Guanzhong, Chang An City.

Chang’an is the capital of Dagan, and it is known as Tianfu.

Even after the wars that have been going through many years of Guanzhong, there is no trace of prosperousness, 10 li Long Street, everywhere Ronghua, Qinglou song wine, Manchu dance songs, literati singers, more will be here, there are Hurenkan, among them The beauty of Mei Ji is very beautiful, and it will make people forget to return. If it is not hungry outside the city, it is almost thought to be in a prosperous age.

Originally, the most wealthy place in the capital of Dagan should be the Dagan Palace. Recently, after a series of incidents such as the rebellion of the emigrants and the authority of Yuan Zongqi, if there is a clear identification, you can see the gas of the big dry. Gradually transferred to the Qin Country.

Looking back at the direction of the imperial city, I saw a golden cloud. At this time, I have already dissipated more than half of it, and it is still passing, not long sighed then said.

“He has done a lot of work!” He is a scholastic, and he has learned some different skills. After he came out, he went to the Dagui House to fund cultivation. Fortunately, he was valued by Yuan Zong and used as a guest. Now he is going out to work.

At this time, watching the Dagan Palace air transport collapsed, was taken by Yuan Zong, should be happy, can rule over three hundred years, today is exhausted, and there is some sorrow.

Shaking his head, no longer thinking about it, walking quickly to the Qin Country.

Going to the back door, I am not worried about paused, closing my eyes and looking at the Qin Country. I want to see the number of people from Patriarch.

At this time, I saw the top of the Qin Country government, the cloud of gas gathered, there is the color of gold and blue, the middle, even a little spit a purple, and continue to absorb the air transport of the Dagan Palace, is still growing. Not worried about Daan.

“Hey! The Lord has this weather, but he is not afraid of the backlash! Especially this purple, it is unexpected…”

If you don’t worry, you still want to say something. Suddenly, the face was red, and the smell of the mouth rose. I quickly grabbed it with my cuffs. I took the pill from my arms and put it in my mouth. It took a long time to recover, and it was a bitter smile.

“oh! I have some fortuitous encounters from a young age. I have got two volumes of Taoist books from a dead Taoist man, and I have had some magical spells, day and night. But I can’t use it at all. If I use it, it will easily hurt the roots… …”

“Qin Country public let me check the things too much, if you can’t see the two sides’ air transport. How dare I confess? The world is vying for the dragon. If you don’t achieve death, it’s my half-tone mess. Can’t be spared…”

“Although I can only see some external images, I can’t go deep into the basics, but it’s fine. At least I can understand that this big dry air is no longer as good as Qin Country. As long as you are secretly guarded, you can’t be afraid of the other side. What wave is coming…”

“I should also bet early!”

Read it here. Don’t worry, no longer hesitate, show the token to the door, and step into the Qin Country.

In the chaos of the world, naturally, there are also those who rely on Qianlong.

This is not worrying, relying on Yuan Zong, it is not only to obtain the official air transport, funding cultivation.

What he asked for was still relying on the dragon’s temper, sweeping out the roadway gates and getting the scriptures in it to make up for the defects of his own foundation.

Although most of the Daomen collection will be taken away by the Taishou Road behind Yuan Zong, as long as he has some ordinary cultivation methods, he is satisfied.

Or, when I have completed my own way, I will not be able to create a lineage in the future.

If you don’t worry, your feet will be faster.

When you get to the gate of a hospital, it is already the core of the Qin Country government. It is a token of worry, and it doesn’t work.

Cheng did not worry about the previous report, the defender of the goalkeeper looked into a worry, said: “The Lord is just right, Mr. Cheng can go to the partial room to rest…”

“That’s OK, many thanks!” Cheng is not worried, his position in Yuan Zong’s heart has always been backed up, it is the scattered training together, there are also many mana Divine Ability above him, With this treatment, it is also unusual, the face is unchanged, along with the guards into a partial room.

After the guards quit their words, they became unhappy and stretched and squinted.

This room is not big, but it is very clean and fresh, and there is a faint smell of smoke in the air. Even the antique calligraphy and paintings are actually authentic!

When you see a pair of sorrowful plaques, you can’t move away.

Gu Kaizhi is a former calligraphy and painting artist, known as “double must”, in his later years is more to read the Tao, and later works, more meaning.

If you are not worried, it is a trace of the situation in the placard, which evokes the feelings in your heart and is sometimes addicted.

I don’t know how long it took, only a shivered, wake up.

“Gu Kaizhi does not deny everyone, this line of ideas contains a lot of ideas, it will be very helpful to me. If you can hang in the bedroom, day and night comprehend, the benefits will not stop there!”

It’s not worrying, looked towards the eyes of the calligraphy and painting, it’s a bit eager, almost want to roll up the calligraphy and painting.

Then I smiled and stole in the Qin Country government. I didn’t want to live?

As for the merits and demerits, it is still a path, and there are some hot hearts in my heart. I know that Yuan Jia is the world’s eight major gate valves. There are so many treasures in the world. There are also many Taoist books.

