Although it is a newly-married Yaner, the bride is also very charming, but Song Yu is not addicted to it. “”

Slightly accompanying the lady, I will sink my mind into the political affairs.

“How about the main public and the state messengers?”

In the study, Meng Zhuo asked.

The Song Yu married, the state forces have messengers, after the ceremony are handed a letter, hope to talk, Song Yu these days have been busy with this matter.

“It’s just a temptation to test the lonely mind, and then to attack and defend the alliance or something…” Song Yu played with the jade in his hand, and he was a little sneer: “It’s just a verbal commitment, no credit at all, and it is easy to perfunctory, anyway. At the end, the fight still has to be played!”

In the troubled times, the strength is heavy, even if it is an ally, once the strength is not good, not waiting for the destruction of foreign enemies, their so-called allies will secretly start.

“The Lord is saying it!”

“It’s just that Zhou Yu, the governor of Jingzhou, is not only the future of the messenger, but even the gift letters. It seems to have completely put aside all considerations of face…”

The marriage of Song Yu is not a problem in every state. For example, several states in the north are close to the grasslands. Every time the Hu people invade and the road is far away, the messenger may not arrive until several months later.

However, Jingzhou is on the verge of Wuzhou, which is not the reason for the road.

“Zhou Yu’s army attacked Jiangling, it was a crucial moment, and he was innocent. He said that the next step of being alone must be Jingzhou. He can have a good face!” Song Yu is very open, both sides. Are you going to be the enemy, will you give your face?

After winning Wuzhou, if you make progress, there are only three roads.

One is to attack Xuzhou across the Yangtze River and then peek into the Central Plains. Not to mention the Yangtze River is not dangerous. It is Song Yu’s own strength, placed in the hinterland of the Central Plains, or a little weak. I don’t take it for granted.

The second is to attack the state in the south, and there is very little military strength in the state. It is extremely easy to attack. Unfortunately, the area is remote and there is much arrogance. The army is not convinced and there is no interest.

In the end, only Jingzhou is left.

Has been sent to the South. There has never been a long-term loss of Jingzhou. Song Yu wants to have a long-term foundation, Jingzhou and even the land. All must be won, in order to rely on the Yangtze River natural insurance to protect themselves, build up their strength, and then fight with the Taishang Road.

have to say. The last time I dreamed of being a real person. I left a very deep impression on Song Yu.

Moreover, from the dream fairy tales, Song Yu vaguely smelled an unfathomable conspiracy.

“The Lord’s public said very much!” For this strategic choice, the subordinates only have the recommended part, which still has to follow for a long time, otherwise it is unpredictable.

Meng Zhun wanted to swear by one or two. Now, see the Lord chooses Jingzhou, which is consistent with his own plan. Not helpless.

“You have Wu Wangjing, this is common sense! What is the situation of Zhou Yu?” Song Yu smiled and asked.

“Zhou Yu’s army is surrounded by Jiangling. It has been more than half a year since then. It is said that both sides have suffered heavy losses. However, Jiangling has already heard the shortage of grain and grass. If there is no external force to intervene, it should be supported this year!”

This is the normal state of the ancient siege. In addition to offering the city, it takes a long time to really hit the next city. It often takes several years to wait until the city breaks the grain, and it can be won in one fell swoop.

“Jiangling fell, half of Jingzhou was in Zhou Yu’s hand, only near Xiangyang City, there is still some resistance. What has Zhou Yu’s recent action?”

This was originally Bright Gown Guard intelligence, but Meng Meng also saw it, and his face was a bit heavy at this time. “According to the information provided by Bright Gown Guard, it is estimated that this week, Yu Yu wants to be called!”

“Weighed Hou… This is the iron heart!” Song Yu’s face is also not very good-looking.

The princes of the various parties officially called the official king, representing the most intense moment of the world’s struggle for the dragon, and it is coming.

Although Song Yu tried every means to gain time, it only took up a good start. If he did not pay attention, he would be overtaken by the latecomers.

“Yes! Zhou Yu is located in Jingzhou. If he is called Hou, he must take the word ‘Chu’ and call it Chu Hou!” Meng added.

This is called Hou Jianguo, which will completely turn the rule into a private one. As long as the backlash is brought over and the air transport brought about by several times, Song Yu himself has experienced it once and naturally understands it.

“Can’t let Zhou Yu continue to develop!” In Song Yu’s eyes, he shot the color of decision.

If Jingzhou is unified, the difficulty of this strategy will increase exponentially.

“How is the Jingzhou Aristocratic Family connected?”

“Bright Gown Guard and Baiyun Guan are trying, but I am willing to attach to us very little, after all is external forces…”

Having said that, Meng Zhuo has some bitter smiles.

Song Yu is also somewhat gloomy. The geographical concept of each state is extremely strong. The local people rarely leave their homeland. This brings out the xenophobia, which is beyond imagination. It is later generations, and the migrant workers are somewhat excluded. In ancient times, This is especially true.

Before Song Yu’s overwhelming power, it’s hard to think of the Jingzhou Aristocratic Family giving up Zhou Yu and turning to his arms!

“Lonely just unified Wuzhou, at least next year can not move, you must recuperate!” Song Yu squatting, “but can not do nothing! The dark still has to be inserted, officials should buy the purchase, do not pay for gold silver!”

