“Now the Guanzhong chaos, Yuan Zongmou, the Tianbing really come?” The heart was thinking, but did not dare to ask.

It seems that I saw the belly of the subordinate, and there was a few flushes on the face of Zhao.

“cough cough… If it was before, the big Nine Provinces were in a mess, no matter how reported, they would only throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea…”

“But now it is different! If the construction industry is down, the whole Wuzhou will fall into the hands of Song Yu! This is one of the ancient Nine Provinces!”

“To say something disrespectful! It is now the Imperial Court, and it is also the most control of Zhangzhou Guanzhong, not comparable to Song Yu!”

“So the power, a few of the world’s largest princes, who wants to see? Whether it is Yuan Zong or the royal family, presumably will temporarily put down the grudges… This is our chance!”

“Adults are brilliant…” Just wearing some joy on the belly of the heart, I suddenly heard a burst of shouting sound from outside.

“Kill!”, “Kill!”

The sound is so close, almost at the gate of the state pastoral.

The experience of the past years has made this confidant instantly judge the position, but this result has made him fall into the hail.

“Pong!!!” The maid was scared by the killing, and the jade bowl in his hand fell to the ground.

“Good thief!” At this time, Zhao Pan was extremely calm and said: “You go out! See what is going on!”

“Nuo!” The heart was shivered, and quickly got out and went out.

A few moments, I turned back, and the blood on the face was lost, like a dead person.

“The king disk is reversed! There is also a Bao family, and the soldiers are sneaked into the frontier! It has already been killed in the front yard, and the adults will not leave. It is too late!”

“Sure enough! Sure enough!” Zhao Pan heard the news, but was caught in the loss of God.

After a while, the two lines cleared tears. It ran down: “Is this really a blessing to me? I have Yuan Zong first, then Song Yu…”

“Adult! Please also keep useful body!” eagerly persuaded, but also tears.

He followed Zhao Pan for many years, how can he not see the old boss at this time, has already given birth to death!

“The first emperor ordered me to be a state animal husbandry, but I did not make any achievements. The Wuzhou, which is tired, has lost weight. Now even the city of Lianzhou has to fall, I have a jealousy!

Zhao Pan said softly, although the words were light. It is chop nails and sever Iron!

Peng peng ! ! !

The two sergeants carried huge wounds and flew into the yard.

The confidant recognizes that this is the guard of the outer sect, and does not want the enemy to act so fast. Actually found this place directly. Is there a ghost inside?

Then I smiled, but there was no, and I could not recover it.

The sound of the armor mopping the ground sounded, Cheng Xing an armor, took the lead, and Yang Yun followed closely, like a guard.

“Is it you! The patrol course is looking for?” This confidant passed slightly in his mind and got the name of the person coming.

“Do you even rebel?”

“I was three years ago. It was the Bao family!” Cheng found expressionless, said in his mouth.

“The fruit is deliberate!” He shook his head. “Forget it, I have seen it!”

The whole dress is full of faces, and the face is calm. “Look at the part of you and me, let me let go of my family!”

Cheng finds a face to smoke, “Reassured! Your family, I raise my own! Let’s go!”

Long knife in your hand, directly into this person chest!

“many thanks!” This heart bleeds, but still smiles.

Cheng Xun took out a long knife and brought up the blood of the big flu. This confidant fell to the ground and died.

“How? Do you feel that you can’t bear it?” Cheng Xun squatted down and closed the eyes of the confidant and asked.

“Just feel a little cruel…” After a few years of experience, Yang Yun seems to be mature, and after passing through the city, he learned martial arts and is considered to be both civil and military.

“This is a troubled world! Your literary martial arts, I am rest assured, this mentality, have to change it…”

Cheng Xuntou did not say back.

“Many thanks, I can save it!” Yang Yun didn’t know what it was, but he promised to say it.

“Come with me!” Cheng searched for a big step.

I saw a maid-like maid, it looks like it was only fifteen or six years old: “The general is forgiving!”

Cheng looked at his eyes, the blade light flashed, and the human head flew out!

Zhao Pan in the seat, saw the murder on the spot, but also expressionless.

“Wang Pan? Why not come!” Zhao Pan looked at Cheng Xun, and asked.

Although he had no strength in his hand at this time, Cheng Xun could cause him to die if he moved his knife slightly, but he still asked.

Zhao Pan was in a high position for many years. At this time, his body was not exhausted. Cheng Xun was drunk by him and his heart was awkward.

Then the face turned red, angry and angry, and with a long knife, I wanted this person to be in a different position.

It is a pity that the eyes of Zhao Pan are still cool, and the anger is reduced by half.

The little official maid outside, can be arbitrarily slashed, but Zhao Pan is a state animal husbandry, but it is not his small district pawn that can determine the fate.

When the lower skin smiled and said with a smile: “General Wang Pan is leading the king into the city, and also ask the state animal husband to wait!”

Looking back, “You wait here to protect the adults, don’t leave one step!”

“Nuo!” A few soldiers behind, holding weapons, standing in front of Zhao Pan, like watching prisoners.

“Hey! Still old man, are you humiliated?”