Yuan Zong also used these and attracted a lot of scattered training.

I don’t worry about it here, but it’s long sighed then said: “hehe…Aristocratic Family collection, always guarding against it, Song Kuizi, Plucking Stars Hand, they really want to rely on merits to get the treasury of the government, improve their own道行cultation?”

Although this is also a way, the credit required is not small.

Besides, Yuan Zong relies on the Taoist book to attract scattered training. If it is easily given, then what to do.

He knows his own affairs from his family. The Taoist book he got is somewhat fascinating in the feng shui looking for dragons and looking at the gas. However, he is really lacking in the killing of the Tao. He relies on his own halftone. There is no confidence in the battle between the enemy and the enemy.

Especially in the Daomen spell, there is no shortage of dark and fierce laws. The Chinese will not even protect the soul. Even after the death, even the ghosts can’t do it. If you don’t worry about it, here is the fear in your heart.

“If you want to fight, you will fight for it. Anyway, I don’t want to do this. It’s hard to do things, it’s hard to make things clear, I still honestly be my guest, let you kill in front of you…”

Not worried and sneer, and see the sandalwood table in the middle of the room, with delicious food and aroma, not to be moved by the index finger.

Yuan Zong is very careful in these trivial matters, and it is also true to those who are not worried about this third-rate, so it is very popular.

If you have enjoyment, you will not be worried or a reserved person, just sit down and chew it according to the case.

This is not the chef of the Qin Country government, but even the skills of the other chefs are not the same, it is not too worrying to eat fast, appetite is wide, there is no wine, some boring, but still have to Seeing the Lord, seeing food and drinking, and drinking something wrong, no one dares to go on.

After eating eight full, I don’t have to worry about living chopsticks. This is the way to maintain health. It has always been cultivation, not reflected in the meditation Refining Qi, but combined with the usual diet and breathing, not worrying about the road, naturally it is also true. .

At this time, there is a Tsing Yi servant who came up to pass: “Patriarch and San Muxiang will meet with Mr., and I hope Mr. is ready…”

“Many thanks to mention!” This child is dressed in Tsing Yi, also known as Yuan Zong Patriarch, not Qin Country, it must be Qin Family raised more than a dozen generations of family, in fact, in Yuan Zong’s mind, If the status is not good enough, it will not be worried about this guest. Naturally, I dare not neglect.

Into the worry, he quickly used the fragrant tea to gargle, and finished the dressing, in preparation for Yuan Zongzhao.

Time is not too late, just after Sanxiangxiang, I saw Yuan Zong in the study room.

“I will see Qin Country publicly!” Cheng did not worry and bowed his head in, and gave a big gift.

At this point, I only saw a pair of black brocade clouds boots on the ground.

“Get up!” The voice is round and full of irresistible will.

Hearing this sound, the body that is not worried is standing up on its own, and there are a few involuntary states.

My heart is awkward, knowing that this is a long-term position, killing and killing, and there is no confidence that will not be cultivated. If it is placed in the door, it is “speaking with the law.”

I was terrified in my heart, and I didn’t dare to look directly at Yuan Zong. I fell down and looked at it. By the time I entered the house, I could see that the study was very simple. Even the rooms were not comparable, and there were no antique paintings. There are only thick bookshelves and casework on the books.

“Qin Country was a general before the public. Sure enough, he took a few military habits and ordered it to be banned…” After he had not thought about it, he listened to Yuan Zong and asked: “Where is this going to Lushan, what do you see?”

Lushan is where the Dagan Emperor’s Mausoleum is located. Yuan Sect is not worried about this intention, and does not ask for self-evident.

“reporting to adults! After the tokens are presented, the defenders will be able to answer them. When they enter the Lushan Mountain, they will see the disorder of the earth, and the dragons will continue to collapse. This is why Dagan lost the hearts of the people, and the Lord Gongfu!”

I have seen the two parties before, and I have already made up my mind to become worried. At this time, I will tell the truth.

At this time, if you are not worried, you will feel a big horror, and your heart will be almost cold, but because of Yuan Zong’s presence, the instant horror disappears without a shadow, like an illusion.

Cheng is not worried, like sorrow and joy, knowing that this sells royal meteorology, it is completely relying on Yuan Zong, since then the gas number is connected, into the world chess game, not to die.

When I did the first day, I was not afraid of fifteen. When I was not worried, I said, “When I went to the Imperial Tomb, I also used the secret law to observe the operation of the Dafufu. I saw that the natural disasters were constantly robbed, I am afraid…”

After that, I did not worry about it, but Yuan Zong could also guess that the blessed land was opened by the fragrant incense. It has always been devastating. Only when it is destroyed will there be a natural disaster. It shows that the big dry is really exhausted, and even the remaining veins are not guaranteed.

“Oh? Why?” Yuan Zongra asked with interest, and he was blessed by his own family. He was naturally concerned about this change.

“According to the estimates, the reason why this great blessed land has changed is because the princes of various places have ruled off the abolition of the sacred temples, and the blessed land cannot be replenished. Naturally, there will be wear and tear, and even natural disasters will rob…”

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