Dagan World, highly valued family inheritance.

Although Shen Wenbin is not a member of Song Family, but also a mother of Song Yu, seeing Song Yu’s interest, he feels extremely gratified.

For these, although Song Yu has a feeling, but it is still not profound, because through the rebirth, and for a long time as a god, always feel that separated by a layer, although outsiders may not be able to find, but they are still clear.

Hurry up and lift up Shen Wenbin and say: “On relationship, you have been solitary for a long time, and you have outstanding merits. You are still a lonely cousin! There is no outsider here, why bother!”

“Yes! Yes!” Shen Wenbin wiped his tears with his cuffs, and there were some children’s status.

Song Yu was speechless, and immediately looked at a golden man on his head, and he was somewhat happy.

Shen Wenbin was originally a red man. Although he has talents, he is limited to the pattern. If he does not improve, it will be difficult to keep up with Song Yu’s pace.

The conquest of Wuzhou, Song Yu took Shen Wenbin with the army, it was the intention of tempering, and now it is breaking through the life and gaining promotion.

After several experiments, Song Yu has come up with the method of changing his life.

The first is to obtain merits and change the life and integrity. This is the most fundamental method.

The second is to spend a lot of air transport, not hesitate to spend money, first hang up with high officials to disperse the job, to cultivate the pattern, wait until the breakthrough, and then give real power. However, this method is too expensive, only for individual cases. It is impossible to popularize.

The third is to undergo a major change, and in the fierce entanglement of the destiny of the destiny, it will lead to the sublimation of its own life. This is entirely due to luck.

Shen Wenbin first had a positive six-person official body. Every day, he had his own air and nourishment, and he was moved and moved. Subtle.

Followed by Song Yunan’s levy in the north, and increased his own experience, this life was promoted. Also count where water flows, a canal is formed.

Just thinking, there is a waiter coming in and telling: “The Lord! He Dongming asks for it!”

“Biography!” Song Yu said.

“The Lord! The Minister retired!” Shen Wenbin knew that he was now in a bad state and said quickly.

After Shen Wenbin’s silhouette just disappeared behind the curtain, He Dongming’s warm voice was heard: “Chen He Dongming met the Lord!”

“Well! Get up!”

Song Yu came to a ebony frame, where there are several artifacts and antiques, which are rare boutiques.

Song Yu picked up a thin neck jade bottle and saw the jade fine. One palm can be gripped, and the workmanship is extremely delicate, which makes people love it. Can’t help but say: “The tentacles are warm, it seems to be purely made of Wenyu! This bottle is not small!”

“This bottle is the beloved thing of the former dynasty, and it is said that the scorpion gets jade and the sun shines. The gods are very different. After Qinghou learned, he spent hundreds of thousands of money to buy it, and asked the master craftsman to sculpt the whole piece of warm jade. Bottle, I can’t put it down, and this bottle is warm, and I often play with the body. It’s a long life, it’s a rare treasure! After the dynasty, I fell into the hands of Zhao Pan!”

He Dongming said that the jade bottle has a lot of treasures.

“Your family is learning the origin. It is out of the ordinary!” Song Yu praised the sentence and asked, “I am calling you to come alone, there are two things for you to do!”

“Please tell the Lord!” When it comes to business, He Dongming expresses a positive, and the ceremony says.

“These two things are the lonely marriage and the grand prince. You are the priest, and only you can do it!”

These two are major events, and He Dongming’s heart is tight, and he beheaded: “Chen will do his best and do the best!”

“Well! Bao Jia is the door valve, pay attention to the etiquette, Naxi, name, Naji, Nazheng, invitation, pro-welcome and other processes must be combined with the ancient ceremony, do not give people a joke.”

“And there is no need to pay for it. If you look at the house, you can use it as a palace!”

Song Yu thought about it, or said it.

“Nuo!” With these, the general direction is fixed. After that, as long as the details are completed, He Dongming feels a big sigh of relief and quickly responds: “No!”

Song Yu was the main lord, and the order was issued. The natural execution was extremely fast. Three days later, the cabinet team arrived at Jianye. After a short break, it began to work. Song Yu and Shen Wenbin were finally relieved from the heavy official documents.

Along with the cabinet, there is still a large group of people. After Song Yu was prepared to use Jianye as the capital, it is natural to relocate the old nest.

Moreover, there is a big marriage, and even the Song Ziqian couple have been received Jianye.

Although this marriage also pays attention to the life of the parents and the words of the matchmaker, but Song Yu is naturally different, and he will set the marriage on his own, so that Song Ziqian is somewhat depressed, and then he is helpless.

But remembering his son is the niece of Yasukuni, his family is first-class, his character is excellent, and Song Ziqian is somewhat happy, and his heart is full of complexity.

On October 17th, the day of Daji, it is advisable to marry, and the two weddings of Song Bao will be held on this day.

After a busy day, this day is finally over. This autumn is very cool, and the weather is beautiful.

The entire Jianye City, on this day, is full of excitement.

Connected to the shops on both sides, the people’s houses are all hung in front of their own houses, and the entire Jianye Fucheng looks like a festive atmosphere.

As the actual Wuzhou ruler, Song Yu is the Qingtian parents of the Jianye people. They have to be cautious and ordinary civilians. This is still a good idea.