Zhao Pan sneered, and then shouted: “The Emperor! The ancestors of the ancestors!

The body slammed out, the soldiers around, did not expect that from this old man’s body, can still send such a large force, it is too late to react.

Zhao Pan’s forehead hit the pillar and the beam was shaken.

Then the first twisted, the blood on the forehead poured out, and the body fell.

“Hey! He is dead!” Yang Yun stepped forward and reached out to test Zhao’s breath, then shook his head and looked blank.

“oh! Hey! Hey!”

Cheng Xun sighed and said: “Let the corpse look good, wait for me to sue the adults…”

Outside Jianye City, Song Yu looked at the West Gate, and there was a wave of Axe suddenly smashed out and dispelled the gatekeeper. Open the city gate, can’t help laughing.

Subordinate generals, but look at each other in dismay.

Although there is a lack of meritorious opportunities. However, Jianye City is deep in the pool. If it is a hard attack, it does not know how many deaths and injuries, except for a few people, it is mixed.

Seeing the city gate wide open, Ye Hongyan and Luo Bin, who had previously ordered Song Yu, immediately rushed into the city with their men.

Wait until you see the black feather ride all the way into the city gate. Song Yu knew that the overall situation had been fixed.

At this time, I looked up to see that the Jianye Imperial Court law network was completely broken, and Song Yu’s military air traffic continued to flood.

And at this time. The column of the air transport that represents the state of the pastoral Zhao Pan is also completely collapsed and collapsed.

“This must be the image of Zhao Pan’s death!” Song Yu heart secretly thought.

Then the heart is hard to say.

For this enemy who has heard its name but has never met. Feel sorry.

Zhao Pan is a patriarch. The official voice is very good. In the state pastoral appointment, I also did some practical things and benefited the people.

It’s doomed that any rescue measures are useless.

“Report! Our army has already attacked the state pastor, and Zhao Pan has done it. There are several places in the city, and there are soldiers who resist. General Ye and General Luo are encircling!”

“Take the bow and the small catapult to go in and kill the rebels!”

If you still resist at this time, you must be dead and loyal. Although Song Yu has some appreciation for Zhao Pan, it does not mean that he will let him go.

“Nuo!” The commander quickly went down.

Song Yu saw Jianye City, and several smokes rose, frowned.

“The firefighting team went to the fire to rescue the fire. The military patrol team visited the city and maintained order! This Jianye City is the capital of the lonely future!”

Jianye said that the entire territory of Wuzhou is under control.

In the process of fighting for the world, it is also a big step forward!

Song Yu’s heart is hollow, and I don’t know what it’s like.

The scene of the original Xin’an soldiers, including Qin Zongquan, Li Rubi and other enemy faces, one after another emerged from his mind.

Not a little crazy…

“Congratulations to the Lord! Unify Wuzhou!” Under the subordinates, but not so much emotion, they are all under the guise.

The subordinate voice interrupted Song Yu’s self-contemplation, and his subordinates were all excited and unable to bear a smile.

“Get up!”


In the sky, the raindrops of the pattered water sprinkled and washed away the bloody smell in Jianye City.

It’s sunny, sun shone brightly, and it’s a great weather.

At this time, it was five days since the Jianye City was broken.

Because of the small casualties in Jianye, and the preparation of Jianye as the future capital, Song Yu repeatedly emphasized the military discipline, could not disturb the people, and killed dozens of veterans who wanted to plunder and hang their heads on the city gate. As a warning.

Affected by this, the order in Jianye City quickly recovered and operated smoothly.

Gradually, the teahouse wine cellars on the streets of Jianye and the cloth shop in the cloth shop were all opened one after another.

The people have come to the streets, buying and consuming, seemingly celebrating the joy of avoided a catastrophe.

In ancient times, the chaos was extremely terrifying. As the city broke, there was more plundering. Although it was not as terrible as Song Yu Tucheng, it was not easy for the people to spend.

Seeing Song Yu’s army in the autumn, there is no crime, and it is all joy and joy.

The original state pastor, at this time, has been cleaned up as a temporary palace of Song Yu.

In the study room, Song Yu ordered: “Wuzhou Xinding, all kinds of chores, a thousand things, must be one after another to clear up, this is not a one-person thing, pass on the will, the Wunan Six Division and the cabinet are relocated to the construction industry!”

“There are other institutions, such as Martial Hall, the Political Church, etc., but also in Jianye!” Song Yu thought about it and added.

“Nuo!” Shen Wenbin wrote down, after the retouching, and then Song Yu used Wu Houyu, the order was sent out.

“Now the business is busy, wait until Meng Meng waits for a few to come, you can be more relaxed!” Song Yu looked at Shen Wenbin’s eyes with bloodshot eyes, knowing that there are many Jianye affairs, and his own cronies are few, Shen Wenbin’s body The task is very heavy, and I have not been able to rest for a few days. I can’t help but say.

“Today, I can see that the main public will be successful! Wen Bin is a dead, no regrets! What is the hard work of the district?”

Shen Wenbin’s eyes were red, and she actually shed tears.

I knew that I had lost my instrument before, and I quickly wiped it off.

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