunately the private soldiers have been killed by Song Yukeng, it is impossible to get people…”

Many of the Aristocratic Family in Jianye City participated in the last Danyang War, and the elite private soldiers did their best, hoping to bring a heavy blow to Song Yu.

I don’t want Song Yu’s face to be black and heart, not only broke Danyang, but also directly killed the private soldiers.

As a result, these Aristocratic Family, who vomited blood in distressedness, hated Song Yu’s bones, and could not draw any force.

“You don’t mention, the old man is almost forgotten…” Zhao Pan is not too young, and he is seriously ill, thinking is not flexible before.

At this time, the eyeball turned: “Bao family, can there be an abnormality recently?”

Before the Aristocratic Family shot, Bao Jia was out of the game, and he was so good that Zhao Pan felt a bit unpredictable.

“Recently… I have been closing the door to thank you recently, there is no abnormality!” I thought about it and answered.

“That’s good! That’s good!” Zhao Panchang exports gas.

I did not worry to order: “The number of people in surveillance is doubled! This is a critical moment, don’t slack off!”

“The subordinate knows!” said the confidant nodded.

In my heart, it is a bit gloomy. There is a large army of Song Yu, and it is necessary to guard against it. Anyone can see that Jianye City at this time is dangerous.

Seeing the palpitations are low, Zhao Pan gently coughs down: “old man knows to take 10,000 hands, against the 50,000 army, some difficult for you… rest assured… old man has been on the Imperial Court, asking Tianbing to help!”

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