The wedding venue was naturally chosen by the former state pastor.

Because Song Yu took the lead in capturing a state, it was a potential dragon who was qualified to compete in the world, and he was married to the Bao family. He suddenly became a big hit in the world, and there were as many guests as there were crossing the river.

Among them, nature is not lacking the spies of the major vassal forces, trying to confuse the chaos and explore the truth.

However, the Bright Gown Guard, the Baiyun Temple, and the Chenghuang Forces have all made their efforts to turn the stalks into a flower fertilizer.

At this time in the hall, the red carpet is paved, and the guests are full of joy.

Song Yu is all under the hood. He first greeted the lord and the old man, and also helped to greet the foreigners.

A group of guests, waiting for a couple to come, but did not dare to open the noise, although the wedding, the atmosphere at this time, but more serious, after all, Song Yu identity, is not a small, before the fierce name, who dare impudent?

The people waited for a long time before they heard the ceremonial officer shouting.

Everyone in the room suddenly cheered up and looked at the door. I saw a sedan riding to the door of the coach, but eight people carried the big car into the main entrance.

This world has its own etiquette. When it comes to the main entrance, there are baboons and grandmothers holding the bride down the sedan chair. At this time, Song Yu disengages, reaches out and brings the bride’s hand.

At this time, Song Yu, dressed in a red dress, with a jade belt around his waist, a jade crown on his head, a gorgeous and rich, and full of joy, suddenly smashed his army murderous aura, everyone will see a teenager, face like a crown Jade, looks like a paint, handsome out of the ordinary, can not help but praise.

At this time, I remembered that Wu Hou, who was only twenty years old, was really young and promising.

Miss Bao Jia covered her face with red yarn, and everyone couldn’t see the appearance, but her body was graceful, curvy and curved, and every move was quite popular.

Together with Song Yu, they complement each other and match each other. The guests are always praised: “A good pair of golden couple!”

Song Ziqian and his wife, sitting in the parents’ seat as a representative of the man’s family.

At this time, when I saw my son, I was in a good mood. Song Ziqian’s eyes were red, and she almost fell into tears, but she resisted it.

As for the other subordinates, they are all blessed. The protagonist is a wife and a son. It represents their merits and has a continuation. It is a great good.

Everyone in the room, with a variety of mentalities, this wedding, but not affected at all, is still going on.

Ancient etiquette is extremely cumbersome, and the marriage major event is even more so. Fortunately, after learning more than ten years, Song Yu remembers a lot, and then He Dongming made a surprise appraisal beforehand, but it also has an eye.

As for Miss Bao Jia, it is a family source, don’t worry.

At this point, listen to the ceremonial officer shouting: “Ji Shi arrived! Newcomers paid respect !”

Song Yu and Miss Bao Jia entered the lobby.

At this time of the wedding, the most important process is to “keep a good food, eat and drink.”

It means that from the beginning of today, the couple will suffer together.

First, the newcomers are in prison and the so-called “prison” is the leek.

At this time, there is naturally a bridesmaid holding a small coffee table with three kinds of leeks on it. They are all made by the chef. It is necessary for the ceremony. Just use a little chopsticks and it will no longer be used.

Immediately, it is necessary to sip the wine for three times, called Sancha, Sancha, the first two times, and the last time, the couple each drink and drink, called the combined drink.

After the ceremony, the new husband and wife married each other.

After these, it is the heaven and earth and the high church.

Song Yuxian and Miss Bao Jia came to the hospital and worshipped the heavens.

Immediately, in the revolving hall, the parents of the Xiang Family’s long-term ceremony were also three worships.

Finally, it is the husband and wife.

At this time, the guests in the seat all praised “everyday, for the goodness of the world.”

Wedding ceremony is here, it is over.

Next, it is the night of the cave.

Song Yu and the two were led to the new house, and the maids and bridesmaids left the door after the ceremony and left the space for the newly married two.

“hu!” Wedding ceremony is a bit cumbersome, so it is Song Yu physique, a few rounds down, but also a big feeling can not afford.

Now see Miss Bao Jia sitting on the bed, standing tall and straight, can not help but secretly admire.

At this time, Song Yu picked up a jade on the table with red silk, and went forward to pick up the red yarn on the bride’s face.

A beautiful face appeared in front of Song Yu.

She was obviously dressed up, her forehead with yellow flowers, her red robes, her ribbon around her waist, her sitting there, her bulging on her chest, and her round shoulders. The tight belly is a seamless curve with the slim waist.

Miss Bao Jia, whose name is Bao Yuxin, before Song Yu, was only heard in the intelligence. It is said that his virtuousness is gentle and versatile.

In fact, as long as the posture is above medium, in order to the great cause, Song Yu will still be married as a wife.

But now seeing the bride is a beauty, and it is never happy.

“Husband!” The beautiful woman lightly opened the lips, and the voice turned crisp and crisp, such as Huang Wei’s nightingale.

Song Yu does not know how, the bottom of my heart is a little soft, holding the jade hand of the beautiful woman. “You and I have a fate in this world, and the couple will be harmonious. In the next few decades, they will not bear this grace.”

The beautiful woman gently agreed that the pretty face became slightly red.

Song Yu smiled, and the spring after that, not to mention.

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