“Nuo!” Meng Zhuan body.

“Now, only hope that Fuyang can support a long time, to get time for the lonely, necessary time, can provide material support!”

Song Yu looked up at the direction of Xiangyang and muttered in his mouth.

Fuyang is a famous city in the world. The city wall is still above the construction industry. It has always had a strong reputation.

Throughout this world’s history, in addition to the city should be dedicated to the city, Xiangyang City has not been recorded in front of the front.

Faced with this glory, even if Zhou Yu is a Jingzhou Qianlong, it will take a lot of effort!

“Yangyang defensive or Imperial Court, and transferred from the north, I will not rely on Zhou Yu!” Meng Zhuo knows Song Yu’s mind, explained.

“So good!” Song Yu sat back in the seat and picked up the tea pot on the table.

“After being alone, I would also like to call Wu Guogong! At the time of the six divisions, the simple ones are all the top five members!”

These six divisions are the prototype of the next six divisions. Of course, the grades should not be too low. This is only the first time. When Song Yu is called the king, he will be promoted to the third grade, so that when he finally becomes the emperor, he can rise to the position of Zhengyi. Become a central hub to manage national political affairs.

This time Song Yu met with the various divisions and found that after their own gas transportation surged, their lives were also changed, at least as the position of the five products, there is no problem.

Meng Zhu immediately squats: “The Lord has been doing things for a long time, with a thousand thousand, the iron rides thousands of people, the people are attached, Wuzhou can do it, this is the heavenly descendant of the lord, it is advisable to enter the public position, the heavens should be destined, the next is the people’s heart. ”

“Say well!” Song Yu smiled, see Meng Zhutou’s head, golden swaying, faintly revealing azure light, he is a golden man’s talent, to upgrade to azure, naturally it takes a lot of effort, now only has this trend.

Compared with Song Si and the others, they have just been promoted to golden, but they are one step ahead.

Song Yu nodded, counted the talents.

In terms of civil servants, He Dongming’s life is pure, and the stars are coming to the world. It’s just a little lack of experience, but it’s a big talent that needs to be cultivated later!

Then, it is the turn of Meng Zhuan, Shen Wenbin and the others. Although the life is only golden, there is still room for improvement.

As for the military commanders, Ye Hongyan, Luo Bin, etc. have been transformed, they can also be independent. In addition, Ye Hongyan’s nephew Ye Jianfeng is also worth looking forward to.

These can be a military commander of azure’s life, the future handsome man!

“I don’t want to be alone, but I also gathered a lot of talents. It seems that Wuzhou is full of enthusiasm, and it really has no disadvantage!”

Song Yu pondered.

“There are some shortcomings in the civil service, but after being called the public, the strength of the name is strong, and the foundation is thick. It can be used to simplify the previous imperial examinations. Wuzhou is one of the Nine Provinces, and always find some talents. !”

Although the establishment of the imperial examination system will definitely offend the Aristocratic Family, Song Yuyi will start from scratch and be free from outside interference. He will destroy the Aristocratic Family in the North, and he will be fearless, and the people will know all the time. Song Yu’s unconstrained selection of talents will surely attract the return of the Hanmen farmers.

Of course, the establishment of the imperial examination system does not mean that all the previous recommendation systems should be abolished.

If the steps are too big, they will definitely wrestle. Many of them are following Song Yugan. Isn’t it for the benefit of future generations?

Song Yu can not ignore this. It is foreseeable that in the long period of time afterwards, the imperial examination system, like the political office, is only a supplement to the recommendation system.

“On the Army side, it is said to be a star-studded!” Because Song Yu started from the army, and then cultivated vigorously, today’s Army, whether it is a soldier or a general, can be called an elite.

But the Navy is very embarrassed.

When Song Yu thought of this, he asked: “How is Hong Quan practicing in the Poyang Lake?”

For the Lord’s thinking of jumping, Meng Meng has long been used to it, and he has passed the official document in his mind for a moment. He said: “The Aristocratic Family, the main family of the Dagong, Tianzhang and Hongze, are all big ships. Supporting materials. The people of Wubei are more mature and watery, and they have to rely on Wudi Navy. They have already recruited 20,000 people. Hongdudu is training…”

Song Yu used the soldiers to raise strengths and avoid weaknesses. He knew that his own navy was not close, and he did not fight with the enemy. The army directly flew to the bases of the land, and after the houses were laid down, the navy had no foundation and naturally had to rely on it.

“But Wu Di Navy has to rely on it? I am afraid there is still a single father-in-law!” Song Yu touch the chin, it is a bit of fun.

“The main public welcomes the daughter of Yasukuni, and it is extremely wise!” Meng Zhuo had never been married to Song Yu before, but he still had some understanding. Now he knows the true meaning.

When I thought of it in Wunan, Song Yu had already affirmed the situation today, and there was some unfathomable feeling.

“Lonely and Bao family, just take what’s all!”

Song Yu said, but since the commemoration of Miss Bao Jia, the benefits to him are indeed great.

The most important point is the promotion of family fame!

Bao Jia inheritance for thousands of years, the world is famous, is the aristocratic family of aristocrats, and sometimes even Imperial Capital.

Song Yu Family is low in the world. Although he has mastered military power, no one dares to resist, but he is dissatisfied.

This is a marriage with the Bao family, and immediately lifted his identity in Shilin.

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